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NIOS Class 12 Political Science Chapter 33 Public Service Commissions
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Public Service Commissions
Chapter: 33
I. Tick (✓) mark the correct answer:
(i) The administrative machinery of the government is run by:
(a) Elected representatives.
(b) Ministers.
(c) Civil servants.
(d) People of India.
Ans. Civil servants.
(ii) An independent constitutional agency to recruit civil servant is known as:
(a) Staff Selection Board.
(b) Election Commission.
(c) Planning Commission.
(d) Public Service Commission.
Ans. Public Service Commission.
(iii) An independent agency for recruitment of civil servants is required because.
(a) it maintains the merit system and neutrality in civil services.
(b) it protects the rights of the people.
(c) it serves the aspiration of the ministers.
(d) it is an appointing authority of the civil servants.
Ans. it maintains the merit system and neutrality in civil services.
1. Tick (✔) mark the correct answer:
(i) Public Service Commission is a:
(a) Constitutional body.
(b) Statutory body.
(c) Body set up by an executive decision.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. Constitutional body.
(ii) Public Service Commission works:
(a) A recruiting agency.
(b) An appointing authority.
(c) An advisory body on all government appointments.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. A recruiting agency.
(iii) The chairman and the members of the UPSC can be removed from the in post by the:
(a) Council of Ministers.
(b) President.
(c) Prime Minister.
(d) Supreme Court.
Ans. President.
1. Tick (✔) mark the correct answer:
(i) It is the duty of the President of India to place the annual report of UPSC before:
(a) Supreme Court of India.
(b) Parliament.
(c) Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
(d) Council of Ministers.
Ans. Parliament.
(ii) Under article 321 of the Indian Constitution additional functions to the Union Public Service Commission can be assigned by the:
(a) President.
(b) Prime Minister.
(c) Parliament.
(d) Supreme Court.
Ans. Parliament.
1. Tick (✓) mark the correct answer:
(i) The age limit up to which a member of state PSC may hold his post in:
(a) 60 years.
(b) 62 years.
(c) 63 years.
(d) 64 years.
Ans. 62 years.
(ii) The tenure of a member of SPSC is:
(a) 4 years.
(b) 5 years.
(c) 6 years.
(d) 7 years.
Ans. 5 years.
(iii) The chairman of the Joint Public Service Commission is appointed by the:
(a) President.
(b) Governor.
(c) Prime Minister.
(d) Supreme Court.
Ans. President.
Q.1. Describe the need for an independent agency to recruit civil servants.
Ans. Need of an independent agency to recruit civil servants:
1. Recruitment of civil servants has to be neutral, unbiased and free from prejudices of any kind. Then alone any merit system will inspire confidence.
2. To ensure objectivity and impartiality in recruitment, several measures have been taken.
3. The Constitution of an independent agency in the form of a public service commission for recruitment is one. Through this agency;
(i) The executive branch has been divested of the power of making recruitment to the superior levels of civil services.
(ii) The agency thus created is an extra-departmental body such as a commission, which functions outside the normal machinery of government.
(iii) A special constitutional status is conferred on this agency to ensure autonomous functioning.
4. It must be remembered that the commission is only a recruiting agency, and not an appointing authority.The authority of making appointments rests with the government.
5. The commission is an advisory and recommendatory body. Its decisions are not mandatory. Normally, government accepts its recommendations, but government may not always accept what the commission suggests.
6. However, in such cases the reasons for not accepting the recommendations have to be explained and recorded.
Q.(A) (i) Write the full form of UPSC.
Ans. Union Public Service Commission.
(ii) Give the full form of SPSC.
Ans. State Public Service Commission.
(iii) Write the full form of JPSC.
And. Joint Public Service Commission.
(iv) Give the full form of ICS and IAS.
Ans. Indian Civil Service and Indian Administration Service.
Q.(B) Fill in the blanks:
(i) The Chairman and other members of UPSC are appointed by the …………..
Ans. President of India.
(ii) The Chairman and other members of SPSC are appointed by the …………..
Ans. Governor of the concert state.
(iii) The members of the both commission, i.e.,UPSC and SPSC are appointed for a fixed tenure of …………. years.
Ans. Six.
(iv) The experience of commission are Fund of India. charged on the ………….. Fund of India.
Ans. Consolidate.

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