Class 11 Environment Chapter 4 Natural Resources

Class 11 Environment Chapter 4 Natural Resources The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board HS 1st Year Environmental Studies Chapter 4 Natural Resources Question Answer.

Class 11 Environment Chapter 4 Natural Resources

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10. Definition of natural disaster and management of natural disaster like flood in Assam.

Ans: The main causes of natural disaster and management of natural disaster like flood in Assam are as follows:

(i) Due to deforestation flood is occur in Assam.

(ii) Overgrazing is one of the major cause of flood in Assam.

(iii) Rapid industrialization is one of the another cause of flood in Assam.

(iv) Due to heavy rain in Assam flood is occured.

(v) When vegetation and soil cannot absorb all the water then floods occur in Assam.

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(vii) In Assam mining is one of the important cause of flood,

(viii) In Assam global warming is also considered as cause of floods. In Assam floods can create some unavoidable problem.

The problems created by floods are as follows: 

(i) In Assam floods also damaged and destroyed the spawning ground for fish and other wildlife heliostats..

(ii) Environmental degradation takes place by spreading epidemics in case of both human beings and animals due to flood in Assam.

(iii) The economic development of floods Assam is hindered by devastating both life and property.

(iv) Floods are also create problems of water logging, land degradation, salinisation of soil, biomagnification, death of necessary organism etc.

(v) Problems of disappearance of useful plants and appearance of unwanted plants are also the major cause of food.

(vi) Due to flood bridge, embankment, roads are damaged.

(vii) It damages property and endanger the lives of humans and animals in Assam.

To solve such problems following remedial measures can be taken: 

(i) In Assam flood can be controlled by restoring vegetation and institution, efficient methods of soil management and conservation.

(ii) One of the important method of flood control in Assam is reforestation.

(iii) River dams which provide sufficient protection against flood is also a method of control in Assam.

(iv) The construction of embankments on lower beaches of rivers to divert flood water is one of the method of flood control.

(v) Construction of spars which control both flood and bank erosion is one of the most mentionable method of flood control in Assam.

11. Write the importance of water conservation and its methods. 

Ans: Following are the importance of water conservation and its methods:

(i) In water conservation reducing irrigation losses such as use of lined or covered canals, using water in the early morning or at late evening. use of sprinkling and drip method etc., is very helpful.

(ii) To conserve water in sandy regions horizontal barrier of asphalt is placed below the soil surface to escape from quick evaporation of water. 

(iii) To conserve water in irrigated area some chemical wetting agents are used to increase the water intake of the soil. 

(iv) Water is conserved by making some boundary of soil barrier which prevent the quick run of rain water in plains pertinently in paddy field.

(v) Water is allowed to flow to the farming area and in foothills the course of the rebuilds are changed.

(vi) To conserve water digging large pond is necessary.

(vii) To conserve water the small embankments is hilly slopes allow rain water to wait more and thus water gets more time to infiltrate.

(viii) To conserve water re-use and economic use of it also helpful.

(ix) Person can reduce the misuse and overuse of water in the area. where water is already in shortage and where water shortage is ahead pricing in water supply.

(x) Soil is left farrow far one or two seasons which increase its water conserving capacity.

(xi) To conserve water in dry area or in the area under the affect of desertification the creation of new watershed or revival of old watersheds also very helpful.

12. Write what are natural resources and its different categories with examples.

Ans: The resources which are inherent in the nature and are not made by man are called natural resources. Water, soil, air, forest, coal etc mare natural resources. Natural resources are of two types.

These are:

(i) Renewable natural resources and

(ii) Non-renewable natural resources.

These two types of natural resources are discussed below with examples:

(i) Renewable natural resources: The resources which are reproducible and which are obtained from the biomass of living organism are considered as renewable natural resources Forest resources are the renewable natural resources.

(ii) Non-renewable natural resources: The resources which are obtained from the finite non living reserves and are not reproducible are considered as non-renewable natural resources. Mineral, coal,metals etc are the example of non-renewable natural resources.

13. Mention the causes of deforestation and suggest suitable measures to protect them.

Ans: Deforestation and afforestation:Deforestation means the destruction of forest by different means like construction of road, building dams etc.extending farms. extension of urbanization, collecting of firewoods, collecting of timber for commercial and household use, exploring mines etc. It causes shortage of oxygen and increase carbon-di-oxide in atmosphere. Deforestation create flood problem, sandy storm etc. which are harmful for all living beings like plants animals and so on.

Following are the causes of deforestation:

(i) Growing need of food and more reproduction of food occur deforestation. 

(ii) Deforestation taking place due to the clearance of forest for the settlement of increased population.

(iii) Deforestation occur due to increasing needs of row materials for industrial use.

(iv) Deforestation occur due to shifting cultivation which is called Jhum cultivation. 

(v) We to extraction of timber, legally or illegally for industrial and domestic use is an other important cause of deforestation. 

Following measures should be taken for protection of deforestation.

(i) To the rural people planting should be made habituate. 

(ii) The bare land within the campus of school, hospital, the road sides, the far sides of embankment should be painted

(iii) Open cast mining should be reduce.In place of open cast mining new technology should be developed to extract minerals from the mines.

