NIOS Class 12 Home Science Chapter 2 Ethics in Daily Life

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NIOS Class 12 Home Science Chapter 2 Ethics in Daily Life

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Ethics in Daily Life

Chapter: 2



Activity: Visit any workplace (like an office, shop, police station, etc.) and make note of four ethical and four unethical practices followed there.

Ans: I visited the grocery shop next to my house and noticed four of the following ethical practices:

Gratitude: Generosity, Sharing, Thankfulness
Humility: Modesty, Sincerity, Gentleness
Self-discipline: Determination, Will-power, Restraint, Obedience
Service: purpose Responsibility, Helpfulness.

The four unethical practices were lack of:

Integrity: Truthfulness, Honesty, Courage, Sincerity
Purity: Perfection, Simplicity, Innocence
Cause & Effect:  Restraint, Accountability, Good Intentions
Forgiveness: Compassion, Mercy, Understanding.



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Q. 1. Mention five personal qualities that contribute to good work ethics.

Ans: (a) Sincerity.

(b) honesty.

(c) truthfulness.

(d) respect for self and others.

(e) respect for time

Q. 2. Select the most appropriate answer from the choices given in order to complete the sentences:

(i) Work ethics means:

(a) morality.

(b) efficiency.

(c) competence.

(d) justice.

Ans: (a) morality

(ii) Work ethics means

(a) a set of rules and standards.

(b) a set of norms and standards.

(c) right decisions and standards.

(d) a set of rules and right decisions.

Ans: (a) a set of rules and standards.

(iii) Three components of the work situation are worker, workplace and ___________.

(a) rules.

(b) procedures.

(c) work.

(d) co-workers.

Ans: (b) procedures.

Q. 3. Separate the following as general ethics and work ethics:

(a) regularity

(b) sincerity 

(c) punctuality

(d) loyalty

(e) confidentiality

(f) self respect 

(g) respect for the environment

(h) truthfulness. 

Ans: General Ethics: 

(b) sincerity.

(f)self respect.

(g)respect for the environment.


Work Ethics: 

(a) regularity.

(c) punctuality.

(d) loyalty.

(e) confidentiality.


Tick mark the statements which are ethically not correct.

(a) Making STD calls to relatives from your office. 

(b) Bank clerk opening the counter on time.

(c) Bank clerks shunting you from counter to counter.

(d) Going to a party in the office vehicle without making an entry in the log book. 

(e) Closing the tap while brushing your teeth. 

(f) Employees working as a team.

(g) Out of turn promotions.

(h) Bribing an official to get work done.

(i) Jumping the queue. 

Ans: (a) Making STD calls to relatives from your office, 

(c) Bank clerks shunting you from counter to counter, 

(d) Going to a party in the office vehicle without making an entry in the log book,

(g) Out of turn promotions, 

(h) Bribing an official to get work done, 

(i) Jumping the queue. 


Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s).

(i) Be regular and ___________ at work.

Ans: punctual.

(ii) Be prepared to ___________ more and update yourself.  

Ans: learn.

(iii) Find more ___________ ways of doing your work. 

Ans: efficient.

(iv) Have ___________ for all kinds of work. 

Ans: respect.

(v) Be ___________ to your organisation.

Ans: loyal.

(vi) Follow a ___________ in your workplace for a better performance.

Ans: code of ethics.

(vii) Unethical and ___________ workers should be held responsible for their actions.

Ans: corrupt.

(viii) Teachings of ___________ and ethics should form a part of school and college curriculum.

Ans: moral values.


Q. 1. Why should ethics and values be taught in schools and colleges?

Ans: Ethics teaches the moral principle to prevent wronging others, to promote the good, to be respectful and to be fair. The behaviours of parents and teachers impact the children around them. Children pick up on actions and attitudes much more quickly and with a greater impact than any words could impose.

In the educational world, where teachers are personally held accountable for their students’ performance, educators are realising that ethics is not only important, it is fundamental. Students understand what it means to work hard, to have values, and to live by them perform better than those who do not. Classrooms based on values are more easily managed and are more productive than those that are not.

