Class 3 English Chapter 5 Little Raindrops, answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters SEBA Class 3 English Chapter 5 Little Raindrops and select need one.
Class 3 English Chapter 5 Little Raindrops
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(লিট্ল ৰেইনড্রপচ) বৰষুণৰ সৰু টোপালবোৰ
Chapter – 5
ইংৰাজী (ENGLISH)
Look and say what you can see in the picture: (লুক এণ্ড দে হ’ৱাট ইউ কেন চি ইন দা পিকচাৰ)—ছবিটো চোৱা আৰু ছবিখনত তুমি কি দেখিছা কোৱা।

Ans.: It is raining heavily. The sky is covered with dark clouds. Children are playing in the rain. A girl is going with an umbrella on her head. A boy and a girl are making paper boats. Two ducks are swimming in the pond.
(ইট ইজ ৰেইনিং হেভিলি। দা স্কাই ইজ কভার্ড উইথ ডার্ক ক্লাইডচ। চিলড্রেন আৰ প্লেইং ইন দা ৰেইন। এ গার্ল ইজ গ’য়িং উইথ এন আমব্রেলা অন হাৰ হেড। এ বয় এণ্ড এ গার্ল আৰ মেকিং পেপাৰ ব’ৰ্টছ। টু ডাকচ আৰ চুইমিং ইন দা পণ্ড) — ধাৰাশাৰ বৰষুণ হৈ আছে। আকাশখন কলা ডাৱৰে ঢাকি গৈছে। সৰু ল’ৰা-ছোৱালীবোৰে বৰষুণত খেলি আছে। এটা ছোৱালীয়ে ছাতি লৈ গৈ আছে। এটা ল’ৰা আৰু এজনী ছোৱালীৰে কাকতৰ নাও বনাইছে। দুটা হাঁহ পুখুৰীত সাঁতুৰিছে।
Tell your friend what you do on a rainy day. You may take help from the box below.
I use an umbrella to go anywhere on a rainy day.
I like to jump in the rain water.
I like to make paper boats and sail them in rain water.
Now, ask your friend what he/she does on a rainy day.
Let’s recite the rhyme
Ans. : Do Yourself.
‘Little Raindrops'(লিট্ল ৰেইনড্রপচ) — বৰষুণৰ সৰু টোপালবোৰ |
Para-1 (দফা-১)
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনিঃ
Oh, where do you come from.
You little drops of rain.
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter
Down the window pane?
Para-2 (দফা-২)
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
They won’t let me walk.
And they won’t let me play,
And they won’t let me go.
Out of doors at all today.
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ) :
Little (লিটল)—সৰু। raindrops (ৰেইন ড্রপ্চ)— বৰষুণৰ টোপালবোৰ। where (হ’ৱেৰ)— ক’ত। come (কাম)— অহা। from (ফ্ৰ’ম)— পৰা। drops (ড্রপচ)—টোপালবোৰ। rain (ৰেইন)— বৰষুণ। pitter-patter (পিটাৰ-পেটাৰ)—পিটাৰ পেটাৰ শব্দ। down (ডাওন)—তলত। window (উইন্ড’) —খিৰিকী। pane (পেন)—খিৰিকীৰ চাৰিচুকিয়া কাচ। they (দে)— সিহঁতে,তেওঁলোকে। walk (ওৱাক্)-খোজকাঢ়া। play (প্লে)— খেলা। go (গ’) — যোৱা। door (ড’ৰ)—দুৱাৰ। all (অ’ল)—সকল।today (টুডে)—আজি ।
ACTIVITIES (একটিভিটিজ)— কার্যকলাপ |
1. Let’s practise rhyming words. Listen to the first two words in each row and find another one from the box.
no nettowntall shout rain day he | so met brown call stout pain today she | golet down allout train mayme |
2. Let’s read and see what these children are doing on a rainy day :
Ans. : It is raining heavily. Raju, Preeti and Mina are at Mrinal’s house. They are inside the house. They are making paper boats. They are waiting for the rain to stop.They will then sail paper boats in the rain water.