(iv) In place of shifting cultivation terrace cultivation should be encouraged.

(v)To meet the needs of timber materials products should be produced.

(vi)A proper policy of tree falling should follow by Forest departments.

14. Write a note on the effects of application of pesticides in agriculture.

Ans: Following are the effects of application of pesticides in agriculture :

(i) Animals and human excreta may contain pathogens that contaminate the soil and crops. These also affect the health of man and animals.

(ii) Through food chain the radioactive dust may find its way from the soil into crops, animals and human.

(iii) Plants can absorb many pesticides and their degraded products and nay reach humans and animals through food chain which may prove very harmful.

(iv) The chemicals and pesticides are used in the field of agriculture field. These chemicals and pesticides can alter the basic composition of the soil.

(v) The quality of soil is spoiled due to the use of inorganic fertilizers in the long run.

(vi) The useful soil organisms which contribute in fertility and structure of the soil may killed through the chemicals and pesticides.

15. Write an essay on floods?

Ans: Floods occur mainly due to deforestation. Mining is one of the important cause of flood. It causes the volume of water to be bigger in the rainy days. Floods occur due to heavy rain, sometimes combined with meeting snow, which causes the rivers to overflow their blanks. Global warming is also considered as cause of floods. Overgrazing is also one of the major cause of flood. It causes glacier at the poles to molten and thus sea level swells up to threaten the normal life at the low lying beaches. One of the another cause of flood is rapid industrialization.Coastal areas are occasionally flooded by unusually high tides induced by sever winds over ocean surfaces. Floods occur when vegetation and soil cannot absorb all the water.

Floods damages property and endanger the lives of humans and animals. Due to flood bridge, embankment, roads are damaged. Water logging, land degradation, salinisation of soil biomagnification, death of necessary organism etc. are also flood-created problems. Disappearance of useful plants and appearance of un anted plants are also the major cause of food problems.Due to flood environmental degradation takes place by spreading epidemies in case of both human beings and animals Floods hinder the economic development of a country by devastating both life and property. Floods also damaged and destroyed the spawning ground for fish and other wildlife heliostats

The construction of embankments on lower beaches of rivers to divert flood water to flood control is Reforestation is also an important method of flood control. To control both flood and bank erosion of the river One of the most mentionable method of flood control is construction of spars which River dams is also a method of control. To provide sufficient protection against flood dams help very friendly to control the flood Flood can be control by restoring vegetation and institution efficient methods of soil management and conservation of flood.

16. What are the importance of forest resources. What are the different impact of the over use and over expansion of forest resources?

Ans: The importance of forest resources are as follows:

(i) On the basis of the forest resources. Industries like match box industry, plywood industry etc. are being set up.

(ii) Forest resources help in preservation of the scare animals, birds and various species of trees.

(iii) Forest resources provides the food crops to the man, animals and the different species.

(iv) It supplies raws materials to various industries.

(v) Forest resources supplies the woods,bamboos etc. which are necessary to building houses and in making furniture.

(vi) It increases the water absorbing capacity of soil, saves the soil erosion, and increase fertility of soil.

(vii) Forest resources controls the climate.

(viii) Forest gives pleasure by increasing the natural beauty helps in the development of tourism industry.

(ix) Forest resources helps in air purification.

The different impact of the over use and over expansion of forest resources are as follows:

(i) Fertility of the soil decreases and soil erosion increase due to over use of forest resources.

(ii) Due to over use of forest resources scarcity of food crops of man, animals and birds appears.

(iii) Over use of forest resources creates lack of living places of animals as well as other living beings in the forest.

(iv) Over use of forest resources affects the natural beauty of the world and cause an ecological imbalance.

(v) Over use of forest resources affects the climate.

(vi) Due to over use and over exploitation of forest resources unemployment problem will arise and it will stand as a obstacle in the path of economic development of the country.

(vii) The scaring of the raw materials for the industries occur due to over use and over exploitation of forest resources.

(viii) Rainfall will increase due to over expansion of forest resources.

(ix) Due to over use and over exploitation of forest resources the production will decrease and the economic growth of the country will be interrupted.

(x) Due to over use and over exploitation of forest resources transportation and communication will also be interrupted.

17. Write about the non renewable natural resources of North East India and measures to conserve them.

Ans: in respect of deposit of non-renewable resources of north east region is quiet rich. The non renewable natural resources of north cast region in India are mineral resources, coal, petroleum, iron ore, fire clay, uranium China clay tiller’s earth, feldspar, sillimanite, dolomite etc. These resources are available in Assam, North Cachar Hill, Tripura, Karbi Anglong, Khasi Jaintia and Garo Hill, Nagaland, Manipur etc.

There are some conservation measures of non renewable natural resources.

Such as:

(i) To conserve non renewable resources we should change the way of life.

(ii) We should be reduce loss and minimise of resources.

(ii) For conservation non renewable resources over consumption of oil in automobile engines should be checked by keeping the engines in good working order.

(iv) To conserve non renewable resources we should change our way of life. 

(v) For conservation non renewable resources we should increase reclamation and recycling of materials.

