Class 3 English Chapter 8 The Bundle of Sticks

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Class 3 English Chapter 8 The Bundle of Sticks

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(দা বান্দল্‌ অৱ ষ্টিকছ) লাঠিৰ মুঠাটো

Chapter – 8

ইংৰাজী (ENGLISH)

Look at the pictures. They are people who help us in our everyday lives:

I’m a milkman. I bring milk for all.

I’m a fishmonger. I sell fish.

I’m a lawyer. I advise people about law. 

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I’m a grocer. I sell food and other things used at home.

I’m a car mechanic. I repair cars. 

I’m a cloth merchant. I sell clothes. 

I’m a plumber. Ifix and repair water pipes. 

I’m a hawker. I bring newspapers. 

Word Note ( শব্দার্থ) : 

Bundle (বান্দল)— মুঠা । sticks ( ষ্টিকছ) —লাঠি। milkman (মিল্কমেন)—গোৱাল। fishmonger (ফিছমনজাৰ)—মাছ বেপাৰী। lawyer (লয়াৰ) —উকিল। advise (এদভাইজ)— পৰামর্শ । law (ল’) —আইন কানুন। about (এবাউত)— বিষয়ে। grocer (গ্রছাৰ)—গেলামাল দোকানী। sell (চেল)—বেচা। things (থিংক)—বস্তুবোৰ। used (ইউজদ্)—ব্যৱহৃত হোৱা। mechanic (মেকানিক)—কাৰিকৰ। repair (ৰিপেয়াৰ)— মেৰামত কৰা। cloth (ক্লথ)— কাপোৰ। merchant (মাৰচেন্ট্)—ব্যৱসায়ী। plumber (প্লাম্বাৰ)— পানীৰ পাইপৰ কাম কৰা মানুহ। hawker (হকাৰ)—হকাৰ।

উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি : 

Tell your friend which of these people you have seen or met. How do they help you?

Ans. I have seen all of them. They help us in many ways. 

Now, read this story about a farmer and his four sons: 

Lines: Once upon a time………..the farmer sad. 

Word Note ( শব্দার্থ):

Once (ওৱানচ) – এবাৰ/এসময়ত। there (দেয়াৰ)–সিঠাইত, তাত। old farmer (অ’ল্ড ফাৰ্মাৰ)–বুঢ়া খেতিয়াক। clever (ক্লেভাৰ)–সুনিপুণ, চতুৰ । son (চন)–পুত্র । different (দিফাৰেন্ট)– বেলেগ বেলেগ। professions (প্ৰফেছনছ)– বৃত্তিধাৰী। eldest (এলদেষ্ট)–ডাঙৰ। quarrelled (কুৱাৰেলদ)–কাজিয়া কৰিছিল। each (ইচ) – প্রতিজনে। other (আদাৰ)–অন্য/আনজন। merchant (মার্চেন্ট)–ব্যৱসায়ী। made (মেদ)–সজোৱা/বনোৱা। sad (চেড)–দুখ কৰা।

উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি : 

Once upon a time there was an old farmer. He had four clever sons. They had different professions.  The eldest son was a doctor, the second son was a lawyer, the third son was a farmer and the youngest son was a cloth merchant. But the sons quarreled with each other all the time. This made the farmer sad. 

Lines: One day the ………………… broke the sticks.

Word Note ( শব্দার্থ) : called (কল্ড) —মাতি আনিছিল। gave (গেভ)—দিছিল। them (দেম)—সিহঁতক, তেওঁলোকক । bundle (বান্দল)— মুঠা। sticks(ষ্টিকছ ) — লাঠি । tied (টায়েদ)— বান্ধিছিল । rope (ৰ’প)—ৰচী । asked( আচকড)— সুধিছিল । break (ব্ৰেক)— ভঙা  । untied (আনতায়েদ)— বান্ধ-খুলিছিল । single ( চিংগল)— এটা /এদাল । easily (ইজিলী)— সহজতে।  broke (ব্ৰোক)— ভাঙিছিল ।

উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি : 

One day the father called the sons. He gave them a bundle of sticks tied with a rope. 

