Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 7 Environment and Environmental Problems, SCERT Class 10 Social Science Multiple Choice Question Answer As Per New Syllabus to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA Class 10 Social Science Objective Type Question Answer and Short Type Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 7 Environment and Environmental Problems can be of great value to excel in the examination.
SCERT Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 7 Environment and Environmental problems
Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 7 Environment and Environmental Problems covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SCERT Textbooks. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 7 Environment and Environmental Problems provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
Environment and Environmental problems
Chapter – 7
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
1. The gas that has largest contribution to global warming is—
(a) mithane.
(b) nitrous oxide.
(c) chlor floro carbon.
(d) carbon di-oxide.
Answer: (d) Carbon di-oxide.
2. Global warming is a—
(a) local problem.
(b) international problem.
(c) regional problem.
(d) personal problem.
Answer: (b) international problem.
3. Sustainable development is—
(a) economic development
(b) considerable development.
(c) environmental development.
(d) global development.
Answer: (b) considerable development.
4. The present age of earth is—
(a) 4700 million year.
(b) 4600 million year.
(c) 3400 million year.
(d) 5000 million year.
Answer: (b) 4600 million year.
5. The percentage of earth’s land under desertification is—
(a) approx. 20%
(b) approx. 35%.
(c) approx. 25%.
(d) approx. 30%.
Answer: (b) approx. 35%.
6. How high dose the atmosphere extend from the earth surface?
(a) 280 km.
(b) 580 km.
(c) 380 km.
(d) 10,000 km.
Answer: (d) 10,000km.
7. Acid rain is usually formed in—
(a) the polar region.
(b) the industrial area.
(c) the forest area.
(d) the grassy area.
Answer: (b) the industrial area.
8. Which of the following gas is not responsible for global warming?
(a) Carbon di-Oxide.
(b) Ozon.
(c) Mithane.
(d) Nitrous Oxide.
9. The percentage of Nitrogen gas in the air is—
(a) 77.07%.
(b) 78.08%.
(c) 76.06%.
(d) 74.04%.
Answer: (b) 78.08%.
10. The percentage of Oxygen gas in the air is—
(a) 20.98%.
(b) 21.12%.
(c) 19.90%.
(d) 03.35%.
Answer: (a) 20.98%.
11. The percentage of Argon gas in the air is—
(a) 0.08%.
(b) 0.93%.
(c) 0.81%.
(d) 0.01%.
Answer: (b) 0.08%.
12. The percentage of Carbon di-Oxide in the air is—
(a) 0.035%.
(b) 0.031%.
(c) 0.036%.
(d) 0.032%.
Answer: (a) 0.035%.
13. The percentage of earth’s surface covered by Hydrosphere is
(a) 61%.
(b) 51%.
(c) 71%.
(d) 73%.
Answer: (c) 71%.
14. No of species of paints and animals in the biosphere are
(a) 1.65 million.
(b) 1.55 million.
(c) 1.45 million.
(d) 1.75 million.
Answer: (d) 1.75million.
15. The number of environmental problems can be geographically divided into—
(a) 3 categories.
(b) 5 categories.
(c) 4 categories.
(d) 6 categories.
Answer: (a) 3 categories.
Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers
1. How much area of the earth’s surface is covered by lithosphere?
Answer: About 29%.
2. What are the features included in the lithosphere?
Answer: The features included in the lithosphere are–Mountains, hills, plateaus, plains, valleys and coasts.
3. How much area of the earth’s surface is covered by hydrosphere?
Answer: About 71%.
4. What is the height that the atmosphere extends from the surface of the earth?
Answer: The atmosphere extends broadly to height of about 480 km from the surface of the earth.
5. How much species of plants and animals have been identified in the biosphere?
Answer: About 1.75 million.
6. How much the carbon-di-oxide content in the atmosphere in normal condition?
Answer: 0.035%.
7. How much solar energy does the atmosphere absorbed?
Answer: 19%.
8. What is the main causes of air pollution?
Answer: The important causes of air pollution is volcanic eruption.
9. When did eruption of Mount Pinatubo take place?
Answer: Eruption of Mount Pinatubo, take place in 1991.
10. How much of the world’s land surface do deserts cover?
Answer: About 20%.
11. What percent of the worlds land surface is affected by the process of desertification.
Answer: About 35%.
12. Name the continent where the proportion of area severely affected by desertification is very high.
Answer: North America.
13. Name the famous geographic who said “the environment is the outcome of the interaction among land, water, air and life.”
Answer: Peter Haggett, the famous geographer said, “the environment is the outcome of the interaction among land, water, air and life.”
14. Name two green house gases?
Answer: Methane and Argon.
15. What part of the earth’s environment does the biosphere cover?
Answer: The biosphere covers those parts of the earth’s environment where life from occur.
16. What is called cold desert?
Answer: The snow, covered areas of the polar regions are called cold desert.
17. What is called landslides?
Answer: Landslide means slipping down of the land the slopes.
18. How many countries of the world have faced the problem of desertification.
Answer: At present, the dry areas of about 100 countries of world have faced the problem of desertification.
19. Where is the Sahara desert?
Answer: The Sahara desert is in the continent of Africa.
20. Define Global warming?
Answer: The rise in temperature due to the blanketing effect of increased level of greenhouse gases is termed as global warming.
21. What is environment?
Answer: The surroundings of mankind, a result of the interaction of abiotic and biotic elements is called environment.
22. What is drought?
Answer: Lack of water for an unusually long period is drought.
23. What are dams?
Answer: Dams are the devices for storing water. They are usually made of concrete or of rock.
24. What is defores tation?
Answer: Deforestation is the conversion of forest to cropland and land for shifting cultivation. The forest area is diminished in the process.
25. What is soil erosion?
Answer: The process detachment of soil particles from the soil surface and their transportation from the original soil surface in the soil erosion.
26. What is pollution?
Answer: Pollution is the contamination of our surroundings that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings.
27. What is the local problem of environment?
Answer: Some environment problems are remained confined to small areas, so for as this genesis and spread are concerned. These problem are called problems of environment. For eg.- the land pollution created by a small-scale industry.
28. What is the regional problems of environment?
Answer: Some environmental problems may be regional in occurrence, these problems are called regional problems of environment.

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