(vi) To conserve non-renewable resources we should use solar energy for cooking, heating and transport.etc.

18. Write on the causes of deforestation and its measures to check it.

Ans: Following are the causes of deforestation :

(i) Growing need of food and more reproduction of food occur deforestation.

(ii) Deforestation tsking place due to the clearance of forest for the settlement of increased population.

(iii) Deforestation occur due to increasing needs of row materials for industrial use.

(iv) Deforestation occur due to shifting cultivation which is called Jhum cultivation.

(v) We to extraction of timber, legally or illegally for industrial and domestic use is an other important cause of deforestation.

Following measures can be adopted to check deforestation;

(i) To the rural people planting should be made habituate.

(ii) The bare land within the campus of school, hospital, the road sides, the far sides of embankment should be painted. 

(iii) Open cast mining should be reduce. In place of open cast mining new technology should be developed to extract minerals from the mines.

(iv) In place of shifting cultivation terrace cultivation should be encouraged.

(v) To meet the needs of timber materials products should be produced. 

(vi) A proper policy of tree falling should follow by Forest departments.

19. Write about flood as a disaster; its causes and management.

Ans: Flood is considered as a disaster. There are various causes of flood.

These are as follows :

(i) Due to deforestation river flood may occur very heavily.

(ii) One of the main cause of flood s overgrazing.

(iii) Rapid industrialization is one of the main cause of flood.

(iv) Coastal areas are occasionally flooded by unusually high tides induced by severe winds over ocean surfaces.

(v) Floods occur due to heavy rain, sometimes combined with meeting snow, which causes the rivers which causes the rivers to overflow their blanks.

(vi) Floods occur when vegetation and soil cannot absorb all the water.

(vii) Mining is also one of the important causes of flood.

(viii) Global warming is also considered as causes of flood.

Following are the management of flood control: 

(i) The construction of embankments on lower beaches of rivers

divert flood water is one of the major methods of flood control.

(ii) One of an important method of flood control is reforestation.

(iii) Construction of spars which control both flood and bank erosion one of the most mentionable method of flood control.

(iv) To provide sufficient protection against flood dams help very friendly. River dams is also a method of control.

(v) By restoring vegetation and institution efficient methods of soil management and conservation flood can be control.

20. Write the cause of soil erosion:

Ans: Following are the causes of soil erosion:

(i) Flood is one of the cause of soil erosion.

(ii) Earthquake is one of the cause of soil erosion.

(iii) Heavy rainfall is also one of the cause of soil erosion.

(iv) Deforestation is anther cause of soil erosion. 

(v) Wind is one of the cause of soil erosion.

(vi) Mining is one of the other cause of soil erosion. 

21. Write what is open cast mining and underground mining.

Ans: Opencast mining is a way of collecting minerals from the crust of the earth. Opencast mining is a process followed when the minerals are found just attached to the earth surface. The process is known as opencast mining when the earth surface is uncovered to collect minerals is the mines.

On the other hand underground mining means to collect mineral tunne are constructed from the earth surface towards the core. It cause the environmental degradation and natural disaster.

22. Write the influences on environment during the exploitation of mineral resources.

Ans: Following are the influence on environment during the exploitation of mineral resources.

(i) Environmental damages occur due to the exploitation of mineral resources. Due to the exploitation of mineral resources large scale deforestation of devegetation and defacing of lands to several ecological losses occur.

(ii) Due to subsidence of land or the exploitation of mineral resources often tilting of buildings, blocking of roads, leaking of gas from cracked pipelines, cracks in houses etc, occur Sometimes it leads to serious disaster.

(iii) The exploitation of mineral resources sometimes pollutes the ground water and disturbs the natural hydrological process.

(iv) The exploitation of mineral resources creates air pollution also.

(v) Surface water pollution is also caned by the exploitation of mineral resources.

(vi) Land provides as mineral which are very essential on our day to day life.

(vii) Due to the exploitation of mineral resources valuable resources upon which we depend for our food, fibre, fiel wood, the basic amenities of life are damaged

(ix) Due to the exploitation of mineral resources led of the word surface loses its capacity to provide fertility to plant growth, it provides mechanical support to plants, suppliessantial nutrients and water to plants.

(x) Due to the rotation of mineral resources and can not provides water for all and preserve water in the heart, etc.

23. Write about the conservation of mineral resources of Assam. 

Ans: In respect of deposit of non renewable resources of north east region is quiet rich. The non renewable natural resources of north east region in India are mineral resources, coal, petroleum, iron ore, fire clay, uranium china clay tiller’s earth, feldspar, sillimanite, dolomite etc. These resources are available in Assam.

Following are the measures of conservation of mineral resources of Assam.

(i) To conserve non renewable resources we should change the way of life.

(ii) We should be reduce loss and minimise demand of resources.

(iii) For conservation non renewable resources over consumption of oil in automobile engines should be checked by keeping the engines in good working order.

(iv) To conserve non renewable resources we should change our way of life.

(v) For conservation non renewable resources we should increase reclamation and recycling of materials.

(vi) To conserve non renewable resources we should use solar energy for cooking, heating and transport.etc.

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