If teachers don’t address ethics, students fail to see its relevance and significance. Ethics must be integrated into real life, everyday experiences if it is going to be meaningful and true.

Every effective teacher knows that more classroom rules do not mean more effective discipline. Students are just too creative. They will always come up with something you couldn’t have bargained for. Besides, the do’s and don’ts fail to tell the whole story. “Because I said so” is a valid response to some of life’s issues, but should not be the foundation for one’s classroom management style. Students can successfully avoid breaking the rules while not adopting ethical behaviour. Even if they are not doing something wrong, they are not necessarily doing something right.

This way the future generation of the country will develop ethics.

Q. 2. Your brother is in the habit of making excuses for not helping others at home. How will you explain him that his habit is wrong?

Ans: My brother takes care of his own possessions. He is the youngest member of the family. Since his babyhood he was routinely excused from the daily tasks that go into maintaining a household and thus ended up “excused” from basic competence to do work. People, generally, feel good about themselves when they can accept chores gracefully as a necessary part of life, do them with skill and efficiency, and take pride in the results.

My brother works well for people who work along side with him. When he knows I will be with him he does not refuse work. Work needs to be done routinely. Kids tend to manage chores better when there is a routine. When everyone knows what needs to be done before they leave the house in the morning, what happens around dinner time, what gets done before the end of the day on Saturday, it is all much more likely to happen.

I will ask my brother what he thinks would be a fair way to deal with people like him who don’t do their share of work. Generally, when genuinely asked, kids come up with far tougher consequences than elders would. But I will bring him down to something reasonable and fair. If I find that the consequence I had set did not work, I will not get mad but call another meeting of all family members. Review how the family wants to handle the problem. Sharing work also means sharing the work of figuring out how the work will get done.

I will explain my brother that household chores help train the child’s memory, as well as concentration, self-discipline and the ability to complete a cycle of activity along with service; it is also the best way to build a healthy sense of self-worth. The boys who do household chores grow up to become happier adults, with higher-paying jobs.

I will highlight that the satisfaction that he will have in being useful, and in denying himself to help others, will be the most healthful pleasure he will ever enjoyed.

Do you remember the snow-white dwarf who sang “Whistle while you work?” Sing whistle and enjoy working.

Q. 3. What will you do if you come to know that your colleague leaks out confidential office information?

Ans: Even ethical people can lose sight of how to promote an organisation’s values effectively by falling into certain traps; putting profit before principle.

Employees are under great pressure to perform, with ever-increasing standards by which they are measured. With that pressure comes a temptation, to take the easy way out-event to cheat-to get ahead.

Work ethics demonstrate many things about a person. It is important firstly to find out if actions are produced by some external force. Then advice her that, moral actions are within our power to perform or avoid; acting rightly, involves coordinating our desires with correct thoughts about the correct goals or ends. It is OK to lose; in fact, it is preferable to lose than to lie, steal, or cheat in order to win.

Workers who fail to exhibit a good work ethic may be regarded as failing to provide fair value for the wage the employer is paying them and may not be promoted or placed in positions of greater responsibility. Misconduct occurs in the business context where the pressure to perform outweighs the need to conduct good business. Employees look to their leaders for guidance go and seek it after all supervisors and peers have a powerful influence on workplace ethics Examine your ethical climate and put safeguards in place. Talk with employees at all levels. Keep the lines of communications open and take ethical decision based on code of conduct of the company.

Our connection to our inner reality is strengthened when we align our thoughts, words and actions with truth and have the courage to act with sincerity and honesty. This is the act of letting go of our own will and honouring the working structure instead.

Q. 4. List some of the ethical habits you should develop as a student to enhance your performance.

Ans: Principles of personal ethics include: 

(i) Concern for the well-being of others.

(ii) Respect for the autonomy of others.

(iii) Trustworthiness and honesty. 

(iv) Willing compliance with the law.

(v) Basic justice; being fair.

(vi) Refusing to take unfair advantage. 

(vii) Benevolence: doing good.

(viii) Preventing harm.

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