NIOS Class 10 Home Science Chapter 19 My Family and I

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NIOS Class 10 Home Science Chapter 19 My Family and I

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My Family and I

Chapter: 19



Intext Questions 19.1.

Q. 1. In one line justify how each situation helps in maintaining good relationships in a family. 

(i) Mother helps her daughter-in-law with the household chores.

(ii) A young bride volunteers to take the responsibility of preparing the evening meal.

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(iii) A social worker provides sex education to a young girl before her marriage.

(iv) Son-in-law takes care of his wife’s sick parents.

(v) A younger sister offers to look after her niece while her brother and sister-in-law go out.

Ans: (i) Daughter in law gets positive vibes and softens towards her in-laws.

(ii) It means helping each other and feeling good about each other.

(iii) Preparation helps in reducing tensions. 

(iv) Wife’s parents feels happy and good relationship improves.

(v) Brother and sister in law feel good and want to be good to sister.

Q. 2. List two important aspects of marriage for which you can prepare your younger sister/brother.

 Ans: (i) Making adjustments in personal life and accommodate the new family.

(ii) Give due respect to every one.


Q. 1. Tick mark (✔) the most correct answer out of four given options at the end of each of the following statements:

(a) When you are choosing clothes for your children see that these are:

(i) Simple and soft.

(ii) Absorbent.

(iii) To wear and take off.

(iv) All the above.

Ans: (i) Simple and soft.

(b) Interesting and attractive toys help children in their:

(i) Physically development.

(ii) Mental development.

(iii) Social development.

(iv) All the above.

Ans: (ii) Mental development.

(c) When children indulge in make believe play it helps in:

(i) Development of their future roles.

(ii) Their physical development.

(iii) Disciplining them. 

(iv) Developing them socially.

Ans: (iv) Developing them socially.

(d) Democratic discipline helps in developing in children:

(i) Social maturity.

(ii) Self control.

(iii) Self confidence. 

(iv) All the above.

Ans: (iv) All the above.

(e) Permissive discipline does not develop in children:

(i) Social maturity.

(ii) Self control.

(iii) Self confidence.

(iv) Independence.

Ans: (iv) Independence. 

Q. 2. List four characteristics of children that are the result of heredity.

Ans: (i) Colour of the eyes.

(ii) Skin.

(iii) Height. and

(iv) Body build.

Q. 3. Explain the meaning of early stimulation.

Ans. Providing ideal facilities for development to children in early years of life.


Q. 1. Tick mark (✔) the factors that can promote family relationships:

(i) Lack of communication among family members.

(ii) Accept the things as they are.

(iii) Too many children in the family. 

(iv) Practice letting go of something small.

(v) Love and cooperation among family members.

(vi) Accept your shortcomings.

(vii) Employment of mother outside the home.

(viii) Forgive yourself and others.

(ix) Too many expectations from others.

(x) Maintain positive attitude and facial expressions.

Ans: (ii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii).


Q. 1. What is a family life cycle? 

Ans: Family life cycle means your parents.

Father → his eldest son → his Children

Q. 2. How do loving and understanding parents help adolescents to grow into responsible persons?

Ans: 1. It is important that parents have a balanced approach while disciplining adolescents.

2. They must set rules and limits and be firm and flexible according to the situation, keep ail channels of communication open and provide emotional support.

3. Trusting the adolescent is very important.

Q. 3. What are the different parenting styles?

Ans: The different parenting styles are: (i) Autocratic disciplining style: Where emphasis is laid on restrictions and punishment to follow parents directions. Children from such families often lack self-confidence, become anxious about social comparisons and fail to initiate They may have poor communication skills and may become rebellious later on in life.

(ii) Democratic disciplining style: Children are allowed to be independent but are under the control of their parents. Children can express their opinion and present their arguments. The parents are warm and open towards their children. Children of such parents are socially well adjusted, responsible and are usually self-confident.

(iii) Permissive disciplining style: Parents are totally not involved with their children. As a result of this, the children develop no self-control and lack social skills. They are unable to get along with others.

