Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 6 Economic Geography: Subject matter and Resources, SCERT Class 10 Social Science Multiple Choice Question Answer As Per New Syllabus to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA Class 10 Social Science Objective Type Question Answer and Short Type Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 6 Economic Geography: Subject matter and Resources can be of great value to excel in the examination.
SCERT Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 6 Economic Geography: Subject matter and Resources
Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 6 Economic Geography: Subject matter and Resources covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SCERT Textbooks. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 6 Economic Geography: Subject matter and Resources provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
Economic Geography: Subject matter and Resources
Chapter – 6
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
1. Which of the following is a man made resource
(a) rivers.
(b) mineral oil.
(c) irrigation drains.
(d) forest.
Answer: (c) irrigation drains.
2. Which of the following is a Abiotic Resource?
(a) air.
(b) plants.
(c) Animals.
(d) crops.
Answer: (a) air.
3. Which of the following is a Non-Renewable resource—
(a) air.
(b) water.
(c) crops.
(d) coal.
Answer: (d) coal.
4. Which of the following is about to be extinct?
(a) One-horned Rhino.
(b) Pygmy Hog.
(c) Giraffe.
(d) Gayal (Mithun).
Answer: (b) Pygmy Hog.
5. The organization IUCN is under which of the following organization?
(b) UNO.
(c) WWF.
(d) UNEP.
Answer: (a) UNESCO.
6. The branch of Geography in which the study of human activities associated with production, distribution, consumption and exchange of resources is done in spatial and temporal contexts is known as—
(a) Physical Geography.
(b) Human Geography.
(c) Economic Geography.
(d) Regional Geography.
Answer: (c) Economic Geography.
7. Rock is a—
(a) Biotic Resource.
(b) Abiotic Resource.
(c) Man made Resource.
(d) Human Resource.
Answer: (b) Abiotic Resource.
8. Which of the following is about to be extinct?
(a) Buffalo.
(b) Cat.
(c) Rabbit.
(d) Golden Langur.
Answer: (d) Golden Langur.
9. Which of the following is a Non-Renewable resource?
(a) Water.
(b) Ray of sun.
(c) Tree.
(d) Natural gas.
Answer: (d) Natural gas.
10. The father of economic Geography is—
(a) Karl Rikhtar.
(b) George Chisholm.
(c) Darkenwald.
(d) Fraitrif Ratgel.
Answer: (b) George Chisholm.
11. Which of the following is not a primary occupation—
(a) Cultivation.
(b) Bank and other Financial institution.
(c) Fishing.
(d) Education of forest resources.
Answer: (b) Bank and other Financial institution.
12. Which of the following is a secondary occupation?
(a) manufacturing process.
(b) Transportation.
(c) The media.
(d) Construction work.
Answer: (a) manufacturing process.
13. Which of the following is a tertiary occupation—
(a) Cultivation.
(b) hunting.
(c) weaving.
(d) trade and commerce.
Ans: (d) trade and commerce.
14. Which of the following is a quaternary occupation—
(a) mechanic.
(b) teacher.
(c) computer manufacturer.
(d) businessman.
Answer: (b) teacher.
15. Which of the following is not a man made resource—
(a) technology.
(b) industry.
(c) Solar energy.
(d) office.
Answer: (c) Solar energy.
Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers
1. Give an example of substance which in both a resource and wealth.
Answer: Land is an example of substance which in both a resource and wealth.
2. When was IUCN formed?
Answer: IUCN was formed in the year 1948.
3. Name the person behind the formation of IUCN?
Answer: The British Biologist Julian Huxley is the person behind the formation of IUCN.
4. Who was the founder Director General of UNESCO?
Answer: The British Biologist was the founder Director General of UNESCO.
5. When is the World Environmental Day celebrated?
Answer: 5th June in every year.
6. “The main objective of economic geography is determination of the economic development trend and direction of a place’ who said this statement?
Answer: The father of modern economic geography George Chisholm.
7. “Any material to become a resource should have two properties, viz functionality and utility”. Who said this?
Answer: The famous economist Zimmermann.
8. What type of resource fish is?
Answer: Fish is a Renewable Resources.