Each one tried but could not break it. Then the father untied the bundle and gave each one a single stick. He said, “Now break the sticks.” This time the sons easily broke the sticks. 

 Lines : The father said, “When …………..was happy.

Word Note ( শব্দার্থ) : understand ( আন্দাৰষ্টেণ্ড)—বুজিছিল। together (টুগেদাৰ)—একেলগে থকা। hurt (হার্ট)—অনিষ্টকৰা। unhappy (আনহেপী)—অসুখী। promise (প্রমিচ)—প্রতিশ্রুতি দিয়া। anymore (এনিমোৰ)—আৰু অধিক। 

উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনিঃ

The father said, “When the sticks were tied in a bundle, you could not break them. But when I gave one stick to each of you, you could easily break it. What do you understand from this? “The eldest son replied, “As long as we are together no one can hurt us. If we quarrel we’ll always be unhappy. “The sons promised their father that they would not quarrel anymore. The father was happy.

ACTIVITIES (এক্টিভিটিজ)— কার্যকলাপ

1. Let’s see how much we have understood : 

(a) How many sons did the farmer have?

Ans. The farmer had four clever sons. 

(b) What was the profession of the eldest son? 

Ans. By profession the eldest son was a Doctor.

(c) What did the sons do with one another?

Ans. They quarreled with each other. 

(d) What did the sons promise their father?

Ans.: The sons promised their father that they would not quarrel anymore.

(e) Why was the father upset?

Ans. The father was upset because his sons quarreled with each other. 

(f) What do you understand about the story? 

Ans. I understand from the story that no one can hurt us if we are together. 

2. Fill in the blank boxes with the name of the profession. 

I work on the farm. 

I sow seeds.

I grow crops.

Who am I?

Ans. F A R M E R

3. Make sentences with the following words 

old                      clever                    oldest                   younger
Old: The old man is weak.
Clever: Rita is the clever girl in the class.
Oldest: The history book is the oldest book in the library.
Younger: Laxman is the younger brother of ram.

4. The following sentences are not in order. Arrange them according to the story and write: 

(a) The father untied the bundle and gave each one a single stick.

(b) There was a farmer.

(c) The sons quarrelled with each other.

(d) He had four sons.

 (e) The father asked them to break the bundle of sticks. 

(1)- (b) There was a farmer. 

(2)- (d) He had four sons

(3)- (c) The sons quarrelled with each other. 

(4) -(e) The father asked them to break the bundle of sticks. 

(5) – (a) The father untied the bundle and gave each one a single stick. 

5. Let’s sing together 

A little teapot 

Word Note (শব্দার্থ) : teapot (টি-পত)—চাহদানী। Short (চৰ্ট)—চুটী। stout (ষ্টাউত)—মজবুট। handle (হেন্দেল)—নাল। spout (স্পাউত)—নলী। When (হোৱেন)—য়েতিয়া। water ( ৱাটাৰ)—পানী। boiling (বয়েলিং)—উত্তপ্ত হোৱা, সিজা। hear (হেয়াৰ)—শুনা। shout (টউত)—চিঞৰা। Tip (টিপ)—মূৰ, আগ, ঢাকা। over (অভাৰ)—ওপৰত। pour (পোৰ) — বাকা, ঢালা।


I’m a little teapot

Short and stout 

Here’s my handle

And here’s my spout. 

When the water is boiling 

Hear me shout

Tip me over

And pour me out. 

6. These are rhyming words. Say them aloud 

out     stout shout 

There is another word in the poem that rhymes with ‘out, stout, shout’. Find out the word and write it:

Ans.: The word is ‘spout’ 

7. Say as fast as you can : (চে এজ ফাষ্ট এজ ইউ কেন)—তুমি যিমান সম্ভৱ খৰকৈ পঢ়া।

I shout You shout He shouts She shouts  We shout They shout 

Read the underlined words once again. 

I . You . He .

She . We . They .

8. There are some words hidden in the grid. They tell us about people who help us in our daily life. One is done for you:


9. Read and say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:

(a) A vegetable seller sells fish. 

Ans. No.

(b) A car mechanic repairs cars. 

