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1. Answer the following questions: (any twelve)
Fill in the blanks:
(a) The Chairman of Secondary Education Commission of 1952-53 was_______.
Ans: Dr. A. Lakshmanswami Mudaliar.
(b) Secondary education system of Assam was controlled by Calcutta University since ______ to 1948.
Ans: 1901.
(c) In the state of _________ established. the first Open University of India was.
Ans: Andhra Pradesh.
(d) Absence of direct contact between teacher and student is an important characteristic of _________ Education.
Ans: Distance.
(e) A German biologist ________ introduced the concept of Environmental Consciousness’ in 1869.
Ans: Ernst Haeckel.
(f) (The concept of ‘Population Education’ was developed by the American sociologist ______.
Ans: Kingsley Davis.
(g) ‘Gestalt is a German word which means ________ ‘or ‘total pattern’.
Ans: Whole.
(h) In a polygon, frequencies are plotted on _______of the class intervals.
Ans: Mid-points.
Give short answer in one sentence:
(i) In which year Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University was established in Assam ?
Ans: Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University was established on 29 september 2005.
(j) From which year twelve-year school education course has been implemented in Assam ?
Ans: The twelve-year school education course was implemented in Assam from 1977.
(k) In which year National Policy for the Empowerment of Women was adopted in India ?
Ans: The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women was adopted in India in 2001.
(l) “Learning is the modification of behaviour through experience and training.” Who said this statement ?
Ans: “Learning is the modification of behaviour through experience and training.” This statement was said by Edwin B. Holt.
(m) Who propounded the theory of connectionism?
Ans: The theory of connectionism was propounded by Edward L. Thorndike.
(n) What is law of effect ?
Ans: The law of effect is a principle in psychology stating that behaviors with satisfying outcomes are more likely to happen again, while those with unsatisfying outcomes are less likely to reoccur.
(0) “Interest is latent attention, and attention is interest in action.” Who said this statement ?
Ans: The statement “Interest is latent attention, and attention is interest in action” was made by William McDougall, a prominent psychologist known for his work on instinct and motivation.
(p) Write the formula for finding out mean by ‘assumed mean’ method.
Ans: “Interest is latent attention, and attention is interest in action.” This statement was said by John Dewey.
2. Answer any twelve of the following questions:
(a) Mention two important impact of Kothari Commission on the Secondary Education of Assam.
Ans: Following are the important impact of Kothari Commission on the Secondary Education of Assam:
(i) Kothari Commission 1964-66 stressed for the total development of Indian Education System and advocated for standard and structure.
(ii) Government of Assam adopted various measures in the field of secondary education as per the recommendations of the commission.
(b) Write two importances of Non-formal Education.
Ans: Following are the importances of Non-formal Education:
(i) Non-formal education provides learning opportunities to individuals who may not have access to formal education, offering flexible schedules and diverse learning methods.
(ii) To develop in children various linguistic (Study of language) skills and enable them to listen, speak, read and write properly.
(c) Write two differences between Formal Education and Non-formal Education.
Ans: There are two differences between Formal Education and Non-formal Education:
Formal Education | Non-formal Education |
Formal education includes adult basic education, adult literacy education or school equivalency preparation. | Non-formal education is a systematic educational activity that is carried out outside the formal framework. |
it leads to recognized certifications or degrees, such as a high school diploma or university degree. | It typically does not provide formal certifications, though it may offer certificates of participation or completion. |
(d) Mention two needs of population education.
Ans: Here are two needs of population education:
Raising Awareness about Population Issues: Raise awareness about global population issues like family planning, reproductive health and demographic trends. To advocate policies for addressing population challenges, governments, NGOs, and policymakers come together on this day to discuss policies.
Promoting Reproductive Health and Rights: Population education provides knowledge about reproductive health, family planning, and gender equality, empowering people to make informed choices regarding their health and well-being.
(e) Write two needs and importance of physical education.
Ans: Two needs of physical education are:
(i) Physical education focuses on developing essential motor skills, including coordination, balance, agility, and spatial awareness.
(ii) It helps develop self-discipline, cooperation, and social interaction skills through structured physical activities and team sports.
Two importance of physical education are:
(i) Physical education classes provide students with the opportunity to engage in various physical activities and exercises, which helps improve their overall physical fitness.
