Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 8 Geography of World

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SCERT Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 8 Geography of World

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Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 8 Geography of World covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SCERT Textbooks. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 8 Geography of World provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Geography of World

Chapter – 8


Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

1. Which of the following is the 2nd largest Ocean in the world—

(a) Pacific Ocean.

(b) Indian Ocean.

(c) Atlantic Ocean

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(d) Southern Ocean.

Answer: (c) Atlantic Ocean.

2. Which of the following is the smallest Continent in the world—

(a) North America.

(b) Europe.

(c) Antarctica.

(d) Oceania.

Answer: (d) Oceania.

3. In which Ocean Falkland island is situated—

(a) Atlantica Ocean.

(b) Arctic ocean.

(c) Pacific Ocean.

(d) Indian Ocean.

Answer: (a) Atlantica Ocean.

4. Which of the following sea separates Europe and Africa—

(a) Mediterranean sea.

(b) Red sea.

(c) Caspian sea.

(d) Arabian sea.

Answer: (a) Mediterranean sea.

5. Which of the following separates Asia and Europe physically—

(a) Ural Mountain.

(b) Caucasus Mountain.

(c) Caspian sea.

(d) Volga river.

Answer: (a) Ural Mountain.

6. In which continent is Ecuador located 

(a) North America.

(b) South America.

(c) Africa.

(d) Assia.

Answer: (b) South America.

7. Which of the following is the capital of Brazil—

(a) Rio-de-Generio.

(b) Sao Paulo. 

(c) Brasilia.

(d) Lima.

Answer: (c) Brasilia.

8. Total area of earth is—

(a) 210 square km.

(b) 361 square km.

(c) 410 square km.

(d) 510 square km.

Answer: (d) 510 square km.

9. The depth of continental slope is—

(a) 2000 meter.

(b) 3000 meter.

(c) 4500 meter.

(d) 4000 meter.

Answer: (a) 2000 meter.

10. The deepest trench in the world is

(a) Marian Trench.

(b) Romanche Trench.

(c) Sumeria Trench.

(d) Sunda Trench.

Answer: (a) Marian Trench.

11. The depth of Marian Trench is—

(a) 11,012.

(b) 11,011 

(c) 11,022.

(d) 11, 021.

Answer: (c) 11,022.

12. The highest peak of North America is—

(a) Kilimanjaro.

(b) Mc Kinley.

(c) Pamir knot.

(d) Tibetan Plateau.

Answer: (b) Mc Kinley.

13. Which country is like on inverse triangle—

(a) Assia.

(b) Africa.

(c) South America.

(d) Europe.

Answer: (c) South America.

14. The longest river of the world is—

(a) The Nile river.

(b) The Yangtze Kiang river.

(c) The Kango.

(d) Legi.

Answer: (a) The Nile river.

15. The second largest country in the world is—

(a) Russia.

(b) Asia.

(c) Canada.

(d) Brazil.

Answer: (c) Canada.

Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers

1. What is the total surface area of the earth?

Answer: The total surface area of the earth is 510 million square km.

2. How much of the earth’s surface area covered by land?

Answer: The land covers about 29% of the earthy surface area (149 million square km).

3. How much of the earth’s surface area covered by water?

Answer: The water covers about 71% of the earth surface area (361 million square km).

4. Name the planet that is the only habitat of men.

Answer: The Earth is the only planet that is the habitat of men.

5. Name the largest continent in the earth.

Answer: Asia is the largest ocean in the earth.

6. Name the largest ocean in the earth.

Answer: The Pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the earth.

7. What is the total population of the world according to the estimates of 2015?

Answer: According to the estimates of 2015 the total population of the world is 730 crores or 7.3 billion.

8. What is Pangaea?

Answer: The initial state of lithosphere of the earth is known as pangaea.

9. What was the northern part of the Pangea?

Answer: Laurasia was the northern part of the pangaea.

10. What was the southern part of the pangaea?

Answer: Gondowanaland was the southern part of the pangaea.

11. What is Panthalassa?

Answer: The initial state of hydrosphere surrounding the pangaea is known as panthalassa.

12. What is Hydrosphere? 

Answer: A large portion of the earth’s surface covered by the oceans and seas including rivers, lakes, etc is known as the Hydrosphere.

13. What is lithosphere? 

Answer: The earth’s surface formed by land slightly above sea level is called the lithosphere.

