Class 11 History Chapter 10 Displacing Indigenous People

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Class 11 History Chapter 10 Displacing Indigenous People

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Displacing Indigenous People

Chapter: 10



Q.1. Comment on any points of difference between the native peoples of south and North America. 

Ans :- South and North America were home to many native cultures prior to their discovery and settlement Europeans, However, among, the natives of these continents there were many points of bae differences. 

( i ) The society of the natives of south America like. Incas of peru was hierarchical with the king representing the highest authority, followed by priests and shamans. Cultivators and craftsmen constituted the common people. 

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( ii ) Basis of civilization of South America natives e.g. incas was agriculture.They terraced hill sides, and developed systems of drainage and irrigation. They grew corn and potato’s and domesticated Tiaras for, food and labour, state maintained cargo

granaries which supported nobility, priests and the officials unlike the native South America, those of North America lived by agriculture. They cultivated vegetables and Maize but did not practice extensive agriculture and produce surpluses. They also ate fish and meat. They often hunted chiefly the bison, the wild buffalo that roamed the grasslands. 

( iii ) The native of South America maintained an empire. For example, the Incas had their capital at Monar Capoe. 

( iv ) Unlike the natives of North America the natives of South America believed in private ownership of resources. 

( v ) Unlike the natives of North America the natives of south America used gold and silver ritually but there was no great value placed on gold and silver. 

( vi ) Among the Incas of South America, every subject was required to speak. Quechua, the language of the court. In North America the natives spoke numerous languages. 

Q.2. Other than the use of English what other features of English economic and social life do you notice in the Nineteenth century USA? 

Ans :- It need be noted most of the early settlers in America were British either convicts or younger sons who world not inherit their fathers property and therefore were eager to own land in America and begin a new life. It would not be too far from the truth to call America a mini England. Features of similarity in economic and social life. 

( i ) Capitalist systems of economy growth, industrial towns and multiplication of factories. 

( ii ) Privatization of land. In Britain with the disclosures movement small farmers were reduced to landless lecturers or wage earners in factories, familiarly, in the USA the natives were induced and forced to move and deprived of their lands.

( iii ) To understate large sealer agriculture most areas were cleared and derived into forms. 

( iv ) Use of modern machines for agriculture and cultivation of crops according to market needs for sale and profit. 

( v ) Total disregard for ecology evident in cutting down of trees to gele layout farmy, and hunting of wild animals like ushers and mountains lions. To point extinction. 

( vi ) Similarly in food habits and dress. 

( vii ) Both countries were Christian People were either Roman Catholic or Protestations. 

 (viii) Class based society immense disparities and marked by social disparities example, both democratic rights and right to property ware only for the ‘white man’ is the nineteenth century America. 

( ix ) Both Britain and USA were undergoing phase of setting up. industries. While in England among other reasons industrial revolution happened because small peasants were using their land to big farmers and moving to jobs in factories, in North America, industries developed to manufacture railway equipment and to produce machinery which would make large scale farming easier. 

Sl. No.সূচী-পত্ৰ
Chapter 1From The Beginning be of Time
Chapter 2Writing & City Life
Chapter 3An Empire Across Three Continents
Chapter 4The Central Islamic Lands
Chapter 5Nomadic Empires
Chapter 6The Three Orders
Chapter 7Changing Cultural Traditions
Chapter 8Confrontation of Cultures
Chapter 9The Industrial Revolution
Chapter 10Displacing Indigenous People
Chapter 11Paths to Modernization

Q.3. What did the Frontier mean to the Americans? 

Ans :- For the Americans frontier did not mean any fixed boundary line, but at did mean ever changing and extending boundary line. 

America is known today came into existence at the end of the eighteenth century. At that time it occupied only a fraction of the land they now cover. After the American war of independence the people become free of the British yoke and over the next 100 years they extended their control over more territory, to reach there present size. 

