Class 3 English Chapter 2 Two Friends and Bear, answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters SEBA Class 3 English Chapter 2 Two Friends and Bear and select need one.
Class 3 English Chapter 2 Two Friends and Bear
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(টু ফেউচ্ এন্ড এ বিয়াৰ) দুই বন্ধু আৰু এটা ভালুক
Chapter – 2
ইংৰাজী (ENGLISH)
Let’s read:

Let’s read and show the actions :
chew sniff peck lick nibble sip .
Let’s listen to a story of two friends :
● Lines: Anup and Tipin……….. frightened.
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ): friends (ফ্রেন্ডচ্)– বন্ধুসকল । one morning (ওৱান মর্নিং)– এদিন ৰাতিপুৱা । had to go (হেড টু গ)– যাব লগা হ’ল। village (ভিলেজ)– গাঁও। cross (ক্ৰছ)– অতিক্রম কৰা, পাৰ হোৱা। big (বিগ)– ডাঙৰ। forest (ফৰেষ্ট) – হাবি, বননি, জংগল। their (দেয়াৰ) – তেওঁলোকৰ। way (ওৱে)– বাট, ৰাষ্টা। full (ফুল)–পূর্ণ। wild (ওয়াইলদ)–বনৰীয়া। animals (এনিমেলচ্) – জীৱ-জন্তু। afraid (এফ্রেইদ)–ভয় খোৱা । danger (ডেঞ্জাৰ)– বিপদ। help (হেল্প)– সহায় কৰা। promise (প্রমিছ)– প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি দিয়া। very (ভেৰি)– খুবেই, বহুত। happy (হেপি)–সুখী । hear (হিয়াৰ)–শুনা । good (গুড)–ভাল । suddenly (চাডেনলি)– হঠাতে। black (ব্লেক)–কলা। bear (বিয়াৰ) – ভালুক। came out (কেম আউট)–বাহিৰত অহা । frightened (ফ্ৰাইটেন্ড)–ভয় খোৱা।
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
Anup and Tipin were friends.One morning they had to go to a village. But they had to cross a big forest on their way. The forest was full of wild animals. “I’m afraid of wild animals,” said Anup. “Don’t be afraid. If you are in danger, I’ll help you, I promise! said Tipin.Anup was very happy to hear what Tipin said.
“What a good friend you are !” he said.
Suddenly, a big black bear came out of the forest. Anup and Tipin were frightened,
● Lines: Tipin forgot all ………. sniffed at him.
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ): forgot (ফৰগট)– পাহৰি যোৱা । about (এবাউট)–সম্বন্ধে, বিষয়। ran (ৰেন) – দৌৰ দিয়া। climbed(ক্লইম্বদ) –বাগৰি উঠিল। up (আপ)–ওপৰত। tall (টল)–tree (ট্রী) – গছ । know (ন’) –জনা । remembered (ৰিমেম্বাৰ্দ)–মনত পেলালে । parents (পেৰেন্টছ)–মাক-দেউতা। never (নেভাৰ)–কেতিয়াও নহয় । touches (টাচেছ)–স্পর্শ কৰা। dead (দেড) – মৃত । man (মেন) – মানহ। lay down (লে ডাউন) – শুই থকা । ground (গ্রাউন্ড)–মাটি। shiffed (স্নিফড) – ঘ্ৰাণ লোৱা।
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
Tipin forgot all about his promise. He ran and climbed up a tall tree.
Anup didn’t know how to climb a tree. But he remembered what his parents had said to him, “A bear never touches a dead man’s body. So Anup lay down on the ground as if he were dead. The bear came to Anup and sniffed at him.
● Lines: The bear thought………help you.”
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ): thought (থ’ট)–চিন্তা কৰিল। slowly (স্ল’লি)– লাহে লাহে। moved away (মুভড এওয়ে)–আন ঠাইত চলি গ’ল । disappeared (ডিচএপিয়ার্দ) – অদৃশ্য হ’ল। climbed down (ক্লাইম্বড ডাউন)–নামি আহিল। wanted to know (ওয়ান্টেড টু ন’) –জানিবলৈ বিচাৰিলে। tell (টেল)– কোৱা। something (চামথিং)–কিছুমান। replied(ৰিপ্লায়েড)–উত্তৰ দিছিল। never (নেভাৰ) – কেতিয়াও নহয়। trust (ট্রাষ্ট)–বিশ্বাস কৰা।
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
The bear thought that Anup was dead. So, it slowly moved away and disappeared into the forest.
Tipin now climbed down from the tree. He wanted to know what the bear did to Anup. He said, “What did the bear do?” Did the bear tell you something ?”
Anup replied,” “The bear told me never trust someone who doesn’t help you.”
ACTIVITIES (একটিভিটিজ)—কার্যকলাপ |
1. Match the sentences to the picture of the person who said them :
Ans. (a) Anup : I’m afraid of wild animals.”
(b) Tipin : “If you are in danger, I’ll help you.”
(c) Anup : “Never trust someone who doesn’t help you.”
2. Let’s see how much we have understood :
(a) Who were Anup and Tipin ?
Ans. Anup and Tipin were two friends.
(b) Who climbed up the tree ?
Ans. Tipin climbed up a tree.
(c) Why did he climb up a tree ?
Ans. He climbed up a tree because he was frightened when he saw a big black bear coming out of the forest.
(d) Who lay down on the ground ?
Ans. Anup lay down on the ground.
(c) Why did the bear move away ?
Ans. The bear moved away because it did not touch the dead man’s body.
(f) Who do you like the most, Anup or Tipin ? Why?
Ans. I like Anup most for his intellegence and bravery.
3. Read:
Question 1.: What did Tipin do ?
Answer 1. He ran and climbed up a tree.
Question 2 : What did the bear do ?
Answer : The bear came to Anup and sniffed at him.
Now, ask questions to get the answers.
Question: What did Tipin do ?
Answer :Tipin climbed up a tree,
Question 2. What did Anup do ?
Answer 2.: Anup lay down on the ground.
4. Anup said, “I’m afraid of wild animals.” Tipin said, “Don’t be afraid.”
Do you know “I’m” and “don’t” are the short forms of “I am” and “do not”? We use them while speaking. Let us read and practise more such words:
I amI’m | Let usLet’s | do notdon’t | is notisn’t | could notcouldn’t | has nothasn’t |
cannotcan’t | were notweren’t | was notwasn’t | did notdidn’t | have nothaven’t | will notwon’t |
girl : I’m the short form of I am.
boy: Let us is the full form of let’s.
5. Read and complete the sentences with the words in the boxes
I’ll (আই উইল) didn’t (ডিড নট) I ‘m (আইএম) |
Ans.: (a) “I’m afraid of wild animals,” said Anup.
(b) I’ll help you, said Tipin.
(c) Anup didn’t know how to climb up a tree
6. Read :
A bear sniffs at the fishes.
7. Look at the words in the bag. They are all describing words. Your teacher will read out the words. Find out the words in the grid and circle them :

