Niketan Class 4 English Chapter 1 He is Wise

Niketan Class 4 English Chapter 1 He is Wise, Sankardev Sishu Niketan Chapter 1 He is Wise Class 4 English Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Board শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন Class 4 ইংৰাজী Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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He is Wise

Chapter – 1



1. Answer the following :

Q. 1. Who had planned the world so beautifully? 

Ans :- God had planned the world so beautifully.

Q. 2. Why is the world so lively?

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Ans :- The world is so lively because God planned a sun and the planets around the earth.

Q. 3. Who created the seas, rivers and lakes? 

Ans :- God created the seas, rivers and lakes. 

Q. 4. Who made the forests, flowers and fruits?

Ans :- God made the forests, flowers and fruits.

Q. 5. Why is the earth a beautiful place to live in? 

Ans :- The earth is a beautiful place to live in because God planned a sun and the planets around it. Again he created the seas, the rivers, the lakes, flowers, forests and fruits in the earth. 

Q. 6. Why do we thanks God? 

Ans :- We thank God because he had planned the world so nicely. 

2. Fill in the gaps. (with words God, sun, air, ours)

(a) The planets are moving around the …………

Ans :- The planets are moving around the sun.

(b) We breathe ………….

Ans: We breathe air.

(c) All we see are the creations of ………..

Ans: All we see are the creations of God.

(d) The earth is ………….

Ans: The earth is ours. 

3. Give the opposite word of

Wise ——- Never ——-


Ans: Wise ——– Fool.

Never ——- Ever 

Ugly——– Beautiful

Dull ——– Active 

4. Answer :

(a) ‘I must thank Him’.   Who is he? 

Ans :- God is He 

(b) ‘He is so wise’.    Who is wise? 

Ans :- God is wise. 

(c) ‘He planned a sun’.    Who planned a sun?

Ans :- God planned a sun.

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