SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper – 3, HSLC General English Model Paper Question Answer, দশম শ্ৰেণীৰ ইংৰাজী প্ৰশ্নকাকত আৰু উত্তৰ to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Board English Model Question Paper Class 10 SEBA can be of great value to excel in the examination.

SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper
HSLC Model Question Paper provided is as per the Latest Assam Board Curriculum and covers all the questions from the SEBA Textbooks. Access the detailed SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper provided here and get a good grip on the subject. Access the SEBA Class 10 English Model Question Paper, Class X English Sample Question Paper, and Answer of Assamese in Page Format. Make use of them during your practice and score well in the exams.
TYPE – 3
Group – A
1. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins’ ?
Ans :- As raindrops would have helped in getting a better harness resulting in more prosperity, so Lencho compared them with new coins.
2. Can you say how 10 May is an ‘autumn day’ in South Africa ?
Ans :- As South Africa is in the southern hemisphere so it is autumn season there.
3. Where is Coorg ?
Ans :- Coorg is situated in Karnataka. It is midway from Mysore to Mangalore.
4. Why does Lencho have complete faith in? Which sentences in the story tell you this ?
Ans :- The following sentences explain Lencho’s faith in the God. But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope; help from God. ‘Don’t be so upset, even through this seems like a total loss. Remember, no one dies of hunger.
5. Match the following what is a must.
(i) as marriage gifts
(ii) for a party or a feast
(iii) for a daughter’s engagement
(iv) for Christmas
(a) cakes and bolinhas
(b) sweet bread called bol
(c) bread
(d) sandwiches.
Ans :- (i) As marriage gifts-(b) sweet bread called bol.
(ii) For a party or a feast-(c) bread.
(iii) For a daughter’s engagement-(d) sandwiches
(iv) For Christmas-(a) cakes and bolinhas.
6. Is bread an important part of Goan life ? How do you know this ?
Describe what interested Valli more while she was riding on the bus.
Ans :- Bread is an important part of Goan life. Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol. For a party, bread is a must, while for Christmas, cakes and bolinhas are a must. Sandwiches must be prepared by the lady of the house on her daughter’s engagement. The author says that everybody loves the fragrance of loaves. The elders were given loaves and the children were given bread-bangles, which they longed for. Also, the fact that bakery is a profitable profession shows that the lone for bread is enormous in Goa.
Ans :- Valli rode on the bus one fine spring day. She was quite excited about it. On the way she saw trees that came running towards them. There were palm trees, distant mountains and the blue sky. Valli looked at these and enjoyed.
Suddenly Valli clapped her hands with joy. A young cow came running before the busy. It was running right in front of the bus. The drive sounded the horn loudly again and again. But the more he played on the horn, the more frightened was the animal (cow). It also became faster. It was very funny for Valli. She laughed and laughed.
7. Write down the Buddhist legend about tea ? How are the tea leaves collected in Assam?
Ans :- It is said that an ascetic was meditating. During his deep meditation he fell asleep. The monk did not like it. So he cut his eyelids and threw them on the land. There grew ten tea plants. When the leaves were put in hot water, they removed sleep.
Assam is a tea country with largest plantation in the world. Ladies in groups go to the fields with bamboo baskets on their backs. They wear plastic aprons. They pluck tea- leaves and collect them in their baskets.
Group- B
8. How old do you think Amanda is ?
Ans :- Amanda is a school going girl, who must be about 9-10 years old.
9. How does the tiger walk in the cage ?
Ans :- The tiger walks in the cage stalking. He is quite angry due to his imprisonment.
10. How does Amanda describe her life as an orphan ?
Ans :- Amanda says that she is an orphan. She roams the streets. She walks on the surface. She creates patterns on the soft dust by her bare feet. She finds the freedom around her sweet. Silence is golden for her. She loves both freedom and silence.
11. How does the poet look at the animals?
Ans :- For the poet the animals are more human than the humans. They have no such bad qualities as the humans have. In their world, all are happy and content. They don not complain about anything.They show their relations to the poet and he accepts them.