(ii) Physical education helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting mental well-being and improving focus and concentration.
(f) Write two relations between maturation and learning.
Ans: There are two relations between maturation and learning:
Readiness for Learning: Learning readiness is the physical, motor, socio-emotional, behavioral, linguistic, and cognitive skills indicating preparedness to receive formal educational instruction.
Facilitation of Learning Process: Facilitating learning is a teaching method that encourages students to take more responsibility for their learning process.
(g) Write two subjective factors of learning.
Ans: Two subjective factors of learning are:
(i) Motivation: The internal drive or desire to learn plays a key role in determining how actively and persistently a learner engages with the material.
(ii) Attention: The ability to focus and concentrate on the learning material is crucial for effective comprehension and retention of information.
(h) What is habit memory?
Ans: Habit memory is thought to involve slowly acquired associations between stimuli and responses and to depend on the basal ganglia. It enables individuals to perform tasks, like riding a bike or typing, without conscious thought, as these behaviors become ingrained over time through practice and regular repetition.
(i) Write two mental causes of forgetting.
Ans: Two mental causes of forgetting are:
(i) Forgetfulness can arise from stress, depression.
(ii) Lack of sleep. Not getting enough sleep is perhaps the greatest unappreciated cause of forgetfulness.
(j) What is voluntary or volitional attention?
Ans: Voluntary attention, also known as endogenous, top-down, or sustained attention. Volitional attention exercises the will and demands our conscious effort for arriving at a solution or achieving certain goals. Unlike Non Volitional attention, Volitional attention is less spontaneous or automatic.
(l) Write any two objectives of mental health!
Ans: Emotional Well-being: To promote emotional stability and the ability to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotions effectively, leading to a balanced and fulfilling life.
Cognitive Functioning: To enhance cognitive abilities such as concentration, decision-making, and problem-solving, contributing to overall mental clarity and productivity.
(m) Write any two aims of mental hygiene.
Ans: Two aims of mental hygiene are:
(i) Promote Mental Well-being: To foster emotional stability, reduce stress, and prevent mental disorders by encouraging healthy coping mechanisms and positive thinking.
(ii) Prevent Mental Illness: The most important function of mental hygiene is to prevent mental health problems by developing some programmes.
(n) What do you mean by measures of central tendency?
Ans: Measures of central tendency are statistical values that represent the center or typical value of a dataset. A measure of central tendency is a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data with a single value that represents the middle or centre of its distribution. There are three main measures of central tendency: mode. median. mean.
(o) Calculate mean and mode from the following data:
30, 48, 56,64,78,82,60,50, 56 and 46
Ans: Mean = Sum of all values/ Number of values
Sum of the value = 30 + 48 + 56 + 64 + 78 + 82 + 60 + 50 + 56 + 46 = 590
Number of value = 10
Mean = 590/10 = 59
The mode is the number that appears most frequently in the data set. In this case, the number 56 appears twice, which is more than any other number.
Mean = 59
Mode = 56
3. Answer any ten of the following questions:
(a) Discuss four aims of Secondary Education recommended by Mudaliar Commission.
Ans: Following are the main aims of Secondary Education recommended by Mudaliar Commission:
(i) Democratic Citizenship: Citizenship in a democracy is required by every individual. He must develop independent judgment on all kinds of complicated social, economic and political issues and to a large extent, decide his own course of action.
(ii) Promotion of National Integration: The Mudaliar Commission emphasized the importance of promoting unity and national integration through education. It recommended that secondary education should foster a sense of national pride, harmony, and respect for diverse cultures and languages in India.
(iii) Education for Leadership: Successful functioning of a democracy depends upon the training in discipline as well as leadership. In this context, the function of secondary education is to train persons who will be able to assume the responsibility of leadership in the social, political, industrial and cultural fields, in their own small groups of community or locality.
(iv) Vocational and Skill Development: It recommended the inclusion of vocational education to equip students with practical skills that would prepare them for employment and reduce the gap between education and industry.
(b) Write four objectives of Open Education.
Ans: Following are the objectives of Open Education:
(i) To improve access to higher education: This objective focuses on ensuring that higher education is available to a broader range of people, including those from marginalized groups, rural areas, and low-income backgrounds.
