Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 1 Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement, SCERT Class 10 Social Science Multiple Choice Question Answer As Per New Syllabus to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA Class 10 Social Science Objective Type Question Answer and Short Type Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 1 Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 1 Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement
Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 1 Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SCERT Textbooks. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 1 Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement
Chapter – 1
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
1. Who is the writer of the play “Bandini Bharat”?
(a) Amar Nath.
(b) Girish Kumar.
(c) Amrit Prabha.
(d) Ambikagiri Ray Choudhury.
Answer: (d) Ambikagiri Ray Choudhury.
2. On which date of 1905, the Partition of Bengal was implemented—
(a) 26th January.
(b) 16th October.
(c) 15th August.
(d) 14th March.
Answer: (b) 16th October.
3. The capital of “East Bengal and Assam” was established at—
(a) Shillong.
(b) Pakistan.
(c) Bengal.
(d) Dhaka.
Answer: (d) Dhaka.
4. During which Viceroy rule did the partition of Bengal happen?
(a) Lord Minto.
(b) Lord Hamilton.
(c) Lord Curzon.
(d) Lord Ripon.
Answer: (c) Lord Curzon.
5. Which place in India was known as the heart of Indian nationalism?
(a) Delhi.
(b) Bangladesh.
(c) Bengal.
(d) Dhaka.
Answer: (c) Bengal.
6. Who was the editor of the Jugantor Pattrika?
(a) Amritlal.
(b) Bhupendra Nath Dutta.
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh.
(d) Mahi Ram Bose.
Answer: (b) Bhupendra Nath Dutta.
7. When did the unification of Bengal take place?
(a) 22nd December of 1910.
(b) 12th December of 1911.
(c) 2nd December of 1912.
(d) 22nd December of 1913.
Answer: (b) 12th December of 1911.
8. When was the National Council of Bengal for formed?
(a) 5th August of 1902.
(b) 26th August of 1903.
(c) 15th August of 1904.
(d) 5th March of 1902.
Answer: (d) 5th March of 1902.
9. Bengal Chemical was established by
(a) Acharya Prafulla Ray.
(b) Amrit Lal Bose.
(c) Girish Ghosh.
(d) Khirod Prasad.
Answer: (a) Acharya Prafulla Ray.
10. Who was founder of Banga Lakshmi cotton mill?
(a) Ambikagiri Ray Choudhury.
(b) Nil Ratan Sarkar.
(c) Bhupendra Nath.
(d) Lord Minto.
Answer: (b) Nil Ratan Sarkar.
11. The province of Assam was formed on
(a) 7th February of 1874.
(b) 7th February of 1884.
(c) 7th February of 1885.
(d) 7th February of 1887.
Answer: (a) 7th February of 1874.
12. The population of the proposed provinces of East Bengal and Assam with Dhaka as its Capital was
(a) 5 Crore 10 Lacs.
(b) 4 Crore 10 Lacs.
(c) 3 Crore 10 Lacs.
(d) 6 Crore 10 Lacs.
Answer: (c) 3 Crore 10 Lacs.
13. Who was the editor of the newspaper “Bande Mataram”?
(a) Surendra Nath Bandyopadhyay.
(b) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.
(c) Rabindra Nath Thakur.
(d) Aurobindo Ghosh.
Answer: (d) Aurobindo Ghosh.
14. Who led the formation of the Student’s Parliament?
(a) Rabindra Nath Tagore.
(b) Amit Lal Bose.
(c) Amarendra Nath.
(d) Surendra Nath Bandyopadhyay.
Answer: (d) Surendra Nath Bandyopadhyay.
15. Which book was written by Pramatha Nath Choudhury during Swadeshi movement?
(a) Jay Sangeet.
(b) Japani beach.
(c) Keshari.
(d) Jugantor.
Answer: (a) Jay Sangeet.
Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers
1. Who composed the song Vande Mataram?
Answer: The song ‘Vande Mataram’ was written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee in his famous novel ‘Anandamath’.
2. Who was Lord Minto?
Answer: Lord Minto was the Viceroy of Indian after Lord Curzon and his declaration on 13th April, 1906.
3. Who created a new province by adjoining East Bengal and Assam?
Answer: Lord Nathaniel Curzon.
4. When was the Sepoy Mutiny was started?
Answer: In 1857 AD.
5. When did the British Gov ernment Introduce Regulating Act?
Answer: In 1773. the British Government introduce Regulating Act.
6. What were brought under the control of the Governor of Fort William by Regulating Act of 1773?
Answer: the governor of bombay and madras were brought under the control of the governor of fort william by regulating act.
7. To what position, did the british government upgrade the post of the governor of bengal presidency?
Answer: the british government upgrade the post of the governor of bengal presidency to the level of governor general.