Ans.: Yes.

(c) A fishmonger sells vegetables. 

Ans. No.

(d) A milkman sells milk. 

Ans.: Yes.

10. Ramen is a car mechanic. Read what Ramen does every day : 

(a) Ramen goes to the garage at 8 o’clock in the morning. 

(b) He repairs cars.

(c) He also repairs motorbikes. 

(d) He closes his garage at 9 o’clock at night.

Now, write what Ramen will do tomorrow. One has been done for you: 

(a) Ramen will go to the garage at 8 o’clock in the morning. 

(b) Ramen will repair the car. 

(c) Rame will also repair motorbikes.

(d) Ramen will close his garage at 9 o’clock at night. 

11. Let’s recite : 

Your teacher 

I’m your teacher 

I love you all 

I’m your teacher 

I help you all 

I’m always so dutiful 

I make your world beautiful 

I’m with you on weekdays 

But I miss you on holidays. 

Word Note ( শব্দার্থ) : 

teacher (টিচাৰ)— শিক্ষক। love (লাভ)— মৰম, ভালপোৱা। help (হেল্প)—সহায়। always (অলৱেজ)—সদায়। dutiful (দিউতিফুল)—কর্তব্যপৰায়ণ। make (মেক)—সজা। world (ওৱার্ল্ড)—জগৎ, পৃথিৱী । beautiful (বিউতিফুল)— সুন্দৰ, ধুনীয়া with (উইথ)—লগত থকা। week (উইক)—সপ্তাহ। miss (মিছ)— অনুপস্থিতি অনুভব কৰা। holidays (হ’লিদেজ)—বন্ধৰ দিন।

12. Let’s talk :

Talk with your friends/friends and tell them what you want to be when you grow up. 

Ans. Teacher.

13. Make four sentences using the following words: 

friend teacher        world holidays 


Friend: I like to play with my friend.
Teacher: The teacher helps us in learning new things.
World: The world is very beautiful.
Holidays: This holiday I will go to my uncle’s house.

14. (a) Role play : (ৰোল প্লে)—ভাও লোৱা।

Manasi wants to be a magician when she grows up. Today she is planning to go to the magic show. She asks her friend Deepa to go with her. Read what Manasi says to Deepa. Write what Deepa may say in reply. You can take help from the sentences in the boxes. 

Okay, I’ll come. Meet you at 4 p.m. tomorrow.
Hello, Manasi. How are you?
Oh sure! When? 

Manasi : Hello, Deepa Manasi here.

Deepa: Hello, Manasi, how are you?

Manasi: Fine, thank you. Would you like to go to a magic show?

Deepa: Oh, Sure when?

Manasi: On, Sunday at 5 p.m. tomorrow.

Deepa: Okay, I’II come. Meet you at 4.p.m.

14. (b) Now, practise the conversation. You can add your own sentences.

Ans. Meena: Hello, Shree, it’s Meena here.

Shree: Hello, Meena, How are you?

Meena: I am fine, Thank You. Would you come to my home for my birthday party on Sunday at 7pm.?

Shree: Yes, I’ll come, we will have fun at the party.

Meena: Yes, Sure ,Okay, Bye.

Shree: Bye.

15. Let’s read the advertisement below and copy the important information in the given space :

Magic : A Grand Magic Show on 25th December by Bitupan the great magician at Bishnu Bhawan. A skeleton dance An invisible man drinking ten. Daily two shows 5pm-8pm. 
Place of the magic show Bishnu Bhawan. Date 25 December   Time – 5pm. and 8p.m. 

16. Read the words in the box. Some are names of things/objects while some others are action words:

telephone   write box jump tree clean cook walk wash hat 

Now, write the names of the things/objects in column (A) and the action words in the column 

(A) Things / Objects (B) Action Words 
telephone box treecook hat write jumpclean walk wash

17. Group work : 

Write your name and what you want to be in circle no. 

Ask four of your friends what they want to be

Now, write the names of four friends in circle no. 2.

Write what they want to be when they grow up in circle no. 3.

18. Hand Writing : 

Ans: I love and respect my teachers.

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