Word Notes ( শব্দার্থ) :
raining (ৰেইনিং)—বৰষুণ দি থকা। heavily (হেভিলী)—ধাৰাষাৰে। house ( হাউচ) — ঘৰ। inside ( ইন-চাইদ) — ভিতৰফললে। making (মেকিং)—বনাইছে। paper boat (পেপাৰ ব’ট) — কাগজৰ নাও । waiting (ওয়েটিং)—অপেক্ষা কৰি আছে। rain to stop (ৰেইন টু ষ্টপ)—বৰষুণ ৰৈ যোৱাৰ কাৰণে। sail (চেইল)—ভাহি থকা। rain water ( ৰেইন ওৱাটাৰ)— বৰষুণৰ পানী।
3. Let’s see how much we have understood:
(a) What are the children waiting for?
Ans. The children are waiting for the rain to stop.
(b) Where will they sail the paper boats?
Ans. They will sail paper boats in the rain water.
4. Work in pairs. Arrange the word cards according to the present (now) and past time (then). Write the words in column A and in column B:
A (এ) | B (বি) |
Words that speak about present time (now) | Words that speak about past time (then) |
go meet are , make. | went ,did,met ,were , made |
5. When Raju came home late, his mother asked him a few questions. Read what Raju said. Now, complete the questions that Raju’s mother asked. You can choose words from the box. One is done for you:
go went meet met do did |
Ans. Mother : Where did you go?
Raju : I went to Mrunal’s house.
Mother— Whom did you meet there?
Raju : I met Preeti, Mina and Mrinal.
Mother : What did you do there?
Raju : We made paper boats.
6. a) Let’s read and find what Preeti likes to do in the rainy season :
Ans.: Preeti likes to sail paper boats.
Preeti likes to walk in the rain with an umbrella.
Precti likes to jump on puddles on the street.
Preeti likes to wear a raincoat on a rainy day.
Now read the sentences aloud
6. (b) Preeti does something else in the Spring season. Look at the picture and write what she does in Spring. You can take help from the sentences in the frame. One is done for you :
Ans. She dances Bihu with her friends.
She listens to the cuckoo.
She wears ‘kopou ‘flowers on her bun..
She likes to look at new green leaves.
Ans. 1. She dances Bihu with her friends
2. She listens to the cuckoo.
3. She wears ‘kopou flowers on her bun..
4. She likes to look at new green leaves.
7. Here are some things we do in winter and summer. Choose the right words from the box and fill in the blanks:
firepicnic Sweaterscotton clothesswimhot milkice creamsfan |
Winter | Summer |
We were sweaters. | We sit under a fan. |
We sit near a fire. | We eat ice- cream. |
We drink hot milk. | We go for a swim. |
We go for a picnic. | We were cotton clothes. |
8. Work in pairs. Tell your friend what you do in summer and in winter.
In winter | In summer |
I wore a jacket and drank hot milk. | I wake up early and do yoga. |
I went to my grandmother’s house for a picnic with my parents and friends. | Drink maximum water, fresh fruit juice and eat ice – cream. |
I exercised and sat near the fire to keep my body healthy and warm. | Go for a swim with my friends. |
I enjoy tasty and healthy fruits. | I Went to a water park with my parents to have fun. |
9. Read what is written in the clouds. These are a few things that remind us of winter. Now, write answers to the questions with the help of these. One is done for you:
sweaters for a picnic near the fire hot milk |
(a) What do you wear?
Ans. We wear sweaters.
(b) What do children drink?
Ans. Children drink hot milk.
(c) What do we do in winter?
Ans. We go for a picnic in winter.
(d) Where do we sit?
Ans. We sit near the fire.
10. It is a hot day. Mina is talking about what she likes to do on a hot day. Look at the pictures and write in the bubbles what Mina does:
Ans. 1. I go for a swim.
