Class 9 Social Science MCQ Chapter 9 Geography of Assam, Class 9 Social Science MCQ Question Answer, Class 9 Social Science Multiple Choice Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SCERT Social Science Class 9 Objective Types Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 9 Social Science MCQ Chapter 9 Geography of Assam can be of great value to excel in the examination.
SCERT Class 9 Social Science MCQ Chapter 9 Geography of Assam
SCERT Class 9 Social Science MCQ Chapter 9 Geography of Assam Notes covers all the exercise questions in SCERT Science Textbooks. The NCERT Class 9 Social Science MCQ Chapter 9 Geography of Assam provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
Geography of Assam
Chapter – 9
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
1. What is the land area of Assam?
(a) 78,438 sq. km.
(b) 78,548
(c) 78,628 sq. km.
(d) 78,448 sq. km.
Ans: (a) 78,438 sq. km.
2. Which city is the gateway to the north east region?
(a) Silchar.
(b) Guwahati.
(c) Nalbari.
(d) Tezpur.
Ans: (b) Guwahati.
3. In to how many physiographic divisions can Assam be divided?
(a) 2.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
(d) 5.
Ans: (c) 4.
4. Which is the main physiographic division of Assam?
(a) Brahmaputra valley.
(b) Barak valley.
(c) Karbi Plateau.
(d) Barail Range and Southern Hills.
Ans: (a) Brahmaputra valley.
5. How long is the Brahmaputra in Assam?
(a) 630 km.
(b) 640 km.
(c) 710 km.
(d) 720 km.
Ans: (b) 640 km.
6. Which is the biggest riverine island in the world?
(a) Andaman.
(b) Lakhwadeep.
(c) Majuli.
(d) Umananda.
Ans: (c) Majuli.
7. Through which district does the Barak flow?
(a) Goalpara.
(b) Dhubri.
(c) Darrang.
(d) Cachar.
Ans: (d) Cachar.
8. How long is the Barak?
(a) 200 km.
(b) 220 km.
(c) 225 km.
(d) 230 km.
Ans: (c) 225 km.
9. On which river’s bank is the Karbi plateau situated?
(a) Kalong.
(b) Brahmaputra.
(c) Kapili.
(d) Dhansiri.
Ans: (c) Kapili.
10. Under which climatic division does Assam fall?
(a) monsoon.
(b) tropical.
(c) Subtropical.
(d) subtropical monsoon.
Ans: (d) subtropical monsoon.
11. What causes rainfall in summer in Assam?
(a) North cast monsoon.
(b) tropical wind.
(c) Southwest monsoon.
(d) trade wind.
Ans: (c) South west monsoon.
12. What is the average temperature in winter in Assam?
(a) 10⁰℃.
(b) 9°C.
(c) 8°C.
(d) 7°C.
Ans: (d) 7°C.
13. On the average Assam receives annual rainfall of about____
(a) 150 cm.
(b) 125 cm.
(c) 200 cm.
(d) 210 cm.
Ans: (c) 200 cm.
14. Into how many types can the soil of Assam be divided?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
Ans: (c) 4.
15. What is the basis of biotic system?
(a) water.
(b) soil.
(c) rain.
(d) Sunray.
Ans: (b) soil.
Very Short Answer Type Questions:
1. What are the physiographic divisions of Assam?
Ans: (i) Brahmaputra valley.
(ii) Barak valley.
(iii) Karibi Plateau.
(iv) Barail and Southern Hills.
2. Write four names of the north bank tributaries of the Brahmaputra.
Ans: (i) Subansiri.
(ii) Bornadi.
(iii) Dhansiri.
(iv) Pagladia.
3. Write four names of the south bank tributaries of the Brahmaputra.
Ans: (i) Dishang.
(ii) Dikhow.
(iii) Kopili.
(iv) Krishnai.
4. How many climatic seasons are there in Assam? What are they?
Ans: There are four climatic seasons in Assam.
They are:
(i) Pre monsoon.
(ii) Monsoon.
(iii) Retreating monsoon.
(iv) Dry winter.
5. What is the population of Assam according to 2011 census?
Ans: 31.16 million.
6. Which is the highest populated district of Assam?
Ans: Nagaon.
7. Which is the least populated district in Assam?
Ans: Dima Hasao.
