NIOS Class 12 Sociology Chapter 25 National Integration: Concept And Challenge

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NIOS Class 12 Sociology Chapter 25 National Integration: Concept And Challenge

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National Integration: Concept And Challenge

Chapter: 25



Q.1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the bracket:

(i) A nation is a country with ……………. social and political structure (unified/un-unified). 

Ans. Unified.

(ii) The people of a nation have a ………….. belief of oneness (common/uncommon).

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Ans. Common.

(iii) National integration creates ……………. feeling (regional/national).

Ans. National.

(iv) National integration is a feeling of ……………. (unity within diversity/diversities within unity).

Ans. unity within diversity.

(v) National integration is ……………. of communal out look by national out look (taking up/giving up).

Ans. Giving up.


Q.1. Write true or false for the following: 

(i) Communalism means placing ones own community above the others. (True/False)

Ans. True.

(ii) Muslims celebrate Id and observe Ramjan. (True/False) 

Ans. True.

(iii) Easter is a festival of Christians. (True/False)

Ans. True.

(iv) In communal riots, we forget our national feelings and national identity. (True/False) 

Ans. True.

(v) We breed jealousy and hatred in communal riots. (True/False)

Ans. True.


Q.1. Choose the correct one from the following:

(i) Lingual riots in Tamil Nadu had taken place in the year.

(a) 1963.

(b) 1964.

(c) 1965.

(d) None.

Ans. (b) 1964.

(ii) Lingual riots in Assam had occurred in the year. 

(a) 1966.

(b) 1967.

(c) 1968.

(d) None.

Ans. (b) 1967.

(iii) The percentage of people speaking Hindi in our country is

(a) 41.0.

(b) 42.0.

(c) 42.9.

(d) None.

Ans. (b) 42.0.

(iv) Our Official Language is

(a) Urdu .

(b) Sanskrit.

(c) Hindi and English.

(d) None.

Ans. (c) Hindi and English.

(v) What de we breed in communal riots?

(a) Love.

(b) National loyalty.

(c) Hatred and Jealousy.

(d) None.

Ans. (c) Hatred and Jealousy.


Answer each of the following question in one sentence.

Q.1. What is regionalism?

Ans. Regionalism is a strong feeling of unity among the people of a religion based on language, culture and economic interests. It in encourageous the demand of regional autonomy and creation of new states. 

Q.2. How is regionalism a negative term?

Ans. It is a negative term because it promotes narrow feelings and encourages the demand of regional autonomy and creation of new states (separate countries). This demand is a great threat for national unity and integration.

Q.3. What does regionalism lay emphasis on?

Ans. I lays emphasis on regional language and regional autonomy.

Q.4. When were the three new states were created?

Ans. November 2000.

Q.5. In which state is the demand for the new Telangana state being raised? 

Ans. Andhra Pradesh.


Q. Match the following column A with B

(i) National integration is(i) fuel to communalism.
(ii) Communalism, linguism and regionalism are(ii) the demand of autonomy.
(iii) Political and religious leaders add(iii) to their lingual identity.
(iv) Regionalism has sponsored(iv) negative terms.
(v) In linguism people attach more and more importance(v) feeling of unity within diversity.


(i) National integration is(v) feeling of unity within diversity.
(ii) Communalism, linguism and regionalism are(iv) negative terms.
(iii) Political and religious leaders add(i) fuel to communalism.
(iv) Regionalism has sponsored(ii) the demand of regional autonomy.
(v) In linguism people attach more and more importance(iii) to their lingual identity.


Q.1. What do you mean by nation and national integration? (M. Imp.) 

Ans. I. Meaning of Nation: Nation is a body of people sharing the sentiments of belongingness.

II. Meaning of National Integration: National integration is feeling of oneness, which is not imposed by any authority. Thought, feeling and action in this regard come from within.

Q.2. What is Communalism? Why is it a threat to National Integration? (M. Imp.) 

Ans. I. Meaning: Communalism is placing ones own community above others’ even above the nation.

II. Communalism as a threat to National Integration: It possesses a great Challenge to national integration. It hunts the feelings of oneness and national identity.

In the wake of communal riots (e.g. 1946-47, at the time of partition of an counter, 1984 anti Sikhs riots, 1993 Mumbai Riots, 2002 Gujarat Riots etc.), we forget our national identity and start behaving as fanatics. We breed hatred and jealously towards the people of other religions. The people of religious group damage life and property of other religions group. Both groups involved in communal forget their common national identity. Just a feeling of hatred is there. 

Q.3. What is linguism? In what way it is harmful to National Integration.

Ans. I. Meaning of Linguism: Linguism is excessive love and bias in favour of the people who speak ones own language. 

II. The way linguism is harmful to National Integration: (i) Like communalism, the term linguism is used in a negative sense.

(ii) Linguism promotes narrow feelings among people and therefore it puts challenge to national integration.

(iii) It hunts the feelings of oneness and national identity.

(iv) Whenever conflict occurs in our country over the relative status of language in a province or in whole country, the parochial tendency destroys the feeling of national integration. For example our country has witnessed linguale riots in Tamil Nadu in 1964 and in Assam 1967.

Q.4. What is regionalism? How is a challenge to National integration? 

Ans. I. Meaning of Regionalism:

(i) Regionalism is a feeling of pride and loyalty that people belonging to a region have. It is sometimes associated with a feeling of superiority of belonging to one region as compared to those belonging to other regions.

(ii) Regionalism is a strong feeling of unity among the people of a region based on language, culture and economic interests. It is encourageous the demand of regional autonomy and creation of new states.

II. The way in which Regionalism poss a challenge to National Integration:

(i) Like communalism and linguism the narrow feelings of regionalism are also encourage challenges to national unity and integration. Regionalism hunts the feelings of oneness among the Indians and national identity among them.

(ii) Region is an area the inhabitants of which have a sense of unity on the basis of language, culture and economic interests. Regionalism is regional loyalty in place of national loyalty. Regionalism gives a negative feeling among the people of a region towards the people of other regions. Regionalism encourages the demand of regional autonomy. It also leads to the demand for the creation of new state. It favours the son of soil theory.

Q.5. What promotes our National integration? (V. Imp.)

Ans. The following promote our National integration:

(i) A unified social and political structure. 

(ii) The feeling of oneness among the people of the country. This feeling of oneness should be built on the basis of common history, society, common values and culture.

(iii) The fealing of oneness is strengthened by economic and political interdependence. The feeling of unity within diversity greatly promotes our national integration.

(iv) National identity is supreme. Cultural unity, Constitution, territorial continuity, common economic problems, art, literature, national festivals, flag, national anthem and national emblem etc. promote National Integration.



Q.1. Why do you consider National integration as a positive brief?

Ans. I consider national integration as a positive belief because it helps in progress, development and benefits of society and country.

Q.2. Write the names of three political things and symbols which make the whole country one?

Ans. (i) Constitution of the country.

(ii) National Flag. and

(iii) National Anthem.

Q.3. Write the names of three phenomenons or narrow feelings which create hinderances in the way of national integration.

Ans. (i) Regionalism.

(ii) Communalism. and

(iii) Linguism.

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