12. How did they receive the dragon after he had swallowed the pirate ?
Ans :- The dragon had swallowed the pirate. It was a daring act. he became a figure of praise. Belinda embraced him Mustard licked him. Ink and Blink jumped round surrounding him. They showed their extreme joy in this way No one mourned for the pirate.
13. Describe the condition of the tiger stalking in the cage.
Ans :- I think, the tiger was feeling restless and uneasy in that small cage. He seems to be frustrated and helpless as he could not come out of the cage in the open and enjoy his freedom. He appears helpless as to be a mere showpiece and source of entertainment for the human beings.
Group- C
14. “Horace Danby was good and respectable but not completely honest.” Why do you think this description is apt for Horace ? Why can’t he be categorised as a typical thief ?
Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why ?
Ans :- “Horace Danby was good and respectable but not completely honest.” This description is apt for Horace. He was about fifty years old. He robbed only from rich people and his purpose was to buy rare and expensive books with the money. He stole only once a year. The intention of buying books was good. However, the fact that he stole to achieve this end showed that he was not completely honest. He cannot be categorized as a typical thief because he did not steal to eat or drink. He had a house. He made looks, had two people to help him and was successful in his business. He only stole enough money to buy the books. For a couple of days, he even kept his promise to the lady he met a Shotover Grange by not stealing or planning any robbery.
Ans :- Horace Danby was meticulous planner, but still he faltered. He used to plan his robberies very well. He know all the details of the Shotover Grange. He knew the time when there would be no one at the house. He even knew the name of the dog in the house. However, he was completely deceived by the lady he met at the house. He was outdone by her. He was taken in by her subtle ways and did not realize that she herself could have been a thief. One seeing her, he got scared and stated begging her to let him go. When she asked him to take out the jewels for her, he readily agreed. He did not feel any oddity in her leaving him, and not getting him arrested. He was only too happy and thankful that he could go. In his hurry he even over looked the fact that his fingerprints were left all over the safe. He blindly believed the lady, and thus, in spite of his meticulous planning, he flattered.
15. What curious episode occurs in the study ?
Who was the invisible man ? Describe his adventures in your own words.
Ans :- A clergyman and his wife were awakened very early in the morning by noises coming from the study. They crept downstairs and heard the chink of money being taken from the clergyman’s desk. With a poker grasped firmly in his hand, the clergyman hoped in surprise the thief. However, it was he who was surprise when he found the room to be empty. He and his wife looked under the desk, behind the curtain, and even up the chimney. There was nobody there. Yet the desk had been opened and the housekeeping money was missing. It was a curious episode, and the clergyman kept saying the words “extraordinary affair” for the rest of the day.
Ans :- The invisible man was Griffin. London air was very cold for him So he entered a big London store for warmth. He broke open the boxes. He put on rich warm clothes. It was moring. The shop assistants came, saw and chased him. He had to take off all his clothes to escape them. He stole some articles from a shop dealing in theatrical goods. He went to Iping. In lping he hired two rooms at an inn. But the stolen money did not last long. He broke open the clergyman’s desk and stole money. People called in the village constable. The constable tried to catch him. The scientist threw off his bandages, whiskers, spectacles and false nose. Now, he was a headless person. He knocked the constable down unconscious. Then he escaped.
Group- D
16. Choose the right determiners from those given in brackets and fill in the blanks :
(a) Can you help me ……… with money? (little/a little/the
(b) This is not ……… usual happening. (a/an/the)
(c) He is ……… older than his wife. (more/much/many)
(d) I gave him ……… books I had. (few/a few/the few)
Ans :- (a) a little, (b) a, (c) much, (d) the few
17. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs given in bracket :
(a) We (know) each other for five years.
(b) She (read) since morning.
Ans :- (a) We have known each other for five years.
(b) She has been reading since morning.
18. Change the forms of narration of the following :
(a) The boy said, “Sir, please explain the poem once more.”
(b) Rohit asked me if I could speak French.
Ans :- (a) The boy requested his teacher to explain the poem once more.
(b) Rohit said to me, “Can you speak French?”
