Class 10 Science MCQ Chapter 7 Control and Coordination

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SCERT Class 10 Science MCQ Chapter 7 Control and Coordination

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SCERT Class 10 General Science MCQ Chapter 7 Control and Coordination Notes covers all the exercise questions in SCERT Science Textbooks. The NCERT Class 10 Science MCQ Chapter 7 Control and Coordination provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Control and Coordination

Chapter – 7

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

1. All the information from our environment is detected by which of the following part of a neuron-

(a) Axon.

(b) Dendrite.

(c) Myelin sheath.

(d) Cell body.

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Ans: (b) Dendrite.

2. The information is transmitted to a next neuron from a preceding neuron in the form of –

(a) Electrical impulse.

(b) Magnetic impulse.

(c) Heat energy.

(d) Chemicals.

Ans: (d) Chemicals.

3. The electrical impulse is converted into a chemical signal for onward transmission in the part of the neuron called-

(a) Axon.

(b) Cell body.

(c) Dendrite.

(d) Myelin sheath.

Ans: (a) Axon.

4. The sudden action of our body in response to a change in our surrounding is called-

(a) Voluntary action.

(b) Involuntary action.

(c) Reflex action.

(d) Spontaneous action.

Ans: (c) Reflex action.

5. Watering of our mouth when we feel hungry is an example of-

(a) Voluntary action.

(b) Reflex action.

(c) Involuntary action.

(d) Cardiac action.

Ans: (b) Reflex action.

6. Reflex arcs are formed in-

(a) Brain.

(b) Nerves.

(c) Spinal cord.

(d) Back bone.

Ans: (c)Spinal cord.

7. The connections between the input nerve and output nerve formed in the spinal cord facilitating our sudden actions are known as-

(a) Nervous system.

(b) Peripheral nervous system.

(c) Reflex action. 

(d) Reflex arc.

Ans: (d) Reflex arc.

8. Which one of the following is main coordinating centre of our body-

(a) Spinal cord.

(b) Brain.

(c) Nerves.

(d) Neuron.

Ans: (b) Brain.

9. The brain and the spinal cord constitute which of the following system-

(a) Peripheral Nervous system.

(b) Autonomic Nervous system.

(c) Central Nervous system. 

(d) Endocrine system.

Ans: (c) Central Nervous system. 

10. The system which facilitates in communication between the central nervous system and the other parts of the body is-

(a) Peripheral nervous system.

(b) Endocrine system.

(c) Autonomic nervous system.

(d) Excretory system.

Ans: (a) Peripheral nervous system.

11. Which one of the following is the main thinking part of human brain-

(a) Midbrain.

(b) Cerebellum.

(c) Fore-brain.

(d) Medulla.

Ans: (c) Fore-brain.

12. Which part of our brain receives the sensation of touch, smell, taste and sight-

(a) Medulla.

(b) Cerebellum.

(c) Midbrain.

(d) Fore-brain.

Ans: (d) Fore-brain.

13. The part of brain which is involved with the control of voluntary actions-

(a) Fore-brain.

(b) Midbrain.

(c) Hind-brain

(d) Spinal cord.

Ans: (a) Fore-brain.

14. The part of our brain that controls the involuntary actions like blood pressure and vomiting-

(a) Fore-brain.

(b) Midbrain. 

(c) Medulla.

(d) Cerebellum.

Ans: (c) Medulla.

15. The part of our brain that provides us with precision in activities like riding a bicycle or walking in a rope-

(a)  Medulla.

(b) Cerebellum.

(c) Cerebrum.

(d) Midbrain.

Ans: (b) Cerebellum.

Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers: 

1. Why is control and coordination needed in organisms? 

Ans: Control and coordination is needed in organisms to facilitate various movements occuring in them.

2. Name two tissues in animals that provide control and coordination.

Ans: Nervous tissue and muscular tissue.

3. By which means do the informations travel through a nerve cell? 

Ans: As electrical impulses.

4. How do the informations cross the gap between two nerve cells?

Ans: At the end of axon, the electrical impulse sets off the release of some chemicals. These chemicals cross the gap between two nerve cells.

5. What is a synapse?

Ans: The gap between two successive nerve cells is known as synapse?