14. How is the first part of lithosphere formed?

Answer: The first part of lithosphere is formed by the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa.

15. How is the Second part of lithosphere formed?

Answer: The second part of lithosphere formed by the continents of North. America and South America.

16. How is the third part of lithosphere formed?

Answer: The third part of lithosphere is formed by the continent of Australia including large number of island constituting the continent of Oceania.

17. What is Tethys sea? 

Answer: A narrow and elongated sea that was found almost in the middle of the Pangaea is known as Tethys sea.

18. Where is the Pacific Ocean located? 

Answer: The Pacific ocean is located by between Asia, North America and South America.

19. Where is the Atlantic ocean located?

Answer: The Atlantic ocean is located between North America, South America, Europe and Africa.

20. Where is the Indian Ocean located?

Answer: The Indian ocean is located between South Asia, East Africa and West of Oceania.

21. Where is the Arctic ocean located?

Answer: The Arctic ocean is located between North America, Europe and Asia.

22. Where is the Southern ocean located?

Answer: The Southern ocean is located between south America, Africa and Oceania.

23. In which hemisphere a large portion of the lithosphere is confined?

Answer: A large  portion of the lithosphere is confined in the northern hemisphere (67% ).

24. In which hemisphere a large portion of the hydrosphere is confined?

Answer: A large portion of the hydrosphere is confined in the southern hemisphere (57%).

25. In which hemisphere is the Southern Ocean located?

Answer: The Southern ocean is located in the Southern hemisphere.

26. In which hemisphere is the Northern ocean located?

Answer: The northern ocean is located in the northern hemisphere.

27. What is the average depth of ocean floor?

Answer: The average depth of ocean floor is 4000 meter.

28. What is continental shelf?

Answer: The shallow part of the oceans and seas (depth up to about 200 metre) surrounding the coasts is called the continental shelf.

29. What is continental slope?

Answer: The  considerably deep part (depth up to about 2000 metre) after the continental shelf is known as the continental slope.

30. Which is the deepest oceanic trenches of the world? What is its average depth?

Answer: The deepest oceanic trench of the world is Mariana Trench or challenger Trench. The average depth of this oceanic trenches is 11,022 meter.

31. Write the names of two mountain ranges of Asia which extend to the west from the pamir knot.

Answer: Sulaiman and Hindukush.

32. What is the area and total population of Asia?

Answer: The total area of Asia is 44.6 million sq km and total population is 430 crores.


33. Which is the largest ocean in the world?

Answer: Pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the world.

34. What is the land area of the Pacific ocean?

Answer: The land area of the Pacific ocean is 165 million km².

35. How much portion is covered by the Pacific ocean?

Answer: The Pacific ocean covers about one-third of the earth’s surface area.

36. What the average depth of the Pacific ocean?

Answer: The average depth of the Pacific Ocean is 5000 meter.

37. How many islands are there in the Pacific Ocean?

Answer: There are about 20,000 small and big oceanic island are there in the Pacific ocean.


38. Which is the second largest ocean in the world?

Answer: Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world.

39. What is the land area of the Atlantic ocean?

Answer: The land area of the Atlantic Ocean is about 82 million km².

40. How much of the earth’s surface is covered by the Atlantic ocean?

Answer: The Atlantic Ocean covers about one-sixth of the earth’s surface area and it is about half of the Pacific ocean.

41. How is the shape of the Atlantic Ocean?

Answer: The shape of the Atlantic ocean is like that of English letter ‘S’.

42. What is the average depth of the Atlantic ocean? 

Answer: The average depth of the Atlantic ocean is about 3000 meter.

43. Name the ridge that is almost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean?

Answer: Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the ridge that is almost in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

44. Which is the third largest ocean in the world.

Answer: The third largest ocean in the world is Indian ocean.

45. What is the land area of the Indian ocean?

Answer: The land area of the Indian ocean is about 73 million km².

46. What is the area of the Indian ocean?

Answer: The Indian ocean’s area extent is slightly less than half of the area of the Pacific ocean.

47. What is the average depth of the Indian ocean?

Answer: The average depth of the Indian ocean is about 4000 meter.


48. Which is the fourth largest ocean in the world? 

Answer: The fourth largest ocean in the world is Southern ocean. 

49. What is the land area of the Southern ocean?

Answer: The land area of the southern ocean is about 20 million km².

