Class 11 Environment Chapter 4 Natural Resources

Class 11 Environment Chapter 4 Natural Resources The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board HS 1st Year Environmental Studies Chapter 4 Natural Resources Question Answer.

Class 11 Environment Chapter 4 Natural Resources

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Natural Resources

UNIT – 4


Textual Questions and Answers

1. What do you mean by natural resources?

Ans: The world we live in is full of a variety of resources. The welfare and development of human civilization largely depend upon these resources. Since these resources are obtained from nature. They are called natural resources. It is possible to obtain valuable goods from any resource. Thus land, water, air, minerals, coal, forest, wildlife etc, and natural resources.

2. What are the different types of natural resources? 

Ans: Natural resources are of two kinds:

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(a) Renewable resources

(b) Non-renewable resources.

3. What are renewable and non-renewable natural resources? Give examples.

Ans: (a) Renewable resources: Renewable resources are resources that are non exhaustive and can be regenerated within a given span of time e.g. solar energy, forest, wildlife etc. However, many renewable resources do not have a rapid recovery rate and these resources are susceptible to depletion by over-use e.g forest, groundwater etc.

(b) Non- renewable resources: Non renewable resources are resources that the available only in finite quantities eg. fossil fuel like coal, petroleum, minerals etc. Once we exhaust these resources, they can not be replenished.

4. Mention the ecological services of the green plants.

Ans: About 1/3rd of the world’s land area is covered by forests. The green forest not only provides us all sorts off essential commodities but gives us a number of ecological services. Forests provide us with commercial goods like timber. Wood, food items, fuel, fodder, medicines, drugs and many more. But we have to acknowledge the non commercial services offered by the green forests.

(i) Green forests produce oxygen by photosynthesis which is very vital for life on earth.

(ii) During photosynthesis, green plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus reduce the global warming problem.

(iii) Forests give shelter to millions of life forms from insects to the huge wild animals.

(iv) It retards soil erosion.

(v) It regulates local climatic conditions and the hydrological cycle. 

(vi) There are certain plants which can absorb many toxic gases and act as pollution indicators.

5. Name the national parks of Assam.

Ans: National Parks of Assam are:

(i) Kaziranga National Park

(ii) Manas National Park

(iii) Orang National Park 

(iv) Nameri National Park

(v) Dibru-Saikhowa National Park

6. Give 5 names of wildlife sanctuaries of Assam. 

Ans: Wildlife sanctuaries of Assam are:

(i) Kaziranga

(ii) Manas

(iii) Pabitara

(iv) Nameri

(v) Dibru-Saikhowa

7. Name the great wetland of Manipur.

Ans: Loktak Lake (6.475 hectares) is the great wetland of Manipur.

8. Mention two conservative measures for land resources.

Ans: Two conservative measures for land resources are-

(i) Soil erosion can be minimized by afforestation in the hilly slopes.

(ii) Use of pesticides and fertilizers should be banned and organic fertilizers should be encouraged.

9. Mention the mineral resources of NE India. 

Ans: North eastern region of India is a treasure house of valuable mineral resources. Meghalaya is famous for uranium, coal and limestone. Assam is widely known for its mineral resources. The exploration of minerals in the state comprises mainly petroleum (crude), natural ges, coal and limestone. Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) is the most profitable public sector organization in the state. Assam is endowed with varieties of other minerals asbestos, fire clay, kaolin, fuller’s earth, mica, quartz, dolomite etc. But the extraction of most of these minerals is not economically viable at present. The gold extraction from the river Subansiri dates back to carlier than the eighteen century.

10. Mention few water conservation measures.

Ans: Water being the one of the most precious and indispensable natural resources, appropriate techniques should be adopted for its conservation.

The following steps may be taken in this regard

(i) Rainwater harvesting

(ii) Decreasing runoff losses 

(iii) Reducing evaporation losses

(iv) Re use of water

(v) Preventing wastage of water 

(vi) Controlling water pollution

(vii) Implementation of strict laws

(viii) Organization of awareness programmes


1. Write the names of two non-renewable resources.

Ans: Petrol and coal are non-renewable resources.

