SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper – 4 | দশম শ্ৰেণীৰ ইংৰাজী প্ৰশ্নকাকত

SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper – 4, HSLC General English Model Paper Question Answer, দশম শ্ৰেণীৰ ইংৰাজী প্ৰশ্নকাকত আৰু উত্তৰ to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Board English Model Question Paper Class 10 SEBA can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper

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HSLC Model Question Paper provided is as per the Latest Assam Board Curriculum and covers all the questions from the SEBA Textbooks. Access the detailed SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper provided here and get a good grip on the subject. Access the SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper, Class X English Sample Question Paper, and Answer of Assamese in Page Format. Make use of them during your practice and score well in the exams.


TYPE – 4



Group – A

Q.1. Choose the correct answer from the alternative given : 

A. ………… who lived in that solitary house (lonely/noisy/crowded)

Ans :- Lonely.

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B.The postman—a fat amiable….. (kind hearted/cruel/arrogant) 

Ans :- Kind-hearted.

C. The theory of Arab origin draws support from : 

(i) The numerous tales of valour related to the sons’ and fathers’ of Coorgi homes.

(ii) The long, black coat with an embroidered waist belt worn by the Kodavus.

(iii) The traditions and religious rites which are distinct from the Hindu mainstream.

Ans :- (ii) The long black coat with an embroidered waist belt worn by the Kodavus. 

D. The different kinds of sports & Coorg offers to tourists are : 

(i) Tennis, river rafting, hockey, canoeing.

(ii) River rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock-climbing. 

(iii) Kho Kho, rock climbing, canoeing, kabaddi.

Ans :- (ii) River rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock-climbing.

E. Choose the correct phrase to complete the given sentence :

They can be taught to love;I was born free;but he who conquers that fear.

(i) The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid …….

Ans :- The brave man is not he who doesn’t feel afraid but he who conquers that fear. 

(ii) If people can learn to hate…….

Ans : If people can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. 

F. State whether the following are true or false : 

(i) The colours of the new South African flag are black, red, green, blue and silver.

Ans :- False.

(ii) The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in South Africa. 

Ans :- True

2. What did Lencho write on the envelope? 

Ans :- Lencho wrote “To God” on the envelope.

3. Name the only people in India permitted to carry firearms without a license. 

Ans :- Kodavus are the only people in India permitted to carry firearms without a licence. 

4. What did being free mean to Mandela ?

Ans :- In his boyhood, Mandela thought that freedom meant being free to wander where he chose and to read what he pleased. But later, when he was young. he realised that being free was a condition which enabled the people to live with dignity and self-respect. 

5. How did the squirrels and langurs enjoy the river water in Coorg ?

Ans :- Squirrels and langurs drop partially eaten fruit for the mischief of enjoying

the splash and the ripper effect in the clear water.

6. ‘But don’t sent it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks, said Lencho’. Find the irony in the situation.

Ans :- Lencho thought that the rest 30 pesos had been taken by the post office employees. 

The irony of the situation was that the post office employees themselves contributed 70 pesos to Lencho in the name of God. 

7. Give a brief description about the legends regarding the discovery of tea.

Ans :- There are two legends regarding the discovery of tea. The first one is about a Chinese emperor who always boiled water before drinking it. One day, a few tea leaves fell into the pot of water while boiling, thus giving it a delicious flavour.

The other one is an Indian legend. There was an ancient Buddhist, who cut off his eye-lids because he felt sleepy during meditation. It is said that tea plants grew out of the eyelids. The leaves of these plants when put in hot water and drunk, banished sleep.

8. How did Valli pick up various small details about the bus journey ?

Ans :- To pick up various small details about the bus journey, Valli listened

carefully to conversations among her neighbours and the people who regularly used the bus. She also asked a few discreet questions here and there to know about the bus journey.

