SEBA Class 10 English Model Paper – 2 | দশম শ্ৰেণীৰ ইংৰাজী প্ৰশ্নকাকত

SEBA Class 10 English Model Paper – 2, HSLC General English Model Paper Question Answer, দশম শ্ৰেণীৰ ইংৰাজী প্ৰশ্নকাকত আৰু উত্তৰ to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Board English Model Paper Class 10 SEBA can be of great value to excel in the examination.

SEBA Class 10 English Model paper Solved

SEBA Class 10 English Model Paper

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HSLC Model Question Paper provided is as per the Latest Assam Board Curriculum and covers all the questions from the SEBA Textbooks. Access the detailed SEBA Class 10 English Model Paper provided here and get a good grip on the subject. Access the SEBA Class 10 English Model Paper, Class X English Sample Question Paper, and Answer of Assamese in Page Format. Make use of them during your practice and score well in the exams.


TYPE – 2



Group – A

1. (a) Choose the meaning of the underlined words in the following sentence from among the alternatives given in brackets.

Send me the rest, since I need it very much. (relax/remaining part/be buried)

Ans :- remaining part

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(b) State whether the following are True or False  

(Reference: Nelson Mandela : Long walk to Freedom) 

(i) For decades, the Union Building in Pretoria had been the seat of white supremacy.

(ii) The policy of apartheid created a feeling of unity in the country. 

Ans :- (i) true (ii) false

(c) Choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given and complete the sentence given below. 

A…………. would have left more than what was left after the hailstorm.

(i) herd of cattle. 

(ii) plague of locusts. 

(iii) swarm of bees. 

Ans :- A plague of locusts would have left more than what was left after the hailstorm. 

2. Who is the writer of the prose piece ‘A letter to God’ ? 

Ans :- G. L. Fuentes is the writer of ‘A letter to God’.

3. Name the tea estate where Pranjal’s father worked. 

Ans :- Dhekiajuli tea estate.

4. Who accompanied Nelson Mandela on the Swearing Ceremony ? 

Ans :- Jenani, his daughter accompanied Mandela on the swearing ceremony. 

5. What did the vendor called out in a high-pitched voice ? 

Ans :- The vendor called out chai garam, garain chai. 

6. Where did Mandela’s inauguration take place ?

Ans :- The ceremonies took place in the beautiful amphitheatre formed by the Union Buildings in Pretoria. Yes, there are many buildings in India made of sand stone. The Red Fort, the Dewani Aam, The Dewani Khas, The Rang Ghar in Assam are some examples.

7. What did Lencho do through out the morning ?

Ans :- Lencho told his sons that a plague of locust would have left more than what had been left by the hailstorm. 

8. Where was Lencho’s house ? What could be seen from there ?

Ans :- The house was situated on the crest of a low.hill. From the house one could see the river and the field with ripe com dotted with flowers.

9. What ‘twin obligations’ does Mandela mention ? 

Ans :- The twin obligation are : one’s obligations to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children and one’s obligations to his people, his community and his country.

10. Who was Bodhidharma ? Why did he cut off his eye lids ?

Ans :- The Indian legend is associated with Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic. He felt sleepy during meditations. So he out off his eye lids. Ten tea plants grew out of the eye lids. When the leaves of there plants were boiled the liquid drove away sleep.

11. Who was Nelson Mandela? According to him what is Idle greatest wealth of his country ?

Ans :- Mandela is a political leader and freedom fighter of South Africa. In 1994, he became the first black President of South Africa.

According to Mandela the people were the greatest wealth of his country. 

12. Give a brief description of Diabari Tea Estate as seen by Rajvir and Pranjal ? 

Ans :- Dhekiabari tea garden was managed by Pranjal’s father, Mr. Barna. An hour later they reached the cattle bridge at the gate of the garden. There were acre upon acre of tea bushes on both side of the gravel road. The tea plants were neatly proved to the same height. Groups of tea pluckers were plucking the newly sprouted leaves. The pluckers were wearing plastic aprons. Each of them carried on the back a bamboo basket. Rajvir had read extensively about tea. In fact Mr. Barua was surprised to hear him. He commented that Rajvir had done much homework. Rajvir admitted that he had done, but he hoped to learn while he was there.

