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SEBA Class 10 Home Science Chapter 3 Textiles and Clothing
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Textiles and Clothing
Chapter – 3
A. Tick the most appropriate answer:
1. The equipment common washing and receiving dirty clothes is.
(a) Buckets.
(b) Mugs.
(c) Rubber wringer.
(d) Washing machine.
Ans: (a) Buckets.
2. Are best for washing.
(a) Plastic buckets.
(b) Galvanized iron buckets.
(c) Enamel buckets.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (b) Galvanized iron buckets.
3. A rubber wringer can.
(a) Drive out extra water.
(b) Remove unwanted stains.
(c) Drive out extra soap.
(d) Help to do all the three.
Ans: (a) Drive out extra water.
4. A suction washer has the same function as a:
(a) Rubber wringer.
(b) Scrubbing brush.
(c) Automatic washing machine
(d) Twin tub washing machine.
Ans: (c) Automatic washing machine.
5. Boiling is used for washing of.
(a) Delicate clothes.
(b) Heavy cottons.
(c) Nylons.
(d) Dirty clothes.
Ans: (d) Dirty clothes.
6. Clothes have to be transferred while washing from one tub to another in:
(a) Manual type of washing machine.
(b) Semi automatic washing machine.
(c) Fully automatic washing machine.
(d) All types of washing machines.
Ans: (b) Semi-automatic washing machine.
7. Height of a sink for washing clothes important because of the:
(a) Comfort.
(b) Size.
(c) Height of the tap.
(d) All the above.
Ans: (a) Comfort.
8. You can use laundry bags to.
(a) Save floor space.
(b) Accommodate more clothes.
(c) Leave bucket free.
(d) Sort out clothes.
Ans: (d) Sort out clothes.
1. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate words from the given words in brackets:
(i) Clothes must be ____________ before washing. (dried, mended, ironed, starched)
Ans: Mended.
(ii) ____________ article should not be soaked before washing. (coloured, white, dirty, small)
Ans: Coloured.
(iii) Soaking of clothes helps to ____________ dirt. (increased, decrease, loosen, prevent)
Ans: Loosen.
(iv) Starching is done to give cotton clothes a ____________ look. (dull, shining, rough, yellow)
Ans: Shining.
(v) ____________ should not be starched. (table, linen, sarees,kameez, undergarments)
Ans: Undergarments.
(vi) Coloured cotton articles should be dried in the ____________. (sun, shade, daylight, night)
Ans: Shade.
(vii) Over exposure to sunlight makes fabric ____________. (bright, dull, blue, yellow)
Ans: Dull.
(viii) Ironing should not be done directly on the ____________. (collars, cuffs, sleeves, buttons)
Ans: Buttons.
(ix) When cotton articles are stored wet, they develop ____________. (dullness, brightness, mildew, smooth ness)
Ans: Mildew.
2. State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
(i) Mild liquid soaps should be used for washing silks.
Ans: True.
(ii) Cold water should be used while washing wool-lens.
Ans: True.
(iii) A few drops of vinegar may be added in the final rinse for silks.
Ans: True.
(iv) Silks are stiffened with starch.
Ans: False.
(v) Woollens should not be seam pressed.
Ans: True.
(vi) Silks lose their shape while washing.
Ans: False.
Correct Statement: Silks should not lose their shape if washed gently and handled with care.
(vii) Woollens are hung on the clothes line and dried.
Ans: False.
Correct Statement: Woollens should be laid flat to dry to maintain their shape and prevent stretching.
(viii) Synthetics are squeezed and dried.
Ans: True.
(ix) Synthetics are ironed, if necessary, with a warm iron.
Ans: True.
State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. In dry cleaning dirt is removed by the action of Grease Absorbents and Solvents.
Ans: True.
2. Wet cleaning does not affect colour.
Ans: False.
3. French chalk is grease absorbent.
Ans: True.
4. Petrol is a solvent.
Ans: True.
5. Spot cleaning can be done at home.
Ans: True.
1. State whether following one ‘True’ or ‘False’:
(i) Preparation of cloths is part of laundering.
