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NIOS Class 10 Home Science Chapter 3 Food Groups
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Food Groups
Chapter: 3
Textual Question With Answers
Intext Questions 3.1
Q.1. Match the food groups in column A with foods in column B:
Group A | Group B |
1. Cereals | (i) Rajmah and soya bean |
2. Pulses | (ii) Papaya and guava |
3. Milk products | (iii) Ragi and bajra |
4. Fruits | (iv) Brinjal and carrot |
5. Vegetables | (v) Paneer and curd |
(vi) Ghee and butter |
Group A | Group B |
1. Cereals | (iii) Ragi and bajra |
2. Pulses | (i) Rajmah and soya bean |
3. Milk products | (v) Paneer and curd |
4. Fruits | (ii) Papaya and guava |
5. Vegetables | (iv) Brinjal and carrot |
Q.2. State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for the same.
(i) Cereals are the main source of energy in our body. True/false
Because ______________________.
Ans: True.
Because they are rich in carbohydrates.
(ii) We should eat cereals in refined from. True/False
Because ______________________.
Ans: False.
Because whole cereals contain fibre and from the bulk of our meals.
(iii) Milk is considered the best food for small children. True/ False
Because ______________________.
Ans: True.
Because it is a good source of protein,fat, vitamin A and calcium.
(iv) We should not consume a combination of Cereals and pulses. True/False
Because __________________.
Ans: False.
Because quality of protein improves when we combine cereals and pulses together.
(v) Pulses are specially recommended for vegetarian people. True/False
Because _______________________________
Ans: True.
Because pulses are a major source of protein in a vegetarian diet.
Intext Questions 3.2
Q. Help jenita, jaspreet and victor choose their breakfast from the two meal choices given below. Select the more nutritious meal out of the two and give reasons for the same.

Ans: Jenita – Meal I because it has more protein rich food.
Jaspreet – Meal II because it is more nutritious (green leaf vegetable).
Victor – Meal I because it has more dietary fibre (daliya) and mixed vegetables.
Intext Questions 3.3
Q.1. Give one reason for the following statements:
(i) Shyam need more protein and energy than Reena
Because ___________________________________
Ans: Because men are more muscular than women.
(ii) Nagma includes seasonal fruits and vegetables in her menu
Because ___________________________________
Ans: Because seasonal fruits and vegetables are more nutritious and less expensive.
(iii) Jenny’s grandmother should eat mixed vegetables upma in breakfast
Because ___________________________________
Ans: Because aged person should eat soft and high fibre diet.
(iv) Vijay is a form labour. He need more food as compared to Arun, who works in an office
Because ___________________________________
Ans: Vijay does more physical activity than Arun.
(v) Seema is a mother of a two month old baby. She needs more food
Because ___________________________________
Ans: Because Seema is a lactating mother and she has to nurse the baby.
Q.2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words indicating more healthy food practice.
1. Mary can eat ______________instead of an orange to get vitamin C.
Ans: Guava.
2. Nagma can prepare stuffed ____________ paratha instead of stuffed potato paratha.
Ans: Radish.
3. Instead of cashew nut ladoos, Rita can prepare ladoos using ______________nuts.
Ans: peanuts.
4. Jaspreet can use _______________instead of sugar while making chikki.
Ans: Jaggery.
5. Meera can prepare ____________curry instead of paneer curry for getting protein.
Ans: Soya nuggets.
Terminal Questions
Q.1. Explain the importance of classification of foods and list the five food vegetable.
Ans: Importance of foods groups: Different foods have variable amount of nutrients. Hence we require different food products for a balanced diet. Now if we keep on calculating the nutritive value of different food stuffs everyday, it would required lots of time and labour. To solve this problem Food Groups, have been formed. Food providing similar nutrients have been placed in one food group- Required nutrients and variety is automatically achieved in daily diet by the selection of foods from each food groups.
The five food groups system:

Q.2. Describe the term “Food exchange”, with the help of example.
Ans: One food item with the other within a group in such a way that the nutrients provided by them are approximately the same is called “Food exchange” example: Guddi takes one glass of milk and roti in breakfast, arur eats poha and one katori of curd whereas. Yes both of them take milk or its product along with cereals and get approximately the same nutrients.
Q.3. Explain “balanced diet” and meal planning ” in your own words.
Ans: Balanced diet: A balanced diet is one which contains different type of foods in adequate quantities and right proportion to meet the nutritional requirements of our body.
Meal Planning: Meal planning is the planning of meals for all members of the family in order to provide nutrition in time according to their needs and choices.
Q.4. State The importance of meal planning.
Ans: Importance of Meal planning: Meal planning is important for a house wife as she can achieve the following things by it.
1. Balanced diet for all the members of the family.
2. Saving of time, money and energy.
3. Saving of fuel.
4. Variety in meals.
5. Control on food budget.
6. Personal likes and dislikes
7. The day as a unit.
Q.5. Briefly explain three important factors that influence meal planning.
Ans: Factors affecting meal planning:
(i) Age: Age determines the nutritional requirements of all family members. Example more protein and minerals are required for growing children. Adults required food according to their activities.
(ii) Sex: Men are more muscular than women and the can do more manual and strenuous work as compared to women. Hence, they need more proteins and energy than the women.
(iii) Climate: Climate also affects meal planning. In winter our body needs more energy and therefore, we tend to include more of the energy rich foods.
Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the correct answer and tick mark (✔):
1. Which of these are not body building foods?
(a) Sugar
(c) Egg
(d) Meat
Ans: (a) Sugar
2. In which of the following calcium is present?
(a) Sugar
(b) Milk
(c) Rice
(d) Coconut
Ans: (b) Milk
3. Which nutrients are found in green leafy vegetables?
(a) Calcium
(b) Iron
(c) Phosphorus
(d) all of the above
Ans: (d) All of the above
4. Cheese has mainly:
(a) Fat
(b) Milk
(c) Protein
(d) Vitamin B
Ans: (c) Protein
5. All food can be grouped in ____________ groups.
(a) Five
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) Four
Ans: (a) Five
6. From the nutritional point of view food can be divided into __________.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
Ans: (b) Three
7. Fruits and vegetables are foods.
(a) Body building
(b) Energy giving
(c) protective
(d) None of these
Ans: (c) Protective
8. Pulses contain:
(a) Protein
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Calcium
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d) All of the above
9. A person suffering from constipation needs more:
(a) Fibre
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin A
(d) Vitamin D
Ans: (a) Fibre
10. A person suffering from diabetes should not eat:
(a) Chappati
(b) Rice
(c) Dal
(d) All of these
Ans: (b) Rice