Class 12 Logic And Philosophy Chapter – 5 Realism – Naive Realism & Scientific Realism

Class 12 Logic And Philosophy Chapter – 5 Realism – Naive Realism & Scientific Realism The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapter Assam Board Class 12 Logic And Philosophy Chapter – 5 Realism – Naive Realism & Scientific Realism and select needs one.

Class 12 Logic And Philosophy Chapter – 5 Realism – Naive Realism & Scientific Realism

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Realism – Naive Realism & Scientific Realism


A) Very short type answers :- 1 marks each.

1) According to Naive Realism the existence of the object of knowledge with all its – is independent of the knowing mind.

Ans:- Qualities.

2) According to Naive Realism the relation between the Knower and the known is –

Ans:- A direct relation.

3) “Naive Realism fails to explain error” – Do you agree ?

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Ans:- Yes.

4) Who is the founder of Scientific Realism ?

Ans:- British Philosopher John Locke.

5) According to Scientific Realism all the qualities of the object are not –

Ans:- Independent of the mind.

6) Who is the author of “Essay concerning Human Understanding” ?

Ans:- John Locke.

B) Short type answers :- 2 marks each.

1) What is Naive Realism ?

Ans:- Naive Realism believs in the reality oi the external objects and ideas are exact copies of external real things and their qualities.

2) Define Scientific Realism.

Ans:- Scientific Realism believs in the reality of the external objects. But for them primary qualities, viz., size, shape, extension etc. are real and objective and secondary qualities , viz., colour, taste, smell etc. are subjective states or ideas of our mind.

3) What are primary qualities ?

Ans:- The quantities which are independent of the knowing mind or the qualities which are objective properties of an object are called the primary qualities. These primary qualities are the fundamental qualities of an object in the sense that they are the objective qualities and the necessary properties of an object. These qualities remain unchanged through all the changes of time and place.

4) What are secondary qualities ?

Ans:- The qualities which are not independent of the knowing mind or the qualities which are the subjective properties of an object are called the secondary qualities. For example taste, colour, smell etc of an object. Secondary qualities may be changed from person to person from place to place. As secondary qualities are mind dependent, so they can not determine the exact nature of an object.

5) “Naive Realism can not explain error” – Why ?

Ans:- Naive Realism can not explain error. Because Naive Realism over emphasis on perception. The over emphasis on perception is the repetition of the mistake committed by the Greek Sophist. All the limitations of the perceptual knowledge occur in this from of realism. Error, illusions etc can not be explained. For example, to see a snake in a rope, refraction etc can not be explained by Naive Realism.

C) Short type answers :- 3 marks each.

1) What is Realism ? What are its different forms ?

Ans:- Realism is a theory, which believes in the reality of the external objects, independent of knowing mind.

The main forms of realism are :-

a) Naive Realism.

b) Scientific Realism.

2) State the general features of Naive Realism.

Ans:- The general features of Naive Realism are :-

a) The object of knowledge is independent of the knowers mind. The existence of an external object does not depend on the knowledge of it by any knower. An object will continue to exist with all its qualities with or without any interference on it by the knower.

b) There is an external world outside our mind.

c) We obtain knowledge of the external world by perception. The nature of the external world is exactly same as the way a perceptor perceives it. That means an object is that what it appears to be.

d) The knowledge of the external world is possible because of the qualities of the particular objects. The qualities of the objects are the inherent properties of them. The diverse qualities of an object like colour, taste, smell, extension, length etc. All are independent of the knowers mind.

e) The relation between the knower and the known is a direct relation. There is nothing that intervenes our knowing of any object.

f) The object of our knowledge produces sensation in us. The sensation of an object is similar to everyone.

g) Naive Realism support the correspondence theory of truth.

3) Mention three points of difference between primary qualities and secondary qualities.

Ans:- The three points of difference between primary qualities and secondary qualities –

i) Primary qualities are inherent properties of an object. They are the fundamental qualities of an object in the sense that they are the objective qualities and the necessary properties of an object. But, secondary qualities are not fundamental to an object since they depend on the knower’s mind.

ii) Primary qualities remain unchanged through all the changes of time and place. For example the shape, extension etc. Of an object remain unchanged in all occassions. But secondary qualities may be changed from person to person, from place to place. For example, the taste or smell of an object may vary from person to person.

iii) According to Locke, the external objects are the main shelter of the primary qualities. But, both the external object and the knower’s mind are the shelter of the secondary qualities.

4) Write three points of criticism against Naive Realism.

Ans:- The three criticism against Naive Realism are:-

a) Naive Realism gives over emphasis on perception.

b) Naive Realism can not explain error, illusions, hallucinations etc.

c) Naive Realism refuses to accept the subjective aspect of knowledge. But in knowing process both subjective and objective aspects have their own role.

5) Name the theory which states that –

a) External world can be directly known.

Ans:- Naive Realism.

b) Define that theory.

Ans:- Naive Realism believes in the reality of the external objects and ideas are exact copies of external real things and their qualities.

6) Name the theory which states that all the qualities of the object are not objective. Define that theory.

Ans:- The theory which states that all the qualities of the object are not objective is scientific Realism.

Scientific Realism believes in the reality of the external objects. But for them primary qualities viz. size, shape, extension etc. are real and objective and secondary qualities viz. colour, taste, smell etc. are subjective states or ideas of our mind.

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