Ans: True.
(ii) Preparation of fabric means matching soap with fabric.
Ans: False.
(iii) Preparation means checking the fastness of colour.
Ans: True
(iv) Mending a cut is not a part of preparing.
Ans: False.
(v) Stain removing is the first step of laundering.
Ans: True
(vi) Sorting of cloths is necessary to locate dear sand holes in the items.
Ans: False.
(vii) Soaking of cloths helps in looseness the dirt.
Ans: True.
(viii) Soaking of cloths should be done only in soapy water.
Ans: False.
(ix) Soaking of cloths give best results when done overnight.
Ans: True.
(x) Grease stains are best removed using a solvent.
Ans: True.
2. Tick the appropriate answer:
(i) Loose dirt is:
(a) Dust.
(b) Stain.
(c) Dust and grease.
(d) Dust and stain.
Ans: (c) Dust and grease.
(ii) Washing becomes more effective if cloths are soaked for:
(a) Half on hour.
(b) One our.
(c) One and half down.
(d) Overnight.
Ans: (d) Overnight.
(iii) Cloths washed separately from coloured to protect their:
(a) Brightness.
(b) Whiteness.
(c) Stain.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (d) All of the above.
(iv) The selection of method of washing is depend-ent on.
(a) Size of cloths.
(b) Strength of the item.
(c) Amount of dirt present.
(d) Colour of the clothes.
Ans: (b) Strength of the item.
(v) Hand friction is provided while washing:
(a) Small and dirty items.
(b) Large and darts items.
(c) Dirty items.
(d) Clean and delicate items.
Ans: (a) Small and dirty items.
(vi) Method of friction is matched with the:
(a) Nature of fabric.
(b) Colour of fabric.
(c) Size of the item.
(d) Size of the basin.
Ans: (a) Nature of fabric.
(vii) kneading and squeezing is used for washing of:
(a) Small but dirty items.
(b) Large but dirty items.
(c) Extremely dirty and rough items.
(d) Dirty but delicate items.
Ans: (d) Dirty but delicate items.
(viii) Suction washing is used for-
(a) Small and dirty items.
(b) Large, heavy items.
(c) Amall, heavy and rough items.
(d) Large, dirty and heavy items.
Ans: (d) Large, dirty and heavy items.
(ix) For washing items which bleed use:
(a) Cold water.
(b) Warm water.
(c) Hot water.
(d) Any of the above.
Ans: (a) Cold water.
Tick the most appropriate answer:
(x) Finishing means.
(a) Blueing.
(b) Starching.
(c) Laying and starching.
(d) Blueing, starching and ironing.
Ans: (d) Blueing, starching, and ironing.
(xi) Blue is applied at the time when cloths are:
(a) Soaked.
(b) Rinsed.
(c) Washed.
(d) Starched.
Ans: (b) Rinsed.
(xii) If you want free and smooth movement of the iron on starched items add in the starch ½ tea upon of:
(a) Borax.
(b) Half.
(c) Maida.
(d) Wax.
Ans: (d) Wax.
(xiii) Ironing is most effect when.
(a) Iron is not and cloth is damp.
(b) Iron is luke warm and cloth is damp.
(c) Iron is luke warm and cloth is dry.
(d) Iron is hot and cloth is dry.
Ans: (b) Iron is lukewarm, and the cloth is damp.
(xiv) To avoid certain fabrics getting out of shape, they should be dried.
(a) On the cloths line/cord.
(b) On the rack inside.
(c) Flat on the floor/sharpie.
(d) While ironing.
Ans: (c) Flat on the floor/sharpie.
3. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word.
(a) A detergent is a ____________ that is capable of (cleansing agent, cleansing).
Ans: Cleansing agent, cleansing.
(b) A soap is a product obtained from mixing of ____________ and ____________ (fat, alkali)
Ans: Fat, alkali.
(c) A product produced synthetically from chemi-cal is known as a ____________ (detergent).
Ans: Detergent.
(d) Cleansers help in penetration of water in to fabric easy by reducing ____________ (Surface tension).
Ans: Surface tension.