50. Where does the Southern ocean lie?

Answer: The Southern ocean lies to the south of 40° South latitude.

51. By Which oceans the southern ocean is extended?

Answer: Southern ocean is an extension of the Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean and Indian ocean.

52. Why the Southern ocean is covered with ice in most part of the year?

Answer: Due to its location in the South Polar region the Southern ocean remains covered with ice in most part of the year.


53. Which is the smallest ocean in the world?

Answer: Arctic ocean is the smallest ocean in the world.

54. What is the land area of the Artic ocean?

Answer: The land area of the Arctic ocean is about 14 million km².

55. What is the shape of the Arctic ocean?

Answer: The shape of the Arctic ocean is circular.

56. How much area is covered by Indian ocean? 

Answer: The area is about one-fifth of the Indian ocean.

57. Why the shape of Arctic ocean is circle?

Answer: The Arctic ocean surrounds the northern pole. So its shape is circular.

58. What is the average depth of the Arctic ocean.

Answer: The average depth of the Arctic ocean is about 3500 meter.

59. Why the Arctic ocean is covered with thick ice in most part of the year.

Answer: Due to its location in the north polar region, the Arctic ocean remains covered with thick ice in most part of the year.

60. What surrounds the Arctic ocean?

Answer: The northern part of Asia, Europe and North America surrounds the Arctic ocean.


61. How much portion of the earth lithosphere is confined to northern d hemisphere?

Answer: About 67% of the earth lithosphere is confined to the northern at hemisphere.

62. Which sea determines the boundary between the continents of Europe and Africa?

Answer: Mediterranean sea determines the boundary between the continents of Europe and Africa.

63. Name the canal that forms the boundary between North America and South America.

Answer: Panama canal forms the boundary between North America and South America.


64. Which is the world’s largest continent?

Answer: Asia is the largest continents in the world.

65. How much portion of the continent of Asia covered by earth’s land surface? 

Answer: The continent of Asia covers about 30% of the earth’s land area.

66. Where the continent of Asia located?

Answer: The continent of Asia is mainly located in the northern hemisphere.

67. How many countries are there in Asia?

Answer: There are 51 countries in Asia.

68. Which is the highest Peak in the world?

Answer: The worlds highest peak is Everest (8.848 metre).

69. Which is the second highest peak in the world?

Answer: The second highest peak is Godwin Austin or Mount K₂ (86211 metre).

70. In which countries find the Gobi desert?

Answer: We find the Gobi desert in the continents of Asia.


71. Where is the continent of Europe situated. 

Answer: The continent of Europe is situated along the north-western boundary of Asia.

72. Where is the Europe located?

Answer: The continent of Europe is located by the northern hemisphere.

73. What is the land area of the continents of Europe.

Answer: The geographical area of the continent of europe 10.9 million km². 

74. What is the population of Europe as per estimates of 2014?

Answer: The population of Europe as per estimates of 2014 is 74 crores.

75. How many countries are there in Europe?

Answer: There are 44 countries in Europe.

76. Which is the highest place of the Europe?

Answer: The Mount Elbrus peak (5,633 metre) of the Caucasus mountain range is the highest place of Europe.

77. What is the highest peak of the Alps?

Answer: ‘Mount Blanc (4807 metre) is the highest peak of the Alps.


78. Name the Second largest continent in the world.

Answer: Africa is the second largest continent in the world.

79. What is the land area of the continents of Africa?

Answer: The land area of the continents of Africa are about 30 million km².

80. How much portion is covered by the continent of Africa.

Answer: The continents of Africa covers about 20% of the worlds total land area.

81. What is the population of Africa as per estimates of 2014? 

Answer: The population of Africa as per estimates of 2014 in 11 crores.

82. Which is the largest country of Africa?

Answer: Algeria is the largest country of Africa.

83. What is the land area of Algeria?

Answer: The land area of Algeria is 2.4 million km².

84. How many countries are there in Africa?

Answer: There are 53 countries in Africa. 

85. Which is the highest place in Africa? 

Answer: The Kiliman zaro is the highest place in Africa (5895 metre). 

86. Name longest river of continent of Africa.

Answer: Nile is the longest river in the world.

87. Name the world’s largest desert of the continent of Africa.

Answer: The Sahara desert is the world’s largest desert. 