Group- B

9. Choose from the box given below, the words that rhyme with the following :

Cage, Stairs, Hums, Heat

Comes, furs, rages, stares, edge, cars, village, feet, runs, hit

Ans :- Cage – Rage   Stairs – Stares  Hurns – Comes    Heat – feet

10. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternatives given in brackets : 

A. The fog comes. (kitten/very thick mist/dog)

B. On silent haunches (smooth/slippery/quiet) 

C. He stalks in his vivid stripes. (moves slowly and quietly/remainsidle/moves quickly) 

D. But he’s locked in a concrete cell. (mobile/cage/jail)

Ans :- 

A. Very thick mistB. Quiet
C. Moves slowly and quietlyD. Jail

11. What did Amanda yearn for ?

Ans :- Amanda yearned for freedom which she felt was curtailed from her. 

12. What would Amanda do if she were a mermaid ?

Ans :- Amanda would live alone in the blue sea and drift here and there blissfully if she were a mermaid.

13. Why do you think the poet ‘could turn and live with animals’ rather than with humans ?

Ans :- The poet finds that humans have abandoned their own true nature and are leading a dissatisfied life. The true nature of living beings is still seen in animals. So the poet wants to turn away from the life of humans to more satisfied and self-contained life of the animals.

14. How did Custard the Dragon save Belinda from the pirate ? 

Ans :- One day, suddenly a pirate with pistols in both hands entered Belinda’s house, Seeing the dangerous pirate, all the animals except Custard the Dragon fled away. Custard prepared himself to put up a brave fight and finally he made the pirate into pieces and ate him up. Thus he saved Belinda from the pirate.

Group- C

15.(a) How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room? 

Ans :- When Ausable saw Max standing in the middle of his room pointing a pistol, he was not puzzled. Rather he planned secretly to get rid of him. He started accusing the management of the hotel for not blocking the balcony through which once some one entered his room. He did not pay any heed to Max when he said that he had entered the room using a passkey. Instead, he gave details of the balcony to the visitor. He said that his room had been a part of a large unit. The next room had a balcony which extended under his window. He put stress on his own belief that Max entered his room using that balcony. 

Ausable projected the whole story about the balcony in such a way that is seemed quite natural and not made up. He also added that once a person had entered his room through that balcony. 

All these convinced Max fully that there was a balcony under the window.


(b) What does Horace Danby like to collect? How did the become the Assistant Librarian in the prison ? 

Ans :- Horace likes to collect rare and expensive books. He secretly buys the books he loves through an agent.

When Horace was ready to open the safe to steal the ornaments, the young lady arrived at the scene. She had convinced Horace that she was the wife of the owner of the house. She made him a scape goat and went away with the ornaments. He was impressed by the tactful wordings of the lady and committed the mistake when he put off the gloves. As a result, his fingerprints were left in the room and was arrested and put into Prison.

The jail; authorities came to know about the reading habits of Horace and his love for books. So, he was assigned the task of looking after the prison library in the capacity of the assistant librarian. 

16.(a) Why were the Landlord and his wife surprised that morning ? What did they do then? What happened there ? 

Ans :- Usually the door of the scientists room was shut and locked and he was furious if anyone entered the room. But that morning the door was wide open. So the landlord and his wife were surprised. 

They peeped round the door and when they saw nobody they decided to investigate inside the room.

When they were inside the door, Mrs. Hall suddenly heard a sniff close to her. A moment later, the hat on the bed post leapt up and dashed itself into her face. The chair sprang into the air like a living thing and charged straight at her and her husband. The extraordinary chair pushed them both out of the room and then appeared to slam and lock the door after them.


(b) Why could the narrator not server the summon on Oliver Lutkins on the first day whom his firm wanted as a witness in a law case ? 

Ans :- The narrator, who is the lawyer of a firm, needed Lutkins as a witness in a law case. So he was sent to New Mullion to serve the summons to Oliver Lutkins. But Oliver Lutkins was hard to catch. He was good at deceiving people, When the lawyer reached the station at New Mullion, he was impressed by a delivery man there and the lawyer took him as his assistant. The delivery man was Oliver Lutkins himself and when he knew that the lawyer was searching for him, he immediately planned to get rid of him and introduced himself as Bill. As the lawyer did not personally know Oliver Lutkins, he was successful in befooling the lawyer for which the lawyer could not serve the summons on Oliver Lutkins on his first day in New Mullion.