(e) Soap leave ____________ on the fabric which makes them look dull in the course and a ____________ compound gives very bright colour when ap-plied to the fabric whiter than white. (scum, OBA).
Ans: Scum, OBA.
4. Tick (✓) mark the most correct answer:
(a) Product while give good finish to the fabric are:
(i) Blues.
(ii) OBA’s.
(iii) Stiffening agents.
(iv) Auxiliaries.
Ans: (iii) Stiffening agents.
(b) Blue one applied an to the fabric to:
(i) Give blue colour to cloths.
(ii) Remove yellowness.
(iii) Clean the fabric.
(iv) All of the above.
Ans: (ii) Remove yellowness.
5. State whether the following are true or false and write the correct response for the false statement:
(a) Sunlight and moisture have bleaching effect on the fabric.
Ans: True.
(b) Sodium bi-sulphate can be safely applied on animal fibres.
Ans: False.
(c) Bleach whiteness or lightness the fabric by chemical action.
Ans: True.
(d) Chemical bleach is one of the important stain-removing agents.
Ans: True.
(e) Vinegar cannot be used in place of acetic acid.
Ans: False.
(f) Only borax can be used for washing of woollens because it does not have its substitute.
Ans: False.
(g) Stiffening agents can be used to make cotton and sills more stiff and crisp.
Ans: True.
(h) Borax can be safely used for washing of woollens.
Ans: True.
6. Tick the most appropriate answer:
(i) The common washing and receiving equipments for direly clothes is:
(a) Rubber wringer.
(b) Mugs.
(c) Buckets.
(d) Washing machine.
Ans: (c) Buckets.
(ii) Equipment best for washing.
(a) Galvanized iron buckets.
(b) Sink.
(c) Plastic buckets.
(d) Enamel buckets.
Ans: (b) Sink.
(iii) A suction washer has the same function as a:
(a) Scrubbing brush.
(b) Automatic washing machine.
(c) Rubber wringer.
(d) Twin tub washing machine.
Ans: (b) Automatic washing machine.
(iv) A rubber wringer can.
(a) Remove unwanted stains.
(b) Drive out extra water.
(c) Drive out extra soap.
(d) Drive out extra starch.
Ans: (b) Drive out extra water.
(v) Boiling method is used for washing of:
(a) Heavy cottons.
(b) Delicate cloths.
(c) Dirty cloths.
(d) Sick person’s and infant’s cloths.
Ans: (d) Sick person’s and infant’s cloths.
(vi) Height of a sink for washing cloths is important because of the:
(a) Size.
(b) Comfort.
(c) Height of the tap.
(d) Height of the person.
Ans: (d) Height of the person.
(vii) Cloths have to be transferred to four tubs while washing.
(a) Wool.
(b) Nylon.
(c) Cotton.
(d) Silk.
Ans: (a) Wool.
(viii) You can use laundry bags to.
(a) Save floor space.
(b) Have bucket free.
(c) Sort out cloths.
(d) Accommodate more cloths.
Ans: (c) Sort out cloths.
7. Name the equipment used for the out door drying.
Ans: The equipment used for the out door drying are the clothes line could be made of Juterope, Coconutrope, cotton, hemp or galvanised iron wire either solid or twisted. The best place to dry clothes is outdoor in clean air and sunshine. The line should be kept clean by wiping it with clean damp cloth otherwise it will stain the articles dried on it.
8. The equipments used for drying clothes in indoor.
Ans: Drying clothes in rainy season is always a problem which can be solved by arranging a rack which can be put in an airy corner of the working place. Rack can be either of folding type made of Aluminium which can be used both indoors and outdoors or the racks hanging from the ceiling with the help of pulleys. The purpose of pulleys is to bring the rack down when required. Can also fix a wire at height in the room to dry clothes. Some fabrics need to be dried flat on the floor like wool, lace, knitted fabrics. Hence some flats surfaces are needed to dry such clothes. Hangers and clothe pegs are also needed to keep garments on to racks or wire. They can either of plastics or aluminium.
9. Tick the appropriate answer:
(i) For safety in ironing cloths, the surface for keeping iron should be:
(a) Hard.
