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NCERT Class 8 Social Science Chapter 23 Resources
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Chapter: 23
Q.1. List out five resources you use in your home and five you use in your classroom.
Ans. Resources used in homes:
(a) Natural resources:
(i) Water.
(ii) Air.
(iii) Mineral like salt and sugar.
(b) Human made resources:
(i) Washing machines.
(ii) Geyser.
Resources used in classroom:
(a) Natural resources:
(i) Water.
(ii) Air.
(b) Human made resources:
(i) Benches.
(ii) Duster.
(iii) Computer.
Q.1. Circle those resources from Amma’s list that have no commercial values:
Amma’s list: Cotton cloth, iron ore, intelligence, coal deposits, beautiful scenery, agricultural land, clean environment, old folk songs, good weather, resourcefulness, a good singing voice, grandmother s home remedies, affection from friends and family.
Ans. Old folk songs, good weather, a good singing voice, grandmother’s home remedies, affection from friends and family.
Q.1. Think of a few renewable resources and mention how their stock may get affected by overuse.
Ans. Renewable Resources: Solar energy, water (hydro) energy, wind energy and to some extent, plants and shrubs. Their stock may get affected by overuse because with increasing population and ever growing complexity of demands, the rate at which natural resources are being consumed has risen very fast, countries like USA are using the throw away consumption of natural resources.
Q 1. Make a list of five human-made resources that you can observe around you.
Ans. Human made resources are:
(i) Roads.
(iii) Buildings.
(ii) Cars.
(iv) Machines.
(v) Refrigerator etc.
Q.2. What are the principles of Sustainable Development?
Ans. There are some principles of sustainable development.
These are:
1. Respect and care for all forms of life.
2. Improve the quality of human life.
3. Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity.
4. Minimise the depletion of natural resources.
5. Change the personal attitude and practices towards the environment.
6. Enable communities to care for their own environment.
Q.1. Answer the following questions:
(i) Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?
Ans, Resources are unequally distributed over the earth because the availability of many physical features like terrains, climate and altitude also differ very much over the earth.
(ii) What is resource conservation?
Ans. Resource conservation is the careful management and control of resources so that they may continue to be in use.
(iii) Why are human resources important?
Ans. They are important because human resources can make efficient use of resources through management and their utilization. They use their skill and knowledge to transfer the natural material into valuable products.
(iv) What is sustainable development?
Ans. It refers to the overall development of a nation especially without damaging its natural resources in such a way that enough resources are available for future generation.
Q.2. Tick (✔) the correct answer:
(i) Which one of the following does not make substance a resource?
(a) utility.
(b) value.
(c) quantity.
Ans. (c) quantity.
(ii) Which one of the following is a human made resource?
(a) medicines to treat cancer.
(b) spring water.
(c) tropical forests.
Ans. (a) medicines to treat cancer.
(iii) Complete the statement: Biotic resources are
(a) derived from living things.
(b) made by human beings.
(c) derived from non-living things.
Ans. (a) derived from living things.
Q.3. Differentiate between the following:
(a) Potential and actual Resources.
(b) Ubiquitous and localised resources.
Ans. (a) Potential and Actual Resources:
Potential Resources | Actual Resources |
Potential resources are those resources which are found in a region but are not developed to their full potential. For example: Uranium deposits of Ladakh and mineral oil in Rajasthan. | Actual resources are those resources which have been developed fully for actual use. For example: Iron, copper, etc. |
(b) Ubiquitous Resources and Localised Resources:
Ubiquitous Resources | Localised Resources |
These resources are those resources which are found every where. For Example: Air, the Sun, etc. | These are those resources which are found at certain places. For example: Gold, Silver, Copper, etc. |
Q.4. Activity
“Rahiman paani raakhiye
Bin Paani sab soon,
Paani gaye na ubere
Moti, Manus choon”
(Says Rahim, keep water, as without
water there is nothing. Without water, pearl, swan and dough cannot exist.).
These lines were written by the poet Abdur Rahim Khankhana, one of the nine gems of Akbar’s court. What kind of resource is the poet referring to? Write in 100 words what would happen if this resource disappeared.
