Class 10 Social Science Political Chapter 1 Indian Democracy The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters Assam Board Class 10 Social Science Political Chapter 1 Indian Democracy and select needs one.
Class 10 Social Science Political Chapter 1 Indian Democracy
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Indian Democracy
Chapter: 1
Q 1. Which political party won the election held in 1945 in England?
Ans: The Labour party.
Q 2. When did the “Cabinet Mission” Come to india?
Ans: The “Cabinet Mission” Come to India March 1946.
Q 3. Who was the first chairman of the constitution Assembly?
Ans: Dr. Sacchindanada Sinha.
Q 4. Who was the president of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution?
Ans: The Chairman was Dr B.R. Ambedkar. the Constituent Assembly set up a Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Q 5. Which constitutional amendment, the words” Socialist” and “Secular” were incorporated in the” preamble”?
Ans: In the 42n constitutional amendment.
Q 6. From which Latin words has been the English word “Federation” derived?
Ans: “Foedus”.
Q7. Which country is regarded as the “Homeland” of the federation?
Ans: United States of America (USA).
Q 8. Is there Dual citizenship system in India?
Ans: No.
Q 9. From which country’s constitution has been the concept of India’s parliamentary democracy followed?
Ans: From the constitution of England.
Q 1. Why did the British government send The Cabinet Mission to India?
Ans: Cabinet Mission would send India to facilitate the process of transfer of power. The Mission’s aim would also be to help the Indians leaders decide the form of government that would suit them after the transfer of power.
Q 2. According to which Act, India’s administration was governed between 15 August, 1947 to 26 January, 1950 and who enacted this act?
Ans: India was governed in accordance with the provisions of the Govt. of India Act, 1935, between the period from 15 August 1947 to 26 January 1950 enacted by the Indian Government.
Q 3. Why have the words “We the people of India” been incorporated in the preamble?
Ans: ‘We, the people of India’ in the Preamble means ultimate sovereignty of the people of India. Sovereignty means not being subject to the control of any external power or state. Sovereign means one who exercises supreme authority or power.
Q 4. What is meant by the term sovereign?
Ans: Sovereign is the supreme and absolute power of the state.
Q 5. According to which constitutional amendment the two words “socialist” and “Secular” have been
incorporated, in the preamble and in which year?
Ans: The two words “Socialist” and “Secular” have been incorporated in the Preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment in the year 1976.
Q 6. What is meant by “Quasi-federal state”?
Ans: Quasi federal means a system of government where the center has more power than the states. India is a quasi-federal state as it has a strong central influence on the powers of the state. In this system, the features of a unitary government and a federal government are combined.
Q 7. Which Indian Act had introduce limited parliamentary democracy in per-independence period?
Ans: The Government of India Act, 1935 had introduced limited Parliamentary democracy in Pre-independence India.
Q 1. Discuss how the ideals of the Indian constitution have been manifested in its preamble.
Ans: Preamble declares India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic. The objectives stated by the Preamble are to secure justice, liberty, equality to all citizens and promote fraternity to maintain unity and integrity of the nation.
The preamble also says that India will be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic and republic nation. Each of these words reflect the ideals of Constitution.
Realy, to grasp the inner spirit of the constitution one should go through the Preamble of the constitution. Because each and every words mentioned in the Preamble, bears ideals, philosophy and objectives of the constitutions.
Every word in the Preamble which begins with the words, “We the people of India’, bears certain meaning and ideal. It is important to mention that the makers of the Indian constitution paid due attention to manifest every aspect of rich ancient Indian culture and civilization as the guiding principles in the pages of the Indian constitution.
The words ‘we the people of India’ in the preamble of the constitution, its makers made it crystal clear in definite terms that the actual authority of the constitution is the Indian people themselves, it belongs solely to them and they are the main force behind the making of the Indian constitution.
Q 2. Write in detail about what is meant by sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic and republic.
Ans: The Constitution of India declares India as a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic.
(i) Sovereign: India is a Sovereign state. Sovereignty is the supreme and absolute power of the state. In’ other words externally India is not subordinate to any foreign power nor is India directed by any other force internally.
(ii) Socialist: The socialist nature of India suggests that wealth is generated socially and should be shared equally by society.
(iii) Secular: The word ‘secular’ signifies that the state has no official religion of its own. Every citizen has complete freedom to follow any religion.
(iv) Democratic: India is a democratic state. The administration of the country shall be governed by the elected representatives of the people. The people shall administer the country for themselves and administration shall be responsible to the people.
(v) Republic: India is a republic. The Head of the state (the President) shall be elected by the people. The post of the Head of the state shall not be hierarchical nor a person selected by someone.
Q 3. Discuss the objective resolution put forward by pandit Nehru in relation to the Indian Constitution.
Ans: The objective resolution put forward by pandit Nehru in relation to the Indian Constitution are:
(i) The Constituent Assembly is determined to declare India as Independent Sovereign Republic. (Later on the word “Independent” was removed.)
(ii) The Constitution Assembly would declare India as an Independent Sovereign Republic.
(iii) Social, economic and political justice, equality, religious liberty, freedom of expressing through and opinion of the Indian people will be duly recognised.
(iv) There shall be measures to safeguard the interests of the Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, backward classes and the Minority people of India.
(vi) To emphasise on safeguarding the freedom, sovereignty and integrity of India.
(vii) To ensure that the source of all powers would be the people of India.
(viii) The indigenous princely states desiring to join the Indian union shall enjoy the status of its constituent province through self-governance with the residuary powers.
(ix) To constitute a union of state with the British-ruled Indian territory and the erstwhile princely kingdom ready to join the Indian territory.
Q 4. Discuss the characteristics of the Indian federal system.
Ans: The characteristics of the Indian federal system are:
(i) The constituent states of the Union of India do not have the provision of a separate constitution for them. There is only one constitution for the whole Indian federation and that is the Constitution of India.
(ii) There is only one constitution for the whole Indian federation and no separate constitution for each constitute state of India.
(iii) The appointment procedure of the Governors in the constituent provinces does not corroborate the federal character of India. The Governor performs his/her role as the representative of the central (union) government in the state.
(iv) Two types of government: There are two types of government in the federal type of government. One is the central government and the other type is the provincial governments. Both the types of governments possess their own respective constitutions.
(v) In the federal type of government there exist a free and independent Judiciary which performs the duty of the supreme authority and the guardian of the federal constitution.
(vi) Single citizenship has been granted in India to ensure sovereignty and integrity of the country.
Q 5. Discuss the important characteristics of the parliamentary form of government in India.
Ans: A democratic government known as a parliamentary one is one in which the political party winning the most seats in the federal election’s legislative or Parliament becomes the ruling party.
The characteristics of the parliamentary from of government in India are:
(i) The Parliament of India is composed of the President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
(ii) All political parties contest elections, which are held at regular intervals.
(iii) Fixed number of members of the Parliament are directly elected by the people.
(iv) The party having majority in Lok Sabha or a coalition government comes into power.
(v) The leader of the majority party becomes the Prime Minister and he selects candidates to form the Council of Ministers.

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*Long questions answers*
Ans 1: second line there are will be constitution not continents.
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