Group – D

17. Fill in the blanks with the right determiners : 

……….Taj Mahal is a Mughal marvel. It is one of the great wonders of the world. It is ……….love story told in marble. Emperor Shahjahan built this for …….. Queen Mumtaz Mahal …………. tourists visit this historical monument every day. 

Ans :- The, a, his, Many.

18. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions from the choices given in the brackets : 

A. He was prepared………………… the worst after he heard the news. (of/for/to)

B. At that time, he had been presiding……………… a meeting. (in/over/upon) 

C. He hurriedly excused himself to attend………………. the matter. (into/to/in) 

D. He managed to retain his composure through this period of crisis due to his faith…………….God. (upon/in/on) 

Ans :- A. for, B. over, C. to, D. in

19. Use the appropriate form of tenses of the verbs given in the brackets :

Air and water (be) necessary for life. They get (pollute) by harmful human activities like unchecked and uncontrolled disposal of industrial waste and effluents. Since the Earth Summit of 1992, the awareness of the need to take care of our environment (grow) steadily. If we (take) care of our environment, disasters like the one in Uttarakhand could have been avoided. 

Ans :- are, polluted, has been growing, took.

20. Change the form of narration of the following : 

A. She asked me why the teacher had punished me. 

Ans :- She said to me, “Why did the teacher punish you?”

B. Rita said to me, “Sir, don’t go home now”. 

Ans :- Rita requested me not to go home then.

21. Change the voice of the following sentences : 

A. A letter was written by my father to the headmaster. 

Ans :- My father wrote a letter to the headmaster.

B. Why did your father write such a letter?

Ans :- Why was such a letter written by your father? 

22. Combine the following pairs of sentences into a single sentence :

A. He restrains his anger. He is wise. 

Ans :- He restrains his anger because he is wise.

B. She may be reliable. I don’t know. 

Ans :- I don’t know whether she is reliable or not. 

23. Choose the correct alternative from the choices give in the brackets :

A. There are ……… doctors in China (bear/bare)

Ans :- bare

B. All love him for his ……………….. behaviour. (descent/decent)

Ans :- decent

24. Make sentences to show the use of any two of the following phrases :

Stand by; make out; keep up; run over

Ans :- Stand by : I stand by what I said earlier.

Make out : I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

Keep up : She had to walk fast to keep up with him..

Run over : He was run over and killed by a bus.

25. Correct the errors in the following sentences (any two) : 

A. He would come if you had invited him.

Ans : He would have come if you had invited him. 

B. He needs not water the plants. It is going to rain.

Ans :- He need not water the plants, it is going to rain. 

C. It can rain tonight.

Ans :- It may rain tonight.

D. He asked me where did I live.

Ans :- He asked me where I lived.

Group- E

26. A. Translate the following passage into English :

আমাৰ প্ৰধান শিক্ষকে আমাক নিয়মিতভাৱে পৰিশ্ৰম কৰিবলৈ উপদেশ দিয়ে। মানুহৰ সফলতা কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰমৰ ওপৰত নিৰ্ভৰ কৰে। যদি কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰম কৰা তুমিও সফল হ’বা। কেতিয়াবা অকৃতকার্য হ’লেও হতাশ নহ’বা। হতাশাই মানুহৰ উন্নতিত বাধা দিয়ে।

Ans :- Our headmaster advises us to work hard regularly. A man’s success depends on his hard work. If you work hard, you too will be successful. Don’t lose hope if you have to face failures. Disappointment hampers a man’s progress. 

B. Give the substance of the following passage : 

ne process of learning may very well be compared to the undertaking of a journey. The leamer or student is the journey taker or traveller. Just as a traveller has to undergo all the botheration of buying his ticket, booking his luggage,taking care of his things, engaging a car or a cab and suffering every other item of a tedious journey to reach his destination, so a learn too, has to manage his learing affairs himself. It is a laborious process and no one else can do the labour for him, as no one else can do a journey for another. There is no trick or magic in it. Just as a traveller may enquire here and enquire there in case of doubt or difficulty, so can a student take help or advice from guides or teachers whenever in difficulty; but the journey is the passenger’s own concern – so is learning of the student and learners.

