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NIOS Class 12 English Chapter 25 Bholi
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Chapter: 25
Intext Question 25.1
A. Q. 1. What incident made Bholi a backward child?
Ans: When Bholi was only ten months old, she fell off the cot on her head. This damaged some part of her brain and she became a mentally retarded child.
Q. 2. At what age Bholi have an attack of small-pox? What was its effect on her looks?
Ans: At the age of two years, Bholi was attacked by small-pox. It left its pox-marks on her face and she started looking ugly.
Q. 3. Why did Bholi talk very little? Give two reasons.
Ans: Bholi could not speak clearly. She used to stammer. Other children used to make fun of ber. So she spoke very little.
Q. 4. What kind of farmer Ramlal was? What was his worry about Bholi?
Ans: Ramlal was a rich and prosperous farmer. He was worried about Bholi’s marriage.
Q. 5. Why did Tehsildar ask Ramlal to send his daughters to school? Give two reasons?
Ans: Firstly new primary school for girls was opened in the village and secondly, Tehsildar told Ramlal that he was a government representative in the village. So he should send his daughters to school, so that he could set an example for others.
Q. 6. Why Ramlal’s wife disagree when he consulted her for sending Bholi to school?
Ans: Ramlal’s wife disagreed to send girls to school because nobody will marry her daughters if they would go to school.
Q. 7. How finally Ramlal’s wife agreed to send Bholi to School?
Ans: Ramlal’s wife agreed to send to Bholi to school, because she knew that it was already difficult for Bholi to get married due to her ugly looks.
Q. 8. Why Bholi felt frightened at the idea of being taken to school? Give two reasons.
Ans: Bholi was frightened at the idea of going to school because, she did not have any idea how school was and second she had seen her cow being turned out of house to be sold.
Q. 9. New clothes had never been made for Bholi. The old dresses of her sisters were passed on to her. What light does this statement reflect about her parents behaviour.
Ans: Bholi’s parents did not love her as they loved their other children. Her needs were not fulfilled and she was totally neglected in the family
B. Activity
You noticed your younger brother mimicking his friend (who limps) and making fun of him. Write a paragraph in about 100 words to make him understand that it was not desirable. You may use the following clues:
– it can happen to any body.
– he cant help it.
– it will hurt him emotionally and move his self confidence.
Ans: Raghu, you should not make fun of your friend. If he limps, it is not his fault. He cannot help it. He may also want to walk and run like normal people. But he cannot. Can you imagine how he feels when you people mimick him. I can see pain in his eyes, when you tease him. This can happen to anyone, so one should not feel superior to any handicapped people. They have many superior features than we have. Thus I hope you will understand what I am trying to tell us and don’t hurt your friend emotionally. This can shake his self-confidence and make him handicapped emotionally too. I hope you will become his strength and encourage him in future.
C. Inferential Questions
Q. 1. Pickup the relevant facts from the unit which suggest that the society was against girls education.
Ans: Bholi’s mother did not want to send her daughters to school, because that would create difficulty in getting them married.
Q. 2. Pickup two examples from the unit that suggest discriminatory behaviour of Bholi’s parents.
Ans: Bholi’s parents never got her new clothes.
She was sent to school instead of other sisters because she was not expected to get married as she was ugly.
Q. 3. Going to school was turning point in Bholi’s life. Elaborate the statement with examples from the story.
Ans: Going to school proved to be the turning point in Bholi’s life, because it created self-respect and self-confidence in her. She took her own firm decision not to marry the lame-old man.
Intext Question 25.2
A. Complete the following sentences:
1. Bholi was taken to school by her father because_____.
Ans: He had to obey Tehsildar and set an example for the village.
2. Bholi was_____ when she reached school and saw so many girls of her age.
Ans: glad.
3. Bholi liked ____ pictures on the wall.
Ans: colourful.
4. The teacher, in the class, asked Bholi____.
Ans: to tell her name.
5. Bholi stammered and____ when the teacher talked to her.
Ans: latter told her name.
6. The teacher’s_____ address touched Bholi’s heart.
Ans: soft and soothing.
