Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 13 International Organisation United nations and others, SCERT Class 10 Social Science Multiple Choice Question Answer As Per New Syllabus each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA Class 10 Social Science Objective Type Question Answer and Short Type Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 13 International Organisation United nations and others can be of great value to excel in the examination.
SCERT Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 13 International Organisation United nations and others
Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 13 International Organisation United nations and others covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SCERT Textbooks. Class 10 Social Science MCQ Chapter 13 International Organisation United nations and others provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
International Organisation United nations and others
Chapter – 13
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
1. World war I broke out in-
(a) 1914.
(b) 1941.
(c) 1918.
(d) 1981.
Answer: (a) 1914.
2. Head-quarters of the United Nations are in-
(a) Geneva.
(b) New York.
(c) Paris.
(d) Londan.
Answer: (b) New York.
3. United Nations day is celebrated on-
(a) 22nd October.
(b) 23rd October.
(c) 24nd October.
(d) 28nd October.
Answer: (c) 24nd October.
4. The United Nations Charter is enforced on-
(a) 26th November 1949.
(b) 26th November 1920.
(c) 24th October 1945.
(d) 24th October 1950.
Answer: (c) 24th October 1945.
5. The main argan of the United Nations is-
(a) General Council.
(b) Security Council.
(c) Trusteeship Council.
(d) Social Council.
Answer: (b) Security council.
6. The main Organs of United Nations as are-
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 6.
Answer: (d) 6.
7. The United Nations Human Rights Commision was formed in-
(a) 6th February, 1942.
(b) 16th February, 1946.
(c) 26th February, 1944.
(d) 6th February, 1948.
Answer: (b) 16th February, 1946.
8. In 1952, Commision established by the United Nations is-
(a) Disarmament Commision.
(b) Security Commision.
(c) Human Right Commision.
(d) NITI Ayog.
Answer: (a) Disarmament Commission.
9. Currently the main administrative subject of the United Nations is-
(a) Secretariate.
(b) Trusteeship Council.
(c) General assembly.
(d) Secretary General.
Answer: (d) Secretary General.
10. Who has the power to veto-
(a) International Court of justice.
(b) General assembly.
(c) Security Council.
(d) Trusteeship Council.
Answer: (c) Security Council.
11. The number of states that signed the United Nations Charter first.
(a) 52.
(b) 45.
(c) 51.
(d) 5.
Answer: (d) 5.
12. Present Secretary General of United Nations is-
(a) Boutros-Ghali.
(b) Ban ki-moon.
(c) Kofi Annan.
(d) Antenio Guterres.
Answer: (d) Antenio Guterres.
13. World Human Right Day is Celebrated on
(a) 24th October.
(b) 28th September.
(c) 10th December.
(d) 5th June.
Answer: (c) 10th December.
14. The international Child Welfare Organisation is-
(a) ILO.
(d) IFU.
Answer: (c) UNICEF.
15. Security Council is-
(a) An important organ of IMF.
(b) An important organ of United Nations.
(c) An important organ of ITO.
(d) An important organ of International Court of Justice.
Answer: (b) An important organ of United Nations.
Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers
1. Which year the first world war was started?
Answer: In 1914.
2. Which year the Second World War was started?
Answer: In 1939.
3. Which organisation was formed after 1st world war?
Answer: United Nations.
4. When was the United Nations Organisation formed?
Answer: On 24th October, 1945.
5. How many states put their signature on the UN charter?
Answer: Altogether 51 states put their signature to the UN charter.
6. When do the world people observe the day of birth of the UNO?
Answer: 24 October.
7. How many member states there at present of the UNO?
Answer: There are 193 member states at present of the UNO.
8. Where is the Head office of the UNO?
Answer: The Head office of the UNO at New York.
9. How many articles are there in the UN charter.
Answer: There are altogether 111 articles in the UN charter.
10. Which is the biggest organ of the UNO?
Answer: The General Assembly.
11. Which is the most important organ of the UNO?
Answer: The security council is the most important organ of the UNO.
12. Which is the judicial organ of the UNO?
Answer: International Court of Justice.
13. With how many Judges was International Court of Justice formed?
Answer: 15 Judges.
14. Which organ is like the heart of the UNO?
Answer: The Secretariat.
