Class 3 English Chapter 7 Never Say “I Can’t !’, answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters SEBA Class 3 English Chapter 7 Never Say “I Can’t !’ and select need one.
Class 3 English Chapter 7 Never Say “I Can’t !’
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(নেভাৰ চে ‘আই কান্ট !’) ‘মই নোৱাৰো’ বুলি কেতিয়াও নকবা
Chapter – 7
ইংৰাজী (ENGLISH)

Which of these games do you like to play?
Ans: carrom.
With whom do you play games?
Ans: I like to play with my family and friends.
Let’s read
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ) :
was (ওৱাজ)— আছিল। strong ( ষ্ট্ৰং)— শক্তিশালী। had (হেড)—আছিল, হৈছিল। age (এজ)—বয়স। lost (লষ্ট)— হেৰুওৱা। use (ইউজ)—ব্যৱহাৰ। leg (লেগ)—ভৰি। though (দ’) —যদিও। sickly (চিকলী)—বেমাৰী। child (চাইল্ড)—শিশু, always ( অলওয়েজ)—সদায়। dreamt (ড্রিমট)—সপোন দেখিছিল। doing (দুইং)—কৰিবলৈ। something (চামঠিঙ)—কিবাকিবি, great ( গ্ৰেট)—ডাঙৰ /মহান coach (কোচ)—প্রশিক্ষক, team (টিম)—দল, impressed (ইমপ্রেজড্)—প্রভাৱিত হৈছিল। Keenness (কীননেছ)—তীব্র ইচ্ছা। allowed (এলাওড)—অনুমতি দিছিল।
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
Wilma Rudolph was a girl of strong will. The little girl had polio at the age of four. She lost the use of her left leg. Though she was a sickly child, she always dreamt of doing something great. One day she went to the coach of the basketball team of her school.
1. Excuse me, Sir. Can I play basketball?
2. A specially abled girl like you can’t play basketball. I’m sorry, Wilma.
3. I’m no longer a specially abled girl, Sir. I walk. I play and run just as others do.
4. Just as others do? Really?
5. Yes, Sir. If you don’t mind, will you let me try once.
The couch was impressed by her keenness. He allowed her to play basketball and finally, she became a member of the school team.
Wilma Rudolph did not play only basketball. Let’s read and find what other games she played.
Wilma Rudolph was the first American woman to win three gold medals in the track and field competitions in the 1960 Olympic games. She won gold medals in the 100 metre dash, 200 metre dash and the 400 metre relay. |
1. Let’s see how much we have understood :
(a) What happened to Wilma at the age of four?
Ans.: Wilma had polio at the age of four.
(b) What did Wilma always dream of ?
Ans. She always dreamt of doing something great.
(c) What impressed the coach?
Ans. The coach was impressed by her keenness.
(d) Which game was Wilma allowed to play?
Ans.: Wilma allowed to play basketball.
2. Read the sentences and circle describing words :
(a) Wilma was a sickly child.
Ans. Sickly.
(b) Wilma had a healthy mind.
Ans. Healthy.
3. Read as fast as you can
Rudolph telephone photo phrase father friend fox fruit. |
4. (a) Read the words in the football. Some of these words tell us about Wilma Rudolph. Choose and write the words below the picture of Wilma Rudolph:

basketball strong willgold medal sicklyOlympic |
4. (b) Now, write a few sentences about Wilma Rudolph using the words.
Ans.: Wilma Rudolph was a good basketball player.
Rudolph was a sickly girl.
Rudolph was a girl of strong will.
Wilma Rudolph got three gold medals in the 1960 Olympic games.
5. Read the text again. Now, choose the correct word from the brackets to complete the sentences.
(a) Wilma — polio at the age of four. (had / has )
Ans: Wilma had polio at the age of four.
(b) She is always — of doing something great. (dream/dreamt)
Ans. She always dreamt of doing something great.
(c) One day she — to the coach of the school basketball team. (go/went)
Ans. One day she went to the coach of the school basketball team.
(d) The coach — impressed by her keenness in sports. (is/was)
Ans. The coach was impressed by her keenness in sports.
6. (a) Let’s read and have fun. (লেটছ দি এন্ড হেভ ফান)—পঢ়া আৰু আনন্দ উপভোগ কৰা :
Tortoise: Hello, friend. Would you like to run a race?