Group- B

13. Choose from the box given below the words that rhyme with the following. 

grass, cars

claws, bars, pass, hair

Ans :-

WordRhyming word

14. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternatives given in the brackets.

(a) They do not sweat and whine about their condition. (sing loudly/complain in an annoying voice/cry in joy)

(b) They bring me tokens of myself. (coins/symbols/belongings)

Ans :- (a) complain in an annoying voice. 

(b) symbols.

15. How was Custard the dragon received after he had killed the pirate ?

Ans :- After killing the pirate Custard dragon was given a warm reception. Belinda embraced him, Mustard liked him and Ink and Blink moved circling round him. 

16. Where do the plump deer pass ? Why should the tiger be lurking near it ?

Ans :- The plum deer pass near the water hole.

The tiger should be lurking in shadow sliding through long grass near the water hole. 

17. Mention two things that humans do but animals do not.

Ans :- (i) Humans sweat and whine.

(ii) Humans weep for their sins.

18. Who are the pets of Belinda ? List them with their pet names.

Ans :-  A kitten, a mouse, a little dog and a ,dragon were the pets of Belinda. 

Belinda’s pets were named as under :

The kitten was named Ink, the mouse was named Blink, the dog was named Mustard and the dragon was named Custard.

Group- C

19. Who was Fowler ? Give a brief description of his meeting with Ausable. 

Ans :- Fowler, as said by Ausable, was a writer, young and romantic. He envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in wine. He was a writer of detective stories. Ausable gave him a telephonic call to meet him in his room. Accordingly he came and met Ausable in a musty corridor of a French hotel where Ausable had his room. Ausable said over his shoulder that he had been told that he was a spy. Then Ausable said that Fowler must have felt disillusioned. Then he told him about a paper for which several men and women had risked their lives. The letter had come to him. He added that soon that paper might affect the course of history. Then Ausable switched on the light. Max was surprised to see in Ausable’s room a man standing holding a small pistol. The man holding the pistol was Max. Ausable asked him what he had been doing in his room.


Who was Ausable? How is Ausable different from other secret agents ? How did he show his presence or mind and ability to think quickly in a dangerous situation ? 

Ans :- Undoubtedly Ausable is more intelligent than Max. The progress of the story justifies Ausable more intelligent nature and his approach to solve the problem. He was a cool headed person who did not raise any hue and cry when he found Max holding a pistol in his locked room.

Ausable was so prudent and quick witted that to deceive Max’s threat he created the sory of that balcony which was nothing but a figment of imagination. He also created the scene of knocking at the door of the room to let Max know that policeman were there at the gate. Finally, believing in Ausable’s words he wanted to escape through the balcony which was really not there. He fell down to where he did not know. Only a shrill scream was heard as his last voice.

Thus Ausable with his presence of mind frustrated Max’s design and got rid of him. Ausable’s activities proved him to be more intelligent than Max. 

20. Briefly describe the extraordinary behaviour of Mrs. Hall’s furniture. 

Ans :- Getting up very early in the morning the landlord and his wife found the door of the scientist wide open. Usually it remained shut and locked and he was furious to find anyone entering his room. They thoroughly investigated the room and found to their surprise that the clothes and bandages that he always wore were lying about in the room. All of a sudden Mrs. Hall heard a sniff close to her ear. A moment later the hat on the bed post leapt up and dashed itself into her face. Then the bedroom chair became alive. It sprang into the air and charged strait at her legs. As she and her husband turned away in terror the chair pushed them out of the room. Then the door slammed and locked after them. Mrs. Hall was about to fall out of panic. She thought that the room was haunted by spirits and the stranger had somehow caused those enter into her furniture. She was almost in hysterics. Mrs. Hall lamented that her poor mother used to sit in that chair.


Who was Griffin ? How did he become invisible ? Why did Mrs. Hall find him eccentric ?

Ans :- Griffin was a scientist. 

He carried experiment after experiment to prove that human body could become invisible. Finally he swallowed some rare drugs and his body became as transparent as a sheet of glass. But it also remained as solid as glass. Though Griffin was a scientist he was a lawless person. His landlords disliked him and tried to eject him. To take revenge on his landlord Griffin set fire to the house. To escape without being seen he had to remove his clothes. Thus, he became a homeless wonderer. Having no clothes on his body, no money and quite invisible he went on wandering until he happened to step in some mud and left foot prints wherever he walked.