2. I like to sit under a fan on a chair.
3. I like to drink cold drinks.
11. Did you know there is one more season called ‘Autumn’? Match the pictures with the seasons. One is done for you:
We were sweaters. | Winter. |
We visit ripe paddy field. | Autumn. |
We eat ice – cream. | Summer. |
We watch Bihu dance | Spring. |
12. Listen to a story:
The Tailor Bird and the Farmer

• Lines: Once a tailor bird … from this place.”
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনিঃ
Once a tailor bird built a nest on a small plant in a paddy field. She lived in the nest with her young ones. (ওৱাঞ্চ এ টেইনৰ বাৰ্ড বিল্ট এ নেচট্ অন এ স্মল প্লেন্ট ইন এ পেডি ফিল্ড। চি লিভড ইন দা নোট উইথ হাৰ ইয়ং ওৱাঞ্চ।) –এ সময়ত এটা পাতসিয়া চৰায়ে এখন বননী পথাৰত এজোপা বাহ এটা সাজিছিল। তাই তাইৰ সৰু পোৱালীৰ লগত তাত বাস কৰিছিল।
It was early autumn. The crops started to ripen. Soon it would be time to harvest the crops ( ইট ওৱাজ আৰ্লি অটম্। দা ক্ৰপচ ষ্টাৰটেড টু ৰাইপেন। চুন ইট উড বি টাইম টু হাৰভেষ্ট দা ক্ৰপচ।)—এইটো আছিল শৰতৰ আৰম্ভণী। ধান পকিবলৈ আৰম্ভ হৈছিল (শস্য চাপোৱাৰ সময় উপস্থিত হৈছিল।
One day, the farmer and his wife came to the paddy field. (ওৱান ডে দা ফাৰ্মাৰ এণ্ড হিজ ওৱাইফ কেম্ টু দা পেডি ফিল্ড।)—এদিনাখন খেতিয়কজনে তেওঁৰ ঘৈণীয়েকৰ লগত ধাননী পথাৰলৈ গৈছিল।
The farmer said to his wife, “Tomorrow I will go to my neighbour’s house. (দা ফাৰমাৰ চেইড টু হিজ ওৱাইফ, “টুমৰ’ আই উইল গ’টু মাই নেইবাৰ্চ হাউজ।)—খেতিয়কজনে তেওঁৰ ঘৈণীয়েকক কলে, “অহাকালি মই ওচৰ-চুবুৰীয়াৰ ঘৰলৈ যাম।
My neighbour and I will come and reap the crops together.” (মাই নেইবাৰ এণ্ড আই উইল কাম এণ্ড ৰিপ দা ক্রপচ টুগেদাৰ।” )—মই আৰু মোৰ ওচৰ-চুবুৰীয়াহে একেলগে ধান কাটিবলৈ আহিম।”
The mother bird and the chicks heard this. (দা মাদাৰ বার্ড এণ্ড দা চিক্চ হার্ড দিচ।)—মাতৃ চৰাই আৰু তাৰ পোৱালীবোৰে এইটো শুনিলে।
The chicks were frightened. (দা চিক্চ ওৱেৰ ফ্ৰাইতেন্দ।)— পোৱালীবোৰে ভয় খাইছিল।
One of the chicks said, “Let’s go to a safe place. (ওৱান অৱ দা চিক্চ চেইড, “লেটচ গ’ টু এ চেফ প্লেচ।)—এটা পোৱালীয়ে কলে এটা সুৰক্ষিত ঠাইলৈ যাব লাগে।
We must leave this place at once.” (উই মাস্ট লিভ দিচ প্লেচ এট ওৱাঞ্চ।” )—আমি এই ঠাইখন এতিয়াই এৰিব লাগে।”
The mother bird said, “Don’t be afraid. (দা মাদাৰ বাৰ্ড চেইড, “ড’ণ্ট বি এফ্রেইড।)—চৰাই পোৱালিৰ মাকে কলে “ভয় নকৰিবা।
There is still some time for us to go away from this place.” (দেয়াৰ ইজ স্টিল চাম টাইম ফৰ আচ টু গ’ এৱে ফ্রম দিচ প্লেচ।”)—ইয়াৰ পৰা “আতৰি আমি সুৰক্ষিত ঠাইলৈ যাবলৈ এতিয়াও কিছুসময় আছে।”
Word Notes ( শব্দার্থ) :
