Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 11 Economic development, SCERT Class 10 Social Science Multiple Choice Question Answer As Per New Syllabus to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA Class 10 Social Science Objective Type Question Answer and Short Type Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 11 Economic development can be of great value to excel in the examination.
SCERT Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 11 Economic development
Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 11 Economic development covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SCERT Textbooks. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 11 Economic development provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
Economic development
Chapter – 11
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
1. Result of liberalisation and privatisation is-
(a) Economic growth.
(b) Globalisation.
(c) Economic Development.
(d) None of the above.
Answer: (b) Globalisation.
2. Green revolution started at-
(a) the mid 60’s.
(b) the mid 70’s.
(c) the mid 50’s.
(d) the mid 80’s.
Answer: (a) the mid 60’s.
3. Govt of India adopted Economic Reform Policy in-
(a) 1991.
(b) 1995.
(c) 1992.
(d) 1996.
Answer: (a) 1991.
4. The first report on human development under UNDP was published in-
(a) 1900.
(b) 1990.
(c) 1985.
(d) 1995.
Answer: (b) 1990.
5. The monetary value of all goods produced in a country in a financial year in –
(a) National Income.
(b) Personal Income.
(c) Per-capita Income.
(d) None of the above.
Answer: (a) National Income.
6. Which one of the following is not a human development index-
(a) Expected life expectancy.
(b) Education.
(c) Standard of living.
(d) Per-capita income.
Answer: (d) Per-capita income.
7. The first sitting of NITI Ayog was held in-
(a) Delhi.
(b) Kolkata.
(c) Lucknow.
(d) Mumbai.
Answer: (a) Delhi.
8. The NITI Commission was announced to be constituted on-
(a) 31st December, 2015.
(b) 31st January, 2014.
(c) 1st January, 2015.
(d) 31st March, 2015.
Answer: (c) 1st January, 2015.
9. The first sitting of NITI Ayog was held on-
(a) 4th February, 2015.
(b) 8th February, 2015.
(c) 8th February, 2014.
(d) 4th February, 2014.
Answer: (b) 8th February 2015.
Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers
1. What do you mean by the term ‘Economic Development’?
Answer: The Optimum utilisation of natural resources of a country, the development of traditional agriculture and industries, the fulfilment of basic needs of people, the improvement in the general standard of living and the changes in social and mental attitude of people are generally referred to as economic development.
2. How is per-capita income calculated?
Answer: Per capital income is equal to national income divided by total population of the country.
Per Capital Income = National Income/Total Population
3. When was the first Human Development Report Published?
Answer: The First Human Development Report was Published in 1990.
4. Which organisation publishes Human Development Report?
Answer: The UNDP organisation is published Human Development Report.
5. UNDP Stands for?
Answer: United Nations Development Programme.
6. What is life expectancy?
Answer: Life expectancy is the number of years that a child is expected to survive at the time of birth.
7. HDI stands for?
Answer: Human Development Index.
8. When was the First Five Year plan started?
Answer: The First Five Year plan started from 1 April, 1951, 31 March 1956.
9. The full forms of NITI?
Answer: National Institution for Transforming India Aayog.
10. What was replaced the Planning Commission of India?
Answer: NITI Aayog has replaced the Planning Commission of India.
11. When did NITI Aayog start its operation?
Answer: NITI Aayog has started its operation from January 1, 2015.
12. When was the first meet of NITI Aayog held?
Answer: The first meet of NITI Aayog was held on February 8, 2015 in Delhi.
13. Who is the chairman of NITI Aayog?
Answer: The prime Minister of India is the chairman of NITT Aayog.
14. Who appointed the Vice-chairman of NITI Aayog?
Answer: The Prime Minister appointed the vice- chairman of NITI Aayog.
15. What is Mixed Economy?
Answer: In which economy the public sector and the private sector co-exist. Hence it is Known as Mixed Economy. For example, Indian Economy.
16. What is financial sector?
Answer: The financial sector is composed of commercial banks, investment bank, share market and the foreign exchange market.
17. What do you mean by green revolution?
Answer: Green revolution implies the increase in agricultural production by using modern technology.
18. Name two states which have enjoyed the benefit of green revolution.
Answer: Punjab and Haryana.
19. What is Economic Planning?
Answer: Economic Planning is an instrument to attain a set of well defined objectives within a definite time period as determined by a central planning agency.
20. What is a democratic Planning?
Answer: Democratic planning is a planning where people particular in the different stages of plan making.
21. Who pioneered the development of the Indian economy during the period 1950-51 to 1990-91?
Answer: Public sector.
22. How many public sector units has been opened up by the New Industrial Policy, 1991?
Answer: 9.
23. What is disinvestment?
Answer: Disinvestment means the sale of the shares of the public sector units to the private parties.
24. What is one of the small versions of privatisation?
Answer: Disinvestment.
25. What is the period of the 12th Economic planning of Assam?
Answer: From 2012 to 2017
26. Which sector got priority in the 12th Economic Planning of Assam?
Answer: Development of rural economy.

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