Group- D

21. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the right determiners.

(a) We have only………. money.

(b) Mr. Bell rang……….. bell of alarm and I woke up. 

(c) She bought…………. books she needed. 

(d) He is……….. honest man. 

Ans :- (a) a little, (b) the, (c) the/the few, (d) an 

22. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition from among the choices given in brackets.

(a) The shoes are made …………..leather. (from/of/by)

(b) I shall look ……………. the complaint. (about/into/for)

(c) Assam is rich ……………. minerals. (for/in/about)

(d) She is junior …………… me by three years. (to/from/than) 

Ans :- (a) from, (b) into, (c) in, (d) to

23. Rewrite the following sentences puttingthe verbs in the brackets in their correct tense forms. 

(a) He (stay) here until you return.

(b) We (know) each other for five years. 

Ans :- (a) He will stay here until you return.

(b) We have known each other for five years.

24. Change the narration of the following. 

(a) Deepak said, ‘I shall go to the museum tomorrow’. 

(b) She proposed that we should go for a walk.

Ans :- (a) Deepak said that he would go to the museum on the following day.

(b) She said, “Let us go for a walk”.

25. Change the voice of the following. 

(a) My English textbook has been lost.

(b) They asked me many questions.

Ans : (a) I have lost my English textbook. 

(b) I was asked many questions.

26. Combine catch of the following pairs of sentence into a single sentence. 

(a) The moon is round. It has been proved.

(b) I bought a car. Its colour was white.

Ans :- (a) It has been proved that the moon is round.

(b) I bought a white coloured car. 

27. Choose the correct alternatives from the choice given in the brackets and write out the sentences.

(a) He ……………. to accept the money. (refused/denied) 

(b) The Brahmaputra has changed its …………….. (course/coarse) 

Ans :- (a) He refused to accept the money.

(b) The Brahmaputra has changed its course. 

28. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any two of the following.

look after, for good, give up, far and wide, deal with

Ans :- Do yourself,

29. Correct the. errors in any two. of the following sentences.

(a) It can rain tonight.

(b) Do you know where does he live. 

(c) He prefers milk than curd.

Ans :- (a) It may rain tonight.

(b) Do you know where he lives. 

(c) He prefers milk curd.

30. Do as directed.

(a) I am a student,……………..? (Add question tag)

(b) No other metal is as heavy as lead. (Turn into superlative degree)

(c) Life is of glory character and the crown. (Rearrange the following into a meaningful sentence)

Ans :- (a) I am a student, aren’t I ? 

(b) Lead is the heaviest of all metals. 

(c) Character is the glory and crown of life.

Group- E

31. Translate into English (anyone group of the following)

(a) আমাৰ বিদ্যালয়ত এখন খেলপথাৰ আছে।

(b) তুমি কালি বিদ্যালয়লৈ গৈছিলা নে ?

(c) কাজিৰঙা অসমৰ এখন ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় উদ্যান।

(d) সৌ গছজোপা ইমান ওখ।

(e) যদুৱে মোক সুধিছিল, “তুমি দিল্লীলৈ গৈছানে ?”

(f) অহা বছৰ মই দিল্লীলৈ যাম। 

Ans :- (a) There is a playground in our school.

(b) Did you go to school yesterday ?

(c) Kaziranga is a national park.

(d) How tall is that tree!

(e) Jadu asked me, “Have you gone to Delhi?”

(f) Next year I shall go to Delhi.


Give the substance of the following passage : 

Health is the most valuable of earthly possession. Without it all the rest are worth nothing. To enjoy good health we should refrain from excess eating. We should eat moderately and not devour whatever we get. When you sit among many for a dinner, do not reach your hand out first of all. A little food is sufficient for us. Soundsleep comes of a light stomach. Such a man rises early in the morning and is at ease with himself. 

Ans :- Substance : Health is the best wealth. One should eat moderately and check temptation to eat whatever comes handy. Moderate eating helps in sound sleep, early rising and living in ense.

32. Write, in about 150 words an essay on anyone of the following topics.

(a) A festival you like most.

Ans :- Introduction : Festivals are community affairs. They are celebrated at certain fixed days of the year. Festivals bring in freshness and relief from the boredom of daily life. Bhogali Bihu in Assam is one of such festivals. 

