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NIOS Class 10 Home Science Chapter 6 Environment
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Chapter: 6
Intext Questions 6.1.
Q.1. What type of pollution is caused by the following?
Tick (✔) the correct option (s). You may tick more than one option wherever required.

Ans: (i) Air pollution, noise pollution.
(ii) Water pollution.
(iii) Air pollution.
(iv) Air pollution.
(v) Water pollution, air pollution.
(vi) Water pollution.
Intext Questions 6.2
Q.1. State which of the following statements are true or false. Also correct the false statements.
(i) Wind decreases the amount of dust particles in the air.
Ans: False.
(ii) Tall chimneys fitted with filters help to reduce air pollution.
Ans: True.
(iii) Location of factories near residential areas reduces air pollution in cities.
Ans: False.
(iv) Adding a tall chimney to the chullha decreases air pollution.
Ans: True.
Q.2. Unscramble the given alphabets to give a meaningful word.
(i) TRIULAUGRCAL _________________________.
Ans: Agricultural.
(ii) ESNLOSTV___________________________.
Ans: Solvents.
(iii) SRILADNUIT __________________________.
Ans: Industrial.
(iv) BTNOMOICIS __________________________.
Ans: Combustion.
Q.3. Suggest measures to control air pollution caused by the following pollution:
Smoke _______________________________.
Poisonous gases________________________.
Ans: Use of biogas, Smoke less fuel.
CNG should be encouraged.
Intext Questions 6.3
1. Tick (✔) mark the correct option:
(i) Water is safe for human consumption only when it is free from:
(a) Floating substance.
(b) Unwanted smells.
(c) Microorganisms.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (d) All of the above.
(ii) Domestic water causes water pollution by discharging
(a) Waste water through soil to underground.
(b) Waste water from toilets, bathrooms, kitchens etc., Into water sources such as river, lake and pond etc.
(c) Waste water from factories and power plants etc.
Ans: (b) Waste water from toilets, bathrooms, kitchens etc., into water sources such as river, lake and pond etc.
(iii) Washing clothes near a water sources is harmful because the dirt and soap released:
(a) Flow into the water.
(b) Are absorbed by the soil to reach sub-soil water.
(c) Are left behind to create slush.
(d) Are responsible for doing all the above.
Ans: (d) Are responsible for doing the above.
Q.2. How do oil spills in water bodies affect the plant and animal life present in them?
Ans: Oil spills: Some times oil from oil tankers spills over large areas of sea. This also causes water pollution. It affects the plant and animal life present in water.
Intext Questions
Q.1. Write two measures to control soil pollution.
Ans: 1. Use of sanitary latrines.
2. Use of environment friendly products.
Q.2. List there methods of garbage disposal that you have seen or practised.
Ans: Methods of garbage disposal are:
1. Dump outside the city limit.
2. Land fills.
3. Compositing.
4. Burning of refuse.
Q.3. Tick (✔) the correct answer:
(i) This is the latest technology in garbage disposal:
(a) Compositing.
(b) Burning.
(c) Incineration.
(d) None of these.
Ans: (c) Incineration.
(ii) Harmful chemicals are left in the soil by:
(a) Domestic water.
(b) Defecation.
(c) Industrial and agricultural waste.
(d) Spitting.
Ans: (c) Industrial and agricultural waste
Q.4. Match the following:
A | B |
(i) Composting | (a) It becomes polluted when waste from factories is thrown in it. |
(ii) Spitting | (b) Can be used as manure for gardening. |
(iii) Soil | (c) It may dry up and disappear but germs remain and pollute the soil. |
(d) It is banned in the metropolitan cities. |
A | B |
(i) Composting | (b) Can be used as manure for gardening. |
(ii) Spitting | (c) It may dry up and disappear but germs remain and pollute the soil. |
(iii) Soil | (a) It becomes polluted when waste from factories is thrown in it. |
Terminal Exercise
Q.1. Define the terms pollution and pollutant.
Ans: Pollution is the addition of any substance to the environment in excess to what is normally present, thereby making the environment impure.
The substance which causes pollution is known as a pollutant.
Q.2. What are the sources of air pollution?

Q.3. How can you control soil pollution?
Ans: Control soil pollution:
(i) Proper disposal of garbage: Garbage from home should be properly disposed off so that it does not allow flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches to breed. At home, it must be collected in a bin which should be kept covered.
(ii) Reuse and Recylce Waste: Reuse empty tins, cans and bottles. Do not throw them in the garbage as far as possible. This will reduce the garbage quite a bit. We must try to recycle everything that can be recycled.
(iii) Use of environment friendly products: Paper and cloth bags (cotton and jute) are made up of substance which decompose and disappear in the soil. Such products are called environment friendly and should be used more and more.
(iv) Limited use of insecticides/fertilizers: Insecticides are used to control the spread of insects which damage crops and harm us. Fertilizers are used to increase the yield of crops grown in the fields. Both are chemical substances. These are useful and harmless to human beings when they are used in limited quantities.
Q.4. What are the effects of noise pollution?
Ans: Effects of noise pollution:
1. They create strain our nerves.
2. They create dis strong strain cause headache.
3. The hearing ability of an individual is decreased.
4. Mental disturbance.
Q.5. Mention two pollutants which pollute both soil and water.
Ans: Soil pollution:
1. Spitting.
2. Industrial wastes.
Water pollution:
1. Domestic wastes.
2. Industrial wastes.
Q.6. How can you reduce pollution caused by smoke in your neighborhood?
Ans: 1. To plant trees and take care of them.
2. Not to let people cut trees.
3. To use smokeless fuel in kitchen.
Q.7. Why should we not defecate, urinate and spit on soil?
Ans: Disposal of domestic waste, defecating, urinating and Spitting in the open are all sources of spread of disease germs and worms into the soil. When we walk barefoot on the soil these germs enter into our body and eventually make us sick. Very often industrial and agricultural wastes leave harmful chemicals in the soil. Plants and vegetables grown in such soil absorb these chemicals. Animals and human beings who consume these plants may fall ill.
Multiple Choice Questions
Tick (✔) the correct answer:
1. Which of the following does not cause water pollution?
(a) Spraying of Insecticides through aeroplanes.
(b) Fertilizers.
(c) Waste water from factories.
(d) Waste water from kitchen.
Ans: (a) Spraying of Insecticides through aeroplanes.
2. Drinking of polluted water causes:
(a) Typhoid.
(b) Diarrhoea.
(c) Dysentery.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (d) All of the above.
3. Straining makes water:
(a) Clean.
(b) Clean and safe.
(c) Clean but not safe.
(d) None of the above.
Ans: (c) Clean but not safe.
4. Which of the following is used to purify water?
(a) Chlorine tablets.
(b) Fluorine tablets.
(c) Sodium tablets.
(d) Potassium tablets.
Ans: (a) Chlorine tablets.
5. Soil pollution may be caused due to:
(a) Spitting.
(b) Agricultural wastes.
(c) Defecation in the open.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (d) All of the above.
6. Deforestation may leads to:
(a) Damage to wild life who live in forests.
(b) Increased air pollution.
(c) drought and floors.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: All of the above.
7. Which of the following does not cause noise pollution?
(a) Machines.
(b) Smoke from factories.
(c) Factories.
(d) Automobiles.
Ans: (b) Smoke from factories.
8. Chemical pollution of soil is the result of:
(a) Burning garbage.
(b) Spitting.
(c) Throwing garbage in the pits.
(d) Throwing industrial wastes.
Ans: (d) Throwing industrial wastes.