Ans :- The learning process is similar to undertaking a journey. The student is the traveller and he has to manage his affairs by himself, which is a laborious task. Similar to a traveller’s enquiries at times of doubt or difficulty, a student has to take the help of his teachers or seniors. Success in both cases will depend upon his personal efforts. 

27. Answer either A or B : 

A. Write an essay on either of the following topics in about 150 words :

(i) The uses and abuses of cellular phones. 

Ans :- Introduction : A cell phone is an electronic communication device with more capabilities than the conventional telephone and is entirely portable. In less than twenty years, the mobile phone has gone from being a rare and expensive price of equipment to an all pervasive low cost personal item. For some people cell-phones are a wonderful convenience of modern life while for others they are irritating contraptions that should be banned from public places.

Uses : With high levels of mobile penetration, a mobile culture has evolved where it becomes the key social tool and people rely on their phones to keep in contact with their relatives and friends. It proves particularly helpful in the case of an emergency. It saves a lot of energy, money and time spent when trying to contract a person.

A buses : As with many new technologies concerns have arisen about the effects on health from using a mobile phone. There is evidence to link prolonged mobile phone use with some tumours. Another controversy but more lethal concern is the correlation with road traffic accidents. They prove to be a major distraction to car drivers, similar to driving under the influence of alcohol.

Mobile phone etiquette has become an important issue now-a-days. Users often speak at increased volume with little regard for people nearby. It has become common practice for many bookshops, libraries, movie theaters to install signs, prohibiting the use of cellphones inside.

Conclusion : Despite all these abuses of cell-phones, one cannot deny the usefulness of mobile phones. We should remember that mobile phones were created for our convenience and not for creating nuisance. It depends entirely on us whether we-control them or let them control us in our lives.


(ii) Examinations

Ans :- Introduction : The word ‘examination is a noun of the word ‘examine”. It means to test in order to verify, to judge and to ascertain or certify facts, Examination is a very wide word, used in all spheres of life. For a student. the word itself brings a feeling of fear in his mind. Even though a 3 hour test may not judge us fully on our capabilities, it is certainly a yardstick for comparing the students.

Usefulness : Some people think that examination is a must. According to them, a person cannot be judged without an examination as life itself is a test. At every step, we have to face certain tests. Success in examinations is bestowed with dignity and honour at the end. Examinations add to our thinking ability, power of tolerance, perseverance and most importantly, our ability to handle stress.

Abuses : However, there are others who think that examinations should not be regarded with such importance. The present examination system is based on cramming and passing them becomes more of a matter of chance than ability, The present system has even led to increase in offences like copying or resorting to other unlawful act.

Conclusion : It is seen that excessive importance attached to examinations makes parents develop an attitude that other activities like sports, music etc. serve on purpose. Also the constant comparison of one’s child to someone else leads to an increase in depression in young minds. Examinations have proved fatal to many a young minds, with many resorting to suicides. Therefore, it’s time for the authorities conducting examinations to take some steps for diminishing stress and anxieties relating to examinations, If evaluation is. conducted continuously, perhaps the burden will be decreased at the end of a session.

B. Write a story in about 150 words using the outline given below. Also add a title to it : 

The Caliph of Baghdad loved an ugly slave very much —- courtiers asked him about it —-Caliph explained —- he was going through a town —–a casket containing pearls fell down from a camel’s back pearls were scattered about —-slaves were told to go and have them for themselves all went —- the ugly one stood by the Caliph —-his master was his most precious pearl. 

Ans :-


Once there lived a Caliph in Baghdad who was wealthy and powerful. He had many slaves and amongst them there was on ugly slave. The Caliph loved that noly slave very much. Many courtiers were curious about it and one fine de us courtiers asked him why he loved that ugly slave so much. Then the Caliph narrated to them an incident that was an eye-opener for them. He told them that one day when he was going through a town with his slaves, a casket containing pearls fell down from a camel’s back. All the pearls were scattered about and the Caliph asked the slaves to go and have them for themsleves. All of them were happy and went to collect the pearls. But surprisingly, the ugly slave stood beside the Caliph. When the Caliph asked the slave why he didnot take any of the pearls, he replied that his master, i.e. the Caliph was his most precious pearl. Since he had the most precious pearl with him, he didnot go with the other slaves for the pearls. By this single act, the ulgly slave proved his deep love for and unfailing loyalty to his master.