The Aim of Festival and the Time : The Bhogali Bihu is a festival of feasting and merriment. The word Bhogali means an occasion of enjoyment both in eating and merrymaking. It is celebrated em the Sankranti day of the Assamese months Paush and Magh. According to English Calender it is celebrated on 13th and 14th of January every year. The aim of celebrating the Bhogali Bihu is to eat and drink heartily and entertain friends and relatives after the harvesting season. 

How celebrated : Preparation for the Bhogali Bihu starts from the middle of the month of Paush. The night before the Bihu is called Uruka. On the Uruka night community feasts are held in the fields. Mejhis are erected with straw and bamboo poles. The young people spend the night singing and enjoying themselves inside the Bhela Ghar. The girls and the wives remain busy preparing delicious cakes and other eatables.

On the Bhogali Bihu day people take bath early in the morning and lit the Mejias. The fire god is worshiped in the fire of the Mejias. After that the elders assemble in the namcars while the young men play some indegenous games like dhopkhel, how khel etc. At noon people generally eat beaten rice, curd and cakes etc. In the afternoon people visit the houses of friends and relatives. The visiting and entertaining continues for about a week or even longer.

Value : The value of the Bhogali Bihu is better realised by the rural people. It is a festival of contentment. It is celebrated by all the people living on hills and in plains. Both the Hindus and the Muslims celebrate this festival.

Conclusion : I like the Bhogali Bihu as it is a part of our culture and tradition. From economic point of views it is the best festival. 

(b) Benefits of Physical Exercise.

Ans :- Introduction : Physical exercise means exerting the body with a view to maintaining good health. It includes such activities as entail movement of the body organs. 

Kinds of Physical Exercises : There are various kinds of physical exercise. Sometimes physical exercise is done as a matter of sports. Sometimes work done by a person provides the benefit of physical exercise. Man engaged in cutting firewood or tilling soil with a spade derives two benefits from his work. His work is productive by nature, while at the same time such works are best physical exercise, Games and sports provide a person with the best scope of physical exercise. Walking, swimming, riding, bicycling are good exercises. People are highly benefited by walking in the open air. 

Riding is good for brain, bicycling is good for heart and swimming is good for the whole body. The indoor games generally do not provide the players with the scope of physical exercise. It has been observed that people living in the village are healthier and more hardworking than the people living in crowded cities. This is mainly because the villagers work harder and do more physical exercise than the city. dwellers. Another reason behind good health of the villagers is that they breathe pure air and more oxygen.

Usefulness : It is said that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Health is the source of all happiness. A man of ill health can never be happy even if he lies in a bed of gold. The benefit of physical exercise is the good health enjoyed by a person. R. L. Stevenson once said that an open air walk is more beneficial to health than any restorative. Physical exercise brings happiness both to the body and mind. It helps sound sleep. Physical exercise helps a man grow a sturdy body and thus makes him live stronger and longer. However, moderation is necessary. 

Conclusion : Too much exercise, like anything is injurious to health. There should be a balance between work and rest.


Write a story in about 150 words using the outlines given below and adding a title to it :

Outline : A house catches fire…………. people try to put out………….. the fire with buckets of water, sand etc………….. they fail…………… fire spreadsa small boy runs to his friend ………….. who has a mobile phone……………fire Brigade arrives …………. the fire is put out people praise the boy’s presence of mind.

Ans :- 


It was in Dibrugarh in Assam. On the 13th of March there broke out a fire in a certain locality. The area was full of thatched houses. The houses were closely set. The fire broke out from a certain kitchen. It was about 2 p.m. As the flames and smoke engulfed the campus there arose a hue and cry. People rushed out of their houses in great panic. They tried their best to put out the fire but in vain. Some poured water into it. Others threw sands, bricks, stones and such other materials to contain the fire. But the, fire began to spread rapidly and the people became helpless and nervous. Nobody knew how to contain the fire.

Amal, a small boy of about 11 was coming back from school. He noticed the fire in his own locality. He was an intelligent and prudent boy. He at once rushed to a neighbour’s house having a telephone. He knew the number of the fire brigade office. He dialed the number and called for help. Within about 20 minutes the fire brigade arrived and the fire was contained and finally extinguished. Every one praised Amal’s presence of mind that averted a worst disaster.