(ii) To increase gross enrolment ratio (GER): The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) refers to the total number of students enrolled in a particular level of education, expressed as a percentage of the population that is of the official age group for that level.
(iii) To provide opportunities for lifelong learning: This objective emphasizes that education should not be limited to the traditional school years but should be accessible throughout an individual’s life. Lifelong learning ensures that people can continually update their skills and knowledge to adapt to new challenges, industries, and technologies, leading to personal growth and better career opportunities.
(iv) To Make Education Innovative: This objective seeks to introduce innovative teaching methods, technologies, and learning materials in education. By making education more interactive, engaging, and aligned with the changing needs of society and the job market, it encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students.
(c) Write four characteristics of Open University.
Ans: Here are four key characteristics of an Open University:
(i) Flexible Learning: They offer flexible learning options, including online courses, self-paced learning, and blended learning, allowing students to balance their studies with work and personal commitments.
(ii) Distance Learning: Distance learning refers to the way of learning that does not require you to be present physically at the university or institution. Learning materials and lectures are available online. Learners can stay at their homes while taking the course from an online university or other institution.
(iii) Diverse Course Offerings: Diverse course offerings, or D courses, are academic courses that focus on the study of socially constructed groups in the United States. Diversity (D) courses emphasize one or more socially constructed groups (e.g. racial, ethnic, religious, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation) in the United States.
(iv) Supportive Learning Environment: A supportive learning environment is a safe, inclusive, and positive space where students feel valued and respected, and are motivated to learn.
(d) Discuss four principles of Environmental Education.
Ans: Following are the principles of Environmental Education:
(i) Awareness and Sensitivity: Develops awareness about the environment and its associated challenges, promoting sensitivity towards environmental issues among individuals and communities.
(ii) Knowledge Acquisition: Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental challenges.
(iii) Skills Development: Skills to identify and help resolve environmental challenges.
(iv) Participation and Action: Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of environmental challenges.
(e) Discuss four characteristics of Trial and Error method of learning.
Ans: Here are four characteristics of the Trial and Error method of learning:
(i) Goal-Oriented Process: Being goal-oriented means prioritizing and completing only the tasks that will help get you closer to reaching a certain objective. The learner repeatedly tries different methods to achieve a specific goal, persisting until the correct solution is found.
(ii) Learning through Repetition: Successive attempts are made, and mistakes are corrected through repeated trials, refining the approach over time.
(iii) Active Involvement: The word “active” emphasizes that someone is taking action, rather than just hoping for something or achieving it indirectly. The learner is actively engaged in the process, exploring alternatives and learning from the consequences of their actions.
(iv) Progressive Elimination of Errors: As incorrect responses are identified and eliminated, the learner gradually narrows down the correct path or solution.
(f) Discuss four educational significance of learning by conditioning.
Ans: Here are four educational significances of learning by conditioning:
(i) Habit Formation: Habit formation is the process of creating new behaviors that become automatic over time. These habits are important because they can help us to achieve our goals and make our lives easier and more efficient.
(ii) Classroom Management: Teachers can use conditioning techniques, like praise or tokens, to encourage good behavior and minimize disruptive actions, creating a conducive learning environment.
(iii) Skill Development: Skill development is the process of improving or acquiring skills to become more effective at performing tasks. It can involve learning new skills, improving existing skills, or gaining expertise in a specific area.
(iv) Behavior Modification: Behavior modification uses various motivational techniques to eliminate behavior you don’t want to see or encourage behavior you do want to see. For example, you can use positive reinforcement, like praise, to encourage behavior you want.
(g) Discuss the marks of good memory.
Ans: The marks of good memory, according to Stout, are ease and rapidity of learning or memorizing, permanence of retention, rapidity of actual revival, accuracy of the actual recall, or and serviceableness of the revival or its relevance to purpose. t allows for quick learning and retention, enabling individuals to grasp and store information effectively. Accuracy in recall ensures that memories are reproduced without distortion. The durability of retention reflects the ability to retain information over a long period, while ease of recollection signifies the effortless retrieval of stored knowledge when needed. Additionally, the capacity for efficient relearning aids in quickly recovering forgotten information with minimal effort. These marks of a good memory are essential for academic achievements, problem-solving, and everyday decision-making, contributing to cognitive competence and adaptability.
