Class 10 Science MCQ Chapter 3 Metals and Non-Metals

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SCERT Class 10 Science MCQ Chapter 3 Metals and Non-Metals

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SCERT Class 10 General Science MCQ Chapter 3 Metals and Non-Metals Notes covers all the exercise questions in SCERT Science Textbooks. The NCERT Class 10 Science MCQ Chapter 3 Metals and Non-Metals provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter – 3

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

1. Which of the following metals is most ductile?

(a) Gold. 

(b) Silver.

(c) Copper.

(d) Aluminium.

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Ans: (a) Gold. 

2. Metal which is best conductor of heat-

(a) Gold.

(b) Silver.

(c) Aluminium.

(d) Lead.

Ans: (b) Silver.

3. Metal which is liquid at room temperature-

(a) Gallium.

(b) Caesium.

(c) Lead.

(d) Mercury.

And: (d) Mercury.

4. Non-metal which is liquid at room temperature.

(a) Iodine.

(b) Chlorine.

(c) Bromine.

(d) Sulphur.

Ans: (c) Bromine.

5. Non-metal which has lustre.

(a) Carbon.

(b) Sulphur.

(c) Phosphorus.

(d) Iodine.

Ans: (d) Iodine.

6. Metal that can be cut with a knife-

(a) Magnesium.

(b) Sodium.

(c) Lead.

(d) Gallium.

Ans: (b) Sodium.

7. Which one of the following is an amphoteric.

(a) Na₂O  

(b) K₂O

(c) CuO

(d) Al₂O₃

Ans: (d) Al₂O₃

8. Which of the following metallic oxides is soluble in water? 

(a) Na₂O

(b) Fe₂O₃

(c) CuO

(d) PbO

Ans: (a) Na₂O

9. Metals Cu, Al , Na and Fe when arranged in decreasing order of their rate of reaction with oxygen gives-

(a) Cu > Na > Fe > AI

(b) Na > AI > Cu > Fe

(c) Na > AI > Fe > Cu

(d) Al > Na > Fe > Cu

Ans: (c) Na > AI > Fe > Cu

10. Which of the following metals reacts vigorously with oxygen?

(a) Na

(b) Fe

(c) Cu

(d) Ag

Ans: (a) Na

11. Which of the following metals does not react with oxygen even at high temperature

(a) Cu 

(b) Fe 

(c) Ag 

(d) Al

Ans: (c) Ag

12. Which of the following metals reacts vigorously with cold water? 

(a) Al 

(b) Fe 

(c) Na

(d) Ca

Ans: (c) Na

13. Which of the following metals reacts only with hot water?

(a) K 

(b) Mg 

(c) Al 

(d) Ca

Ans: (b) Mg 

14. Which of the following metals reacts only with hot steam?

(a) Mg 

(b) Cu 

(c) Fe 

(d) Ca

Ans: (c) Ca

15. Which of the following metals does not react with water at all? 

(a) Cu 

(b) Fe 

(c) Al 

(d) Mg

Ans: (a) Cu

Very Short & Short Type Questions and Answers:

1. What is metallic lustre?

Ans: Metalas, in their pure state, have a shining surface. This property is called metallic lustre.

2. What is malleability?

Ans: Metals can be beaten into thin sheets. This property is called malleability.

3. What is ductility?

Ans: Metals can be drawn into thin wires. This property is called ductility.

4. Name the properties for which metals can be given different shapes according to our needs.

Ans: Malleability and ductility.

5. Name the most malleable metals.

Ans: Gold and Silver.

6. Name the most ductile metal.

Ans: Gold.

7. Name two metals which are best conductors of heat.

Ans: Copper and Silver.

8. Name two metals which are poor conductors of heat.

Ans: Lead and mercury.

9. Why are metals called sonorous? 

Ans: Because metals produce a sound on striking a hard surface.

10. Name the non-metal which is liquid at room temperature?

Ans: Bromine.

11. Name the metal which is liquid at room temperature.

Ans: Mercury.

12. Two metals with low melting points melt when kept on our palm. Name them.

Ans: Gallium and Caesium.

13. Name the non-metal which is lustrous?

Ans: Iodine.

14. What do you mean by allotrope? Give examples.

Ans: Some elements can exist in more than one from in the nature. Each form is called on allotrope of the element. For example, diamond and graphite are two allotropes of carbon.

15. Name the hardest natural substance.

Ans: Diamond.

16. Name a non-metal which is a good conductor of electricity.

Ans: Carbon in the form of graphite.

17. Name three soft metals which can be cut with a knife.

Ans: Lithium, sodium, potassium.

18. What is the nature of metallic oxides?

Ans: Basic.

19. What is the nature of non-metallic oxides?

Ans: Acidic or neutral.

20. Name a neutral non-metallic oxide.

Ans: Water (H₂O).

21. Name two amphoteric oxides. 

Ans: Aluminium oxide and zinc oxide.

22. Name two metallic oxides which are soluble in water.

Ans: Sodium oxide (Na₂O), Potassium oxide (K₂O).

23. Name two metals which do not react with oxygen even at high temperature.

Ans: Gold and Silver.

24. Name three metals which do not react with either cold or hot water, but only react with steam.

Ans: Aluminium, iron and zinc.

