Niketan Class 4 English Chapter 6 All about a Drama

Niketan Class 4 English Chapter 6 All about a Drama, Sankardev Sishu Niketan Chapter 6 All about a Drama Class 4 English Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Board শংকৰদেৱ শিশু নিকেতন Class 4 ইংৰাজী Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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All about a Drama

Chapter – 6



1. Fill up the blanks :

(a) Joymati was a …………… woman. She thought for the good of her ……………..

Ans :- (a) Joymati was a brave woman. She thought for the good of her Motherland.

(b) The students will play the ………………Jerengar Sati in the Annual Function.

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Ans :- The students will play the Drama Jerengar Sati in the Annual Function.

(c) Meena will ……………… the role of Joymati.

Ans :- Meena will perform the role of Joymati.

(d) Joymati wanted to save the country from the……………. of the Child King. 

Ans :- Joymati wanted to save the country from the misrule of the Child King.

(e) Gadapani ………………. to Naga Hills. 

Ans :- Gadapani fled to Naga Hills.

(f) Joymati’s ………………. was not in vain. 

Ans :- Joymati’s sacrifice was not in vain. 

2. Answer the following :

Q.1. Who was the husband of Joymati? 

Ans :- Gadapani was the husband of Joymati. 

Q.2. Why did Joymati send her husband into hiding? 

Ans :- Because she wanted to save the country from the misrule of the ‘Lora Raja ‘.

Q.3. Who tortured Joymati? 

Ans :- The men of the Child King tortured Joymati.

Q.4. What are there in Sivasagar in memory of Joymati? 

Ans :- There are Joysagar and Joyful in Sivasagar in memory of Joymati. 

Q. 5. Why did the Child King’s men torture Joymati? 

Ans :- Because Joymati didn’t tell anything about her husband. 

3. Write the past forms of the following verbs as indicated. 

(a) Want           wanted 

    Ask               ———-     

    Play              ———-     

    Summon       ———- 

    Call               ———– 

    Remember   ———–

Ans: (a) Want             wanted

              Ask               asked 

              Play              played 

              Summon       summoned 

              Call               called 

              Remember    remembered

(b) Remove ——–       

      Decide ———- 

      Smile ———– 

      Save ———- 

      Tame ——– 

Ans: Remove       removed 

        Decide         decided 

        Smile           smiled 

        Save            saved 

        Tame           tamed

(c) Hug ——– 

     Plug ——– 

     Pat ——–       

     Chat ——       

     Bat ——– 

Ans: (c) Hug           hugged 

             Plug           plugged 

             Pat             patted 

             Chat           chatted 

             Bat             batted 

(d) Carry ——– 

      Marry ——-       

      Try ———- 

      Fry ——– 

      Dry —— 

Ans: Carry       carried 

        Marry       married 

        Try           tried 

        Fry           tried 

        Dry          dried 

(e) Remember the following :

Think ——- 

Run —— 

Send —— 

Flee —– 

Say —— 

Catch ——- 

Teach ——- 

Fight —— 

Make —— 

Bring —— 

Buy ——– 

Can ——– 

Ans: Think ——- thought 

Run —— ran

Send —— sent 

Flee —– fled

Say —— said

Catch ——- caught 

Teach ——- taught 

Fight —— fought 

Make —— made

Bring —— brought

Buy ——– bought

Can ——– could

4. Fill up the blanks in the following (keeping in mind the meaning of play). Use the words (drama, cassette, fire, tabla, radio, football, Vande-Mataram) 

(a) They will play ………….. in the field. 

Ans: (a) They will play football in the field.

(b) Students will play a ……………. in the Annual Function. 

Ans: Students will play a drama in the Annual Functions.

(c) He will play ……………. in the chorus. 

Ans: He will play Vande Mataram in the chorus.

(d) She will play the tune of ……………. on the violin. 

Ans: She will play the tune of tabla on the violin.

(e) Don’t play with ……………….

Ans: Don’t play with fire.

(f) He will play the new …………….

Ans: He will play the new cassette.

(g) Don’t play your ………….. so loud. 

Ans: Don’t play your radio so loud. 

5. Fill up the blanks in the following using past form of the verb in bracket :

(a) Meena ……………. to her mother, ‘I have good news’. (Say) 

Ans: Meena said to her mother, ‘I have good news’. (say)

(b) Grandfather …………….. me a story. (tell) 

Ans: Grandfather told me a story. (tell)

(c) Joymati ……………. her husband into hiding. (send) 

Ans: Joymati sent her husband into hiding. (send)

(d) Meena …………. the role of Joymati. (understand) 

Ans: Meena understood the role of Joymati. (understand)

(e) Gadapani …………… to Naga Hills. (flee) 

Ans: Gadapani fled to Naga Hills. (flee)

(f) Joymati ………………for the good of her motherland. (think) 

Ans :- Joymati thought for the good of her motherland. (think) 

6. Give the word of opposite gender. (Example : boy-girl) 

(a) Husband ——– 

(b) Her ——— 

(c) He —— 

(d) Man ——– 

(e) Mother ——– 

(f) Queen ——— 

(g) Grandfather ——– 

(h) Girl ——– 

Ans: (a) Husband ——– Wife 

(b) Her ——— His 

(c) He —— She 

(d) Man ——– Woman 

(e) Mother ——– Father 

(f) Queen ——— King 

(g) Grandfather ——– Grandmother 

(h) Girl ——– Boy

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