(h) Discuss any four characteristics of forgetting.
Ans: Here are four characteristics of forgetting:
(i) Forgetting is an inability of our mind to keep the image of experience in it.
(ii) Forgetting acts as a defence mechanism of mind.
(iii) Forgetting is described as an essential condition of our learning and remembering.
(iv) Forgetting is rapid at first, then declines gradually as timepass.
(i) Discuss any four objectives or external conditions of attention.
Ans: Following are the objectives or external conditions of attention:
(i) Environmental conditions: Environmental conditions refer to the various tangible or concrete hazards or difficulties that are in the vicinity of workers, and describe surroundings or conditions experienced by workers as they perform critical tasks.
(ii) Social surroundings: The presence of others, and whether a person feels included or excluded, can impact attention.
(iii) Distractions: Social media distraction refers to the process by which social media cues draw individuals’ attention away from a task that they originally pursued. Stimuli that are unrelated to the primary task but compete for attention can impair performance.
(iv) Emotional Value of the Stimulus: Factors like noise, lighting, temperature, and crowding can impact concentration.
(j) Discuss the educational significance of attention and interest.
Ans: As interest creates attention and also attention when voluntarily can develop interest. On the hand educational pint of view, attention and interest are regarded as both ‘means and ends’ in education because academic achievement of students primarily depends upon these two factors. Attention ensures focus, enabling students to process information effectively, while interest sustains engagement, making learning enjoyable and meaningful. When learners are attentive, they absorb details and retain knowledge better. Interest sparks curiosity and motivation, encouraging active participation and deeper exploration of subjects. Educators can foster attention through interactive teaching methods and minimize distractions, while cultivating interest by connecting content to students’ experiences and aspirations. Together, attention and interest create a conducive learning environment, enhancing cognitive development and fostering lifelong learning skills.
(k) Define the meaning of mental health and hygiene.
Ans: Mental health refers to a person’s psychological, emotional,and sociol well-being ;it influences what they feel and how they think, and behave. The state of cognitive and behavioural well-being is referred to as mental health. The term ‘mental health’ is also used to refer to the absence of mental disease.
Mental hygiene is a branch of psychology which ideas with the mental, behaviour and emotional adjustment through the application of principles and practices which have some scientific foundations or truth. It consists of those patterns of living which promotes the development of wholesome and socially adequate personality and helps an individual get along with himself and with his fellowmen. Through it ,the goal of mental health is achieved, so that mental hygiene may be considered as the means to an end.
(l) Discuss the role of school in promoting proper mental health of a child.
Ans: The roles school play for the prevention of mental illness are:
(i) Create an enabling learning environment for positive mental health and well-being: Through developing and implementing school-based mental health and psychosocial support policies informed by learners’ needs ,voices,and capacities; and embedding mental health literacy and social and emotional learning in the curricula, from early childhood through to adolescence.
(ii) Access to early intervention and mental health services and support: Schools may ensure a well-defined process to guide learners and teachers concerned about the mental health of a learner or teacher. Early intervention helps in providing timely support to learners and their families. Learners’ learning process is molded to suit their needs with timely interventions.
(iii) Promote teacher well-being: Ensuring that there are policies, strategies, and services in place to support the mental health and well-being of teachers and non- teaching staff and all involved in the care and support of learners in school (including caregivers).
(iv) Ensure meaningful collaboration between the school, family, and community: To build a safe and nurturing learning environment that creates a sense of belonging for every learner. Emphasizing the need for strong and frequent communication between learners, caregivers, and teachers, to align understanding of the strengths and needs, and build complementary strategies and support mechanisms between the home and educational setting to meet those needs. Learners and families are active agents in their well-being and bring their skills and resources for coping and building resiliency.
(m) What is histogram? Draw a histogram from the following distribution table: (use graph paper)
Class Interval | Frequency |
90-99 | 2 |
80-89 | 4 |
70-79 | 6 |
60-69 | 8 |
50-59 | 12 |
40-49 | 7 |
30-39 | 5 |
20-29 | 4 |
10-19 | 2 |
N=50 |
Ans: A histogram is a graph that shows the frequency of numerical data using rectangles. The height of a rectangle is the vertical axis. It represents the distribution frequency of a variable such as the amount or how often that variable appears. The width of the rectangle is the horizontal axis.