Once ( ওৱাঞ্চ)—এসময়ত। tailor bird (টেইলৰ বাৰ্ড) — পাতসিয়া চৰাই । built (বিল্ট) বনাইছিল। nest ( নেচট্)—চৰাইৰ বাঁহ। small (স্মল)—সৰু। plant (প্লেণ্ট)—গছ। paddy field (পেডিফিল্ড)—ধাননী পথাৰ। lived (লিভড)—বাস কৰিছিল। young (ইয়ং)—–সৰু, কেচুৱা। early (আৰলি)—প্রথম ভাগ। autumn (অটম)—শৰৎকাল। crops (ক্রপচ)— ধাননী। started (স্টাৰটেড)—আৰম্ভ কৰিছিল। ripen (ৰাইপেন)—পকিবলৈ ধৰা । soon ( চুন)—সোনকালে। time (টাইম)—সময়ত। harvest (হাৰভেস্ট)— শস্য চপোৱা। one day ( ওয়ান ডে)—এদিনা। farmer (ফাৰ্মাৰ)—খেতিয়ক wife (ওয়াইফ)—ঘৈণীয়েক। came (কেম)—আহিছিল। tomorrow (টুমৰো)— অহাকালি। my (মাই)—মোৰ। neighbour ( নেইবাৰ)— ওচৰচুবুৰীয়া। house ( হাউজ)—ঘৰ। reap (ৰিপ)—ফচল কটা। together (টুগেদাৰ)—একেলগে। heard (হার্ড)—শুনিছিল। chicks (চিকছ)—চৰাই পোৱালি। frightened (ফ্ৰাইতেন্দ)—ভয় খাইছিল। safe (চেফ)— নিৰাপদ। place (প্লেচ)—ঠাই। leave (লিভ) এৰিছিল। at once (এট ওৱাঞ্চ) —ততালিকে। afraid (এফ্ৰেইড)—ভয় খাইছিল, ভীত হৈছিল। still (স্টিল)—এতিয়াও। go away (গ’ এৱে)—আন ঠাইত গুচি গ’ল।
● Lines: A few days later ………….. she said.
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনিঃ
A few days later, the farmer and his wife came again to the field. (এ ফিউ ডেজ লেটাৰ, দা ফাৰ্মাৰ এণ্ড হিজ ওৱাইফ কেম এগেইন টু দা ফিল্ড) – কেইদিনমান পিছত খেতিয়কজনে ঘৈণীয়েকৰ সৈতে পথাৰলৈ আকৌ আহিলে।
The farmer said to his wife, “I can’t wait for my neighbour to help me. (দা ফাৰ্মাৰ চেইড টু হিজ ওৱাইফ, “আই কেন্ নট ওৱেট ফৰ মাই নেইবাৰ টু হেল্প মি ।)—খেতিয়কজনে ঘৈণীয়েকক কৈছিল “মই আৰু ওচৰৰ চুবুৰীয়াই সহায় কৰালৈ ৰব নোৱাৰো।
I must reap the crop myself at once.” (আই মাস্ট ৰিপ দা ক্ৰপ মাইচেল্ফ এট ওৱাঞ্চ”)—মই সোনকালে নিজে ধানখিনি কাটি ল’ম (শস্য চপোৱাৰ কাম নিজেই কৰিম।”)
The mother bird and the chicks heard this. (দা মাদাৰ বাৰ্ড এণ্ড দা চিকচ হার্ড দিচ।)—মাক আৰু পোৱালিবোৰে এইটো শুনিলে।
“The farmer will not wait for his neighbour’s help. (দা ফাৰমাৰ উইল নট ওৱেট ফৰ হিজ নেইবাৰ্চ হেল্প)—“খেতিয়কজনে ওচৰচুবুৰীয়াজনৰ সহায় লবলৈ ন’ৰয়।
He is going to reap the paddy himself.” the mother bird said. (হি ইজ্ গয়িং টু ৰিপ পেডি হিমচেল্ফ”, দা মাদাৰ বাৰ্ড চেইড) – সি নিজেই ধান কাটি ল’বলৈ গৈছে”, মাতৃ চৰাইটোৱে কৈছিল।
“Now we must go to a safe place at once, she said. (নাও উই মাচট্ গ’ টু এ চেফ প্লেচ এট ওৱাঞ্চ,” চি চেইড)—“এতিয়া আমি সুৰক্ষিত ঠাইলৈ যাবই লাগিব,” তাই কৈছিল।
Word Notes ( শব্দার্থ) :
A few (এ ফিউ)—কিছুমান। later (লেটাৰ)—পিছত। again (এগেইন)—পুনৰ আকৌ । wait (ওৱেট)—ৰৈ থকা, অপেক্ষা কৰা। neighbour (নেইবাৰ)—ওচৰচুবুৰীয়া। help (হেল্প)—সহায়। reap ( ৰিপ)—ফচল কটা। crop (ক্ৰপ)—শস্য/ফচল। heard (হার্ড)—শুনিছিল । himself (হিমচেল্ফ)—নিজকেই। must (মাচট্)—অৱশ্যই। place (প্লেচ)—ঠাই।।