The narration of the Caliph answered the curiosity of his courtiers. realised why the Caliph was specially fond of the ugly slave. 

Moral : Handsome is that handsome does.

28. Answer either A or B :

A. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper expressing your concern over the increased incidents of crime against women in India with special mention of Assam.

Ans :- To

The Editor,

The Assam Tribune, Guwahati – 3

Subject : Increasing crime against women


Through the columns of your esteemed daily. I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the increasing crime against Women in India with special mention of Assam.

The National Crime Bureau’s (NCRB) latest statistics revealed that Assam has become one of the most vulnerable places in the country in terms of crime against women. According to the latest NCRB figures, the rate of crime against women in Assam was the second highest in the country in 2011 at 36-9%. The NCRB report further said “There were 2,28,650 incidents of crime against women in the country out of which Assam registered 11,503 incidents.” Assam Police statistics for 2011 highlighted that among all the heads of crime against women, the highest number of cases was registered in the category of cruelty by husbands and relatives. Various cases of kidnapping and rape cases were also registered in the same period.

Thus, through your esteemed daily, I would like to urge upon the concerned authorities to take some urgent preventive steps as permanent measures.

Yours sincerely



B. A cultural programme was arranged by the NGO — ‘Help Aid’ the Uttarakhand Relief Fund. Write a report for your local daily using the information given below :

– Date 28th August, 2013

– Governor inaugurates. 

– Appeals for greater awareness of link between corruption and environmental problems

– Renowned artistes perform,

– 30,000 people attend. 

– 30 lacs collected.

Ans :- Cultural Programme For Uttarakhand Victims

Guwahati, Aug 28 : A cultural programme was held today at Nehru Stadium by an NGO named ‘Help Aid’ to collect fund for relief to Uttarakhand disaster victims.

The Hon’ble Governor of Assam inaugurated the concert where he appealed to the huge crowd to stress on greater awareness of the link between corruption and environmental problems. Many renowned artistes performed in the concert where nearly 30,000 people were present. It is heartening that a sum of Rs. 30 lacs was collected by selling tickets for the show and the total amount was donated to Uttarakhand Relief Fund by the NGO.

29. A. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

The Bermuda Triangle is a stretch over the Atlantic Ocean, measuring less than a thousand, miles on any one side. The name ‘Bermuda Triangle’ remained a colloquial expression throughout the 1950s. By the early 1960s it acquired the name The Devil’s Triangle. Bordered by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, the location became famous on account of the strange disappearance of ships as well as aircrafts in the area. A number of supernatural explanations have been put forward with regard to the mysterious disappearance.

However, many probable logical explanations for the missing vessels include hurricanes, earthquakes, as well as magnetic fields which render navigation devices worthless. But most people wouldn’t like to accept such boring explanations and would instead opt for more interesting options like alien. abduction or giant squids or getting sucked into another dimension.

(i) Why is Bermuda Triangle famous? 

(ii) What are the probable logical explanations for the missing vessels in Bermuda Triangle? 

(iii) Complete the following sentence : Bermuda Triangle or the Devil’s Triangle is bordered by……………

(iv) Find the words which mean- 

(a) That which cannot be explained by laws of science. (unknown, mysterious, fictitious) 

(b) Having no practical or financial value. (workless, valueless, priceless)

Ans : Bermuda Triangle is famous on account of the strange disappearance of ships as well as aircrafts in the area. 

(ii) There are many probable logical explanations for the missing vessels in Bermuda Triangle. These are hurricanes, earthquakes, as well as magnetic fields which render navigation devices worthless. 

