Niketan Class 4 English Chapter 2 True Friendship, Sankardev Sishu Niketan Chapter 2 True Friendship Class 4 English Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Board শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন Class 4 ইংৰাজী Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
True Friendship
Chapter – 2
1. Answer the following :
Q. 1. Who was Sudama’s best friend?
Ans :- Lord Krishna was the best friend of Sudama.
Q. 2. Who was the teacher of Sudama and Krishna?
Ans :- Sandipan was the teacher of lord Krishna and Sudama.
Q. 3. Why were Krishna and Sudama in the Ashram?
Ans :- Krishna and Sudama were in the Ashram to study.
Q. 4. For what purpose did Sudama go to meet Krishna at Dwarka?
Ans :- Sudama was poor so he went to Dwarka to meet Lord Krishna for his help.
Q. 6. How did Sudama become rich?
Ans :- By the divine grace of lord Krishna Sudama became rich.
Q. 7. What present did Sudama give to his friend?
Ans :- Sudama gave fried corn to his friend as present.
2. Fill in the gaps :
(a) Krishna and Sudama used to ………….. wood from the ………….
Ans: Krishna and Sudama used to Fetch wood from the Forest.
(b) At home Sudama ………….. Puzzled. There stood a new beautiful building …………. of his old …………. house.
Ans: At home Sudama was puzzled. There stood a new beautiful building the place of his old hatched house.
(c) Krishna rushed …………. to the gate to …………. his dear friend.
Ans :- Krishna rushed to the gate to welcome his dear friend.
3. Learn the use of ‘get’ and ‘got’ :
(a) I ……….. a letter every month.
I ……….. a letter yesterday.
Ans: I get a letter everymonth.
I got a letter yesterday.
(b) Mintu …………. a prize every year.
He ……………. a prize last year.
Ans: Mintu gets a prize every year.
He got a prize last year.
(c) His father …………….. pension last year.
He ………………. pension every month.
Ans: His father got pension last year.
He gets pension every month.
(d) You …………… puzzled yesterday.
Don’t ………….. puzzled.
Ans: You were puzzled yesterday.
Don’t be puzzled.
(e) Please ……………. a doctor.
I ……………… cold yesterday.
Ans :- Please call a doctor.
I was cold yesterday.
4. Complete the following story by filling up the gaps (use words thatched, gold, poor, reward, fetch, firewood, puzzled)
Mohan is a ……… man. He lives in a ……….. house. He goes to forest to ………. wood. He used to sell …………. in the market. One day he got a piece of ………… on the road. He got …………. He gave the piece of gold to its …………. Mohan got …………. from him.
Ans :- Mohan is a poor man. He lives in a fetched house. He goes to forest to fetch wood. He used to sell firewood in the market. One day he got a piece of gold on the road. He got puzzled. He gave the piece of gold to its owner. Mohan got reward from him.
5. Give the opposite word of :
Ans :- Rich —— poor
New —— old
Enemy ——- friend
Sad ——— happy
Slow ——— fast
6. Understand the meaning of the word ‘present’ in the following sentences and then fill up the blanks :
a. I was present there.
b. I offered a present to my friend.
1. The boy …………. present in the meeting.
He ………… the present to the president.
Ans: The boy is present in the meeting.
He bought the present to the president.
2. Barun …………. present in the wedding.
He …………. a present to his sister.
Ans: Barun was present in the meeting.
He offered a present to his sister.
3. My brother …………… present there.
He …………. a present to my friend.
Ans : My brother was present there.
He offered a present to my friend.
7. Know the past tense of :
Eat —- Meet —– Stand —– Tell —– Come —- Become —- Sell —– Understand —- Take —-
Return —– Ask ——- Prepare ——– Start ——– Refuse ——– See ——-
Ans: Eat —- ate Meet —– met Stand —– stood
Tell —– told Come —- came Become —- became
Sell —– sold Understand —- understood Take —-took
Return —– returned Ask ——- asked Prepare ——– prepared Start ——– started Refuse ——– refused
See ——- saw
8. Change the following sentences into past tense forms.
1. I see a bird.
Ans :- I saw a bird.
2. You understand it.
Ans :- You understood it.
3. He stands on the road.
Ans :- He stood on the road.
4. Parul offers me a present.
Ans :- Parul offered me a present.
5. She returns home in the afternoon.
Ans :- She returned home in the afternoon.

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