(n) What is bar diagram ? Discuss the different types of bar diagram with examples.
Ans: A bar graph is a graphical representation of information. It uses bars that extend to different heights to depict value. Bar graphs can be created with vertical bars, horizontal bars, grouped bars (multiple bars that compare values in a category), or stacked bars (bars containing multiple types of information).
(i) Simple Bar Diagram: A simple bar chart is used to represent data involving only one variable classified on a spatial, quantitative or temporal basis. In a simple bar chart, we make bars of equal width but variable length, i.e. the magnitude of a quantity is represented by the height or length of the bars. Bar graphs make it easier to compare things as you can analyze and interpret the data just by a glance.
Year | Rainfall(cm) |
2020 | 85 |
2021 | 90 |
2022 | 95 |
2023 | 100 |
(ii) Multiple Bar Diagram: A multiple bar diagram in statistics is a graphical representation used to compare two or more related data sets across categories. Each data value is represented by a column in the graph. In a multiple bar graph, multiple data points for each category of data are shown with the addition of columns. It consists of groups of bars placed side by side, each representing a specific dataset. This method highlights differences or similarities among datasets for each category effectively. These are used also for two or more sets of interrelated data.
Year | Product A (₹ lakh) | Product B (₹ lakh) |
2020 | 50 | 70 |
2021 | 60 | 80 |
(iii) Stacked Bar Diagram: A Stacked Bar Diagram in statistics is a graphical representation that divides each bar into segments, where each segment represents a sub-category of the total. Each bar in a standard bar chart is divided into a number of sub-bars stacked end to end, each one corresponding to a level of the second categorical variable. The lengths of the segments are proportional to their values, and the bars are stacked vertically or horizontally, showing cumulative contributions within a category.
Year | Product A (₹ lakh) | Product B (₹ lakh) | Total Sales(₹ lakh) |
2020 | 50 | 70 | 120 |
2021 | 60 | 80 | 140 |
2022 | 65 | 85 | 150 |
2023 | 70 | 90 | 160 |
(iv) Percentage Bar Diagram: A Percentage Bar Diagram is a graphical representation in statistics used to display the relative proportions of categories within a dataset. It can be a little tricky to draw a percentage bar graph as the data should be strictly in the form of percentages, if not then you have to convert the data into respective percentages. It’s ideal for comparing distributions across multiple groups while emphasizing proportional relationships.
Category | Rent (%) | Food (%) | Savings (%) |
Family A | 30 | 50 | 20 |
Family B | 40 | 40 | 20 |
(v) Horizontal Bar Diagram: A horizontal bar chart is a graph in the form of rectangular bars. It’s a data visualization technique. Bars are drawn horizontally, with their lengths proportional to the values they represent. The length of these bars is proportional to the values they represent. The bar chart title indicates which data is represented. It is commonly used for comparing quantities across different categories, offering clarity and simplicity in visualizing data trends and differences.
Country | Population (millions) |
India | 1391 |
China | 1441 |
USA | 331 |
Indonesia | 276 |
4. Answer any four of the following questions:
(a) Discuss the suggestions of Kothari Commission regarding the structure and standard of education system in India.
Ans: The principles suggested by kothari commission regarding physical education are as follows:
(i) physical education programmes should be prepared keeping in view the interest and abilities of the students.
(ii) keeping in view the economic sides, the programme of physical education should be prepared.
(iii) physical education should be provided to all.
(iv) Guidance and counselling should be given to the students keeping in view their ability and aptitude.
(v) Traditional plays, National plays and physical works should be included in the programme of physical education.
(b) Discuss the suggestions forwarded by ‘National Education Policy- 1986’ regarding Secondary Education.
Ans: The National Education Policy (NEP) 1986 emphasized strengthening secondary education to bridge elementary and higher education. It proposed introducing a common core curriculum enriched with essential life skills, values, and national integration, alongside flexibility for region-specific content. The policy stressed universal access to secondary education, reducing disparities across gender, socio-economic groups, and regions. Vocational education was encouraged to prepare students for employment. Quality improvement was a key focus, with teacher training, modern infrastructure, and the integration of technology in classrooms. The NEP 1986 also advocated reforms in examinations to promote understanding and analytical skills over rote learning. The DOE Text also suggested that measures should be taken towards universal access to computer literacy, and that a National Examination Reform Framework should be developed to serve as set of guidelines to help the Boards of Secondary Education to undertake examination reforms.
