Niketan Class 4 English Chapter 8 The Clever Monkey

Niketan Class 4 English Chapter 8 The Clever Monkey, Sankardev Sishu Niketan Chapter 8 The Clever Monkey Class 4 English Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Board শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন Class 4 ইংৰাজী Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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The Clever Monkey

Chapter – 8



1. Answer the following :

Q.1. Why did the Capseller get tired soon? 

Ans :- The Capseller get tired soon because the weather was hot. 

Q.2. ‘A monkey repeats what he sees’-who said this? 

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Ans :- The grandfather of the Capseller said this. 

Q.3. What did the Capseller do to relax? 

Ans :- The Capseller closed his eyes to relax. 

Q.4. Who repeats a mistake? 

Ans :- Only a fool repeats a mistake. 

Q.5. Who asked the monkeys not to repeat the mistakes? 

Ans :- The grandfather of the monkeys asked the monkeys not to repeat the mistakes. 

2. Fill up the blanks using the past form of (get up, come down, sit down, look at, stand up, take off, run away) 

(a) The Capseller ………….. under the tree. 

Ans :- (a) The Capseller sat down under the tree.

(b) The Capseller …………….. and found the box empty. 

Ans :- The Capseller got up and found the box empty.

(c) The monkeys were ……………….. the Capseller.

Ans :- The monkey were looking at the Capseller.

(d) The Capseller ………up,……….. off his hat, and threw it on the ground. 

Ans :- The Capseller stood up, took off his hat, and threw it on the ground.

(e) A monkey ………………… the tree. 

Ans :- A monkey come down the tree.

(f)  The monkey ……………….. the Cap from the ground and ……………….

Ans :- The monkey took away the Cap from the ground and ran away.

3. Follow the examples and write the following sentences in past continuous form the given sentences. 

Examples :

Present continuous : (i) A dog is barking. 

                                     (ii) Boys are running.

Past continuous : (i) A dog was barking.

                               (ii) Boys were running. 

(a) The Capseller is going to the market. 

Ans :- The Capseller was going to the market. 

(b) He is sleeping under the tree. 

Ans :- He was sleeping under the tree. 

(c) Monkeys are sitting on the tree. 

Ans :- Monkeys were sitting on the tree. 

(d) They are wearing Caps. 

Ans :- They were wearing Caps

(e) Monkeys are looking at him. 

Ans :- Monkeys were looking at him. 

4. Write the following sentences in interrogative form. 


He can run.                     Can he run? 

You sing a song.            Do you sing a song?

He is a good boy.           Is he good boy? 

He will go.                       Will he go? 

(a) You think that only you can play. 

Ans :- Do you think that only you can play? 

(b) They can play the match. 

Ans :- Can they play the match? 

(c) They are players. 

Ans :- Are they players? 

(d) He is one of the team. 

Ans :- Is he one of the team? 

(e) You are sure that he will come. 

Ans :- Are you sure that he will come? 

(f) He will play the match? 

Ans :- Will he play the match? 

5. Learn the use of ‘a’ and ‘an’-

a monkey             an elephant      an ox

a rat                     an umbrella      a box

a banana             an orange         a one rupee note 

an honest man    an hour             a university 

Fill up the blanks (using ‘a’ and ‘an’) 

(i)………………  horse is ……….. animal. 

(ii)…………… rose is ………….. flower.

(iii)……………  fly is …………… insect. 

(iv) Will you give me …………. one rupee note.

(v) The train was late by …………. hour.

(vi) His mother works in ………… university. 

(vii)………… rat is ……….. small animal.

(viii)………. actor acts in ………… drama.

(ix) His brother is ………….. union leader. 

Ans :- (i) a horse is an animal. 

(ii) a rose is a flower. 

(iii) a fly is an insect. 

(iv) Will you give me a one rupee note. 

(v) The train was late by an hour. 

(vi) His mother works in a university. 

(vii) a rat is a small animal. 

(viii) an actor acts in a drama. 

(ix) His brother is a union leader.

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