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NCERT Class 11 History Chapter 1 From The Beginning of Time
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From The Beginning of Time
Chapter: 1
Answer in brief:
Q. 1. Look at the diagram showing the positive feedback mechanism on page 13.Can you list the input that went into tool making ? What were the processes that were strengthened by tool making?
Ans. By carefully analysing the feedback mechanism in diagram we can conclude:
(i) Increase in the size and capacity of the brain.
(ii) Upright walking.
(iii) Hand freed for using tools and carrying infants objects.
(iv) Visual surveillance.
(v) Long distance walking while foragins and hunting.
Q. 2. Humans and mammals such as monkeys and apes have certain similarities in behaviour and anatomy. This indicates that humans possibly evolved from apes. List these resemblances in two columns under the headings of?
(a) Behaviour. and
(b) anatomy.
Are there any differences that you think are noteworthy?
Ans. (a)
Similarities (Resemblances) in behaviour of humans and mammals such as monkeys and apes | Differences in behaviour of humans and mammals such as monkeys and apes. |
(i) Both can climb on trees. | (i) Human walk on their feet while monkeys and apes walk on four feet. |
(ii) Both give birth to their young ones (babies). | (ii) Human are efficient to use available technology while apes and monkeys do not know it. |
(iii) Both can run and walk. | (iii) Humans being earn money for their families but monkeys and apes do not perform economic activities. |
(iv) Mothers have breast-feeding. | (iv) Human walk upright while monkeys and apes cannot walk upright. |
Similarities (Resemblance) in Anatomy. | Differences between Anatomy. |
(i) Both are vertebrates and are quadrupedes. | (i) Human beings have large body as compared to apes and monkeys. |
(ii) Females have breasts to feed their babies. | (ii) Monkeys and apes have tail while human beings have no tail. |
Q. 3. Discuss the arguments advanced in favour of the regional continuity model of human origins. Do you think it provides a convincing explanation of the archaeological evidence? Give reasons for your answer?
Ans. The regional continuity model of human is based on the original difference in the characteristics of present human organs. These differences or dissimilarities occurs due to the presence of some Homo-heidelbergensis and Homoerectus generation in some region of the present world.
No, it does not provide a convincing explanation because other explanation i.e., Complete replacement model visulise replacement everywhere all over the region where modern human beings are living.
Q. 4. Which of the following do you think is best documented in the archaeological record?
(a) Gathering.
(b) Tool making.
(c) The archaeological records.
Ans. (b) Tool making is the best document in archaeological records.
Q. 5. Discuss the extent to which?
(a) Hunting.
Ans. The use of language facilitated hunting activity of human in following ways:
(i) People now could organise and manage hunting expedition.
(ii) They can exchange ideas about the region where specific animals were found.
(iii) They could now discuss about the nature and behaviour of animals.
(iv) They could also discuss how to consume the meat of animals.
(v) They can also discuss the nature of tools used in hunting.
(b) Construction shelters would have been facilitated by the use of language. What other model of communication could have been used for these activities?
Ans. Language Played an important role in the construction of shelter for early humans in following ways:
(i) People could now discuss about secure places for construction of their shelter.
(ii) People became eligible to get knowledge about the material used for construction in their huts/shelters.
(iii) They could also now get information about the resources available in and around their surroundings.
(iv) They could also discuss the means to protect their shelter from severe condition.
Signs, symbols,oral voice shouting,cave paintings,engraving on the walls and ceiling on the caves are the other useful modes of communication used for these activities.
Q. 6. Choose any two developments each from Timelines 1 and 2 at the end of the chapter and indirect why do you think these are significant?
Ans. First developments in Timeline-I (MYA): It is an anatomical and physiological change that could take place after a longer interval of 12 mya. The monkey (hominoid) in Africa could become the African ape (hominoid) our first ancestor.
The second important development: It took place due to the tropical climate formed and Australopithecus turned into the genes Homo. It took time about 3 millions (i.e.,5.6-2mys).
Development in Timeline -II:
(i) The first development related to vocal chord in human anatomy far back in 2 lakh years ago. It greatly helped in the development of skill and experience in doing things easier than the period, humans had not vocal chord.
(ii) The second important development that could be constructed the period of 21 thousand years ago when sewing needle brought revolution in the fields of growing cotton,jute,silk etc., fiber crops, weaving spinning etc.

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