Class 3 English Chapter 4 A Glass of Lemonade, answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters SEBA Class 3 English Chapter 4 A Glass of Lemonade and select need one.
Class 3 English Chapter 4 A Glass of Lemonade
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(এ গ্লাছ অৱ লেম’নেড) এ গিলাচ নেমুৰ চৰ্পত
Chapter – 4
ইংৰাজী (ENGLISH)
Guess who the people are in the picture and what they are doing.
Ans. In the picture we can see a Mother and her son. Mother is cutting fruits and the son is filling a glass with water from the jug.
Work in pairs and say how you can help your parents in the kitchen.
Ans. When my parents are working in the kitchen. I bring them the things that they need while working in the kitchen, I help them in cleaning and also try to learn from them.
Let’s read :
● Lines : Bubu : Ma, it’s very hot …………. would be nice.
Word notes (ওৱাৰ্ড ন’টচ) – শব্দার্থ : Very (ভেৰি)–বহুত, খুবেই। hot (হট)— গৰম, ঊষ্ণ। today (টুদে )—আজি। feel (ফিল)– অনুভৱ কৰা। thirsty (থাৰ্চটি)–তৃষ্ণাৰ্ত/পিপাসু। like (লাইক) – পচন্দ কৰা। lemonade (লেম’নেড) – নেমুৰ ৰসৰ চৰ্পত। drink (ড্রিঙ্ক)–পান কৰা। lemo (লেম’ন) – নেমু come (কাম)–তাহা। kitchen (কিচেন)—পাকঘৰ। dear (ডিয়াৰ)—মৰমৰ, প্রিয়। show (শ্ব)– দেখুওৱা how (হাও)-কেনেদৰে, কেনেকৈ। make (মেক)-সজা, বনোৱা। nice (নাইচ)—সুন্দৰ, ধুনীয়া।
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
Bubu : Ma, it’s very hot today. I feel very thirsty.
Mother : Would you like a glass of lemonade ?
Bubu : Lemonade ?
Mother : it’s a drink made from lemon. Come to the kitchen dear. I’ll show you how to make lemonade.
মাদাৰ Bubu : Oh, that would be nice.
● Lines: Bubu and his mother………… Bubu : Yes, ma.
Word notes (ওৱাৰ্ড ন’টচ) – শব্দার্থ : Mother (মাদাৰ)—মাতৃ, মা। jug (জগ)—পানীৰ থোৱা জগ। water ( ওৱাটাৰ)—পানী। bring (ব্রিং)–লৈ অহা । vegetable (ভেজিটেবল)—শাক-পাচলি। basket (বাচকেট) —খৰাহী। here (হিয়াৰ)—ইয়াত। very (ভেৰি)—খুবেই, অতি, বৰ। quick (কুইক)—খৰখেদা,দ্ৰুত। see( চী)-চোৱা। what (হ’ৱাট)—কি। need (নিড)— প্রয়োজন। knife (নাইফ)—ছুৰি, কটাৰী। glass ( গ্লাচ) – গিলাচ । spoon (স্পুন)—চামুচ । some (চাম)— কিছুমান। sugar (চুগাৰ)— চেনি। little (লিটল)— অলপমান । salt (চল্ট)— লৱণ । ready (ৰেডি) — তৈয়াৰ প্ৰস্তুত।
Bubu and his mother are in the kitchen.)
Mother : Here is a jug of water. Bubu, can you bring me a lemon from the vegetable basket?
Bubu : Here it is, Ma.
Mother : You are very quick ! Let’s see what we need. We need a knife, a glass, a spoon, some sugar and a little salt. Bubu, are you ready ?
Bubu : Yes, Ma.
• Lines: Mother: First take a glass…..for you tomorrow.