(iii) Bermuda Triangle or Devil’s Triangle is bordered by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

(iv) (a) Supernatural (b) worthless 

B. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow :

The most fascinating thing of all was the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. It passed through her street each hour, once going to the town and once coming back. The sight of the bus, filled each time with a new set of passengers, was a source of unending joy for Valli. 

Day after day she watched the bus, and gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there: she wanted to ride on the bus, even if just once. This wish became stronger and stronger, until it was an overwhelming desire. Valli would stare wistfully at the people who got on or off the bus when it stopped at the street corner. Their faces would kindle in her longings, dreams and hopes. If one of her friends happened to ride the bus and tried to describe the sights of the town to her, Valli would be too jealous to listen and would shout in English: “Proud! Proud!”. Neither she nor her friends really understood the meaning of the word, but they used it often as a slang expression of disapproval.

(a) What was the source of unending joy for Valli ? 

(b) How did the tiny wish that crept into her head turn into an overwhelming desire ?

(c) Why would Valli shout, “Proud! Proud!”?

Ans :- (a) The sight of the bus, that travelled between her village and the nearest town, passing through her street every hour, filled each time with a new set of passengers was the source of unending joy for Valli. 

(b) Day after day, Valli watched the bus and she wished if she could ride the bus even for once. The wish became gradually stronger until it was an overwhelming desire. The faces of the passengers would kindle her longings, dreams and hopes.

(c) Valli would get jealous if any of her friends described the experience of riding the bus and shouted ‘proud’, ‘proud’. It was her expression of disapproval of what her friends said.

Group – F

30. A. Oral English

The following is only a guidance to the teacher while evaluating the students in oral English.

I. Students will be asked to pronounce minimal pairs (6 pairs) from card (already prepared by teacher). Correct pronunciation of each will carry 1/2 mark.

Vowels : feel-fill; pull-pool; sin-seen.

Consonants : fine – pine; den – then; sin – chin. 

Ans :- Examples of some minimal pairs to evaluate oral English.

Vowels : 

hill-healbed-badbard – birdmill – meal
sad – saidCome – calmhit – heatgas – guess
cut – cartpull – poolbut – heartmuch – march

Consonants : 

pin – fintick – thickban – vandebt – death
boat – voteden – thenrebel – reveltank – thank
fat – vatferry – verybade – bathebade – bathe
buzz – budgezoo – jewczar – jarfine – vine
safe – shavedub – dovesign – shine

2. The teacher will ask the student some questions about himself/herself like “Where are you from?”, “How old are you?” etc.

Ans :- Students will describe themselves like: I’m Madhumita. I’m from Noonmati. I’m in Class-X. I’m 5 feet tall. I’m fair complexioned. I’ve a sharp nose and around face. I’ve got curly hair. I can work hard. My hobby is listening to music. My father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse. I have a younger sister. I love her. 

3. Students will be evaluated on their ability to describe a process/ Journey/picture etc. The teacher will prepare card on which will be t written (for example) : 

You plan to go to (place) on a holiday. Tell your partner how you intend to go there.

Students may begin- “After the exams — I intend to……….”

(Students may be given pictures to describe, instead). 

Describing Picture

This is a picture of a classroom. A teacher

is seen. teaching there.

Students are sitting and listening to their teacher. There are books in front of the students. The teacher is writing on the blackboard and explaining the students, etc.

How to read and say :


42 – Forty two  101-A/one hundred (and) one 1001-A/one thousand (and) one 

2599- Two thousand five hundred (and) ninety nine.

Ordinal numbers

1st – First     3rd-third     20th – twentieth

31st-thirty first    103rd-One Hundred and third


6.00-Six O’clock    7.30-Seven thirty/half past seven. 

3.10-Ten past three.   4.18 – Four eighteen / eighteen minutes past four. 12.00-Twelve noon / twelve midnight. 

8.4 7-thirteen minutes to nine. 

4. Students will be evaluated on their communicative skill and ability to share/exchange information.

The teacher will arrange pair work where two students will talk about a topic (like hobbies, likes and dislikes, television, etc.)

Pairwork/ Group work :

(a) Conversation

Amlan – How are you, Subhash?

Subhash : How are you, Amlan? Where are you going? 