8. When did the british take steps to reform the indian administration?
Answer: after the sepoy mutiny in 1857, the british took steps to reform the indian administration.
9. What was the significance of the data of 7th february, 1874?
Answer: the state of ‘assam’ was created on 7th february, 1874.
10. how many districts of the brahmaputra valley were included in the state of assam created on 7th february 1874 by the british.
Answer: six (6) districts.
11. What was the area of assam when created on 7th february, 1874?
Answer: 54,100 sq. mail.
12. What was the population of assam when created on 7th february 1874?
Answer: 41,50,000.
13. Name the post that was created for the state of Assam by the British?
Answer: Chief Commissioner.
14. Who was the first chief commissioner of Assam?
Answer: The first chief commissioner of Assam was Colonel R. H. Keatings.
15. Name the two British officers helped Lord Curzon in the process of Bengal Partition.
Answer: In the process of Bengal partition the two British officers helped Lord Curzon.
They are:
(i) Andrew Fraser.
(ii) J BamfyIde Fuller.
16. Who was Andrew Fraser?
Answer: An- drew Fraser was the chief commissioner of Madhya Pradesh.
17. Who was J. Bamfylde Fuller?
Answer: J. Bamfylde Fuller was the chief commissioner of Assam.
18. Who put the proposal of the partition of Bengal before the government of England?
Answer: Viceroy Lord Northbrook put the proposal of the partition of Bengal before the government of England.
19. When was the treaty of yandaboo signed?
Answer: The treaty of yandaboo was signed on 24th February 1826.
20. Who proposed to annex chattagram to Assam with a view to expand the tea business?
Answer: J. Bamfyide Fuller proposed to annex Chattagram to Assam with a view to expand the tea business.
21. Who was ap pointed Lt. Governor of Bengal in 1903?
Answer: Andrew Fraser was appointed Lt Governor of Bengal in 1903.
22. Who directed Andrew Fraser to make a plan for redemarcation of the boundary of the Bengal province?
Answer: Viceroy Lord Curzon directed Andrew Fraser to make a plan for redemarcation of the boundary of the Bengal Province.
23. When did Lord Curzon prepare a detail proposal of the partition of Bengal?
Answer: On the 1st June, 1903 Viceroy Lord Curzon prepared a de- tailed proposal of the partition of Bengal.
24. Who was William E. Ward?
Answer: William E. Ward was the chief commissioner of Assam (1894-96 AD).
25. Who was Herbert Risely?
Answer: Herbert Risely was the secretary of state Government of India.
26. What was the capital of the proposed ‘Bengal Province’?
Answer: Calcutta was the capital of the proposed ‘Bengal Province’.
27. What was the population of the proposed ‘Bengal province’?
Answer: The population of the proposed ‘Bengal province was 5.4 crores. Among this Hindus were 4.2 crores and Muslims were 90 thousands.
28. Who was John Brodric?
Answer: John Brodric was the Secretary of state for India.
29. When did Lord Curzon send the proposed of partition of Bengal to India Secretary General in London for neces- sary approvals?
Answer: On the 2nd February, 1905 Lord curzon send the proposal of partition of Bengal to Indian Secretary general in London for necessary approval.
30. Who approved Lord Curzon’s Proposed of Partition of Bengal and informed the government of India by telegram message?
Answer: John Brodric approved the proposal of Lord Curzon of partition of Bengal and informed the government of India by telegram message.
31. When did British Government publish Lord Curzon’s proposal of partition of Bengal?
Answer: On the 1st September, 1905 was declared officially that the partition of Bengal would be implemented on 16th December.
32. Who was the editor of the Journal ‘Sanjibani’?
Answer: Krishna kumar Mitra was the editor of the journal ‘Sanjibani’.
33. In which year the journal ‘Sanjabani published?
Answer: The journal ‘Sanjibani’ was published in the year 6th July, 1904.
34. Name the article published in the Journal Sanjibani created great sensation among the people.
Answer: Bangar Sarbanash was the article published in the Journal Sanjabani created great sensation among the people.
35. Where was the held first protest meeting against the proposed partition of Bengal?
Answer: The first protest meeting against the proposed partition of Bengal was held at Khulna (Begerbari) on 14th July, 1905.
36. In the year 16th and 19th July 1905, where was the same protest meeting held?
Answer: On 16th and 17th July, 1905 the same protest meeting was held at Kishoreganj and Pabna.
37. In which year the 2nd protest meeting held at Dinazpur.
Answer: The 2nd protest meeting was held at Dinazpur on 20th July,1905.
38. In which year under the leadership of the student from Ripon College, a vast student rally was organised against this partition?
Answer: On 31st July,1905.
39. In which year, a huge public meeting was held at town hall of Kasimbazar, Calcutta under the presidentship of Maharaja Manindra Chandra Nandi.
