Form fill-up for BA B Com 6 Semester: This is for information to all concerned that the last dates for submission of Examination Fee and Form for BA BCom 6 Semester (Regular) Examinations, 2024 under Centre for Distance and Online Education, Dibrugarh University, have been fixed as under:

Without Fine: upto 09.12.2024
With Fine: upto 11.12.2024
Name of the Fee | Amount |
A. Examination Fee (Regular) (i) For General Course (ii) For Major Course (B.A.) | 450/- 650/- |
B. Examination For (Backlog) (i) Single Paper (ii) Two or more papers | 350/- per course Full fee of the examination concerned |
2. Mark-Sheet Fee | 150/- |
3. Centre Fee | 250/- |
4. Late Fine Fee | 300/- |
Consolidated statements of number of candidates in different subjects must be submitted along with the Examination forms send directly to the controller of Examination, Dibrugarh University. |
Note: The Computer generated Examinations forms (Soft Copy) will be issued to the concerned Colleges Centre from 27.11.2024, from the Office of the Directorate of Open & Distance Learning, Dibrugarh University.
Dibrugarh University during Office hours.
How to Apply
Here are some steps for filling out BA BCom 6th semester form
Read the notification: Read the notification from the university regarding the form fill-up.
Collect necessary Documents: Ensure you have all the documents, like Photos (if required), Previous semester marksheet (if required), Visit department for all the necessary information.
Contact the department: Contact the department for subject option and clarification.
Fill out the form: Fill out the examination form.
Pay the fees: Pay the required exam fees on the university portal.
Submit the form: Submit the printed form and receipt to the college office for verification.
Admit card: After verification, download and print the admit card or visit college to collect your admit card.
Important Link
Sl. No. | Particular | LInk |
1 | Official Notification | Click Here |
2 | Official Website | Click Here |
3 | How to Apply | Offline |
Read Also:
- Postponement of first Semester Examination
- Guidance And Counselling Bank & Guide | নিৰ্দেশনা আৰু পৰামৰ্শদান
- Research Methods – II Answer Bank & Guide | গৱেষণা পদ্ধতি – II
1. Where will the notification be available?
Ans: Form fill-up for BA B Com 6 Semester the notification is uploaded on the Dibrugarh University Website.
2. How much is the total fee for a General Course student?
Ans: Form fill-up for BA B Com 6th Semester: For General Course students, the total fee without a late fine is:
Examination Fee: ₹450
Mark Sheet Fee: ₹150
Centre Fee: ₹250
Total: ₹850/-
3. Can I fill the examination form after the due date?
Ans: Yes, you can fill the examination form after the due date of 09.12.2024, but only until 11.12.2024 by paying a Late Fine Fee of ₹300 in addition to the regular fees.

My self Anita Sahani. I have completed my B.Com from Purbanchal College Silapathar. I am working in Dev Library as a Content Manager. A website that provides all SCERT, NCERT 3 to 12, and BA,, B.Sc, and Computer Science with Post Graduate Notes & Suggestions, Novel, eBooks, Health, Finance, Biography, Quotes, Study Materials, and more.