(b) Padded.
(c) Hard and padded.
(d) Soft.
Ans: (c) Hard and padded.
(ii) Damp muslin cloth between iron and the fabric is kept to:
(a) Remove any stains.
(b) Remove creases.
(c) Ease ironings.
(d) Avoid damage to fabric.
Ans: (d) Avoid damage to fabric.
10. State whether the following are ‘True’ or ‘False’.
(i) Sleeve board has the same functions as ironing Board.
Ans: False.
(ii) A thermostat on the iron controls its heat.
Ans: True.
(iii) If an iron has chromium plating to prevent from rust.
Ans: True.
(iv) Finished clothes and dirty clothes of soil can be kept in side the same cupboard because it will help in sharing space.
Ans: False.
(v) All the supplies for laundry can be stored in the same cupboard.
Ans: True.
(vi) Proper folding of articles is done to hold the articles neatly.
Ans: True.
(vii) Damp muslin cloths between iron and fabric is kept to remove creases from the fabric.
Ans: True.
(viii) Mending a seam/tear/whole is a part of clean-ing process.
Ans: False.
(ix) Fixing of loose buttons is a part of cleaning process.
Ans: False.
(x) Laundry means laundering of large sized cloths only.
Ans: False.
11. List the equipments for washing cloths.
Ans: The equipments for washing cloths are mentioned below:
(a) Washing Machine: Automated machine for washing clothes.
(b) Hand Wash Basin: Used for washing clothes by hand.
(c) Scrubbing Board: A flat surface with grooves to help scrub clothes.
(d) Laundry Basket: Container for holding dirty clothes before washing.
(e) Clothes Dryer: A machine or equipment used to dry clothes after washing.
(f) Cloth Hangers: Used for hanging clothes to dry.
(g) Detergent: Cleaning agent used for washing clothes.
(h) Fabric Softener: Added to the wash to make clothes softer.
12. Write the precautions to be kept in mind while using:
(i) Buckets.
Ans: (a) Ensure buckets are made of durable, non-cracking material.
(b) Avoid overfilling to prevent spillage or leakage.
(c) Clean the bucket regularly to avoid the buildup of bacteria or odor.
(d) Avoid using very hot water in plastic buckets to prevent deformation.
(ii) Scrubbings brush.
Ans: (a) Use the brush with a firm handle for a better grip.
(b) Choose a brush with appropriate bristles based on the surface you’re cleaning.
(c) Clean the brush regularly to remove residue and prevent bacteria build-up.
(d) Avoid applying too much pressure to avoid damaging surfaces.
(iii) Sink.
Ans: Sinks: It is advisable to have a sink fitted for washing because it reduces the amount of work and labour involved in washing. Instead of filling up of 2-3 different buckets to soak, wash and rinse, every step of washing can be done in one place under the tap and the sink. In installing a sink one should see that it is of good size and at a place and height from floor which facilitates washing. A sink that is too high or too low may be very uncomfortable and sink of small size would make washing difficult. The sink should be of 35-50 cm width, 50 cm length and 30 cm depth and 90 cm height from floor. There should be a draining board on the side of the sink. This can provide the counter for keeping things required during washing and to drain out water from washed garments.
(iv) Wash-ing machine.
Ans: Wash-ing machine: Washing machines are labour saving and time saving device and are available in differ-ent types. This machine works on the principle of agitating clothes in soapy water. The friction on light pressure is provided me-chanically. There are a variety of ma-chines available in the market and depending on its functions the price is fixed. There are some machines which have only the function of washing. Rinsing and wringing are done outside the machine. The sec-ond type of machines are called semi-automatic where rins-ing and spin drying are done in one tub and washing in the other. In other words these are twin tub-machines. The third kind of machines are fully automatic and washing, rinsing and spin drying all are done in the same tub and in one cycle, these are the most expensive machines. For taking best care of the machines one, should not wash one or two clothes at a time but it is economical to wash a full load.
(v) Iron.
Ans: (a) Always check the fabric care label before ironing.
(b) Use the correct temperature setting for different materials to avoid burns or damage.