Answer: On 9th August, 1905
40. Under whom leadership a student union was formed?
Answer: A ‘Student Union’ was formed under the leadership of Surendranath Banerjee.
41. Who says the people for maintaining the social harmony?
Answer: Through his inspiring speech Rabindranath Tagore called the people for maintaining social harmony.
42. In which year a big protest rally was at Rajabazar, North Calcutta.
Answer: On 23rd September, 1905.
43. When did the people of Bengal observed ‘National mourning day’?
Answer: The people of Bengal observed ‘National Mourning day’ on 16th October, 1905.
44. At whose proposal did every household in Bengal avoid cooking on 16th October, 1905?
Answer: As per the proposed of Ramendra Sundar Trivedi, every household in the Bengal province avoided cooking on 16th October 1905.
45. Who laid the foundation stone of Federal ‘Hall’ as symbol of unit and heri- tage of Bengal?
Answer: Ananda Mohan Bose laid the foundation stone of ‘Federal Hall’ as a symbol of unity and heritage of Bengal.
46. Who was Ananda Mohan Bose?
Answer: Ananda Mohan Bose was the president of Indian National Congress of Madrass session 1898.
47. Boycotting means patriotism and the essence of patriotism is the non co-operation with the British in all respects.” Who said this?
Answer: Arabinda Ghose said this.
48. Who edited ‘Bengali’ in 1904?
Answer: Surendranath Banerjee edited the ‘Bengali’ in 1904.
49. Who edited the ‘Hitabadi in 1905?
Answer: Kaliprasanna Kabya Bisharad and Yogendranath Vidyabhusan edited the ‘Hitabadi’ in 1905.
50. Who edited the ‘Yugantar’ in 1906?
Answer: Bhupendra Dutta edited the Yugantar’ in 1906.
51. Who edited the ‘Sandhya’ in 1906?
Answer: Brahmabandhab Upadhya edited the ‘Sandhya’ in 1906.
52. Who edited the ‘The Dawn’ newspaper in 1906?
Answer: Satish Chandra Mukharjee edited the ‘The Dawn’ newspaper in 1906.
53. Who edited the female magazine ‘Su-Prabhat’ in 1906?
Answer: Kumudini Mishra edited the female magazine ‘Su-Prabhat in 1906.
54. Who edited the ‘Vande Mataram’ in 1905?
Answer: Arabinda Ghose edited the “Vande Mataram’ in 1905.
55. Who written the play ‘Palashir Prayaschitta’?
Answer: Khirod Prasad written the play ‘palashir prayaschitta.’
56. Who written the play ‘Sirajuddoula’ and ‘Mir Kasim’?
Answer: Girish Ghose.
57. Who written the play ‘Sabbas Bengali’?
Answer: Amrit Lal Bose.
58. Who written the ‘Bangar Angashed play?
Answer: Amarendranath dutta.
59. Who wrote the Book Bir’?
Answer: Swarna Kumari Devi.
60. Who wrote the Book ‘Joy Sangeet’?
Answer: Pramathnath Ray Choudhury.
61. Who wrote the the Book ‘Navya Bharat’?
Answer: Kartik Ch.Dasgupta.
62. Who wrote the Book Bratakatha’?
Answer: Ramendra Sundar Trivedi.
63. How many patriotic songs composed by Rabindranath Tagore on the Swadeshi movement?
Answer: Twenty three (23) numbers of patriotic songs composed by Rabindranath Tagore on Swadeshi movement.
64. Name the song which won the status of national anthem of independent Bangladesh.
Answer: The song ‘Amar sonar Bangla Ami Tomake Bhal Basi’ won the status of national anthem of independent Bangladesh (1972)
65. Where did ‘Anti Circular Society’ form?
Answer: At a vast student rally organised at Patal danga, Mallik Bari, Anti Circular Society was formed.
66. Who was R. W. Carlyle?
Answer: R. W. Carlyle was the chief secretary of Bengal.
67. During Swadeshi movement how many secondary schools and national primary schools were established?
Answer: All total 62 Secondary schools and 300 national schools were established Swadeshi movement.
68. When was Bengal National Collage established?
Answer: 15th August, 1906.
69. Who edited the magazine ‘Bharati’?
Answer: Sarala Devi Choudhurini.
70. What was the real name of sister Nibedita?
Answer: margaret Elizabeth Noble.
71. Which newspaper published about the courage. of women in Bengal?
Answer: The ‘Daily Telegraph’ of Londan published the courage of woman in Bengal.
72. In February 1904, who undertook a long programme of visits to east Bengal to build public opinion in favour of the partition of the Bengal?
Answer: Lord Carzon.
73. Who was Lord Marley?
Answer: Lord Marley was the secretary of State of India.
74. In which day every family of Bengal province went on fast?
Answer: On the day when Prafulla Chaki was executed.

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