Ans. The poet refers to the precious resource water. Water is important to all sorts of life. Water is important for the growth of plants, for cooking food, for all sorts of agricultural, industrial and household practices. If this resource disappeared, all the activities would come to a halt. The earth will turn to desert and without plants, there will be no life on the earth.
1. Pretend that you live in the prehistoric times on a high windy plateau. What are the uses you and your friends could put the fast winds to? Can you call the wind, a resource?
Now imagine that you are living in the same place in the year 2138. Can you put the winds to any use? How? Can you explain why the wind is an important resource now?
Ans. The wind can be used to generate electricity. Wind can be used in wind-mills. It is a measure of energy. In the year 2138, the wind can be used as source of energy. It can be used to generate electricity.
It is an important resource now.
2. Pick up a stone, a leaf, a paper straw and a twig. Think of how you can use these as resources. See the example given below and get creative!


Q.1. What are resources?
Ans. Anything which is used to satisfy a need is known as resources.
Q.2. What do you know about ubiquitous resources?
Ans. Resources which are found everywhere are known as ubiquitous resources.
Q.3. What are flow resources?
Ans. When the rate of consumption of resource does not exceed the rate of renewal, it is called flow resources.
Q.4. What is meant by patent?
Ans. Patent means the exclusive right over idea or invention.
Q.5. What are human made resources?
Ans. Human-made Resources: Resources which are formed from the natural substances by the human beings to produce valuable products are called as human made resources.
Q.6. What is utility or usability?
Ans. Utility or usability is what makes an object or substance a resource e.g., water, electricity, vegetables etc. have all been used by us, they have utility.
Q.7. What are the two important factors that can change substances into resources?
Ans. Time and technology are the two important factors which can change substances into resources.
Q.8. What are natural resources?
Ans. Resources derived from nature without much modification are called natural resources. For example, air, water, sunlight, soil.
Q.9. What are biotic resources?
Ans. Biotic resources include all living organisms on the earth-the flora (vegetation) and the fauna (land animals, birds and marine life etc.)
Q.10. What do you mean by a resource?
Ans. Resource refers to a portion of resources which can be developed profitably with the available technology.
Q.1. What is the role of technology in the development of resources? Give an example.
Ans. Py technology, we mean the knowledge and skill use to add value to a resource. For example, waterfall, a natural resource has force. Only when humans used their skill to develop a technique to harness the force of falling water, it becomes a resource. The falling water is used to generate hydroelectricity.
Q.2. What type of resources are used by human beings?
Ans. Resources that are used by human beings are:
(i) Natural resources available in the environment which humans use directly, e.g., air, water.
(ii) Resources which are transformed into useful materials; for example houses, buildings etc.
Q.3. How can resources be classified on the basis of:
(a) Origin.
(b) Continuity in supply.
(c) Development and use.
(d) Distribution.
Ans. Resources can be classified on the basis of:

Q.4. How do resources establish a relationship of human within the environment?
Ans. Humans assisted by technology interact with physical environment. In this process they create institution. Through these institutions such as laboratories, research centres etc, the pace of economic growth and development accelerated. It is clear that human activity is invariably connected with how the nature supply for man’s needs. In other words, human resources are required for using natural resources.
Q.5. Why are human resources more important than human made resources?
Ans. Human resources are more important as they are capable of making the best use of natural resources through their knowledge, skill and technology. Only human beings can discover, exploit, develop and convert the available or potential resources into useful products.
Q.6. Define:
(a) Human made resources.
(b) Human resources.
(c) Sustainable development.
Ans. (a) Human made resources: Resources which are discovered by human beings by using their knowledge, intelligence and creativity are known as human made resources. e.g. Roads, telephone, vehicles, etc.
(b) Human Resources: These include number and ability of the human beings eg. Skill, knowledge, health etc. Your doctor, teacher, cobbler etc. are human resources.
(c) Sustainable development: The development which takes place without damaging the environment, is called as sustainable development. e.g. This development should proceed continuously and can be used for future generation as well.
