NIOS Class 12 English Chapter 3 Reading With Understanding -1

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NIOS Class 12 English Chapter 3 Reading With Understanding -1

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Reading With Understanding -1

Chapter: 3



Intext Question 3.1

1. Choose and tick the correct answer: 

(a) Did the couple look after the saplings because:

(i) they earned money from it? 

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(ii) it gave them happiness and satisfaction?

(iii) it would get them an award? 

Ans: (ii) It gave them happiness and satisfaction.

(b) The tree provided:

(i) employment to some people 

(ii) food for the animals

(iii) shade along the 3 km stretch of road.

Ans: (iii) Shade along the 3 km stretch of road.

2. Select the correct information from the box and write it in the blanks:


(i) Trees were planted along a ____ stretch of road.

Ans: Trees were planted along a 3 Km stretch of road.

(ii) The trees were planted in the _____.

Ans: The trees were planted in the 1950s.

(iii) Thimmakka planted ______ saplings.

Ans: Thimmakka planted 300 saplings.

(iv) They looked after the trees for _____ years.

Ans: They looked after the trees for 10 years.

(v) ______ trees grew along the National Highway. 

Ans:  284 trees grew along the National Highway.

(vi) The approximate cost of the trees are _____ crores.

Ans: The approximate cost of the trees are 8.5 crores.

3. Answer the following questions: 

(a) Why did Thimmakka receive the National Citizen Award?

Ans: Thimmakka received the National Citizen Award for social forestry. She planted 284 Banyan trees along the National Highway and looked after them for 10 years.

(b) What made Thimmakka and her husband decide to plant banyan trees along the highway?

Ans: Thimmakka and her husband were childless couple. They had to listen to the jibes of the neighbourers for being childless. They wanted to have children, but they thought little differently and decided to plant banyan trees and rear them as their children.

(c) What did Thimmakka do to ensure the safety of the plants?

Ans: Thimmakka put some thorny bushes around the plants to ensure their safety.

4. Complete the sentences:

(a) To take good care of the saplings after ensuring their safety Thimmakka had to:

(i) _____

(ii) _____

(iii) _____

Ans: To take good care of the saplings after ensuring their safety Thimmakka had to: 

(i) Water them regularly.

(ii) Poke at their roots during rainy season. 

(iii) Attend to them regularly before the break of the dawn.

(b) Thimmakka’s banyan trees have benefited the environment by:

(i) _____

(ii) _____

(iii) _____

Ans: Thimmakka’s banyan trees have benefited the environment by: 

(i) Forming a 3 km. long canopy along the highway.

(ii) Providing nests to the birds. 

(iii) Preventing soil erosion.

5. Find a word in the passage which means ‘a cover.

Ans: A cover = a canopy.

6. Thimmakka was a poor woman who found time to plant trees on the highway and look after them as if they were her own children thereby making her life purposeful and rendering service to the community and to the environment in general.

(i) How would you, as a young person, make your life purposeful?

You could:

(a) encourage rain water harvesting in your neighbourhood.

(b) clean the area around your house.

(c) create awareness about the dangers of the Mars. allowing water to stagnate.

Ans: (a) encourage rain-water harvesting in your neighbourhood.

(ii) Organise a team of five to ten young

people like you to plan and implement one of the above.

Hint: Do yourself.

Intext Question 3.2

1. Tick the correct answers: 

(i) The scientists are looking for:

(a) new species of life. 

(b) life in other parts of the universe.

(c) Mars.

Ans: (b) life in other parts of the universe.

(ii) The size of Mars is: 

(a) about half of earth.

(b) half the diameter of earth. 

(c) half the diameter of sun.

Ans: (b) half the diameter of the earth. 

(iii) The changes in the colour of the surface of Mars may be due to the: 

(a) canals

(b) changes in the season, 

(c) changes in the vegetation due to the changes in the seasons.

Ans: (c) Changes in the vegetation due to the changes in the seasons.

(iv) Giovanni, the Italian astronomer found.

(a) Mars

(b) rivers on Mars

(c) markings on Mars resembling canals.

Ans: (c) Markings on Mars resembling canals.

2. Answer the following questions:

(i) What is the similarity between Mars and the Earth? List them.

Ans: (a) The length of the day on the Mars and that of on the earth are the same.

(b) There are seasons on the Mars as they are on the earth.

(c) Water vapours is found to be present on the Mars.

(ii) Why do astronomers think there may be life on the Mars?

Ans: Astronomers think so, because some life sustaining conditions like water vapours, seasons and similar duration of day on the Mars as that on  are found on the Mars.

(iii) List two reasons why the scientists selected Mars.

Ans: (a) Scientists selected Mars, because it is like a twin of the earth and it is next to the earth in relation to the distance from the sun. 

(b) Certain life sustaining conditions are found to exist on the Mars.

3. Complete the following sentences: 

(i) Two American Viking probes landed on Mars in _____.

Ans: Two American Viking probes landed on Mars in 1976.

(ii) They looked for _____ in the surrounding soil and ______.

Ans: They looked for Signs of life in the surrounding soil and radioed their result back to earth.

(iii) The two things that they found were:

(a) ______

(b) _____

Ans: There were germs in the soil of the Mars, and Soil of Mars was different from that on Earth.

Short Answer Type Questions


1. Who is Thimmakka? 

Ans: Thimmakka is a childless woman, who planted 300 banyan trees and reared them as her children. She was awarded National Citizen Award for this by the Prime Minister of India. 

2. Where do Thimmakka and her husband live?

Ans: Thimmakka and her husband Bikkalu Chikkaiah live in a village called Hulikal in the state of Karnataka.

3. Which mental torture had the couple to undergo? 

Ans: Thimmakka and her husband did not have any child. They were childless even after many years of their marriage. Their neighbours directed cruel jibes at their state and it tortured the couple mentally.

4. What did the couple decided to do? 

Ans: Thimmakka and her husband decided to adopt children who can fill up the void in their lives and give them the sense of satisfaction and pride.

5. Whom did the childless couple decided to adopt as their children?

Ans: The childless couple decided to adopt  some banyan trees as their children. They sowed 300 saplings of banyan tree and reared them as their own children.

6. How did Thimmakka look after the trees?

Ans: Thimmakka worked as a labourer. She had little time to spare. But she still worked hard to look after her trees. She woke up early in the morning, brought water from distant place and water the plants.

7. Why was it hard for Thimmakka to take care of plants?

Ans: Thimmakka’s husband was a disabled man. She had to earn alone and had to look after the plants alone. She had to bring water from far off place and found it hard to take care of plants.

8. How did Thimmakka’s children  responded to her hard work?

Ans: The Thimmakka’s children i.e. banyan trees responded to her hard work wonderfully and grew up soon into the big trees. They spread along a stretch of 3 kilometer in the form of a canopy and provided shade.

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