33. Answer either (a) or (b)

(a) Write a letter to your friend telling him what you intend to do after the H.S.L.C examination.

Ans :- 

Kamrup (M), 16-2-2022

Dear Manoj,

I hope you have done well in the examination. I have done well in all the subjects except in General Science. You wanted to know what I would do after the examination. Well, I have a plan to go to Delhi and Lucknow. It will take about three months. time to declare our results. I want to visit Delhi and Lucknow during the recess. As you know my uncle lives in Delhi. He has invited me to come to his house and stay there for some time. I have consulted my parents. They have allowed me to go. Father has very kindly agreed to accompany me to Delhi. We may start around 1st April. I shall write to you when the programme is fixed. I hope to come back home towards the end of April.

What have you planned to do after the examination ? Please write to me. 


Yours faithfully,


Mr. Manoj Bharali.


(b) Write a report for a local daily on the basis of the information given below. 

…………. ‘A Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ or ‘Clean India Mission’ drive has been done by the students and the teachers of your school.

(i) Date and time of the work. 

(ii) Number of students and teachers participated.

(iii) Cleaned the school campus and adjoining area.

(iv) Dustbin installed. 

(v) Praised by local people.

(vi) More similar drive promised.

(vii) A brief speech from the head of the institution stating the importance of the drive. 

Ans :- Head Line : “Swatch Bharat Abhiyan” observed by the students of Dumdumia H.S school. 

Mariani : 6th December : The students guided by the teachers of Dumdumia H.S school carried out a Swatch Bharat Abhiyan and cleaned the school campus and its adjoining areas. The class rooms were fully cleaned and sanitized. More than ten dustbins were installed at different positions in the campus. People of the locality highly praised the students and the teachers. The principal promised to carry out such works at frequent intervals.

34. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : 

Marco Polo is indeed one of the greatest explorer of all times. It was he who first made a route across Asia to China and first told Europeans about the court at Peking. Marco Polo was the first European to describe Burma. Tibet and India and tell others of the customs and manners of the people. He talked to the Christians living in Abyssinia in Africa and describes the cold Arctic countries of the white bear where people rode on raindeers and in dog sledges.

Questions : 

(i) What did Marco polo first tell European ?

(ii) Where is white bear found ? 

(iii) What did Marco Polo describe about the cold, Arctic countries ? 

(iv) Choose the correct alternative ‘Explorer means’ 

(a) Rider 

(b) Reader 

(c) Discoverer 

(d) Founder

Ans :- (i) Marco Polo first told the Europians about the Court at Piking.

(ii) While bear is found in the Arctic countries. 

(iii) Marco Polo describes that the while bear is found in the cold Arctic countries. he also said that in Arctic countries people rode on raindeers and in og sledges.

(iv) Explorer means discoverer.

(b) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow :

“No one really knows who discovered tea but there are many legends.”

“What legends ?”

“Well, there’s the one about the Chinese emperor who always boiled water before drinking it. One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water giving it a delicious flavour. It is said they were tea leaves.”

“Tell me another!” scoffed Pranjal. 

“We have an Indian legend too. Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic, cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditation. Ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids. The leaves of these plants when put in hot water and drunk banished sleep. 

“Tea was first drunk in China,” Rajvir added, “as far back as 2700 B.C! In fact words such as tea, ‘chai’ and ‘chini’ are from chinese. Tea came to Europe only in the sixteenth century and was drunk more as medicine than as beverage.” 

(i) How was ten drunk in Europe in the sixteenth century ?

(ii) What is the Chinese legend about tea ?

(iii) What is the Indian legend about tea ? 

Ans :- (i) Tea was first drunk in China as far back as 2700 BC. The words like chai and chini are of Chinese origin. Tea came to Europe in sixteenth century. Then it was drunk more as medicine than as beverage.

(ii) The Chinese emperor had always boiled water before drinking it. One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water. A delicious flavour came out from the boiling water. It was said that they were tea leaves.

(iii) The Indian legend is associated with Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic. He felt sleepy during meditations. So he cut off his eye lids. Ten tea plants grew out of the eye lids. When the leaves of there plants were, boiled the liquid drove away sleep.

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