Ans.: (i) bad.
(ii) black.
(iii) big.
(iv) wild.
(v) tall.
(vi) good.
(vii) red.
8. Rearrange the words and make sentences. Put a full stop at the end of the sentence :
(a) It forest a was big
Ans: It was a big forest.
(b) Tipin a saw tree tall.
Ans.: Tipin saw a tall tree.
(c) Anup black saw a bear
Ans. Anup saw a black bear.
(d) You good are a friend
Ans. You are a good friend.
9. See and read:

Ans. climb
climbing up
Tipin is climbing up a tree.
climbing down
Tipin is climbing down a tree.
10. Read these sentences about some things we do with our friends :
(a) I play with my friend.
(b) I share my toys with my friend.
(c) I help my friend in need.
Now, write two sentences about what you do with your friends.
Ans. (a) We do school homework together.
(b) I go to school with my friend and share my tiffin with him.
11. (a) Let’s read:
Girl: Hello, friends, meet my friend aman. He plays badminton. He also draws pictures and sings songs.
Friend,1. Hello Aman.
Friend, 2. Hello Aman.
Friend, 3. Hello Aman.
Friend, 4. Hello Aman.
Aman: Hello, Friends.
11. (b) Now, talk to your friend and find two things he/she does in her/his free time. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences about your friend. You can take help from the clouds.

Ans.: This is my friend Akash.
He plays football.
He draws pictures
He also sings songs.
12. Read the following sentences.
(a) I play football.
(b) We read books
(c) She sings songs.
(d) He plays badminton.
(e) They sing songs.
(f) We read books .
Notice the underlined words. You can see that some of these words have ‘s’ and some don’t have ‘s’ at the end. Find out and write the words that are used before ‘plays’ and ‘sings’.
Ans.: (i) He
(ii) She
13. Write two things that you did yesterday. You can take help from the words in the frame
talked to a friend.
listened to music.
played ludo.
swam in the lake.
rode bicycles
flew kites,
played football
played badminton.
Ans. (a) We listened to music and rode bicycles.
(b) We played football and swam in the lake.
14. Handwriting
Friends Make us Happy.
15. Let’s recite
• Things I like to do
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ): like (লাইক) – পচন্দ কৰা, ভাল পোৱা । do (ডু)–কৰা। some (চাম)– কিছুমান। things (থিংচ)–বস্তুবোৰ। best (বেষ্ট)–সবাতোকৈ ভাল। play (প্লে)–খেল nothing (নাথিং)–একো নহয়। more (ম’ৰ)–আৰু বেছি। wish (উইছ) – ইচ্ছা কৰা।। friend (ফেন্ড)–বন্ধু । sing (চিঙ)–গান গোৱা। glee (গ্লি)–আনন্দ।
Para–1 |
There are some things.
I like to do.
The one that’s best
Is play with you.
Para–2 (পেৰা– ২) দফা–২ |
There’s nothing more
I wish to be
Then be your friend .
And sing with glee.
16. Find the rhyming words in the poem and underline them.
Do, you.
Be,Glee .
something, nothing.
17. Read the words in the frame:
play | more | lake | four |
take | bite | day | kite |
Now, find out the pairs of rhyming words from the frame and write them.
Rhyming words
play | day |
take | lake |
more | four |
bite | kite |

Hi! my Name is Parimal Roy. I have completed my Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy (B.A.) from Silapathar General College. Currently, I am working as an HR Manager at Dev Library. It is a website that provides study materials for students from Class 3 to 12, including SCERT and NCERT notes. It also offers resources for BA, B.Com, B.Sc, and Computer Science, along with postgraduate notes. Besides study materials, the website has novels, eBooks, health and finance articles, biographies, quotes, and more.
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