2. Write the names of two renewable resources. 

Ans: Trees and soil are renewable resources.

3. Why can’t farmers get sufficient electricity? 

Ans: The fossil fuels may not last long, that is why the farmers cannot get sufficient electricity.

4. What is the full form of UNO?

Ans: The full form of UNO is United Nations Organisation.

5. What is the role of central pollution control board?

Ans: The central pollution control board supervises the activities of the state boards.

6. What are pests?

Ans: Insects, rodents and other microorganisms which destroy food material and plants are called pests.

7. Why is the modern agricultural technology harmful to our environment?

Ans: Modern agricultural technology depends on chemical fertilisers pesticides and weedicides, which pollute the air, water and land. So the modern agricultural technology is harmful to our environment.


1. “The embankments and irrigation dams hamper our environment’. Explain.

Ans: People construct embankments and irrigation dams for controlling floods and to ensure better agriculture. But the steps have proved wrong, because the embankments and dams create some problems to our environment. So the embankments and irrigation dam are harmful to us.

2. What do you mean by ‘social forestry’?

Ans: “Social forestry’ is the afforestation programmes that have been launched by the forest department of different states as well as some other government and non-government organisations in order to relieve pressure on forests.

3. The global endeavours in right direction for controlling pollution’. Explain.

Ans: The scientists have discovered alternative sources. With the help of high technology waste is being used to recycle and produce some useful materials. Fuels and building materials are being produced from the liquid wastes of the factories and industries. Tonnes of mud are now reprocessed to produce fertilisers. Now-a-days the factories and industries are equipped with devices to reduce and control environmental pollution. So the global endeavours are going in right direction for controlling pollution.

4. Discuss the problem of population in India.

Ans: The population creates many social, economic, political problems in India.

India is now facing many problems:

(i) Want of staple food materials.

(ii) Problem of producing extra residential areas. 

(iii) Disruption in medical and health care system.

(iv) Insufficiency in traffic and road.

(v) Improvisation of educational system.

(vi) Increase in the rate of environmental pollution.

(vii) Disruption of the national planning programme.

5. Why should the government give top priority to population control?

Ans: Population is the root cause of poverty and environmental pollution. The increasing population needs more food, more residential atta, etc. If we control our population growth, we preserve our nature all sider. So, the government should give top priority to population control.

6. Discuss the role that UNO can play in controlling pollution. 

Ans: We have seen that the main cause of environmental pollution is rapid growth of industries for producing consumer goods. Such kind of industries are very harmful to our environment because some countries for acquiring wealth, exploit the natural sources without thinking for the future. Only UNO can play a vital role in reducing such kind of industries by international cooperation.

The UNO can send their scientists to its member countries to take adequate measures to make their industrial establishments pollution free.

7. Describe the role played by the government of India in controlling pollution.

Ans: The Indian government is also now going to be very strict about environmental pollution. The pollution control boards have been set up in every state and the central pollution control board supervises the activities of the state boards.

Moreover, the government of India has enforced some laws: 

(i) The water (Prevention and Pollution Control) Act, 1974.

(ii) The Water (Prevention and Pollution Control) Cess Act, 1977.

(iii) The Air (Prevention and Pollution Control) Act, 1981.

(iv) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

(v) The Public Utility Insurance Act, 1991.

8. How can the forest be conserved?

Ans: Forests are very important for our environment. The forests keep our ecological system in balance.

We can conserve our forest by the following methods: 

(a) We should plant more and more trees in free space.

(b) We should stop cutting down the trees.

(c) We should protect our forest wealth.

9. Name the Acts made by the government of India for controlling pollution.

Ans: The government of India for controlling environmental pollution has enforced some laws.

The Acts and laws are:

(i) The water (Prevention and Pollution Control) Act, 1974.

(ii) The Water (Prevention and Pollution Control) Cess Act, 1977.

(iii) The Air (Prevention and Pollution Control) Act, 1981.

(iv) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

(v) The Public Utility Insurance Act, 1991.

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