In the east they were preached along the shores of the Atlantic ocean and their border was secure. If these was any frontier it lay to the west which they kept an extending by evicting the natives. Large areas were acquired by the USA by purchase. E.g. in the South from France (the Louisiana purchase) and from passia (Alpacas) an by war much of southern USA was won from Mexico. No consent was taken of the native examples the chenckee tribe. The natives were induced or forced to move after signing treaties selling their land. The prices paid were low and Dat there were instances where the American cheated natives by taking more land or paying less than promised. 

The ever changing frontier resulted in natives being pushed westward. Very often often land was given to the natives ‘is perpetuity’ they were moved again if any mineral, sil, gold was found on the lands. 

Where the natives resisted (1869 to 1890), the US army crushed them mercilessly. 

The constriction of railways was a factor is changing frontiers for it helped convert for fling areas. 

By 1892, the US continental expansion was complete. The area between the pecisic and Atlantic oceans was divided up into state there no longer remained the frontier that had pulled, European settler for many decades. 

Thus, for the Americans the frontier the western frontier was a shifting one and as it moved the natives were also forced to move back. 

Q.4. Why was the history of the Australian Natives people left out of history books? 

Ans :- Among the factors why the history of the Australian natives was left out of history books were :-

( i ) Australia was discovered by capturing whole is 1700 so it was assumed the history of Australia began with captain cook’s discovery. 

( ii ) After captain cook was killed by a native is Hawaii colonizers used the single incident to justify acts of violence against athens and no attempts were made to give information about natives. 

( iii ) The natives themselves while having a tradition of own language had no written script where by no written material was available an thuns for historians to refer to. 

( iv ) Most of the early settles is Australia were convicts who had been deported from England and when their jail terms ended were allowed to live as free people is Australia on condition that they did not return to Britain. With no recourse but to make life for themselves is a land so different from their own, they felt no hesitations about ejecting natives. This created an atmosphere of hatred and mutual suspicion, where by they were not written about.

( v ) The European settlers regarded the natives as ‘uncivilized and probably not worth witting about. 

( vi ) In the 19th and the 20th centuries nearly 90% of natives died by exposure to germs, by loss of their lands and resources and is battles against settlers. More over, the settlers had the attitude that the primitive man deserved to die out. So probably for this reasons they were not included is history books. 

( vii ) If Till 1974 fear or true dark people led Australians to keep non white out. This was reflected is the history books. If was only from 1974 that multi neutralism became the official policy of Australia and equal respect was given to native cultures. 

( viii ) It was after the lecture by the anthropologists WEH Stunner entitled “The great Australian silence” that people became conscious of silence of history any about the aborigines, and eager to understand natives not as anthropological curiosities but as communities with distinguish cultures. Through the book titled “why weren’t we told Henry rebuilds condemned the practice of writing history, as though it had begin with captains cooks discovery. 


Q.5. How satisfactory is a museum gallery display is explaining culture of a people? Give examples from your own experience. 

Ans :- Guidelines Museums are repositories of our ancient heritage. Through various archaeological remains, collection of crafts, art took, and pictures and literature they enable is to construct culture of a people who are lost to us today. They also help us to understand appreciate and learn from simple societies e.g. tribals among us.

Q.6. Imagine a counter in California is about 1830 between four people; a former African slaver a Chinese labourer, a German who had come out is the gold Rush, and a native of the Hopi tribe and narrate their conversation. 

Ans :- ( i ) African slaves :- It was only is 1861 -65 after the American circular slavery was abolished. 

( ii ) Chinese labourer :- In the class based society, way down is the social ladder both socially and economically. immigrated to America to help build railway lines. 

( iii ) German who had come out of golden Rush :- Rich big industrialists living is paltical house, high both in the social ladder and political.

( iv ) Native of Hopi tribe :- Land occupied by them taken over by Americans. 

Locked if in small area reservations a land with which called they had no earlier connection. Rebellion led by them, crushed mercilessly by them, crushed mercilessly by US army. Discouraged from the full exercise of their culture. Denied benefits of citizenship constant interference in their traditions.

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