8. Which is the smallest district in Assam?
Ans: Kamrup Metropolitan.
9. From which wind Assam gets highest rainfall?
Ans: South-West Monsoon.
10. Why is winter dry in Assam?
Ans: Because North-east Monsoon gives little rain.
11. Name the National Parks of Assam.
Ans: (i) Kaziranga National Park.
(ii) Manas National Park.
(iii) Orang National Park.
(iv) Nameri National Park.
(v) Dibru-Saikhowa National Park.
12. What are the different types of forests in Assam?
Ans: (i) Tropical Evergreen forest.
(ii) Tropical Semi-evergreen forest.
(iii) Tropical moist deciduous forest.
(iv) Riverine Forest.
(v) Tropical dry deciduous Forest.
13. Which area is covered by the Barail Range and Southern Hills?
Ans: The part of the Barail range extending westward from Thensang across Nagaland spans over the North Cachar Hills district of Assam.
14. What are the physiographic regions of the Brahmaputra valley?
Ans: (i) The northern foothills.
(ii) The north and south bank plains.
(iii) The flood plain and charlands.
(iv) The southern foothills.
15. Into how many types is the soil of Assam divided?
Ans: The soil of Assam is divided into four types. They are:
(i) Alluvial soil.
(ii) Piedmont soil.
(iii) Hill soil.
(iv) Laterite soil.
11. What is the average temperature of Assam?
Ans: On the average the amount of temperature in winter is 7°C and in summer it becomes 35°C. On the average the state receives annual rainfall of about 200 cm.
12. Where is Alluvial soil usually found?
Ans: Mainly in the plains of the Brahmaputra and the Barak valley alluvial soil is usually found.
13. What is the special about alluvial soil?
Ans: Usually alluvial soil is fertile.
14. Where is Hil soil found in Assam.
Ans: The hill soils are generally found in the southern hill area of Assam.
15. Where is Piedmont soil found in Assam?
Ans: The piedmont soils are confined to the northern narrow zone along the piedmont zone of the Himalayan foothills.
16. Where is laterite soil found in Assam?
Ans: The laterite soils are found in almost entire North Cachar Hills district and in some southern parts of the Karbi Plateau.
17. What can be seen in the formation process of the soil of Assam?
Ans: The effects of original materials (geological structure), climate, organic processes, physiography and time are clearly seen in the formation of soils of Assam.
18. Where are the old alluvial soils found in Assam?
Ans: The old alluvial soils are found especially in the region between the northern piedmont zone of the Kokrajhar, Barpeta, Nalbari, Kamrup, Darrang, Sonitpur, Lakhimpur and Dhemaji districts.
19. Where are the new alluvial soils found in Assam?
Ans: The new alluvial soils are found on the south bank of the Brahmaputra and in the regions of the south bank districts and along the Brahmaputra.
Short Answer Type:
1. What are the physiographic divisions of Assam?
Ans: Physiography of Assam has developed on the basis of the geological structure and configuration of Assam. The physiography of Assam can be described in terms of the physiographic landforms such as plains, flood plains, hills, and mountains, foothills, plateaus, river, valleys etc. Physiographically Assam can be divided into four divisions such as (a) Brahmaputra Valley, (b) Barak Valley, (c) Karbi Plateau and (d) Barail and Southern hills.
2. What are the physiographic regions of the Brahmaputra Valley?
Ans: The Brahmaputra valley is a major physiographic unit of Assam. This valley is long and narrow. It is about 720 km. long and about 80 km. wide on the average. It is bounded by hills and plateaus on its three sides- north, east and south. The entire Brahmaputra valley may be divided into four distinct physiographic units from north to south, such as the northern foothills, the north and south bank plains, the flood plain and charlands and the Southern foothills.
3. Write about the geographic location and origin of Majuli.
Ans: Majuli river island is formed within the Brahmaputra river under Jorhat district. It is known as one of the biggest river islands of the world. At present this island covers a land area of approximately 422 sq. km. with a total population of 1,68 lakh (2011 census). Majuli is a sub-division of Jorhat district of Assam. Flood and bank erosion problems have adversely affected the lives of the people of Majuli. The land area of the island has been decreasing year after year due to bank erosion.

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