(c) Ensure the iron is clean to avoid leaving stains on clothes.
(d) Unplug the iron after use and store it safely when not in use.
(vi) Soap.
Ans: (a) The cold process.
(b) The semi-boiled process.
(c) The boiled process.
(vii) Wooden spoon.
Ans: (a) Avoid soaking the wooden spoon in water for long periods to prevent cracking.
(b) Regularly treat the spoon with oil to maintain its surface.
(c) Ensure the spoon is cleaned thoroughly after use to avoid food build-up.
(d) Store the spoon in a dry place to prevent mold or mildew.
(viii) Bleaching agent.
Ans: (a) Use bleaching agents in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhalation of fumes.
(b) Always dilute the bleach according to the instructions before use.
(c) Avoid mixing bleach with other cleaning chemicals to prevent hazardous reactions.
(d) Keep bleach away from children and pets, as it can be harmful.
(ix) Blue.
Ans: (a) Follow the instructions for dilution and use to avoid fabric damage.
(b) Use bluing agents sparingly to avoid over-staining.
(c) Store the product in a cool, dry place to maintain its effectiveness.
(d) Wear gloves when handling bluing agents to prevent skin irritation.
(x) Instant starch.
Ans: (a) Always follow the recommended amount of starch for the specific fabric.
(b) Apply the starch evenly to avoid streaks or stiffness in the fabric.
(c) Shake the bottle well before use to ensure consistency.
(d) Avoid using too much starch on delicate fabrics to prevent damage.
(xi) Out door drying.
Ans: (a) Always check the weather before outdoor drying to avoid sudden rain or damp conditions.
(b) Hang clothes in a well-ventilated area to avoid musty smells.
(c) Avoid direct sunlight for delicate fabrics to prevent fading.
(d) Secure clothes properly to prevent them from blowing away in the wind.
13. What are the differences between indoor and outdoor drying.
Ans: The differences between indoor and outdoor drying are mentioned below:
Aspect | Indoor Drying | Outdoor Drying |
Environment | Controlled, sheltered from external weather conditions. | Exposed to natural elements like sunlight, wind, and weather changes. |
Drying Speed | Slower due to limited airflow and absence of direct sunlight. | Faster due to sunlight and wind enhancing evaporation. |
Energy Source | May require additional energy (like using a dehumidifier, fan, or dryer) for faster drying. | Relies on renewable natural energy sources like sunlight and wind. |
Clothing Impact | Gentle on fabrics as there’s no direct exposure to UV rays, which can cause fading. | UV rays can disinfect and brighten whites but may fade colored fabrics over time. |
Space Requirement | Requires indoor space, such as a drying rack or dedicated area. | Requires outdoor space, such as a yard, balcony, or clothesline. |
Weather Dependency | Not affected by external weather conditions like rain or cold temperatures. | Dependent on favorable weather; drying may be delayed during rain or high humidity. |
Odor and Freshness | Clothes might retain a damp or musty smell if not properly ventilated. | Clothes typically smell fresher due to exposure to open air and sunlight. |
Health Benefits | Reduced risk of allergens (like pollen) sticking to clothes but might increase indoor humidity. | Natural UV rays can kill bacteria and dust mites, reducing allergens in clothes. |
Environmental Impact | Can increase energy consumption if additional drying devices are used. | Eco-friendly, as it does not consume additional energy. |
14. What point will you keep in mind while laundering clothes?
Ans: Point will you keep in mind while laundering clothes are:
(i) Drying Method: Follow care labels for drying instructions. Air drying is gentler on clothes, while some items may need machine drying at a low or no-heat setting.
(ii) Ironing and Folding: Iron clothes as needed according to fabric type. For delicate fabrics, consider using a lower heat setting or a pressing cloth.
(iii) Fabric Softener: Use fabric softener as directed to keep clothes soft and reduce static. However, be cautious with sensitive skin or certain fabrics like towels, as softeners can reduce absorbency.
