NIOS Class 12 English Chapter 8 A Case of Suspicion

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NIOS Class 12 English Chapter 8 A Case of Suspicion

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A Case of Suspicion

Chapter: 8



Intext Question 8.1

1. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or False (F):

(a) The doctor in the story was an elderly man.

Ans: F.

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(b) His father had been a country doctor too.

Ans: T.

(c) The doctor liked late night calls. 

Ans: F. 

(d) The doctor carried two bags on his visits. 

Ans: T.

(e) Mrs. Ott Sorley was having her first baby. 

Ans: F.

2. Answer the following questions briefly:

(a) At what time did Doctor Benson receive the call?  

Ans: Dr. Benson received the call at 2 n m. It was the cold month of November.

(b) Who did he visit? Why? 

Ans: He visited Mrs. Sorley, She was going to deliver a child.

(c) What did the doctor carry in his bags?

Ans: Dr. Benson carried two bags. In one bag, he carried instruments. The other bag contained medicines.

(d) Did the doctor receive prompt payment ? How do you know? 

Ans: No, the doctor did not receive prompt payment. Mr. Sorley was a late paymaster. He was always 2 or 3 babies behind in payment of his baby bills.

Intext Question 8.2

1. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):  

(a) A man asked the doctor for a lift in his car.

Ans: T.

(b) The man was crying because he badly wanted a cigarette. 

Ans: F.

(c) Evans was now working as a mechanic in an automobile plant.

Ans: T.

(d) The doctor offered him two cigarettes.

Ans: F.

(e) Evans had been an ambulance driver in the army.

Ans: T. 

2. Answer the following questions briefly:

(a) Why did the doctor invite the man in?

Ans: Dr. Benson was going to attend the call of Mrs. Sorley, She was about to deliver a child. It was a long drive. The night was cold. The road was deserted. The doctor felt lonely. He wanted somebody to talk. He saw a man on the road. He invited the stranger inside the car. The man agreed. Dr. Benson was happy to have someone for company.

(b) How many cigarettes did the man take? Did the doctor like it? How do you know?

Ans: The man took two cigarettes. The doctor did not like it. His feeling, a little irritated, shows this fact. The man asked for second cigarette for his later use. The doctor did not reply the second time. It shows that the doctor did not like it. 

(c) What irritated the doctor about the man?

Ans: The doctor felt irritated. The following facts prove it. 

1. The man took cigarettes without permission.

2. He touched the doctor’s pocket as a stranger should not do so. It shows the man did not know manners. 

(d) Who was Evans? Where was he going?

Ans: Evans was an ex-army personnel. He was an ambulance driver. After that, he drove. trucks. He lost this job a month back.

Evans met Dr. Benson on a road. He was going to Detroit for a job. Evans was not a cultured person. He demanded two cigarettes from an unknown person. But he was a good man. Three nurses presented him a watch for saving their lives.

(e) Pick out two expressions from the passage that show the doctor was suspicious of Evans?

Ans: The following expression show that Dr. Benson was suspicious of Evans: 

(i) “Small, cat-like face” of Evans:

(ii) “The long deep scar on the man’s cheek… of recent origin

(f) Why did the doctor reach for his watch? 

Ans: The doctor reached for his watch. He wanted to see the time. He was worried about the patient. It was a long journey. The weather was not good. He was to help Mrs. Sorley. She was going to deliver a child. The doctor was anxious. He wanted to reach before time. 

(g) Did the doctor find his watch? What do you think what he thought? Did his suspicion fall on Evans? 

Ans: No, the doctor did not find his watch. He thought that Evans had stolen his watch. He asked Evans to return his watch at pistol point. It was too much. The doctor should not have used force. The watch given by Evans did not belong to the doctor. He might have forgotten it at his home. It was a false suspicion.

Intext Question 8.3

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. Why did the doctor reach for pistol? What did he do with it?

The doctor reached for his pistol at Evans He thought that Evans had stolen his watch. He did so to threaten Evans. The stranger was obliged to part with his watch. After that Benson pushed Evans out of his car. 

2. What was Evan’s reaction? What did he do?

Ans: Evans was utterly surprised. He had no escape. Therefore, he gave his own watch to Dr. Benson.

3. Why did the doctor turn Evans out of his car?

Ans: Dr. Benson did not find his watch. He thought that Evans had stolen it. He obtained Evan’s watch by force. Then he forced him out of the car.

4. Where was the Sorley farm? Who helped him to reach it? 

Ans: Sorley farm was situated at the hills. Sorley’s son helped the doctor to reach there. He had a lantern in his hand. He helped the doctor to cross the bridge.