19. Frame sentences using any one pair of following to show their different in meaning:
(a) access, excess
(b) rite, right
(c) quite, quiet
Ans :- (a) Access : He has easy access to the minister.
Excess : Expenditures were far in excess of the estimate.
(b) Rite : A large number of people attended his last rites.
Right : Make sure that what ever you are doing is right.
(c) Quite : I am quite happy with my present job.
Quiet : You can go and sit in the park for some peace and quiet.
20. Change the voice of the following :
(a) The boy is known to me.
(b) The book was written by her.
Ans :- (a) I know the boy.
(b) She has written the book.
21. Correct the errors in the following sentences : (any two)
(a) Please tell me who is your headmaster.
(b) My all books are lost.
(c) He is my cousin brother.
(d) Mr. Das deals with tea.
Ans :- (a) Please tell me who your headmaster is.
(b) All my books are lost.
(c) He is my cousin.
(d) Mr. Das deals in tea.
22. Combine the following pairs of sentences into single sentences each.
(a) Walk fast. You will miss the train.
Ans :- Unless you walk fast, you will miss the train.
23. Make sentences to show the use of any two of the following phrases:
Ans :- Bring up-He was brought up by his uncle.
Come of-He comes of a rich family.
Look after-The old man has none to look after him.
Take for-I took the beggar for a thief.
24. Fill in the blanks with the right choice.
(a) I wrote the note—— ink. (with/in/by)
(b) Anil felt pity—— the theif. (for/to/on)
(c) Do not boast ——your wealth. (of/in/for)
(d) The poor man died ——cancer. (of/from/in)
Ans :- (a) in, (b) for, (c) of, (d) of
Group- E
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given under it.
Trees help to support man’s life supplying the atmosphere with oxygen, which is essential to life. The oxygen in the air is constantly being used up and turned into carbon-di-oxide which is the food that plants ‘eat’. The tree leaves of trees (in fact, of all green plants) absorb this carbon-di-oxide and with the help of sunlight breaks it down into carbon and oxygen. The carbon is used to make starch and the oxygen is released into the air, so replacing the oxygen-used up by animals. But for this animals would soon die for lack of oxygen.
Starch and other carbon compounds made in the green leaves of trees (and of other green plants too) serve: as food for animals. The tiny green cells of plants are wonderful laboratories, which product all the starch in the world. But for this service done by plants, all animals would sooner or latter die for lack of food.
Questions :
1. Choose the right word form the passage and fill in the blanks :
(i) Carbon-di-oxide is the food of the ——
(ii) Starch is a compound of ——
(iii) Trees supply the atmosphere with ——
2. When the green leaves break carbon-di-oxide into oxygen and carbon ——
(i) What happens to the carbon ?
(ii) What happens to the oxygen ?
3. Where is all the starch in the world produced ?
4. When is oxygen turned into carbon-di-oxide?
Ans :- (i) Carbon-di-oxide is the food of the plants.
(ii) Starch is a compound of carbon.
(iii) Green cell of plants produce starch.
(iv) Trees supply the atmosphere with oxygen.
2. (i) The carbon is used to make starch.
(ii) The oxygen is released into the air.
3. All the starch in the world is produced in the tiny green cells of plants.
4. Oxygen is turned into carbon-di-oxide when it is used up by animals.
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
The great advantage of early-rising is the good start if gives us in our day’s work. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh and there are few sounds or other distractions. So the work done at that time is generally well done. In many cases, the early-riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air and this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. By beginning so early, he knows that he has plenty of time of do thoroughly all the work he can be expected to do, and is not tempted to hurry over any part of it: All
his work being finished in good time, he has a long interval of rest in the evening before he goes to bed. He gets to sleep several hours before midnight, at the time when sleep is most refreshing, and after a sound night’s rest, rises early next morning in good health and spirits for the labour of a new day.
Questions :
I. Complete the following statements correctly :
(a) The early-riser can have a long rest in the evening because…….
(b) The early-riser need not hurry over any part of his work because……
II. Answer the following questions :
(a) Why is the work done in the early morning said to be well done ?