13. (a) Read the story, find and write words beginning with f’ and ‘s’ :
Ans.: Words beginning with ‘f’
field farmer
few frightened
for from.
Words beginning with ‘s’
she started some
safe still soon
13. (b) Now, read out your words to the rest of the class.
Ans. Do yourself
14. Let’s see how much we have understood :
(a) Who built a nest in the paddy field?
Ans. A tailor bird built a nest in the paddy field.
(b) Who came to the paddy field and with whom?
Ans. The farmer came to the paddy field with his wife.
(c) “Tomorrow I’ll go to my neighbour’s house,” who said?
Ans: The farmer said this.
15. Write a few sentences about the picture :
Ans. This is a beautiful picture of a small village. There are three small houses in the village. There are two cows and a hen in the field. There are some trees in the village. There is a parrot and a sparrow sitting on the branch of the trees.
(দিচ ইজ এ বিউতিফুল পিকচাৰ অৱ এ স্মল ভিলেজ। দেয়াৰ আৰ থ্রি স্মল হাউজেছ ইন দা ভিলেজ। দেয়াৰ আৰ টু কাউজ এণ্ড এ হেন ইন দা ফিল্ড। দেয়াৰ আৰ চাম ট্রিজ ইন দা ভিলেজ। দেয়াৰ ইজ এ পেৰ’ট এণ্ড এ স্পেৰ’ চিটিং অন দা ব্রাঞ্চ অৱ দা ট্রিজ)—এইখন এখন সুন্দৰ গাঁওৰ ছবি। গাঁওত তিনিটা সৰু ঘৰ আছে। পথাৰত দুটা গৰু আৰু এটা মাইকী কুকুৰা আছে। গাঁওত কিছুমান গছ-গছনি আছে। গছৰ ঠাল-ঠেঙুলীত এটা ভাটৌ আৰু এটা ঘনচিৰিকা চৰাই বহি আছে।

16. Read aloud
A Picnic (এ পিকনিক্)—এটা বনভোজ।
Raju, Preeti, Mina and Mrinal went to Pobitora for a picnic with their parents. (ৰাজু, প্রীতি, মীনা এণ্ড মৃণাল ওৱেন্ট টু পবিতৰা ফৰ এ পিকনিক উইথ দেৱাৰ পেৰেণ্টচ।)—ৰাজু, প্রীতি, মীনা আৰু মৃণালে তেওঁলোকৰ মাক-দেউতাকৰ লগত পবিতৰালৈ বনভোজ খাবলৈ গৈছিল।
It is a beautiful place. (ইট ইজ এ বিউতিফুল প্লেচ।)—এইটো এখন বৰ ধুনীয়া ঠাই।
They had bread and butter, eggs and oranges for breakfast. (দে হেড ব্রেড এণ্ড বাটাৰ, এগচ এণ্ড অৰেঞ্জেচ ফৰ ব্রেকফাষ্ট)– ৰাতিপুৱাৰ আহাৰ হিচাপে সিহঁতে পাউৰুতি, মাখন, কণী, কমলা টেঙা আদি লগত আনিছে।

Raju doesn’t like oranges. (ৰাজু ডাজ নট লাইক অৰেঞ্জেচ।)—ৰাজুৱে কমলাটেঙা ভাল নাপায়।
He gave his orange to Mina, (হি গেভ হিজ অৰেঞ্জে টু মীনা) — ৰাজু তাৰ কমলাটেঙাটো মিনাক দিছিল।
Mrinal’s mother brought packets of fruit juice. (মৃণালচ মাদাৰ ব্ৰট পেকেট্চ অৱ ফ্রুট জুচ।)—মৃণালৰ মাকে ফলৰ ৰসৰ পেকেট লৈ আহিছিল।
She gave them to the children. (চি গেভ দেম টু দা চিলড্রেন)—তাই লৰা-ছোৱালীবোৰক সেইবোৰ দিছিল।
Word Notes ( শব্দার্থ) :