9. Give example of Resistance?
Answer: Infertile soil is a resistance.
10. Where is located Damodar river?
Answer: Damodar river is located in West Bengal.
11. Write a country which is developed in human resources.
Answer: Japan.
12. Give example of primary occupation?
Answer: Agricultural activity, fishing activity, forest resources collection, mineral resource collection etc.
13. Give example of Secondary Occupation?
Answer: Manufacturing process, various types of construction and repairing works etc.
14. Give example of Tertiary occupation?
Answer: Transport, communication, marketing, wholesale or retail selling, tourism activity etc.
15. Give example of Quaternary Occupation?
Answer: Bank or other financial institutions, publicity media, administration, education and research etc.
16. Give example of National Resource?
Answer: Sunshine, air, water, soil, plants, animals, minerals, rivers etc.
17. Give example of Biotic Resource?
Answer: Plants, animals, fish, crops, insect etc.
18. Give example of Abiotic Resource?
Answer: Soil, rock, water, coal, natural resources, mineral oil etc.
19. Name three resources from biotic point of view.
Answer: Coal, Natural gas, Mineral Oil.
20. What type of resources gold is?
Answer: Gold is a natural resource.
21. What is Renewable resource?
Answer: The resource which can be kept exhausted after use through the process of regeneration are called
Renewable or Inexhaustible resources.
22. What is Non-Renewable resource?
Answer: The resources which can not be regenerated after use and get completely exhausted are called Non-Renewable resources.
23. What is man made resource?
Answer: The resource which are produced through human effects are called man made resources.
24. What is human resource?
Answer: Man has adequate skill, education technology and desire to make the natural resources useful to man, that is why man is called resource, that is human resource.
25. What is Neutral Stuff?
Answer: Some materials are found in the earth, which are in no way useful or harmful to man are called Neutral stuff.
26. What is wealth?
Answer: According to the principle of Economics, the materials which have value in exchange are called wealth.
27. What is resource conservation?
Answer: Generally, the concept or act of possible complete utilization of any resource without any destruction and misuse is known as resource conservation.
28. What is a Biotic Resource?
Answer: According to physical structure or composition the resources which have life are called Biotic Resources. For example plants, animals etc.
29. What is Abiotic Resource?
Answer: According to physical structure or composition, the resource which have no life are called Abiotic Resources. For eg-soil, rock, water etc.
30. What is Individual Resources?
Answer: The things in possession of individual man such as land, household properties and good self attributes e.g. good character, education, working skill etc. are known as individual resources.
31. What is National Resource?
Answer: All the resource under the responsibility or possession of a country are called National Resource. For e.g-transport network, land, revers, bridges, wild life sanctuaries etc.
32. What is International Resource?
Answer: National Resources belonging to all the countries and the resources under the possession of the whole world are called International Resources. For eg.-Oceans and seas, at-mosphere etc.
33. What is the full form of WWF for nature?
Answer: World Wide Fund for Nature.
34. Name the government ministry for resource conservation of India.
Answer: ‘Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change’.
35. Name one private organization for resource conservation in India?
Answer: Wild Life Trust of India.
36. What is primary occupation?
Answer: The human activity through which man collects resources from the nature is called primary occupation. For eg.-agricultural activity, fishing activity etc.
37. What is secondary occupation?
Answer: The human activity through which man transforms the commodities collected from the nature into a usable form by using various technologies are called secondary occupation. For eg.-manufacturing process, various types of construction and repairing works etc.
38. What is Tertiary occupation?
Answer: The human activity through which the commodities produced by means of primary and secondary activities reach the consumers is called tertiary occupation. For eg.-transport, communication etc.
39. What is Quaternary occupation?
Answer: The human activity through which the secondary and tertiary activities can be made more easy and productive is called quaternary occupation. For eg.-Bank and other financial institutions, publishing media etc.
40. What is Localized Resource?
Answer: The natural resource which are found only in some selected places on the earth are called localized resources. For eg.-coal, petroleum, iron ore, urenium etc.
41. What is Ubiquitous Resource?
Answer: Some resource are found everywhere or available in all places of earth. These resources are called Ubiquitous Resource. For eg.-solar energy, air, water etc.

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