7. She felt relaxed and relieved because____.
Ans: she could tell her name to her teacher.
8. Bholi could stammer her full name later because_____.
Ans: the teacher encouraged her.
9. Bholi was no longer scared of the teacher or any body else in the class because____.
Ans: she found teacher generous and sympathetic.
10. Bholi was assured by the teacher that soon in a month’s time she would be able to (i)_____ and (ii)____.
Ans: (i) read the book and (ii) would get bigger books to read.
11. Bholi felt (i) ____ at these assurances of the teacher and she became hopefully of (ii) _____.
Ans: (i) relieved (ii) a new life.
(B) Find words from the passage which have similar meanings.
(i) sit on one’s heels with knees bent up.
Ans: squat.
(ii) frightened
Ans: fear-laden.
(iii) attracted
Ans: fascinated.
(iv) paid attention
Ans: noticed.
(v) examine closely
Ans: look at.
(C) Here is a table of cause and effect of certain actions and events match them:
Cause | Effect |
1. Bholi was nervous. | (A) Bholi kept looking at the pictures in the classroom. |
2. The teacher assured Bholi that she would get respect from all and she would be the most learned person. | (B) Bholi was sweating all over her body. |
3. The teacher patted Bholi affectionately. | (C) Bholi became hopeful of a better tomorrow. |
4. Bholi couldn’t understand what the teacher taught. | (D) the class girls were laughing at her. |
5. The headmistress had asked her to sit there in the corner. | (E) Bholi could overcome her nervousness soon. |
6. There were many girls of Bhol’s age in the class. | (F) Bholi hoped she would make friend with any one of the girls. |
7. The teacher asked Bholi to getup in a suggested manner. | (G) Bholi sat in a corner of the class. |
8. She feared her stammering tongue would betray and disgrace her again. | (H) Bholi had no fear of being laughed at. |
9. The teacher was very encouraging and spoke in soothing words. | (I) Bholi had no fear of being laughed at. |
10. The teacher affectionately patted her. | (J) Bholi left the corner where she sat for a long time. |
11. The teacher assured better treatment from people of the village. | (K) Bholi felt cheered up the confident. |
Cause | Effect |
1. Bholi was nervous. | (D) the class girls were laughing at her. |
2. The teacher assured Bholi that she would get respect from all and she would be the most learned person. | (H) Bholi had no fear of being laughed at. |
3. The teacher patted Bholi affectionately. | (K) Bholi felt cheered up the confident. |
4. Bholi couldn’t understand what the teacher taught. | (A) Bholi kept looking at the pictures in the classroom. |
5. The headmistress had asked her to sit there in the corner. | (G) Bholi sat in a corner of the class. |
6. There were many girls of Bhol’s age in the class. | (F) Bholi hoped she would make friend with any one of the girls. |
7. The teacher asked Bholi to getup in a suggested manner. | (J) Bholi left the corner where she sat for a long time. |
8. She feared her stammering tongue would betray and disgrace her again. | (B) Bholi was sweating all over her body. |
9. The teacher was very encouraging and spoke in soothing words. | (E) Bholi could overcome her nervousness soon. |
10. The teacher affectionately patted her. | (I) Bholi had no fear of being laughed at. |
11. The teacher assured better treatment from people of the village. | (C) Bholi became hopeful of a better tomorrow. |
Intext Question 25.3
Q. 1. whether the statements given below are True (T) or False (F):
(a) The village did not change at all.
Ans: F.
(b) Ramlal’s wife was in a hurry to marry off Bholi to anyone.
Ans: T.
(c) Ramlal was reluctant to get Bholi married to Bishamber.
Ans: T.
(d) On seeing the grand wedding Bholi’s sister envied Bholi’s luck.
Ans: T.
(e) Bholi’s father readily gave Rs. 5,000 to the bridegroom.
Ans: F.
(f) In the end the dumb cow Bholi had gathered enough courage to face any difficulty.
Ans: T.
Q. 2. Tick the right choice. Bishma Ber had asked for Rs. 5,000/- because:
(a) he did not want marry Bholi.
(b) he wanted to humiliate Bholi..
(c) he had gambled and won.
