Class 10 Footprints Without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi

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Class 10 Footprints Without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi

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Chapter – 9




Read and find out –

1. Why is Bholi’s father worried about her?

Ans: Bholi’s father is worried about her because she was not good looking and not intelligent like others. He is worried about how he will find a suitable groom for her daughter.

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2. For what unusual reasons is Bholi sent to school?

Ans: One day, Tehsildar Sahib came to perform the opening ceremony of a primary school opened in the village. He asked Ramlal to send Bholi to the school.

3. Why do bholi’s parents accept bishamner’s marriage proposal?

Ans: Bholi’s parents accept bishamner’s marriage proposal because he was a well – to- do and well settled man.

4. Why does the marriage not take place?

Ans: The marriage does not take place because sambar refused to marry such an ugly girl without a dowry. Ramlal managed the amount. Bholi refused to marry such a greedy person.

5. Does Bholi enjoy her first day at school? 

Ans: At first Bholi was afraid of school. She was happy to find girls at her same age. She finds the school teacher was very – kind hearted. She encouraged her to speak.

6. Does she find her teacher different from the people at home?

Ans: Yes, she finds her teacher different from the people at home. She finds her teacher very kind – hearted, soft voice and lovable. 

Think about it-

1. Bholi had many apprehensions about going to school. What made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home?

Ans: Bholi did not know what a school was like. She was afraid of school. When she got a clean dress, bathed and oil was rubbed into her dry hair, only then she felt that she was going to a better place than her home.

2. How did bholi’s teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?

Ans: Bholi’s teacher played an important role in changing the course of her life. The teacher shows love, care and support towards Bholi. When the teacher asked her name, she stammered and all the girls laughed. This discouraged her badly. She started crying. But the teacher was a kind-hearted woman. She encouraged her to speak. She told her that if she came to school daily her stammering would be fine.This aroused a sign of hope and new life in Bholi.

3. Why did Bholi at first agree to an unequal match, why did she later reject the marriage? What does this tell us about her?

Ans: Bholi at first agreed to an unequal match, because of her father’s honour. 

But later she rejected as he demanded a dowry of five thousand rupees. She says that she didn’t want to marry a greedy man. She even told her father that she would serve him and mother in their old age.

4. Bholi’s real name is sulekha. We are told this right at the beginning. But only in the last but one paragraph of the story is Bholi called sulekha again. Why do you think she is called sulekha at that point in the story?

Ans: The real name of Bholi is sulekha. She lacks intelligence, that’s why everyone calls her Bholi.

But later she remained no more Bholi. She is called Sulekha at that point in the story because she is now a mature and intelligent girl who is able to make her own decisions.

Talk about it-

1. Bholi’s teacher helped her overcome social barriers by encouraging and motivating her. How do you think you can contribute towards changing the social attitudes illustrated in this story?

Ans: We can change people’s attitudes towards this with the help of education. We must also learn to respect those who are differently abled and treat them at par.

Some of this we should keep remember:

(i) Treating girls and boys equally.

(ii) Saying ‘No’ to dowry.

 2. Should girls be aware of their rights, and assert them? Should girls and boys have the same rights, duties and privileges? What are some of the ways in which society treats them differently? When we speak of ‘human rights’, do we differentiate between girls’ rights and boys ‘ rights?

Ans: In fact, girls should be aware of their rights and assert them. They should also be aware of their duties.

There should be some difference in case of rights, duties and privileges for boys and girls. society treats them differently. Parents spend more on a boy’s education than that of a girl. A girl is just trained to be a wife and mother.             

In the case of ‘human rights’ we can make no difference.

3. Do you think the characters in the story were speaking to each other in English? In fact, in which language were they speaking? (you can get clues from the names of the persons and the non-English words used in the story)

Ans: The characters in the story were speaking to each other in Hindi, not in English. The names of the characters are evidence. 

Additional Questions & Answers

1. Bholi’s real name was Sulekha, Why does everyone call her Bholi instead of Sulekha?

Ans:-  Because  she had fallen off a cot in the head. Thus, some part of her brain was damaged and she remained a backward child.The name Bholi thus symbolises her confidence and ignorance.

2. How was Bholi’s first day at school?

Ans:- At first, Bholi was frightened to hear about school. Bholi had a great time on the first day of her school. She is glad to find many girls of her age present there.  she began to believe that she was being taken to a better place than her home. When the teacher asked her name she stammered while talking everyone in the class laughed. This discouraged her badly. She started crying. The teacher was very kind and encouraged her to speak more. She told her that she could overcome her stammering completely if she came to school daily.

3. Is Bholi different from other children?

Ans:- Bholi was different from the other children at home because she was a differently-abled child. Bholi, had fallen off a cot in the head. Thus, some part of her brain was damaged and she remained a backward child. She was slow in understanding things and not much active like other children. She was also not very fluent in speaking and also had pock-marks on her face. However, her life changed when she started going to school. A kind-hearted teacher encouraged her and she overcame her problem of stammering.

4. Why did Bholi refuse to marry?

Ans:- Bholi refused to marry Bishamber because after seeing her pock-marked face, he demanded five thousand from her father to marry her. Bholi refused to marry such a greedy person.

5. What makes everyone call her with her real name Sulekha, At the end of the story?

Ans:- The decision to call Bholi as Sulekha again at the end of the story symbolises her journey of self-acceptance, empowerment, and breaking societal stereotypes. Bholi refused to marry such a greedy person. People were startled to see her speaking without stuttering.Bholi told her father that she would serve him and mother in their old age. Furthermore, she will teach in the same school from where she learnt so many good things.

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