Q.7. Differentiate between potential resources and actual resources.
Potential Resources | Actual Resources |
(i) Resources whose total available quantity is not known at present. | (i) Resources whose total quality and quantity is known at present. |
(ii) Their resources can be utilized in future also. | (ii) These may end up in the future. |
(iii) These resources are not being used currently. | (iii) These are using currently. |
(iv) e.g. Uranium in Ladakh. | (iv). e.g., coal deposits. |
Q.8. Distinguish between biotic and abiotic resources.
Biotic Resources | Abiotic Resources |
(i) They consist of living things. | (i) They composed of non-living things. |
(ii) They are renewable. | (ii) They are non-renewable. |
(iii) They are affected by external environment. | (iii) They are free from environmental affects. |
Q.1. What are the principles of sustainable development?
Ans. Principles of sustainable development:
(i) Respect and care for all forms of life.
(ii) Improve the quality of human life.
(iii) Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity.
(iv) Minimize depletion of natural resources.
(v) Change personal attitude and practices toward the environment.
(vi) Enable communities to care for their own
Q.2. What is the need for conservation of natural resources even if they are renewable?
Ans. Though the natural resources like land, water, plant, etc. are renewable resources there is need to conserve them because if they are used unwisely and limitlessly there can be a lot of problems. The overuse of such resources will lead to natural disequilibrium.
Example: Deforestation may lead to flood and soil erosion etc.
Q.3. Describe any three ill effects of the overuse of resources.
Ans. Ill- effects of the overuse of resources:
(i) Overuse of soil can cause infertility in many regions.
(ii) Widespread destruction or cutting of forests may lead to flood and soil erosion. It may also pose a danger to wild life.
(iii) The quality of air, water and land resources also affected by the misuse of resources.
(iv) Overuse of resources can create shortage for essential resources like land, water, etc. which can create unrest among the future generation.
Q.4. Why is there a difference in the level of development of different regions/nations? What are the different methods which have to be observed to increase the level of productivity?
Ans. There is a difference in the level of development of different regions because:
(i) the resources are not distributed equally.
(ii) the skills and technology possessed and used by human beings varies for different human beings.
The level of productivity can be increased if:
(i) all the available resources are identified.
(ii) technology and skills should be used immensely and efficiently for practical purposes.
(iii) conservation of resources is done. The ever increasing population can put a great stress on the economic development of a nation.
(iv) government should pass effective law and order so that the resources of a nation are optimally used.
(v) human population of a region/nation is healthy and productive.
(vi) the national and international cooperation for the use of resources.
Q.5. Explain how resources are classified.
Ans. Resources can be classified as natural, human and man-made resources:
1. Natural Resources: These resources are taken from nature. They are used without much modification. e.g. sunlight, minerals, air we breath, mountains, trees, etc.
2. Human Resources: Human resources include those people who serve us as a teacher, as a doctor, as a cobbler, etc.
3. Human-made Resources: These resources are formed by human beings. Human beings forming these resources by using intelligence and knowledge eg. Buildings, roads, telephone etc. Natural resources can be classified as renewable and non- renewable sources which do not get replenished and can be used continuously are known as renewable resources e.g. water. Resources which get exhausted are known as non-renewable resources, e.g. coal, petroleum etc.
Resources may be actual and potential.
Resources whose total quality and quantity are known at present are known as actual resources and resources whose total available quantity is not known at present are known as potential resources.
On the basis of origin a resource can be abiotic or biotic. Abiotic resources are non-living eg. Rocks, metals etc. Biotic resources are living eg. fisheries etc.
On the basis of level of development resources can be Ubiquitous or Localized.
Localised resources are found in some parts of the world while ubiquitous are found everywhere.
Q.1. “Resources are function of human activities”. Explain.
Ans. Natural endowment of environment are nature’s free gift. But these become resources only when man utilize them. Human beings transform material available in our environment into resources. For example, wood is transformed into furniture by a carpenter. So human beings are essential components of resources.
Q.2. Explain the relationship between resources, institution and technology.
Ans. Nature contains resources. These resources are converted into usable form with the help of technology. Human beings interact with nature through technology and create institutions to accelerate their economic growth.