Q. 4. Why is discipline necessary in family?

Ans: Discipline at home: Yet another component of environment is the discipline at home. As the child grows, it becomes essential to teach the child ‘self control’, which is taught through disciplining the child. Discipline helps the child to follow a certain code of conduct. It starts from an early stage of life that is, from the time of feeding and toilet training. Discipline helps the child to evolve a personal value system of what is acceptable and what is not. Parents become role models in order to inculcate good habits in their children.

Q. 5. How can a family help a newly married girl to adjust in her new house? 

Ans: To help her adjust in the new home, without any problems, members in this family can make her feel welcomed, accept her as an integral part of the family, give her time and space to understand the ways of her new home. They should also have realistic expectations and be non-critical. Can you visualize how these actions can help the new member entering the family?

Q. 6. Compare the environment for growing children in extended families with that of a nuclear family.

Ans: In an extended family, there are members of all age groups. Children in Indian homes are always instructed and guided to be polite and respectful to adults, specially the elderly. They observe their elders behaving in this manner. Elderly persons are also generally happy in such homes and try to be useful in whatever way day can.

Nuclear family, the elderly person feel lonely because there is no one to talk to. Their failing physical health makes it difficult to deal with household chores.

Q. 7. State the role of parents towards infants school going children and adolescents to facilitate their development.

Ans: 1. Parents support there children for eating, bathing and dressing. 

2. Parents responsibility to supervise and support the child in studies.

3. It is always helpful if the child is given a separate space in the house to sit and study. It can be a place where he/ she can keep all his things and also learn to be organized and orderly.

4. Parents provide children good and healthy good.

5. Parents can help children to develop moral education and good habits.

Q.8. What are the values of life and how are they inculcated in the children in a family?

Ans: Values in Life: Values from the crux of our social environment. They help in establishing a just and equitable society. Traditionally, children observe their elders and imbibe values like respect for elders honestly, truthfulness and humility. The values that we hold have been derived from our family, friends neighbours, teacher, mass media and so on. Many of the values that you have are learnt from your own family members.

Parents teach values by:

1. Directly telling the children when to do and what not to do.

2. Their own example. If the parents tell their children to be truthful but they themselve tell lies, what do you think will happen. The child will get confused and not be able to decide what is right and what is wrong.

Q. 9. Uma got married to Rajan three years ago. She lives in a conservative joint family in a big city. In her family there are her husband’s parents and his unmarried brother Akash and sister Neha. Uma gets along very well with Akash but not with Neha. They are more or less of the same age.

If you were Uma how would you improve your relationship with Neha? 

Ans: Improve your relationship with Neha are:

1. Talk to each other courteously. 

2. Learn to listen to each other.

3. Help each other.

4. Work together.

5. Share responsibilities equally.

6. Share your plan each other. 

7. Do not care to Neha for other.


Multiple Choice Questions

Tick (✔) the correct answer:

1. Which of the following is a function of a family?

(a) Give protection.

(b) Provide emotional bonding.

(c) Provide financial service.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above. 

2. Family consists of:

(a) A married man and woman.

(b) Children of a married man and their children. 

(c) A married woman and man and their children.

(d) None of the above.

Ans: (c) A married woman and man and their children.

3. Which the following statement is not correct?

(a) The affection and love received from parents and other family members is essential for the proper development of children.

(b) At birth, the young child does not depend upon adults for all its needs.

(c) The family looks after not only the children but all the other members too.

(d) Caring for and giving protection to the children and old is an important function of the family.

Ans: (b) At birth, the young child does not depend upon adults for all its needs.

4. The emotional bonding

(a) Close family ties.

(b) Make children feel wanted.

(c) Make feel loved. 

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above. 

5. Family is made up of _________ man and woman and their children.

(a) Unmarried.

(b) Separated.

(c) Married.

(d) Divorced.

Ans: (c) Married. 

6. A nuclear family:

(a) Does not encourage initiative.

(b) Does not encourage independence. 

(c) Encourages self reliance among its members.

(d) Does not encourage decision-making among the children.

Ans: (c) Encourages Self reliance among its members. 

7. A joint family:

(a) Encourages family members to be cooperative.

(b) Cares for old, the helpless and the unemployed in the family.

(c) Encourages family members to be accommodating.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

8. Which of the following factor do not break relations? does.

(a) Mistrusting everyone.

(b) Trusting behaviour.

(c) Criticizing and arguing.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

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