Rabbit: Oh sure. Why not? I can win any race.
OK ! Let’s start the race.
Tortoise: Ready steady, go !
Rabbit: The tortoise is far behind. I’ll take a nap.
Tortoise: I won’t stop.
Ah! I’ve won; you lost!
6. (b) Did you like the story? Give a title to the story
Ans. Yes, I like the story. I would like to name the story ‘Slow and steady person wins the race.’
7. (a) Manju, Nita and Gargi took part in the Annual Sports week of their school. They won medals in the 100 metre race. Let’s look at the picture and find out who stood first, second and third.
Ans: 1. Gargi
2. Manju
3. Nita
(b) Now, fill in the gaps with the correct words from the circles.
(a) Gargi stood first. She won the — medal.
Ans.: Gargi stood first. She won the gold medal.
(b) Manju stood second. She won the — medal.
Ans.: Manju stood second. She won the silver medal.
(c) Nita stood third. She won the — medal.
Ans.: Nita stood third. She won the bronze medal.
8. Role play
Who stood first?
Gargi stood first.
Who stood second?
Manju stood second.
Who stood third?
Nita stood third.
9. Let’s read and write. Fill in the blank boxes with the correct words.
5th –fifth
7th –seventh
10. These are names of some games that we love to play. Read them.
11. (a) Manju and Gargi are telling each other what games they play. Read their conversation and practise.
Ans. : Do you play badminton?
Yes, I do.
Do you play cricket?
No, I don’t
11. (b) Now, add your own sentences.
• Do you play football?
→ Yes I do.
• Do you play chess
→ Yes I do.
• Do you play kabaddi?
→ No, I don’t
12. Let’s recite
Hop a Little (হপ্ এ লিটল)—এটা ভৰিৰে অলপমান জপিওৱা।
Hop a little, jump a little, (হপ্ এ লিটল, জাম্প এ লিটল)
—এটা ভৰিৰে অলপমান জপিওৱা, অলপমান জাপ মাৰা।
One two three (ওৱান, টু, থ্ৰী)—এক ,দুই, তিনি।
Run a little, skip a little, (ৰান এ লিটল, স্কিপ এ লিটল)
– অলপমান দৌৰা, অলপমান ৰচীৰে জপিওৱা।
Tap one knee. (টেপ ওৱান নী)—এটা আঠুৰে হেঁচা।
Bend a little, stretch a little, (বেন্দ এ লিটল, স্ট্রেইছ এ লিটল)
— অলপমান ভাঁজ কৰা, অলপমান টানি বহল কৰা।
Nod your head, (নদ্ ইয়োৰ হেড)—মূৰটো অলপ দুপিওৱা।
Yawn a little, sleep a little, (ইয়ন এ লিটল, শ্লীপ এ লিটল)
—অলপ মুখ মেলা অলপ টোপনি দিয়া।
In your bed. (ইন ইয়োৰ বেড)—তোমাৰ নিজা বিচনাত।
13. Find the rhyming words in the poem above and write them on this board.
Three | Knee |
Head | Bed |
Run | Yawn |
14. (a) Manju, Gargi and Nita are busy clapping their hands for the names of games they like to play.
Ans. Manju clapped twice for the name cricket, (cricket).
Nita clapped once for the name chess, (chess).
Nita clapped twice for the name football (foot/ball).
Gargi clapped thrice for the name badminton, (bad/min/ton).
(b) Now, clap for two more names of games you like to play.
Ans. : I clapped twice for the name volleyball. (Volley/ball)
I clapped thrice for the name kabaddi (ka/ba/ddi)
15. What are the children doing? Write below each picture.
Ans.: They are playing cricket.
They are reading books.
They are playing football.
16. (a) Practice saying these questions and answers aloud.
1. What is Manju doing?
2. She is playing table tennis:
3. What are the children doing?
4. They are reading.
16. (b) Now, complete these sentences with appropriate. words.
(a) What — Nita doing? (is/are)
Ans. What is Nita doing?
(b) What — Manju and Gargi doing? (is/are)
Ans.: What are Manju and Gargi doing?
(c) What — the children playing? (is/are)
Ans.: What are the children playing?
17. Look at the picture
Now, write a few sentences on it.
Ans.: The children are playing many games in the playground.
They are playing with flying discs.
They are playing football.
They are playing volleyball
18. Hand writing
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.