Class 11 History MCQ Chapter 2 An Empire Across Three Continents

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Class 11 History MCQ Chapter 2 An Empire Across Three Continents

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Chapter: 2


1. Augustus, the first Roman Emperor was called the ‘leading citizen’ whose Latin term is

(a) ‘Basileus’.

(b) ‘Dominus’.

(c) ‘Princeps’.

(d) ‘Res gestae’.

Ans: (c) ‘Princeps’.

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2. Which one of the following is a rive that forms the boundary of the Roman Empire?

(a) Mekong River.

(b) Rhine River.

(c) Amur River.

(d) Yangtze River.

Ans: (b) Rhine River.

3. Asymmetrical globalization is:

(a) The way in which contemporary globalization is equally experienced across the world and amongst different social groups.

(b) The way in which contemporary globalization is unequally experienced across the world and amongst different social groups.

(c) The degree to which networks or patterns of social interaction are formally constituted as organizations with specific purposes.

(d) A process in which the organization of social activities is increasingly less constrained by geographical proximity and national territorial boundaries.

Ans: (b) The way in which contemporary globalization is unequally experienced across the world and amongst different social groups.

4. In the Roman urban life, the entertainment shows called “spectacula’ happened for at least

(a) 150 days.

(b) 160 days.

(c) 167 days.

(d) 176 days.

Ans: (d) 176 days.

5. The emperor who made Christianity the official religion in the Roman Empire was

(a) Alexander.

(b) Augustus.

(c) Constantine.

(d) Nero.

Ans: (c) Constantine.

6. The Roman emperor who consolidated the rise of provincial upper classes so as to exclude the senators from military command was:

(a) Augustus.

(b) Constantine.

(c) Gallienus.

(d) Tiberius.

Ans: (c) Gallienus.

7. What were Amphorae?

(a) A type of army.

(b) A type of container.

(c) A type of district administrator.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (b) A type of container.

8. The best kind of wine came to Rome from:

(a) Fayum.

(b) Byzacium.

(c) Galilee.

(d) Campania.

Ans: (d) Campania.

9. Rome was situated on the bank of river:

(a) Nile.

(b) Tiber.

(c) Sutlej.

(d) Thames.

Ans: (b) Tiber.

10. Augustus, the first Roman Emperor was called the leading citizen whose Latin term is:

(a) Basileus.

(b) Dominus.

(c) Princeps.

(d) Res gestae.

Ans: (c) Princeps.

11. Saint Augustine was bishop of the North African city of:

(a) Annaba.

(b) Algeria.

(c) Hippo.

(d) Numidia.

Ans: (c) Hippo.

12. The international Convention on the Elimination of Child Labour:

(a) Was a result of countries appearing as autonomous containers of political, social, and economic activity in that fixed borders separate the domestic sphere from the world outside.

(b) Represents a process in which the organization of social activities is increasingly less constrained by geographical proximity and national territorial boundaries.

(c) Involves a complex mix of homogenization and increased heterogeneity given the global diffusion of popular culture, global media corporations, and communications networks.

(d) Was the product of a complex politics involving public and private actors from trade unions, industrial associations, humanitarian groups, governments, and legal experts.

Ans: (d) Was the product of a complex politics involving public and private actors from trade unions, industrial associations, humanitarian groups, governments, and legal experts.

13. The Roman ruler _____ was considered as the leading citizen only to show that he was not the absolute ruler.

(a) Augustus.

(b) Constantine.

(c) Gallienus.

(d) Tiberius.

Ans: (a) Augustus.

14. The emperor who made Christianity the official religion in the Roman Empire was:

(a) Alexander.

(b) Augustus.

(c) Constantine.

(d) Nero.

Ans: (c) Constantine.

15. In Roman urban life, the entertainment shows called spectacular happened for at least.

(a) 150 days.

(b) 160 days.

(c) 167 days.

(d) 176 days.

Ans: (d) 176 days.

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