(b) When is sleep most refreshing ?
III. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the passage :
(a) Tea is a ___drink.
(b) A student must study without any___
l. (a)……. because he finishes all his work in good time.
(b)…….. because he knows that, he has plenty of time to do all his work thoroughly.
Il. (a) The work done early in the morning is said to be well done because at that time the mind is fresh and there are few sounds or other distractions.
(b) Sleep before midnight is most refreshing.
III. (a) Tea is a refreshing drink.
(b) A student must study without any distractions.
Group- F
26. Translate the following passage in to English.
আমি এখন গাঁৱত বাস কৰো। গাঁওখন চহৰৰ পৰা বেছি আঁতৰত নহয়। ঘৰত মোৰ মা-দেউতা আৰু ভনী এজনী আছে। দেউতাই আমাৰ নিজৰ মাটিত খেতি কৰে। তেখেতক সহায় কৰিবলৈ দুজন বনুৱাও ৰাখিছে। অলাগতিয়াল বহুতো বস্তু আমি কিনিব নালাগে। সেইবোৰ আমাৰ পথাৰতে উৎপন্ন হয়। আমাৰ এটী মাছ পোহা পুখুৰীও আছে। কালদিয়া নৈখন আমাৰ ঘৰৰ কাষেদি বৈ গৈছে। মাজে-সময়ে আমি নৈত মাছ ধৰো।
Give the substance.
Among the manifold misfortunes that may befall humanity, the loss of health is one of the severest. All the joys that life can give cannot outweigh the suffering of the sick. Give the sick man everything and leave him his sufferings, and he will feel that half the world is lost to him. Lay him on a soft silken couch, he will nevertheless groan sleepless under the pressure of his sufferings, while the miserable beggar, blessed with health, sleeps sweetly on the hard ground. Spread his table with dainty dishes and choice drinks and he will thrust back the hand that proffers them and envy the poor man who thoroughly enjoys his hard crust. Surround him with the pomp of kings; let his chair be a throne, and his hard crutch a world swaying sceptre; he will look with contemptuous eyes on marble and gold, and would deem himself happy could he enjoy, even were it under a thatched roof, the health of the meanest of his servants.
Ans :- We live in a village. It is not very far from the town. I have my parents and a sister at home. My father cultivates (raises crops) in our own land. He has also kept (engaged) two labourers (hands) to help him. We need not (don’t have to) buy many of our essential goods. Those are produced in our fields. We also have a fishery. The river Kaldiya flows by our house. Occasionally (sometimes/now and then) we catch fish in the river.
Ans :- Loss of health is a great misfortune for man. In spite of all good things of life things of comfort and luxury, best food, best clothes, in spite of great power and authority, a man is not happy if he does not possess gold health. A sick and ailing person cannot enjoy any good things of life. A poor healthy beggar is much happier than an ailing monarch.
27. A. Write an essay on either of the following topics in about 150 words.
(i) Physical Exercise
(ii) Floods in Assam
B. Write a story in about 150 words using the outline given below and add a little to it.
Ans :- A. (i)
[Point : Meaning- its different forms-why it is essential conclusion.]
The human body is a wonderful gift of nature. It is so made that one can be strong and healthy only when his body remains active. A course of activities followed regularly is called physical exercise.
The body can be kept active in various ways. Physical exercise is particularly needed by those whose position demands mental labour. A teacher or a man who works in an office needs some physical activities. It may be a walk in the morning or a game of tennis in the afternoon. Either of the two is a form of physical exercise. Games and sports, physical training, yogasana, or any other physical activities aimed at keeping the body fit and active are different forms of physical exercise. Nowadays some mechanical devices are also used for physical exercise.
Physical exercise is of utmost importance for our health. Mental labour without physical exercise often results in ill health. Like a machine the human body has limited capacity for work.
When it exceeds the limit the health suffers. For physical exercise I take part in games and sports. This helps me to maintain a proper balance between physical labour and mental work.