Amlan : For shopping. What are you doing here?

Subash : I’m waiting for a bus. 

Amlan : I see, Subash, I’m in a hurry. I have guests at home. So bye for now!

Subash : Bye!

(b) Making a Phone call

Dulal – (dials)

Haren – Hello!

Dulal – Hello! Is it 2940357?

Haren – Yes. 

Dulal – Could I speak to Mr. Rahul Barman?

Haren – Who is calling please?”

Dulal – It’s Dulal Boro from Kokrajhar.

Haren – Just hold on. Let me see if he is available. (After sometime) I’m sorry to keep you waiting. He isn’t at home at the moment. He is out. Would you leave any message?

Dulal : I’ll call back later, thanks. What time will he be back home?

Haren : In the evening, I think.

Dulal : Thank you. I’ll call again.

Haren : O.K.

B. Project work :

(i) Collect information about tea – its evolution as a drink; its beneficial qualities and so on. You can consult an encyclopedia or visit websites. Consult pictures and drawings. These pictures must be accompanied by a neatly hand written short write-up/note. Take proper care to make the presentation informative, attractive, neat and colourful. (Students may be asked collect information about tourist spots, folk tales, after death rituals of his/her community, etc.)

The Evolution of Tea as a Drink 

The documented evidence according to the history of tea drinking in India

dates back to 750 B.C. In India, tea is generally grown in the North-Eastern regions and the Nilgiri hills. Having evolved since those early days tea drinking in India has now come a long way. Today this nation is proud to be one of the largest tea producers in the world.

According to a very interesting legend, the history of tea drinking in India began with a Buddhist Monk about 2000 years ago. It so happened that this monk who later became the founder of Zen Buddhism, decided to spend seven sleepers years contemplating the life and teachings of Buddha. While he was in the 5th year of contemplation and prayer, he almost fell asleep and to get rid of steep, he cut his. eyelids. It is said that tea plants grew out of his eyelids.

Tea is a refreshing drink. It can reduce our tiredness and revive us. Recent research work has reported that taking green tea regularly can reduce the chances of cancer in our body.

Information about a Tourist Spot The Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshetra

The Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakshetra has been set up as a grand exposition of the life and culture of the people of Assam. Named after the greatest Vaishnava.

Sent and the greatest integrator of the Assamese society Srimanta Sankardeva, the Kalakshetra is a multi arts complex. 

It houses a central museum where cultural objects and day to day articles used by different ethnic groups are preserved and exhibited, an open air theatre with 2000 capacity to hold folk festivals and to present traditional dance and drama of the state, an Artist’s village which offers the visitors an atmosphere of the village life of Assam. The Sahitya Bhavan which is a library of rare books and manuscripts, the Lalit Kala Bhawan which has sufficient space for exhibition, art and sculpture workshops and a heritage park. The Kalakshetra has been chosen as the venue for many cultural activities.

(ii) Imagine you are a traffic policeman. Write about a day in your life mentioning how you began your day; where you were on duty that day; different interesting, comical or sad incidents you witnessed etc. 

Use pictures or drawings to illustrate these things wherever possible. Please make the presentation attractive, colourful and well- organised.

(Professions like that of a teacher; doctor, lawyer, etc. may be taken up)

Role Play (Traffic Police)

Hello everyone! I’m Ravin, a traffic policeman. I’m here to narrate to you how I pass my day. At about 8 O’clock in the morning, I reach my site of duty. One day I reached the point in front of the Guwahati Zoo. School children 

began to cross the road. Everyone was in a hurry to reach their destination. I was shocked when I saw that one parent did not follow the traffic signal. I caught him. I tried to make him understand how his wrong deed would have created chaos for every one. The innocent child who was sitting beside him in his car, smiled at me which gave me a great pleasure of performing my duty. I always try to maintain the traffic signals and reduce traffic jams. I see young boys riding bikes at high speed. I regularly control them. I don’t want that they meet with an accident.

(While preparing the projects, students should take proper care to make the presentation attractive, neat, colourful and well organised. Their presentation must be accompanied by some pictures and drawings which are related to their information)

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