(d) he urgently needed some money.
Ans: (c) he had gambled and won.
Q. 3. Tick the right answer. Bholi’s decision not to marry Bishamber showed that she was now:
(a) shameless and ill-mannered.
(b) bold and confident.
(c) a dumb and harmless cow.
(d) sharp and rude.
Ans: (b) bold and confident.
Q. 4. What changes came over the village in a few years?
Ans: A lot of changes came in the village in a few years. A cinema hall was started, a new ginning mill was established, mail train started to stop at the village station and above all a high school was opened in the village.
Q. 5. How was Bishamber a well-to-do bridegroom?
Ans: Bishamber was a rich grocer. He had a big shop, a house of his own, and thousands of rupees in bank.
Q. 6. Why did Bholi’s mother not consult Bholi for her marriage?
Ans: Bholi’s mother considered her as a senseless and dumb-cow. She never expected her to take any decision, she did not find it necessary to consult Bholi for her marriage.
Q. 7. What condition did Bishamber lay down to marry Bholi and why?
Ans: When Bishamber saw Bholi’s pock marked ugly face, he put a condition to marry her. He demanded Rs. 5000/- for marrying her
Q. 8. Why did Bholi refuse to marry Bishamber?
Ans: Bholi refused to marry Bishamber because the old lame man was mean, greedy and contemptible.
Q. 9. There was a light of deep satisfaction in teacher’s eyes. Why?
Ans: The teacher was satisfied because the education she has imparted to Bholi has made her a confident and bold girl.
Q. 10. Find words from the passage which mean the same as under:
(a) of good omen
(b) jealous
(c) victorious
(d) despicable
(e) to consider
(a) auspicious
(b) envious
(c) triumphant
(d) contemptible
(e) contemplate.
Q. 11. Given below are the events in jumbled form. Rewrite them in order as they occur in story.
(a) Bishamber refused to marry Bholi and demanded money.
Ans: (g).
(b) the marriage was a show of great pomp and splendour.
Ans: (e).
(c) The teacher felt a deep satisfaction on seeing Bholi as a bold and confident girl.
Ans: (b).
(d) The bandsmen got confused and struck up a closing song.
Ans: (a).
(e) Bishamber was considered a well to do bridegroom for Bholi by her parents.
Ans: (f).
(f) Bholi confidently told her father to take back the money and refused to marry Bishamber.
Ans: (h).
(g) A great transformation had taken over the village.
Ans: (d).
(h) The guests called Bholi shameless and a disgrace to the family.
Ans: (c).
Describing words: Adjectives Read the describing words given below:
(a) small town.
(b) well-to-do bridegroom
(c) big shop
(d) dumb cow
(e) decorated house
Noticed that all the above words describe the underlined words. They tell us something more about them. So, these words are called describing words or adjectives.
Lets read some more examples of describing words from the the lesson ‘Bholi’.
(a) grand wedding
(b) suspicious moment
(c) red silken bridal dress
(d) sacred fire
(e) greedy face
1. List out some more describing words from unit III:
– triumphant smile ― contemptible
– Steady ― clear loud voice calm.
– coward ― calm.
– greedy ― dumb
– harmless ― confused
2. Complete the passage given below with adjectives given in box:
Perfect, happy, pleasant, luxury, enjoyable, cloudy, content, green, clear, nearby, quiet, delicious |
It was a ___ and ___ day. A day to go out for a picnic. We decided to book a ___ bus and go to the ___ lake. The lake was full of ____ water and the ___ meadows were an added attraction. Many picnickers had surrounded the place but we managed to get a ___ place near the trees. The ___ food was a pleasure to eat. We returned ___ and ___ after an ___ picnic.
It was a Pleasant and cloudy day. A day to go out for a picnic. We decided to book a perfect bus and go to the luxury lake. The lake was full of nearby water and the clear meadows were an added attraction. Many picnickers had surrounded the place but we managed to get a green place near the trees. The quiet food was a pleasure to eat. We returned delicious and happy after an content picnic enjoyable.