picnic (পিকনিক)– বনভোজ। parents (পেৰেণ্টচ)–মাক-দেউতাক, পিতৃ-মাতৃ। beautiful (বিউতিফুল) – সুন্দৰ, ধুনীয়া। place ( প্লেচ) – ঠাই । bread (ব্রেড)–ৰুতি, পাউৰুতি। butter (বাটাৰ)–মাখন। egg (এগ)–কণী । oranges (অৰেঞ্জেচ)– কমলাটেঙাবোৰ। breakfast (ব্রেকফাস্ট)–ৰাতিপুৱাৰ আহাৰ। like (লাইক) – পচন্দ কৰা, ভাল পোৱা । gave (গেভ)– দিছিল। mother (মাদাৰ)–মা, মাতৃ brought (ব্ৰট)–আনিছিল। packets (পেকেটচ)–পেকেটবোৰ। fruit juice (ফ্রুট জুচ)–ফলৰ ৰস। children (চিলড্রেন) – শিশুবোৰ, ল’ৰা-ছোৱালীবোৰ।
17. Choose the words from the brackets and fill up the blanks
Ans. a) Raju, Preeti, Mina and Mrinal went to Pobitora. They liked the place a lot. ( He / She/ They / It)
b) Pobitora is a beautiful place. It is a picnic spot too. (They/ He/ She/It)
c) Mina likes oranges. She ate the orange that Raju gave her. (They / He / She/It)
d) Mrinal likes fruit juice. He was happy to see the juice that his mother brought with her ( He / She / They/It)
18. Rewrite the following passage using capital letters and full stops.
● raju preeti mina and mrinal are now in the picnic spot they are with their parents it is a beautiful place they saw many birds and rhinos they also saw a big buffalo
Ans. Raju, Preeti, Mina and Mrinal are now in the picnic spot. They are with their parents. It is a beautiful place. They saw many birds and rhinos. They also saw a big buffalo.
19. Think and write what you will take if you go for a picnic :
Ans. I will take fresh fruit and juice and many delicious foods. I will go with my parents and friends . I will take football.
20. Here are some things that we should avoid in the rainy season. Put a tick (√) on the pictures to show what you should do and put a cross (x) on the pictures to show what you shouldn’t do :

Now, say one more thing that we should not do in the rainy season.
Ans. We should not go out without an umbrella in the rainy season.
21. Let’s learn new words
Ans: flood .
soil erosion.

Hi! my Name is Parimal Roy. I have completed my Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy (B.A.) from Silapathar General College. Currently, I am working as an HR Manager at Dev Library. It is a website that provides study materials for students from Class 3 to 12, including SCERT and NCERT notes. It also offers resources for BA, B.Com, B.Sc, and Computer Science, along with postgraduate notes. Besides study materials, the website has novels, eBooks, health and finance articles, biographies, quotes, and more.