Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 12 Indian Democracy

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SCERT Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 12 Indian Democracy

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Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 12 Indian Democracy covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SCERT Textbooks. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 12 Indian Democracy provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Indian Democracy

Chapter – 12


Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

1. India has achieved its independence on

(a) 26th January 1947.

(b) 15th August 1947.

(c) 26th January 1948.

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(d) 26th January 1950.

Answer: (b) 15th August 1947.

2. Is there Dual Citizenship in India?

(a) Yes.

(b) No.

(c) Is going to be implemented.

(d) None of the above.

Answer: (b) No.

3. The party that won the 1945 election in England was

(a) The Labour Party.

(b) The Political Party.

(c) The Communist Party.

(d) The Workers Party.

Answer: (a) The Labour Party.

4. The Constitution Assembly of India was formed-

(a) On the initiative of Muslim League.

(b) On the initiative of Cabinet Mission. 

(c) On the initiative of Indian National Congress.

(d) On the initiative of Communist Party.

Answer: (b) On the initiative of Cabinet Mission.

5. The term”Foedus” means 

(a) War or Peace.

(b) Agreement or Treaty.

(c) War or Agreement.

(d) War or Destruction.

Answer: (b) Agreement or Treaty.

6. The word “Federation” comes from 

(a) The Greek word Foedus.

(b) The Greek word Foedos.

(c) The Latin word Foedus.

(d) The Latin word Foedos.

Answer: (c) The Latin word Foedus.

7. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution of India was

(a) Dr BR Ambedkar.

(b) Dr Rajendra Prasad.

(c) S Radhakrishnan.

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru.

Answer: (a) Dr BR Ambedkar.

8. The permanent president of the Constituent Assembly in India was

(a) Dr BR Ambedkar.

(b) Dr Rajendra Prasad.

(c) Jawaharlal Nehru.

(d) Gopal Krishna Iyengar.

Answer: (b) Dr Rajendra Prasad.

9. The first meeting of Constituent Assembly was held on-

(a) 9th December 1947.

(b) 10th December 1947.

(c) 9th December 1946.

(d) 9th December 1945.

Answer: (c) 9th December 1946.

10. The term “Sovereignty” means 

(a) The Supreme power of the country.

(b) The Supreme power of state.

(c) Right of the country.

(d) None of the above.

Answer: (a) The Supreme power of the country.

11. The term Federalism is not mentioned in 

(a) The India Constitution

(b) The America Constitution.

(c) The British Constitution.

(d) The Canadian Constitution.

Answer: (a) The India constitution.

12. The largest democratic country in the world is

(a) China.

(b) England.

(c) India.

(d) Canada.

Answer: (c) India.

13. The term ” Public Opinion” means

(a) Opinion of majority.

(b) Opinion of the people.

(c) Opinion of the welfare.

(d) Opinion of everyone.

Answer: (c) Opinion of the welfare.

14. The bes type of Government in the present age is

(a) The Monarchy.

(b) The Republic.

(c) The Democracy.

(d) The Aristocracy.

Answer: (c) The Democracy.

15. The present Government of India is 

(a) Prudential form govt.

(b) Democratic form of govt.

(c) Unitary form of the govt.

(d) Parliamentary form of govt.

Answer: (d) Parliamentary from of govt. 

Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers

1. What was ‘Cabinet Mission’?

Answer: ‘Cabinet Mission’ was a unit of three cabinet ministers of England.

2. From when the procedure of the constituent assembly was started?

Answer: From 9th December 1946.

3. Which party came into power in England in the general elections held in July, 1945?

Answer: The Labour party.

4. What had been formed with the initiative of the Cabinet Mission?

Answer: A constituent Assembly.

5. Who Presided over the first sitting of the constituent Assembly held on 9 December, 1946?

Answer: Dr. Sachidananda Sinha.

6. How many sittings of the constituent Assembly were held in relation to the preparation of the new constitution of India?

Answer: Total eleven sittings.

7. When did the constituent Assembly constitute a Committee?

Answer: On 29th August, 1947.

8. Who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee?

Answer: Dr. BR. Ambedkar.

9. When was the draft copy of the new Indian Constitution was handed over to Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

Answer: On 26th November 1946.

10. When did the new constitution come into force?

Answer: On 26th January, 1950.

11. What is preamble?

Answer: The Preamble is the introduction of the constitution.

12. What is Sovereign?

Answer: Sovereignty is the supreme and absolute power of the state.

13. From where, the term ‘federation’ is derived?

Answer: From the word ‘Feodus’

14. What is the literal meaning of ‘Feodus’.

Answer: ‘Agreement or Treaty’. 

15. What do you meant by Federal State?

Answer: Federal state is a union of states, united through mutual agreement on treaty.

16. Where was the federal system first introduced?

Answer: In the United States of America.

17. Which country is regarded as the Home Land of Federation?

Answer: United States of America.

18. Whom did the makers of Indian Constitution follow while choosing federal system for India?

Answer: Canada.

19. When was the Sarkaria Commission set up?

Answer: In 1983.

20. How many houses are there in the Indian Parliament?

Answer: Two Houses named Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha.

21. Which law governed India from 15th August 1947 to 26th January 1950?

Answer: Government of India Act, 1935.

22. What did the makers of the constitution of India want to clear by mentioning “We the people of India” in the preamble of the constitution?

Answer: The makers wanted to make it clear that the actual authority of the constitution is the Indian people themselves, it belongs solely to them and they are the main force behind the making of the Indian Constitution.

23. Through which constitutional amendment, the word socialist was incorporated in the preamble?

Answer: Through 42nd Constitutional amendment.

24. Why India called a republic?

Answer: India is called a republic because the head of the state (The President) shall be elected by the people.

25. Through which Constitutional amendment, the word secular was incorporated in the Preamble of Indian Constitution.

Answer: Through 42nd constitutional amendment.

26. Which adopting a parliamentary form of government, the makers of the constitution followed which constitution of which country?

Answer: Constitution of England.

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