Class 10 English Chapter 2 Dust of Snow The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters NCERT Class 10 English Chapter 2 Dust of Snow and select need one.
Class 10 English Chapter 2 Dust of Snow
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Dust of Snow
Chapter – 2
Question and Answers:
Thinking about the poem:
This poem presents a moment that seems simple, but has a larger significance. (Compare this other quotation from Robert Forest : “Always a larger significance……….. A little thing touches a larger thing. “
1. What is a “dust of snow”? What does the poet say has changed his mood? How has the poet’s mood changed?
Ans: Dust of snow refers to fine particles of snow. While walking by a hemlock tree, a crow on the tree shook some particles of snow on the poet and this changed his mood. He was having a bad day and was in a sad mood. The falling snow changed his mood and made him feel more uplifted.
2. How does Forest present nature in this poem? The following questions may help you to think of an answer.
(i) What are the birds that are usually named in poems? Do you think a crow is often mentioned in poems? What images come to your mind when you think of a crow?
Ans: (i) Birds that are usually named in poems include sparrows, swallows, cuckoo, mynah, parrot, night angel, skylark, nightingales and peacocks. No, I don’t think a crow is often mentioned in poems. They are A crow that is rarely mentioned. Crows are not considered beautiful or elegant like some other birds. They usually bring to mind negative images.
(ii) Again, what is “a hemlock tree”? Why doesn’t the poet write about a more ‘beautiful’ tree such as a maple, or an oak, or a pine?
Ans:- A hemlock tree is a poisonous tree. The poet has employed a hemlock tree, instead of a more beautiful tree such as a maple, or oak, or pine because these trees symbolise beauty and happiness. So the poet does not mention any other beautiful tree.
(iii) What do the ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent – joy or sorrow? What does the dust of snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?
Ans:- The crow and the hemlock tree represent sorrow. The dust of snow that is shaken off the hemlock tree by the crow stands for joy that Frost experiences. He has, therefore, used an unconventional tree and bird in order to contrast them with joy in the form of snow.
3. Have there been times when you experienced a similar moment that changed your mood that day?
Ans: One day I lost my toy, it breaks my heart. It has been with me since when I was in class 2, my heart was filled with sadness. Suddenly I heard my father’s voice from behind. He had brought a bicycle for me and I became very happy. And one day while cleaning the store room I found my lost toy and my heart filled with happiness.
A. Choose the correct options for the following:-
1. Who is the poet of ‘dust of snow’?
(i) Robert Williams
(ii) James Williams
(iii) Robert Frost
(iv) James Forst
Ans:- (iii) Robert Frost.
2. Poet Robert Frost mentions which season in the poem.
(i) Winter
(ii) Summer
(iii) Rainy
(iv) Autumn
Ans:- (i) Winter
3. In this poem poet talking about the bird is:-
(i) Parrot
(ii) Peacock
(iii) crow
(iv) None of the above.
Ans:- (iii) crow
4. Why was poet awaked:-
(i) Someone call the poet
(ii) By the alarm clock
(iii) When a small particle of snow fell on the poet.
(iv) All of the above
Ans:- (iii) When a small particle of snow fell on the poet.
5. poets ___ were washed away:-
(i) Positive vibes
(ii) Sadness and depression
(iii) Tiredness
(iv) Loneliness
Ans:- (ii) Sadness and depression.

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