15. Why it is important to launder cloths?
Ans: Regular washing of clothes and bedding, helps to remove any bacteria, dirt, fleas, mites and other irritants or infection. Washing of clothes and bedding can help reduce the incidence of infectious diseases, such as diarrhoeal disease, respiratory infections, scabies and other skin infections.
16. List the two main methods of laundering and their suitability to fabrics.
Ans: The two main methods of laundering and their suitability to fabrics are mentioned below:
(i) Machine Laundering: This method is suitable for fabrics that are durable and can withstand mechanical agitation, such as cotton, polyester, and certain blends. It is fast and efficient for most everyday fabrics.
(ii) Hand Laundering: This method is ideal for delicate fabrics like silk, wool, lace, and other sensitive materials that may be damaged by the rough action of a washing machine. It is gentler and offers more control over the washing process.
17. List the three basic steps to be followed for Laundering any kind of fabric.
Ans: Three basic steps to be followed for Laundering any kind of fabric are mentioned below:
(i) Pre-treatment: This step involves checking for stains and treating them with appropriate stain removers before washing.
(ii) Washing: Select the correct water temperature and detergent, and choose the appropriate washing method (machine or hand washing) based on the fabric type.
(iii) Drying: After washing, fabrics should be dried according to their specific care instructions, either by air-drying or machine-drying, to avoid shrinkage or damage.
18. How will you wash a cotton garment? What precaution will you take and why?
Ans: Avoid hot water, high temperatures will cause cotton to shrink, so opt for a delicate cycle or a cold wash to avoid your favorite cotton items from shrinking.
When drying, air-dry the garment in a shaded area to prevent shrinkage and fading caused by direct sunlight. If you prefer using a dryer, choose a low-heat setting to protect the fabric. Always turn the garment inside out before washing to preserve its color and minimize wear on the surface. Pre-treat any stains with a mild detergent or stain remover instead of rubbing aggressively, which can damage the fibers. Avoid using bleach on colored cotton garments, as it can cause discoloration and fiber damage. By following these steps and precautions, you can ensure your cotton garments remain clean, fresh, and durable.
19. Point out the differences in washing the following:
(i) Silk and Wool.
Ans: Silk:
(a) Silk is a delicate fabric, and it should be washed with great care.
(b) It is best washed by hand in cold water with a mild detergent.
(c) Avoid wringing, as it can damage the fibers.
(a) Wool is also a delicate fabric, but it is less fragile than silk.
(b) It should be washed using lukewarm water and a wool-specific detergent to prevent shrinking.
(c) Wool items should be gently squeezed to remove excess water but should never be wrung.
(ii) White and coloured cottons.
Ans: White Cottons:
(a) White cotton fabrics can often be washed with hot water to remove stains and dirt effectively.
(b) Bleach can be used occasionally to maintain brightness, but it should be used carefully to avoid weakening the fabric.
Coloured Cottons:
(a) Coloured cottons should be washed in cold or lukewarm water to prevent fading of the colors.
(b) A gentle, color-safe detergent should be used to preserve the vibrancy of the fabric.
20. Answer the following questions:
(i) Why should very dirty cotton fabric should be soaked?
Ans: Very dirty cotton fabric should be soaked to loosen dirt, grease, and stains, making it easier to remove them during washing. Soaking also ensures even penetration of detergent into the fabric.
(ii) Why is light pressure used for washing silk?
Ans: Light pressure is used for washing silk because silk is a delicate fabric, and excessive rubbing or agitation can damage its fibers, causing them to weaken, stretch, or lose their sheen.
(iii) Why is vinegar added in the final rinse for silks?
Ans: Vinegar is added in the final rinse for silks to restore their natural shine and softness. It helps to neutralize any remaining detergent, prevent color fading, and maintain the fabric’s luster.
(iv) Why should woollens be dried on a flat surface?
Ans: Woollens should be dried on a flat surface to prevent them from stretching or losing their shape. Hanging wet woollens can cause them to deform due to the weight of the water.
(vi) Why hot iron should not use for ironing nylon?
Ans: A hot iron should not be used for ironing nylon because nylon is a synthetic fiber that can melt or get damaged at high temperatures. It is recommended to use a low heat setting for ironing nylon.

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