88. Name the 3rd largest continent in the world.

Answer: North America is the third worlds largest continents.

89. What is the land area of the continents of North America?

Answer: The land area of the continents of North America is 24.3 million km². 

90. How much portion of the worlds total land area covered by North America?

Answer: The continents of North America covers about 16.30% of the worlds total land area.

91. Why the continent of America is called North America?

Answer: As this continent is located on the North of South America and also in the northern hemisphere, it is called North America.

92. How many countries are there in North America?

Answer: There are 23 countries in North America.

93. In which continent is Canada situated?

Answer: Canada is situated in North America.

94. Name the second largest country in the world?

Answer: Canada is the second largest country in the world.

95. Name the largest country in North America. 

Answer: Canada is the largest country in North America.

96. What is the total population of North America as per 2014 estimates? 

Answer: The total population of North America as per 2014 estimates is 565 million.

97. What is the highest place in North America?

Answer: Mckinley peak (6194 metre) is the highest place in North America.

98. What is the lowest place in North America? 

Answer: Death Valley (86 metre) is the lowest place in North America. 

99. Name the major desert of North America?

Answer: Colorado is the major desert of North America.


100. Where is the South America located?

Answer: The South America is located just on the south of North America.

101. How is the shape of the continent of South America?

Answer: The shape of this continent is like a reversed triangle. It means the northern part is very wide and the southern part is very narrow.

102. What is the land area of the continent of South America?

Answer: The land area of the continent of South America is about 18 million km².

103. How much portion of the world total land area is covered by South America?

Answer: The continent of South America covered about 11.9% of the worlds total land area.

104. How many countries are there in South America?

Answer: There are 12 countries in South America.

105. Name the largest country in the South America.

Answer: Brazil is the largest country in the South America.

106. Name the worlds fifth largest country.

Answer: Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country.

107. What is the total population of South America as per 2014 estimates?

Answer: The total population of south America as per 2014 estimates is 407 million.

108. Name the longest mountain system in the world.

Answer: Andes is the longest (about 8,000 km) mountain system in the world.

109. Name the highest peak in the South America.

Answer: The highest peak in the South America is Aconcagua (7020 meter).

110. Name the world’s highest lake?

Answer: ‘Titicaca’ is the world’s highest lake.

111. Where is the world’s highest lake Titicaca located?

Answer: The world’s highest lake Titicaca is located in South America.


112. Where is the continent of Oceania located?

Answer: The continent of Oceania located on the South of Asia is completely a part of Southern hemisphere.

113. What is the land area of the continent of Oceania?

Answer: The land area of the continent of Oceania is about 8 million km².

114. How much percentage of the total land area is covered by the Oceania?

Answer: The continent of Oceania covers about 5.4% of the worlds total land area.

115. Name the smallest continents in the world.

Answer: Oceania is the smallest continents in the world.

116. Name the largest country in the continent of Oceania.

Answer: Australia is the largest country in the continent of Oceania.

117. Name the sixth largest country of the world.

Answer: Australia is the sixth largest country of the world.

118. Where is the New Zealand?

Answer: New Zealand is situated in the continent of Oceania.

119. What is the population of oceania as per 2014 estimate?

Answer: The population of oceania as per 2014 estimates is 38 million.

120. How many countries are there in the continent of Oceania?

Answer: There are 14 countries in the continent of Oceania.

121.Name the ancient plateau in the continent of Oceania.

Answer: Australia is the main ancient plateau in the continent of Oceania.

122. Which region is called the Australian Alps?

Answer: The eastern part of Australia is a highland region formed by the Great dividing Range and Snowy mountain. This region is known as the Australian Alps.

123. Which rivers of Australia created a great plain in the South-eastern part of Australia?

Answer: The Murray and Darling rivers have created a great plain in the south-eastern part of Australia.


124. How many countries are there in the world?

Answer: There are altogether 197 countries in the world.

125. Answer: In terms of population size which is the largest country in the world.

Answer: In terms of population size China is the largest country in the world.

126. In terms of population size which is the smallest country in the world.

Answer: In terms of population size Vatican city is the smallest country in the world.

127. In terms of land area which is the largest country in the world.

Answer: In terms of land area Russia is the largest country in the world.

128. In terms of land area which is the smallest country in the world.

Answer: In terms of land area Vatican city is the smallest country in the world.

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