Class 11 Environment Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Environment The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board HS 1st Year Environmental Studies Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Environment Question Answer.
Class 11 Environment Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Environment
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Basic Concepts of Environment
UNIT – 1
Textual Questions and Answers
1. What is environment?
Ans : “All the biotic or abiotic factors of a site is called the environment.”
Environment is the sum total of water, air and land, interrelationships among themselves and also with the human beings, other living organisms and property,
2. What are the different components of the environment?
Ans : The different components of the environment are:
(i) Abiotic component or non-living component.
(i) Biotic component or living component
(iii) Energy component The abiotic or physical environment is subdivided into three categories
(a) Lithosphere (solid)
(b) Hydrosphere (liquid)
(c) Atmosphere (gas)
The biotic components consists of flora and fauns, including man.
The energy component includes solar energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy, atomic energy etc.
3. What are the different segments of the environment?
Ans: The different segments of the environment are: There are four segments of the environment-
(i) Atmosphere
(ii) Hydrosphere
(iii) Lithosphere
(iv) Biosphere
4. Mention the major components of the atmosphere.
Ans : The major components of the atmosphere:
Major components : Nitrogen (N2) 78.09%
: Oxygen (0) 20.94%
Minor components : Argon (Ar) 9.34×10-1%
Carbon dioxide (CO) 3.25 ×10-20/0
Trace gases: Neon, helium, methane, water vapor.
krypton, nitrous oxide, xenon, hydrogen,
sulphur dioxide, ozone, ammonia, carbon
monoxide, nitrogen dioxide etc.
5. What is the role of ozone present in the stratosphere?
Ans: The ozone (03,) present in the stratosphere plays an important role for us. It acts as a protective shield for life on earth from the injurious effects of the sun’s ultra violet radiations.
6. What do you mean by environmental education?
Ans: It can be said that environmental education is education through environment, about environment and for the environment. Environmental education is the educational process dealing with man’s relationship with his natural and man made surroundings and includes the relation of population, pollution, resource allocation and depletion, conservation, transportation technology and urban and rural planning to the total human environment. Environmental education is the process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to develop skills and attitudes necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelatedness among man, his culture and his biophysical surroundings.
7. What are the broad guidelines of environmental education?
Ans: The broad guidelines of environmental education are:
(i) Awareness and sensitivity to the environment and environmental challenges.
(ii) Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental challenges
(iii) Attitude of concern for the environment and motivation to improve or maintain environmental quality.
(iv) Skills to identify and help resolve environmental coal lunges.
(v) Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of environmental challenges.
8. Mention the basic principles of environmental education.
Ans: The basic principles of environmental education are:
(i) Be interdisciplinary in its approach.
(ii) Consider the holistic environment.
(iii) Be continuous, beginning at preschool level and continuing through all the formal and non formal stages.
(iv) Examine the major environmental issues critically from the local. regional, national and international points of view.
(v) Dwell on the current and future environmental trends and scenario.
(vi) Help learners discover the symptoms and real causes of environmental problems and plan accordingly
(vii) Strive to promote the value and necessity of local, national and international cooperation in solving environmental problems.
9. Discuss the multidisciplinary nature of environmental education.
Ans: Environmental education is a multidisciplinary subject. In order to know the environment and its different complex phenomena, One requires knowledge form various disciplines. Subjects like botany, zoology, biotechnology, bioengineering, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry etc. help in understanding biotic components and their interactions. The basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics and statistics help in understanding the different phenomena in the environment. Computer and information technology is part and parcel of environmental education. Similarly, for control of pollution, environmental engineering is essential. Other branches of engineering e.g. chemical, civil, mechanical, including new innovative technologies, have been involved in protecting the environment. Green chemistry finds its distinct and well specified role in protecting the degraded environment, subjects like sociology, economics, education and philosophy are involved in a number of ways. Environmental laws are always enacted for the protection of the environment. So environmental education is of a multidisciplinary nature where different aspects are dealt with through a holistic approach.
10. How do environmental awareness help to protect our environment?
Ans : The world today is confronted with the great problem of environmental degradation and pollution. Different types of pollution, fast depleting forest resources, rapid population explosion, expanding industrialization, unplanned urbanization, mining, soil erosion etc. have created ecological imbalances in recent years. Man’s quest for economic development has been mainly responsible for the ruthless exploitation of natural resources. Moreover, the highly materialistic, greedy and luxurious life style and attitude of the human race has led in indiscriminate exploitation and destruction of the natural resources. All these activities have become a threat to the very existence of a number of living organisms. So creation of public awareness is a must to protect the environment from further deterioration, Environmental problems can be best addressed if the people become environmentally aware. No government can solve these problems by simply implementing certain environmental protection rules if people do not coOperate. People are to be environmentally educated. They should learn that if we degrade our environment today, we will have to suffer tomorrow and our future generation will be in great danger. We are a part of the environment and it is our duty to protect it.
1. What do you mean by environment?
Ans: “Environment’ means a surroundings which provide to all the organisms the necessary conditions to live in harmony with each other.
2. What is original term of ecology?
Ans: The original term of ecology is ‘oekologie.
3. Who first defined ecology?
Ans: German zoologist Earnest Hackle.
4. What is the meaning of ‘ecology?
Ans: The term “ecology” means “the study of house.
5. What is the thickness of biosphere?
Ans: It extends 6 km above the earth’s surface and 6 km below of the sea level.

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