3. Word Formation:
Look at the table given below. The words appear in the 1st and 2nd unit of their lesson ‘Bholi’. Notice the word transformation. Some words (nouns) have been transformed to verbs and some to adjectives.
Noun | Verb | Adjectives |
intelligence | intelligent | |
ceremony | ceremonial,ceremonious | |
consultation | consult | |
courage | courageous | |
fascination | fascinate | |
suggestion | sugeste | |
achievement | Achieve | |
encouragement | encourage | |
affection | affectionate | |
astonishment | astonish |
4. Transform the nouns given below in verbs and vice-versa:
Nouns | Verbs |
(a) Conversation | ________ |
(b) _______ | humiliate |
(c) Consideration | _________ |
(d) _____ | announce |
(e) Satisfaction | ________ |
(f) ______ | contemplate |
(g) Completion | ________ |
Nouns | Verbs |
(a) Conversation | Converse |
(b) humiliation | humiliate |
(c) Consideration | consider |
(d) announcement | announce |
(e) Satisfaction | satisfy |
(f) contemplation | contemplate |
(g) Completion | complete |
Overall Questions
Q. 1. Bholi’s meeting with her teacher was a turning point in her life. From then on there was no looking back. She bloomed into a thinking individual with self-esteem and decision-making skills. Illustrate this with examples from the story.
Ans: (i) Bholi never heard such soft and soothing voice.
(ii) Teacher gave her love and affection.
(iii) She taught Bholi to read and write.
(iv) This made Bholi self-reliant and confident.
Q. 2. Society is by and large insensitive to a person who does not fit into its concept or ‘normal’. Illustrate this with reference to Bholi’s situation.
Ans: Our society does not accept any person with any physical in capability Bholi is a live example of this. Her own mother dejected and ignored her. She called her senseless, fool, dumb- cow, etc. People laughed at her and mimicked her, when she stammered.
Q. 3. Do you think Bholi would have had a better childhood if her parents had been suitably advised or counselled? Discuss, mentioning her parents attitude and general treatment given to her.
Ans: If Bholi’s mother and father had been counselled rightly, she would definitely had a better childhood.
Vocabulary Enrichment
Q. 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in the brackets:
Bholi suffered ____ (disfigure, disfigurement) following about of small pox. As a results she became withdrawn and spoke very seldom. When she did speak it was with a ___ (stammer, stammering) and children mimicked her. This ___ (mimic, mimicking) and ___ (humiliate, humiliation) prevented her ____ (grow, growth).
Then she met her teacher who treated Bholi with ___ (understand, understanding) and spoke to her as to an ___ (intelligence,intelligent) person. She provided her with a book to read and a lot of ___ (encourage, encouragement). As a result she lost her fear and blossomed into a self-confident girl. This was her ___ (triumph, triumphant) over her short coming.
Ans: Bholi suffered disfigurement following about of small pox. As a results she became withdrawn and spoke very seldom. When she did speak it was with a stammer and children mimicked her. This mimicking and humiliation prevented her growth.
Then she met her teacher who treated Bholi with understanding and spoke to her as to an intelligent person. She provided her with a book to read and a lot of encouragement. As a result she lost her fear and blossomed into a self-confident girl. This was her triumph over her short coming.
Q. 2. Read the following sentences and complete them using the correct form of the words given below:
disgrace, terror, disobey, respect, place, suggest, consider, contempt, achieve, satisfy |
(i) Making fun of others and calling their names is ___ to behaviour. We must learn to___ the individuality of persons and treat no one in a ____ manner.
Ans: disgraceful, respect, contemptuous.
(ii) Hard work and perseverance can help anyone to earn a ____ in society.
Ans: respectable, place.
(iii) ____ is looked upon as a serious offence in the army. No ____ is shown towards a rule-breaker.
Ans: disobedience, consideration.
(iv) I was ____ of the dark. My friend ____ that I should overcome my fear by practising stepping into a familiar dark ___ to begin with. I think his ____ has helped me in controlling this ____of the dark that I had.
Ans: terrified, suggest, place, suggestion, terror.
(v) As I look back at my ___ with ____ I remember my teacher who showed me the right direction.
Ans: achievements, satisfaction.

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