15. What is the tenure of the Secretary General?
Answer: 5 years.
16. Who is the present UN secretary General?
Answer: Antonio Guterres.
17. Who was the first Secretary General of the UNO?
Answer: Tryvchaldan Lee of Norway.
18. When was the Human Rights Commission of the UNO set up?
Answer: 16 February, 1946.
19. When did the General Assembly of the UNO adopted the Human Rights Declaration?
Answer: 10 December
20. When was the National Human Rights Commission of India formed?
Answer: 12 October, 1993.
21. Who should be the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission?
Answer: Retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
22. What is the main functions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ )?
Answer: The main functions of the ICJ is to settle the cases fields by the affected member states of the UNO.
23. How many permanent members of the Security Council are there?
Answer: There are 5 permanent member of the security council.
24. Who has been vested Veto power?
Answer: The five permanent members of the security council.
25. Where is the Head office of the Secretariate of UNO?
Answer: At New York.
26. How many objectives are there in the first articles of the United Nations?
Answer: 4 articles.
27. Who elects the non-permanent members of the Security Council?
Answer: General Assembly.
28. What is the power exercised by the permanent members of the security council?
Answer: ‘Veto power.
29. Which organ of the United Nations formed according to the article No 76 of the Charter of the United Nations.
Answer: Trusteeship Council.
30. How many of the Security Council need to agree to take an important decision?
Answer: Total 9 Numbers of members including the 5 permanent members.
31. According to which article the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations was formed?
Answer: Article No 55.
32. How many members are there in the United Nations when it was formed?
Answer: 6.
33. Who appoints the Secretary General of the United Nations?
Answer: The Secretary General is appointed by the General Assembly with the approval of the Security Council.
34. What is the full form of WHO.
Answer: World Health Organisation.
35. When was the Disarmament Commision of the United Nation formed?
Answer: In 1952.
36. When did the United Nations adopted the Preventive Diplomacy?
Answer: In June, 2007.
37. Why was the Human Rights Commision of the United Nations formed?
Answer: To protect the rights of human society around the world.
38. According to which act, the Human Rights Commision was formed in the state of India?
Answer: According to ‘Protection of Human Right Act 1993’.
39. Who appoints the members of the National Human Rights Commission of India?
Answer: President of India.
40. What is the tenure of the members of the National Human Rights Commission?
Answer: 5 Years.
41. When was the League of Nations formed?
Answer: In 1914.
42. Name the conference where the 51 states put their signature on the UN charter.
Answer: San Francisco conference.
43. How many permanent members of the Security Council are there?
Answer: 5.
44. How many temporary members of the security council?
Answer: 10.
45. Who elected by the temporary members of the security council?
Answer: The temporary members of the security council are elected by the General Assembly.
46. How many members of the Economic and Social Council at the time of inception on of the UNO?
Answer: At the time of the inception of the UNO, the total number of members of the Economic and Social Council was 18.
47. Which organ was formed in accordance with the Article 55 of the UN charter?
Answer: The Economic and Social Council.
48. Write duties of the Economic and Social Council?
Answer: The duties of this councils are in relation to all international economical, social, cultural, educational, health and other related problems.
49. What was established by the UNO in January 1952?
Answer: Disarmament Commission.
50. What was established by the UNO in June 2007?
Answer: Preventive Diplomacy.
51. How many members at the inceptions of the Human Rights Commission?
Answer: 18 members.
52. For how many years, the members of the Human Rights Commission are elected?
Answer: Three years.
53. many members states of secure the Human Rights Declaration?
Answer: 48 member states.
54. When did National Human Rights become an Act?
Answer: On 8 January, 1994.
55. How many times the session of the general Assembly is held in a year?
Answer: Once in a year.
Fill in the blanks.
1. A total of 51 countries signed the charter of the United Nations at the _______ conference.
Answer: Sanfransisco.
2. One purpose of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and_________.
Answer: Security.
3. The United Nations shall be establish on the basis of the principle of equal ________ of all member states.
Answer: Sovereignty.
4. In 1963, Article 23 of the United Nations Charter increased the number of members of the security council to_________.
Answer: 10.
5. There are ________ articles in the charter of United Nations.
Answer: 111.

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