5. Did the doctor have any difficulty with his patient? How do you know? 

Ans: No, the doctor had no difficulty with his patient. It is clear from the following words: “There was no need for the instruments in the long bag.

6. How do you know that the doctor was relaxed after the baby was born? 

Ans: The doctor was relaxed after the baby was born. It is clear from the following words: “After it was all over. Doctor Benson took out a cigarette and sat down to smoke”.

Intext Question 8.4

1. Refer to the words in the passage that show Doctor Benson felt he was justified in turning Evans out. 

Ans: The following words in the passage show that doctor Benson fic he was justified in turning Evans out:

” ………….. feeling a little proud”. 

2. Why was Ms. Sorley happy that Doctor Benson got back his watch?  

Ans: Sorley was happy that Doctor Benson got his watch. It will enable her to know birth time of her baby.

3. How did the doctor realise that he was not looking at his own watch? 

Ans: Doctor Benson realised that he was not looking at his own watch for the reasons given below:

(i) The crystal of the watch was broken. 

(ii) Its top was broken.

(iii) It had an inscription. It was worn out. 

4. What information did the inscription give about Evans?

Ans: The inscription gave the following information about Evans:

(i) Evans spoke the truth.

(ii) He was an ambulance driver.

(iii) He served during the war.

(iv) Evans had saved three lives.

(v) The nurses presented him the watch. 

(vi) He was a brave soldier and not a thief.

Overall Questions

1. (i) Do you think the title of the passage is appropriate? 

Ans: No, it is not.

(ii) Who is suspicious? Of whom?

Ans: Doctor Benson suspects Evans.

(iii) Was it justified?

Ans: No, it was not.

2. (i) What was the doctor’s impression about Evans? 

Ans: Doctor Benson doubted Evan’s integrity. He thought that Evans was a bad character. 

(ii) How did the doctor realise his mistake?

Ans: The doctor read the inscription on the watch of Evans. It showed that the watch did not belong to him. Doctor Benson knew that the stranger had spoken the truth. He felt sorry for his behaviour.

3. (i) Would you call doctor Benson a kind and gentle doctor?  

Ans: Yes, Doctor Benson was a kind and gentleman. He gave lift to a stranger at odd hours. Then he felt sorry to know his mistake. Only a kind and gentle person has such feelings.

(ii) Would Evans think of him in the same way? If not, why?

Ans: No, Evans would not think him to be a gentle man. Dr. Benson had robbed his watch at pistol point. Then he pushed him out of his car. It shows that Doctor Benson was cruel with him.

4. Dr. Benson was prejudiced against Evan’s because of his shabby appearance, uncouth manners, the scar on his face and irritating behaviour. Therefore, when be lost his watch, he immediately suspected Evans of having stolen it.

When we are unable to find something in our own house should we:

(a) blame ourselves?

(b) blame others?

(c) calmly try to locate it? 

(d) Select an alternative and justify it?

Ans: We should calmly try to locate it as the thing is at home only, and it won’t go anywhere. We or someone must have forgot it after keeping somewhere. It won’t disturb anyone and will help us to find the thing easily.

Vocabulary Enrichment

Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the phrasal verbs given in the box. 

put back, put on, put up, put off, put by

1. Every wise person _____  a little money for a rainy day.

Ans: put by.

2. Please _____ the fire after you have cooked rice.

Ans: put out.

3. The meeting was _____ as the chairman was not well.

Ans: put off.

4. Please ______ the dictionary on the top shelf after you have looked up the meaning of the words.

Ans: put back.

5. ____  your carding as it is cold.

Ans: put on.

6. The team ____  a great performance.

Ans: put up. 

Reference Skills:

Consult your dictionary and

(i) complete these idiomatic expressions. 

(ii) Use their correct forms in the sentences below:

Have a finger in every ____.

Ans: pie.

Put our heads _____. 

Ans: together.

Have all the facts on his _____.

Ans: part.

Put her foot _____.

Ans: in.

Make head or ______.

Ans: tail.

1. Our questions were quickly answered as the travel agent.

Ans: had all the facts on his part.

2. I can’t _____ of this strange message.

Ans: make head or tail.

3. Ravi knows a little about all the six different projects. Let’s ask him about your project as he _____ .

Ans: has a finger in every pie.

4. Let’s ____ and see if we can decipher this message in code.

Ans: puts our head together.

5. The principal ____ clerk that he wasn’t going to grant him any more leave.

Ans: put her foot in.

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