NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies Chapter 13 A River’s Tale

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NCERT Class 4 Environmental Studies Chapter 13 A River’s Tale

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Chapter: 13

Look at the pictures and answer the following questions:

1. What is the colour of the river where it begins?

Ans: At the place where the river begins, the colour of the water is crystal clear, the water is pure and blue. 

2. At some places, there are many fish in the river, at others there are only a few and at some places there are dead fish. What could be the reason for this? Discuss.

Ans: The reason is pollution. If the river is polluted, there will be dead fish or a decreased population of fish. 

3. What can be seen in the river before it reaches the village?

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Ans: Because the water is pure, many fish may be seen before it reaches the village.

4. At which places did the colour of the water in the river change? Why did this happen? Discuss.

Ans: Near towns, and cities, the colour of the river’s water is altered. It happened because river water is polluted by home and industrial trash, among other things.

5. Which of the places shown in the picture would you like to live in? Why?

Ans: I like to live in a place where the water is clean. Because clean water is good for my health, I can also see many fishes. 

6. Would you like to change any of the things that you see in the picture? Why and how?

Ans: I would purify the polluted water, To protect nature and keep the fishes safer. By joining or organizing pond and beach cleaning drives. By Preventing soil erosion and filter pollutants before they reach the water.

7. Have you seen people throwing different things into rivers or water bodies?

Ans: Yes.

8. What could be done to keep rivers clean? Discuss.

Ans: We should not toss rubbish into rivers, such as plastic bags, glass bottles. We should Ensure that household and industrial wastewater is properly treated before being released into rivers.

9. If you wanted to drink some water, from which part of the river would you like to drink? Why? 

Ans: I’d want to drink water from the river’s source because it’s clean and pure.

10. In the last part of the picture the river flows into the sea. Have you ever seen the sea? Where? In a movie, or somewhere else?

Ans: Yes, I’ve seen the sea in the movies. 

11. Have you ever been near a river or sea? When?

Ans: Yes, I have been near a river when I visited my Grandmother village near brahmaputra. 

12. Show with your hands, how the waves in the sea move.

Ans: Students do it yourself. 

13. Is the water from the sea drinkable? Why?

Ans: Yes, because the sea water is crystal clean. 

14. Do you think that there would be changes taking place in a river, pond or stream at different times of the year? What kind of changes would these be? Discuss. 

Ans: Yes, at different seasons of the year, variations in a river, pond, or stream might occur. In the summer, water levels in rivers, ponds, and streams are very low; in the rainy season, water levels are high; and in the winter, water in rivers, ponds, and streams freezes in certain places.

15. Will there be the same amount of water in the ponds or rivers during the rainy season and in summer?

Ans: During the summer season, the river appears calm and much smaller than usual. The water level is low, But in the rainy season Rivers may even overflow, leading to floods.

16. Is there a pond, river or lake near your town or city? Find out– 

(a) Are there any changes in the water during summers, the rainy season and in winters?

Ans: Yes, water levels and conditions change with the seasons. During the summer season, the river appears calm and much smaller than usual. But in the rainy season Rivers overflow, leading to floods.

(b) What are the different kinds of water animals found there? 

Ans: Common water animals in ponds, lakes, or rivers include fish, frogs, turtles, snails, crabs, and insects like dragonflies or water beetles.

(c) What kind of trees and plants grow around it?

Ans: Lotus, Water Hyacinth, Cattails, Reeds, Algae and more plants and trees grow around it.

(d) What are the kinds of birds that come there? 

Ans: Common birds include ducks, kingfishers, herons, egrets, cormorants, storks, and sometimes migratory birds like flamingos in certain regions.

(e) Have you ever seen or read about floods? Where?

Ans: Floods happen when rivers overflow due to heavy rains. Yes, I have read about floods in my textbook.

(f) What happens when there is a flood?

Ans: Houses and farms get submerged.

Roads and bridges can get damaged.

People and animals may need rescue and shelter.

Waterborne diseases can spread.

(g) Have you seen dirty water in a river or pond? Where?

Ans: Yes, many rivers and ponds have dirty water due to pollution, garbage, sewage, and industrial waste. I have seen it near the big cities. 

(h) How would you know if the water is dirty? If the water looks clean, can you be sure that it is alright to drink that water? Discuss.

Ans: Dirty water may look muddy, greenish, or have floating waste. Even if water looks clean, it may have germs or chemicals.It is unsafe to drink water from natural sources without boiling or purifying it.

How does Water become Dirty?

From where do you get your drinking water? A river or a lake? Do you think that like the river in the picture your river or lake can also be affected?

Try this: 

(i) For this activity you will need to bring certain things from your home. You will find most of these in the kitchen.  

(ii) 5 or 6 glasses or bottles. 

(iii) Salt, sugar, cooking soda, haldi, flour and dal (about half a teaspoon each). 

(iv) Lemon Juice, soap water, sherbet, oil (one spoonful each).

Ans: Students do it yourself. 

What will you do?

1. What did you observe? Put the (✓) mark in the right places.

ThingsDissolved (mixed)  in waterDid not dissolve in waterColour of water changesColour of water does not change
Lemon juice
Soap water
Cooking soda
Oil (Mustard, Til or any other)


ThingsDissolved (mixed) in waterDid not dissolve in waterColour of water changesColour of water does not change
Lemon juice
Soap water
Cooking soda
Oil (Mustard, Til or any other)

Now on the basis of your observations tell –

2. Do all things dissolve in water?

Ans: No, not all things dissolve in water. Some substances like sugar, salt, lemon juice, and cooking soda dissolve completely, while others like flour, dal, haldi, and oil do not.

3. Does the colour of the water always change? 

Ans: No, the color of the water does not always change. Some substances like haldi, lemon juice, sherbet, and soap water change the water’s color, but others like sugar and salt dissolve without affecting its color.

4. Did oil dissolve in water? How can you say whether it has dissolved or not?

Ans: No, oil does not dissolve in water. It floats on top and forms separate droplets instead of mixing completely. This shows that oil and water do not mix.

5. How is drinking water cleaned in your house?

Ans: Drinking water in my house is cleaned using:

(a) Filtration (through a cloth or filter).

(b) Boiling (to kill germs).

6. Find out the many different ways of cleaning water at home.

Ans: There are several ways to clean water at home:

(a) Boiling: Kills germs and makes water safe.

(b) Filtration: Using cloth, sand filters, or special filters to remove dirt.

(c) Water Purifiers (RO/UV): Remove impurities and harmful germs.

(d) Using Alum: Helps settle impurities in water.

(e) Chlorination: Adding chlorine tablets to kill bacteria (used in some areas).

7. Draw pictures showing any two ways of cleaning the water.

Ans: Students, do yourself.

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