(c) What do you mean by Value Education? Discuss the need and importance of Value Education in present social circumstances.
Ans: Value education is an essential component of the educational process that aims to instill core values, ethics,and principles in individuals. It goes beyond the acquisition of academic knowledge and skills and focuses on shaping a person’s character and guiding them to make ethical and moral choices in life.
The importance of value education in present circumstances are as follows:
(i) Value education plays an important role in helping you make the right decisions in difficult situations by weighing the different influencing factors. Therefore, such training can significantly improve your decision making abilities.
(ii) The importance of values helps in overall charecter and personality development. Value training is an excellent way to improve mental and emotional strength. This allows you to realize and work through your emotions and thought processes in healthy and acceptable ways.
(iii) Through this excellent tool, you gain the skill of empathy. Empathy involves putting yourself in other people’s shoes. Empathy is a remarkable skill that can improve your overall ability to resolve conflicts and understand other opinions.
(iv) With age, the number of responsibilities you handle will significantly increase. One of the core skills taught by education is knowing how to manage all your responsibilities efficiently.
(v) Finally, the importance of value education is emphasized with the concept of democratic thinking and applying the same practically. It can shape the way you think and respond to societal influences, allowing you to be a mindful citizen of your country.
(d) What do you mean by woman empowerment ? Discuss the role of education in women empowerment.
Ans: Women empowerment refers to the activities undertaken to improve the social, economic, and political status of women in the world. The female gender has faced subjugation and systematic oppression throughout history, and the situations call for improvement in their condition in society.
Education plays a critical role in women’s Economic Empowerment. It actually takes the center stage, but for long, most women especially in the rural areas have been denied this right and have been subjected to very degrading practices and responsibilities. Education empowers girls to achieve more in their social, career, economic and family lives. To women education can mean going to class or being trained on capacity building and skills development or better yet being mentored on very essential aspects of WEE. This said, I believe denying women and girls equality and fairness not only hurts them but also hinders the rest of society.
(e) What do you mean by insightful method of learning? Discuss the educational significance of insightful method of learning.
Ans: Insight learning is being unsure of a problem but realizing the solution in an epiphany. Insight learning helps people become more aware of potential solutions for solving problems and making connections. This method emphasizes deep understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, leading to more meaningful and lasting learning experiences. It also helps to accomplish tasks and become effective problem solvers.
Insight learning is being unsure of a problem but realizing the solution in an epiphany. Insight learning helps people become more aware of potential solutions for solving problems and making connections. It also helps to accomplish tasks and become effective problem solvers.
Here are the Insightful learning has significant educational implications:
(i) Deeper Understanding: According to Collins Dictionary, deep understanding means a complete and thorough knowledge or grasp of a subject. Deeply understanding an issue means grasping the concept’s nuances and interrelationships between different elements. It promotes a holistic approach to learning, encouraging learners to grasp the underlying concepts rather than memorizing facts.
(ii) Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Problem-solving is a complex skill. It involves critical thinking, decision-making, creativity, and information processing. Many of them, like time management or adaptability, are also transferable skills. By recognizing patterns and making connections, learners develop the ability to tackle complex problems creatively and efficiently.
(iii) Transferable Skills: Insights gained through this method can be applied to various contexts, fostering adaptability and lifelong learning.
(iv) Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is a kind of thinking in which you question, analyse, interpret, evaluate and make a judgement about what you read, hear, say, or write. It encourages learners to question assumptions, analyze information, and evaluate different perspectives, fostering critical thinking skills.
(f) What is median? Compute median from the following distribution table:
Class Interval | Frequency |
80-84 | 2 |
75-79 | 4 |
70-74 | 5 |
65-69 | 7 |
60-64 | 10 |
55-59 | 12 |
50-54 | 8 |
45-49 | 5 |
40-44 | 3 |
35-39 | 2 |
30-34 | 2 |
N = 60 |
Ans: The median is the middle value of a set of numbers, where half of the data points are less than or equal to the median, It’s the point above and below which 50% of the observed data falls so it represents the midpoint of the data.

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