6. What is a neuron?

Ans: Each cell of the nervous tissue is called a nerve cell or neuron.

7. Define nervous tissue.

Ans: The tissue which is comprised of some specialised nerve cells that conduct various informations via electrical impulses from one part of the body to another, is called nervous tissue.

8. Name the part of neuron where information is acquired.

Ans: Dendrite.

9. Name the part of neuron through which information travels as an electrical impulse.

Ans: Through the cell body and then along the axon to its end.

10. Name the part of neuron where the electrical impulse is converted into a chemical signal for onward transmission.

Ans: At the end of the axon.

11. What are reflex actions?

Ans: Reflex actions are some sudden actions of our body in response to the changes in our environment that are taken without our conscious will.

12. What is a reflex arc? 

Ans: A reflex arc is a connection in which the nerves that detect a stimulus arc connected to the nerves that move muscles in a simpler way.

13. Where is a reflex arc formed?

Ans: In the spinal cord.

14. How is spinal cord protected?

Ans: The spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column or the backbone.

15. What do you mean by central nervous system?

Ans: The nervous system which is constituted by the brain and the spinal cord is called central nervous system.

16. Name the parts of our central nervous system?

Ans: (i) The brain. and 

(ii) the spinal cord.

17. Name the type of our nervous system which facilitates the communication between the central nervous system and the other parts of the body.

Ans: Peripheral nervous system.

18. What are the three major parts of our brain?

Ans: Fore-brain, midbrain and hind-brain.

19. Which is the main thinking part of our brain?

Ans: Fore-brain.

20. Which part of the hind-brain is responsible for precision of voluntary actions like picking up of a pencil from a table?

Ans: Cerebellum.

21. What are the parts of our hind-brain?

Ans: (i) Medulla. and 

(ii) Cerebellum.

22. What is the function of medulla in the hind- brain?

Ans: The function of medulla in the hind-brain is to control the involuntary actions like heart beat, blood pressure, salivation, vomiting etc.

23. Mention the function of cerebellum of our hind-brain.

Ans: The function of cerebellum of our hind-brain is to provide precision in our voluntary actions and also to help in maintaining the posture and balance of the body.

24. What is phototropism?

Ans: The movement in plants in response to light is known as phototropism. Shoots respond by bending towards light and roots respond by bending away from it.

25. What is geotropism?

Ans: The movement in plants in response to the pull of the earth or gravity is called geotropism. Shoots grow upwards and away from the earth, while roots grow downwards in the direction of gravity.

26. What is hydrotropism?

Ans: The movement in plants in response to the moisture or water is called hydrotropism. The roots bend towards the moisture or water.

27. What is chemotropism?

Ans: The movement in plants in response to some chemicals is known as chemotropism.

28. Give one example of chemotropism in plants.

Ans: Growth of pollen tubes towards ovules.

29. What are hormones?

Ans: The chemical compounds used by multicellular organisms for the purpose of control and coordination are called hormones.

30. What do you mean by endocrine system?

Ans : Endocrine system is a system of some glands which secrete a chemical compound called hormone which takes part in the control and coordination of the animal body.

31. Name the element used for the synthesis of thyroxin.

Ans: Iodine.

32. What is goitre?

Ans: Goitre is a disease caused by the deficiency of iodine in our body. One of the symptoms of this disease is a swollen neck.

33. Name the hormone responsible for the growth and development of the human body especially during childhood.

Ans: Growth hormone.

34. Name the hormone which is responsible for making some people dwarf and some other giants.

Ans: Growth hormone. 

35. Name the glands that secrete the hormones testosterone and oestrogen in male and female respectively.

Ans: The gland that secretes testosterone in male is known as testes and the glands which secrete oestrogen in female are called ovaries.

36. Name the hormone secreted by the pancreas.

Ans: Insulin.

37. Mention the main function of insulin in our body.

Ans: The main function of insulin in our body is to regulate blood sugar levels. 

38. Name the disease caused by the deficiency of the hormone insulin in our body.

Ans: Diabetes.

39. Name the mechanism which regulates the timing and amount of hormone released in our body.

Ans: Feedback mechanism.

40. What is a feedback mechanism?

Ans: A feedback mechanism is a mechanism which regulates the timing and amount of hormone released our body.

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