Q.1. What value would you like to suggest to conserve resources?
Ans. Following values help to conserve resources:
(i) Careful and judicious use of resources.
(ii) Check the wastage of resources.
(iii) Use alternative sources of energy.
Q.2. Why resources planning is necessary in India?
Ans. Resources planning is necessary in India so that resources may be utilised properly for the economic development of the country. There is need for balanced resources planning at the national, state, regional and local level.
Q.3. Which processes are used to renew the resources?
Ans. The processes used to renew the resources are:
(i) Physical process.
(ii) Chemical process.
(iii) Mechanical process.
Q.4. What are the different types of values resources may possess?
Ans. Resources may possess different values as:
(i) Economic Value: The resources (raw materials) which are used in the manufacture of other useful products have economic value e.g, means of irrigation, coal, petroleum.
(ii) Aesthetic Value: The high mountains, the waterfall, natural sceneries all have aesthetic value for us.
(iii) Ethical Value: The ethical and moral values refer to the principles of love and care for the family, care of flora and fauna, preserving natural parks etc.
(iv) Legal Value: The laws passed by the government from time to time and the provisions of the constitution have legal value.
1. Multiple choice questions
Tick (✔) the correct option
1. Which of the following is not a human made resource?
(a) Technology.
(b) GM seeds.
(c) Buildings.
(d) Mountain.
Ans. (d) Mountain.
2. Minerals are the examples of which of the following resources?
(a) Non-renewable.
(b) Abiotic.
(c) Potential.
(d) Both (a) and (b).
Ans. (d) Both (a) and (b).
3. Resources which are not yet developed due to lack of technology are:
(a) Renewable resources.
(b) Localised resources.
(c) Human made resources.
(d) Potential resources.
Ans. (d) Potential resources.
4. Abiotic resources are:
(a) made by human beings.
(b) derived from non-living things.
(c) derived from living things.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (b) derived from non-living things.
5. Which of the following is an abiotic resource?
(a) Vegetation.
(b) Animal.
(c) Man.
(d) Land.
Ans. (d) Land.
6. Metals have a:
(a) Economic value.
(b) Legal value.
(c) Ethical value.
(d) Aesthetic value.
Ans. (a) Economic value.
7. Which is a renewable resource?
(a) Forests.
(b) Rock.
(c) Petroleum.
(d) Minerals.
Ans. (a) Forests.
8. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
(a) Coal.
(b) Biogas.
(c) Petroleum.
(d) Natural gas.
Ans. (b) Biogas.
II. Match the following:
Sources | Resources |
(a) Mining | (i) Food, shelter, clothing, etc. |
(b) Animal | (ii) Copper, gold, coal, etc. |
(c) Agriculture | (iii) Milk, meat, hides etc. |
Sources | Resources |
(a) Mining | (ii) Copper, gold, coal, etc. |
(b) Animal | (iii) Milk, meat, hides etc. |
(c) Agriculture | (i) Food, shelter, clothing, etc. |
III. List out any five resources you see in your homes and five you see in your class room.
Five resources we see in our home | Five resources we see in our classroom |
(i) Vegetables | (i) Computer |
(ii) Utensils | (ii) Dusters |
(iii) Furniture | (iii) Chalks |
(iv) Water | (iv) Textbooks |
(v) Electricity | (v) Blackboard |
IV. Fill in the blanks:
(i) Human add ________________ to a resource.
Ans. Value.
(ii) Only ________________ development will ensure the wellbeings of the future generation.
Ans. Sustainable.
(iii) Almost every human need is meet primarily from _________________.
Ans. Nature.
1. Look at the pictures given below and answer the questions that follows.

(a) What type of resource is depicted in picture1.1?
Ans. Human-made resource.
(b) What type of resource is depicted in picture 1.2?
Ans. Human resource.
(c) Which of the two types of resources is more important and why?
Ans. Human resources are more important as they are capable of making the best use of natural resources through their knowledge, skill and technology. Only human beings can exploit, discover, develop and convert the available potential resource into useful products.