Class 12 Geography Chapter 9 International Trade The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters SCERT Class 12 Geography Chapter 9 International Trade and select need one.
Class 12 Geography Chapter 9 International Trade
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Q.1. How are ports helpful for trade? Give a classification of port on the basis of their location?
Ans :- The ports and harbors are the chief gateways of the world of international trade. Cargoes and travellers pass from one part of the world to another through the ports.
The ports provide facilities of docking, loading, unloading and the storage facilities for cargo, and it provides labour and managerial services. By the way, ports are helpful for trade.
Classification : On the basis of location of ports, ports can be classify in the following manner:
(a) Inland Ports
(b) Out Ports
(a) Inland Ports : These ports are located away from the sea coast. They are linked to the sea through a river or a canal. Such ports are accessible to flat bottom ships or barges.
Examples :
(i) Manchester is linked with a canal,
(ii) Memphis is located on the river Mississippi.
(ii) Kolkata is located on the river Hooghly, a branch of the river Ganga.
(b) Out Ports : Out ports are deep water ports built away from the actual ports. These serve the parent ports by receiving those ships which are unable to approach them due to their large size.
Example : Athens and its out port Piraeus in Greece.
Q.2. How do nations gain from International Trade?
Ans :- International Trades are trade where the exchange of goods and services among countries across national boundaries. Through the International Trade nations export various goods to other countries and carn foreign exchange. In the same way a nation imports various goods or items from other nations.
Through the international trade nations obtain regional specialization, global understanding and cooperation among the nations increases through international trade.
People can enjoy a high standard of living, through international trade, competition arises among the producers. Diffusion of knowledge and technology and the services increases through international trade.
Q.3. What are the major types of ports on the basis of cargo and location?
Ans :- Ports can be classified on different basis.
The basis of classifications are given below :
A. Types of port according to cargo handle :
(i) Industrial Ports
(ii) Commercial Ports
(iii) Comprehensive Ports
B. Types of port according to their location :
(i) Inland Ports (Ex, Kolkata)
(ii) Out Ports (Ex. Athens)
C. Types of Port on the basis of specialised functions :
(i) Oil Ports (Ex. Abadan)
(ii) Ports of Call (Ex, Honolulu)
(iii) Packet Station (Ex. Dover)
(iv) Entrepot Ports (Ex. Singapore)
(v) Naval Ports (Ex. Kochi)
Q.4. Give a note on major types of ports on the basis of specialized functions.
Ans :- Types of ports on the basis of specialized functions :
(i) Oil ports: Which ports deal in the processing and shipping of oil is called oil port. Among these ports some are tanker ports and others are refinery ports. Maracaibo in Venezuela, Esskhira in Tunisia are the example of tanker ports and Abadan on the gulf of Persia is a refinery port.
(ii) Ports of call : Which ports were originally developed as calling points and main sea routes were ships used to anchor for refueling, watering and taking food items are called ports of call. Singapore is the best example of such a port.
(iii) Packet station : Packet station or ferry ports are exclusively concerned with the transportation of passengers and across water bodies covering short distances. These stations occur in pairs located in such a way that they face each other across the water body.
(iv) Enter pot ports : These are collections of centers where the goods are brought from different countries for export.
(v) Naval ports : The ports which have only strategic importance. These ports serve worship and have repair workshops for them.
Q.5. Discuss the role of the World Trade Organisation.
Ans :- The world trade organization is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trades between nations. It sets the rules for the global trading system and resolves disputes between its member nations. There are 160 member states of world trade organizations. It was officially formed on 1 January 1995.
The World Trade organization covers trade services such as telecommunication and banking and others issues such as intellectual rights.
The world trade organization has been cruised and opposed by those who are worried about the effects of free trade and economic globalization It is also argued that issues of health, worker’s rights, child labour and environment are ignored.
Q.6. Explain the bases of International Trade.
Ans : The basis of International Trade are as follows :
(i) Difference in natural resources : The world’s natural resources are unevenly distributed because of differences in their physical make-up (such as geology, relief, soil and climate)
(ii) Population factors : The size, distribution and diversity of people between countries are not uniform, which affect the type and volume of goods and services.
(ii) Stage of economic development : At different stages of economic development of countries, the nature of items traded undergo changes. In agriculturally important countries, agro products are exchanged for manufactured goods whereas industrialised nations export machinery and finished products and import food grains and other raw materials.
(iv) Extent of foreign investment : Foreign investment can boost trade in developing countries which lack the capital required for the development of various activities.
(v) Transport : Transport is also another basis for international trade.
Q.7. Discuss the important aspects of the Composition of Trade.
Ans :- Nature of goods and services imported and exported by countries have undergone changes during the last century.
(i) Trade of primary products was dominant in the beginning of the last century
(ii) Later on, manufactured goods gained prominence.
(iii) These days, though the manufacturing sector commands the bulk of the global trade, service sector like travel, transportation and other commercial services have shown an upward trend.

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