25. Name four metals which do not react with water at all.

Ans: Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead.

26. Arrange the metals Zn, Fe, Al and Mg in decreasing order of their reactivity with dilute acids.

Ans: Mg > Al > Zn > Fe

27. Identify the most active and least active metals from the following.

Al, K, Cu, Au

Ans: Most active metal: K

Least active metals: Au 

28. What are electrovalent or ionic compounds? 

Ans: The compounds formed by the transfer of electrons from a metal to a non- metal are called electrovalent or ionic compounds. 

29. Mention the most widely used method for refining impure metals. 

Ans: Electrolytic refining.

30. What is anode mud?

Ans: In the electrolytic refining of metals, the insoluble impurities present in the anode get deposited at the bottom of the electrolytic cell, which are known as anode mud.

31. What is the condition for rusting to occur in iron articles?

Ans: The iron articles should come into contact with both air (oxygen) and water.

32. What galvanisation? 

Ans: Galvanisation is a method of protecting steel and iron from rusting by coating them with a thin layer of zinc.

33. What is amalgam?

Ans: The alloys in which one of the constituent metals is mercury are known as amalgams.

34. Name the alloy used for welding electrical wires together.

Ans: Solder.

35. Why can the highly reactive metals such as sodium magnesium, calcium, aluminium etc. not be obtained from their oxides by heating with carbon?

Ans: This is because these metals have more affinity for oxygen than carbon.

36. What is the composition of the alloy brass?

Ans: Copper and zinc. (Cu + Zn).

37. What is the composition of the alloy bronze?

Ans: Copper and tin (Cu + Sn).

38. What is the composition of the alloy solder?

Ans: Lead and tin (Pb + Sn).

39. What are amphoteric oxides?

Ans: The metal oxides which show both acidic and basic property and produce salt and water by reacting with both acid and base are called amphoteric oxides.

40. Name two metals which displace hydrogen from dilute acid and which do not.

Ans: The two metals which displace hy- drogen from dilute acid are magnesium and iron and two metals which do not displace hydrogen from dilute acid, are copper and silver.

41. In the electrolytic refining of a metal M, what would you take as the anode, the cathode and the electrolyte?

Ans: Anode: Impure metal M ) 

Cathode: Strip of pure metal M) 

Electrolyte: a solution of salt of metal M).

42. State two ways to prevent the rusting of iron.

Ans: (i) Painting.

(ii) Oiling.

43. What type of oxides are formed when nonmetals combine with oxygen? 

Ans: Acidic.

44. Give reasons: 

(a) Platinum, gold and silver are used to make jewellery.

(b) Sodium potassium and lithium are stored under oil.

(c) Aluminium is a highly reactive metal, yet it is used to make utensils for cooking.

(d) Carbonate and sulphide ores are usually converted into oxides during the process of extraction.

Ans: (a) Because Platinum, Gold, Silver are non reactive and do not corrode easily. Also they are lustrous. 

(b) Sodium, potassium and lithium are very reactive elements and catch fire when exposed to air. So, these are kept under oil, so to avoid them from coming in contact with air.

(c) Aluminium forms a non reactive layer of aluminium oxide on its surface and also it is very good conductor of heat.

(d) Because it is easier to obtain a metal from its oxide as compared to its carbonate or sulphide ore.

45. What happens when metals are burnt in air?

Ans: Metals react with oxygen to produce metallic oxide.

46. How does sodium oxide produce alkali by dissolving in water? Show with a an equation. 

Ans: Na₂O + H₂O → 2NaOH

47. Take an aqueous solution of copper sulphate (blue) in a test tube. Dip a clean iron nail in the CuSO₄solution. Mention the change you have observed after 20 minutes.

Ans: Copper will get deposited on the surface of the nail for which the colour of the nail will become brown.

48. What happens when mercuric oxide (HgO) is heated? Give chemical equation.

Ans: Mercury and oxygen are formed.

49. What is roasting?

Ans: The process of heating sulphide ore to a high temperature in excess supply of air to convert it into oxide is called roasting.

50. Show roasting with a chemical equation.


51. Show calcination with a chemical equation.


52. What is thermite reaction?

Ans: The reaction between iron (III) oxide (Fe₂O₃) and aluminium is highly exothermic and iron is produced in molten state in the reaction. This is called thermit reaction.

53. Write balanced equation for thermit reaction.

Ans: Fe₂O₃ + 2A1 → 2Fe + Al₂O₃ + .heat

54. Define the following:

(i) Mineral (ii) Ore (iii) Gangue

Ans: (i) Mineral: The elements and compounds those occur naturally in earth’s crust are called minerals.

(ii) Ore: The minerals which contains a high percentage of perticular metal and can be profitably extracted is called ore of that metal.

(iii) Gangue: The impurities found in ores mined from the earth such as soil, sand etc. are called gangue.

55. Which metals do not corrode easily?

Ans: Gold and Platinum.

56. What are alloys?

Ans: Alloys are homogeneous solid mixture of two or more metals or a metal and a non metal.

57. What chemical process is used for obtaining a metal from its oxide?

Ans: Reduction.

58. Write chemical equation for a carbon reduction reaction.

Ans: Zn(s) + C(s) → Zn(s) + CO (g)

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