Ans :- A. (ii)
[Points : Introduction-why flood occurs-its effects-relief measures-attempts to control it-conclusion]
Floods have become almost a regular feature in Assam and some other parts of our country. It is really a pity that in a free country, it is the hard lot of the people that they have to submit helplessly to the ravages caused by the natural calamities.
Floods are caused by an excessive flow in rivers, during the rainy season. Heavy rains in the mountains and hills cause floods. The damage caused by floods is beyond estimation. Affected areas suffer miserably. Standing crops are destroyed, cattle die, properties are damaged or lost, houses collapse and sometimes whole villages are swept away. Epidemics break out and take a heavy to of human lives.
The sufferings and distress of the flood-stricken people stir up widespread public sympathy. Funds are raised and relief work is started in the flood affected areas both by the Government and by many social service organisations.
The only way in which floods were controlled in the past was by erection of dams or embankments. But they failed to give any effective safeguard against the fury of the floods. The devastating floods in the Brahmaputra Valley and the Barak Valley have proved the futility of embankments as a safety measure against floods. The best way to check ravages of floods is to store the excess water in suitable dams. The river valley projects are some of the measures undertaken on a nationwide scale to control floods as well as to utilise the excess water for irrigation and industrial purpose.
If is to be remembered that to combat the challenge posed by frequent occurrence of floods, emergency measures should be taken by the government to protect the life and property of the people. It should also be remembered that all Government efforts will end in failure if people do not extend full cooperation.
B. Old man_grey hair and beard_wore turban_dyed beard attended a party turban fell off friends laughed and said ‘grey. hair and dark bead’_’hair older than beard’ the old man said.
Once there was a stylish old man in a small town. His hair and beard became grey. But he didn’t want to show others that he was old. Once day he had to attend a marriage party in his town. To show himself as a young man he dyed his beard and putting on a black turban he attended the party. The party was a grand one. As they were enjoying the party a wicked boy hit the old man from behind and his turban fell off on the floor. All his friends noticed the act of the wicked boy. They began to laugh at the old man saying “grey hair and dark beard”. The old man was jolly in nature and expert in cutting jokes. He immediately said to them. “My hair is much older than my bread.” Everybody present there praised his sense of humour.
28. Write a letter to your friend describing your preparation for your Higher Secondary Examination.
A cultural function held in your school/college. Hints :
(i) Date and time of the function.
(ii) Principal presided.
(iii) Programme—song, recitation, dance etc.
(iv) President’s speech.
(v) Closing of the function.
Ans :-
Dear Ranjit,
I have just received your letter of 15 instant. In your letter you have requested me to write to you in detail about my preparation for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination. Now-a-day I am very busy in the preparation for my final HSC Examination. My performance in the Test Examination has not been so bad. I secured more than 70% marks in almost all the subjects except Physics. I am confident of doing well in the final examination also. But I have not been able to master up the same confidence in respect of Physics. So, I have been devoting most of my time to the study of Physics. Perhaps you know that one of my uncles is a lecturer in Physics at the local college. I am taking maximum help from him. I have been preparing notes myself and got them corrected by my uncle. I believe I have improved considerably and expect to secure good marks in Physics also.
I hope this finds you in good health and high spirits. Please convey my regards to your parents and love to your brother and sister.
Sincerely yours,
Ans :- A colourful cultural function held
A report :
A colourful function was held in the auditorium of our college on January 24, 1999. The function coincided with the Annual College Week. The function started at 4 p.m. The honourable Principal of our college presided over the function. Noted singer Khagen Mahanta inaugurated the function with his valuable speech and melodious number. Our students friends presented a colourful programme of song, dance and recitation in the function which was well attended. The dance item presented under the direction of Mitali was much acclaimed and applauded by the audience. The youngsters presented songs of Bhupen Hazarika, Bihu songs and modern songs. The recitation of Shelley’s poem of Kabita Das was perfect and excellent. The principal delivered his presidential speech after the colourful cultural programmes. He advised the student’s of the college to shine in every field-study, sports, dance, song, craft and so forth. Then the General Secretary gave his vote of thanks. The cultural function came to an end with the singing of the national anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’.

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