Word notes (ওৱাৰ্ড ন’টচ) – শব্দার্থ : First (ফাৰ্ষ্ট)— পোন প্রথমে। take (টেক)—লোৱা । two (টু)—দুটা। two halves (টু হাভচ)—দুটা খণ্ড। squeeze (স্কুইজ)—চেপা দি ওলাই লোৱা । half (হাফ)—আধা। spoonful (স্পুনফুল)—এটা চামুচ পূর্ণ। next (নেক্সট)—পৰবৰ্তী। add (এড)—যোগ কৰা। pinch (পিঞ্চ)—চিকোটা, টিপা। mixture (মিকচাৰ)—মিশ্রণ। stir (ষ্টাৰ) ঘোঁট মাৰা। simple (চিম্পল)—সহজ /সৰল। myself (মাইচেম্ফ)—নিজেই। now (নাও) –এতিয়া। taste (টেচট্)—সোৱাদ লোৱা। lovely (লাভলি) মনোমোহা। next time (নেক্সট্ টাইম)—অহাবাৰ। sure (চিঅ’ৰ)—নিশ্চয়। some (চাম)–কিছুমান। tomorrow (টুমৰ’)— অহাকালি, কাইলৈ।
উচ্চাৰণ আৰু অসমীয়া ভাঙনি :
Mother : First, take a glass of water. Cut the lemon into two halves. Squeeze one half of the lemon into the glass of water. Put two spoonfuls of sugar. Next, add a pinch of salt. Stir the mixture with the spoon. Your lemonade is ready.
মাদাৰ : (ফাৰ্ষ্ট, টেক এ গ্লাচ অৱ ওৱাটাৰ। কাট দা লেমন ইনটু টু হাভচ। স্কুইজ্ ওৱান হাফ অৱ দা লেমন ইনটু দা গ্লাচ অৱ ওৱাটাৰ। পুট টু স্পুনফুলচ অৱ চুগাৰ। নেক্সট, এড এ পিঞ্চ অৱ চল্ট। স্টিয়াৰ দা মিক্চচাৰ উইথ দা স্পুন। ইয়’ৰ লেম’নেড ইজ ৰেডি)—মাঃ প্রথমতে, এ গিলাচ পানী লোৱা। নেমুটো দুটা খণ্ডেৰে কাটা। আধা নেমুৰ ৰস এ গিলাচ পানীত মিহলী কৰি দিয়া। ইয়াৰ পিছত দুই চামুচ পূর্ণ চেনি গিলাচত দিয়া। ইয়াৰ পিছত তাতে এটিপা লৱণ যোগ কৰা। মিশ্ৰণটো এটা চামুচেৰে ঘোঁট মাৰা। তোমাৰ বাবে নেমুৰ চৰ্পত প্রস্তুত হ’ল।
Bubu : Oh ! It’s simple, I can do it myself now.
বুবু : (ওহ ! ইটচ চিম্পল। আই কেন ডু ইট মাইচেল্ফ নাও।) — ওহ ! এইটো বৰ সহজ। মই এইটো নিজেই বনাব পাৰিম।
Mother : Now taste it.
মাদাৰ : (নাও টেচট্ ইট।)—মাঃ এতিয়া, ইয়াৰ সোৱাদ লোৱা।
Bubu : Oh ! lovely.
বুবু : (ওহ ! লাভলি।)—ওহ ! বৰ ধুনীয়া।
Mother : Can you make one for me next time?
মাদাৰ : (কেন ইউ মেক ওৱান ফৰ মি নেক্সট টাইম ?)—মা : পৰবৰ্তী সময়ত তুমি কি মোৰ বাবে এ গিলাচ নেমুৰ চৰ্পত প্রস্তুত কৰিব পাৰিবানে ?
Bubu : Sure Ma, I’ll make some lemonade for you tomorrow.
বুবু : (চিয়’ৰ মা, আই উইল মেক চাম লেম’নেড ফৰ ইউ টুমৰ’।)—নিশ্চয় মা, মই অহাকালি তোমাৰ বাবে নেমুৰ চৰ্পত প্রস্তুত কৰিম।
ACTIVITIES (একটিভিটিজ)—কার্যকলাপ |
1. Listen and say ‘True’ or ‘False’:
(a) Mother is teaching Bubu how to make lemonade.
Ans.: True.
(b) Bubu has brought a glass of water and two lemons.
Ans. False.
(c) Mother is squeezing one half of the lemon into the glass of water.
Ans.: True .
(d) Bubu is stirring the mixture with a spoon.
Ans.: True.
2. These are some of the works we do in the kitchen :
stir | boil | strain | fry |
squeeze. | add | roll | wash |
pour | heat | mix | cut |
Now, listen to your teacher and show the actions.
Ans: Do it yourself.
3. (a) Bubu is going to make a glass of lemonade for his other. But he has forgotten the steps. Help him by arranging the steps in the correct order. Write the serial numbers in the boses. The first one is done for you:

3. (b) Now, write the steps in the correct order in your notebook.
Ans.: 1. Take a glass of water.
2. Cut the lemon into two halves.
3. Squeeze one half of the lemon into the glass.
4. Add two spoonfuls of sugar.
5. Add a pinch of salt.
6. Stir the mixture with the spoon.
4. (a) Let’s read the groups of words. They are all action words:

4. (b) Now, listen to your teacher and show the actions:
(i) Pour a glass of water.
(ii) Squeeze one half of a lemon.
(iii) Wash a dish.
(iv) Peela banana
(v) Cut a lemon into two halves.
(vi) Open a window.
5. Let’s read :
A kitchen is a room where meals are cooked. Do you know the names of other rooms in a house?
Ans: A dining room → A dining room is mainly used for eating meals
a bathroom → A bathroom is a room to have a bath.
a bedroom → A bedroom is a room to sleep in .
6. Read and match:
Ans. :
a bathroom | a room to have a bath. |
a kitchen | a room where meals are cooked. |
a dining room | a room mainly used for eating meals. |
a bedroom | a room to sleep in. |
7. Let’s read the names of a few things we use in the kitchen:
1. a spoon.
2. a kettle.
3. a knife.
4. a saucepan.
5. a gas stove.
6. a tea-strainer .
7. a sieve.

8. a fork .
9. a teapot .
10. a dish.
11. a bowl .
12. a jar.
13. a mug .
14. a frying pan.
15. a cylinder .
16. a keg .
17. a bucket .
18. a jug .
19. a pressure cooker.
20. a water filter.
21. a cup .
22. a saucer .
23. a tray .
24. a glass .
8. You can find at least seven names of things that are used in the kitchen in the grid. Circle them. One is done for you :

2. MUG.
3. STOVE .
4. CUP .
6. SPOON .
7. SIEVE .
9. Let’s sing and play :
Ans.: Oranges and lemons,
Sold for a rupee .
All the school girls
Are so many
The grass is green,
And the rose is red.
Remember me
When you are sad.
Word notes (ওৱাৰ্ড ন’টচ) – শব্দার্থ :
Oranges (অৰেঞ্জেচ)— কমলাটেঙাবোৰ। lemons (লেমনচ)—নেমুবোৰ । sold (চোল্ড)—বিক্ৰী হয়। rupee (ৰুপি)—এ টকা। school (স্কুল)—বিদ্যালয়। girls (গার্লচ)— ছোৱালীবোৰ। many (মেনি)—বহুত। grass (গ্ৰাচ)—ঘাঁহ । green (গ্রিন)— সেউজীয়া। rose (ৰ’জ)—গোলাপ। red (ৰেড)—ৰঙা। remember (ৰিমেম্বাৰ)—মনত ৰখা। when (হ’ৱেন)—যেতিয়া । sad (চেড)—দুখী/বিষণ্ণ।
10. Talk to your friend and choose words and phrases from column A, B and C to make sentences:
A | B | C |
Mother | added squeezed | one half of the lemon into the glass. two spoonfuls of sugar and a pinch of salt to the glass. |
Now, write the sentences in the board below:
Ans. Mother added two spoonfuls of sugar and a pinch of salt to the glass.
Mother squeezed one half of the lemon into the glass.
11. Choose the words/groups of words in the box to complete the sentences:
bottle of salt.
jar of sugar.
The oranges are in the basket.
The bottle of salt is on the table.
The knife is just beside the glass.
The jar of sugar is in the cupboard.
12. Read the following sentences :
Bubu is in the kitchen. He is trying to help his mother. She is making tea for them. They are planning to go to the market. It is a sunny day. They will take an umbrella with them.
Word Notes (শব্দার্থ) : kitchen (কিচেন)—পাকঘৰ। trying (ট্রাইং)—চেষ্টা কৰি আছে। help (হেল্প)—সহায় কৰা। mother (মাদাৰ)—মা। making (মেকিং)—বনোৱা। tea (টি)—চাহ। them (দেন)—সিহঁতক, তেওঁলোকক। planning (প্লেনিং)—পৰিকল্পনা কৰি আছে। go (গ’) —যোৱা। market (মার্কেট)—বজাৰ। sunny day (চানি ডে) —ৰ’দৰ বতৰৰ দিন। take (টেক)— লোৱা। umbrella (আমব্রেলা)—ছাতি। with (উইথ)—সৈতে লগতে।
Underline the words – ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘his’, ‘they’, ‘it’. These are words used instead of Bubu, his mother and the day. Now, match the words under A with those under B. One is “done for you
A | B |
he she his them it | Bubu Bubu’s mother Bubu’s Bubu and his mother A sunny day |
13.(a) Bonti is Bubu’s sister. She likes to eat the following things. Read the names of their shapes. Match the pictures with the names of their shapes. One is done for you:

13. (b) Identify the shapes in the house and write them :
Ans. The shape of the roof of the house is a triangle.
The shape of the ventilator is oval.
The shape of the two windows are square.
The shape of the door is rectangle.
14. Let’s read about a cylinder:
Boy: This is a cylinder. It is red. Do you know its shape?
Girl: No, I don’t. Is it rectangular?
Boy: No. it’s not. It is cylindrical.

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