Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 8 The Ball Poem

Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 8 The Ball Poem, Class 10 English MCQ Question Answer, Class 10 English Multiple Choice Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SCERT English Class 10 Objective Types Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 8 The Ball Poem Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 8 The Ball Poem

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SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 8 The Ball Poem Notes covers all the exercise questions in SCERT Science Textbooks. The NCERT Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 8 The Ball Poem provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.


Chapter – 8

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers


1. Who lost the ball? 

(a) the poet  

(b) the boy 

(c) a man 

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(d) none of the above 

Ans. (b) The boy.

2. Where has the boy lost his ball? 

(a) in the water 

(b) in the school 

(c) on the street 

(d) at home 

Ans. (a) In the water.

3. How does the boy feel when he loses his ball?

(a) confused 

(b) shaken 

(c) trembling 

(d) all of the above

Ans. (d) All of the above.

4. What does the poet say about money?

(a) internal 

(b) external

(c) valueless

(d) all of the above

Ans. (b) External.

5. What does the poet say about this world is made of? 

(a) Material Possessions 

(b) happiness 

(c) joys 

(d) troubles

Ans. (a) Material Possessions.

6. The boy remembers his…….. days?

(a) infancy

(b) young 

(c) old 

(d) all of the above

Ans. (b) Young.

7. What could the poet buy for the boy?

(a) book

(b) dull 

(c) ball

(d) all of the above.

Ans. (c) Ball.

8. How are the boy’s eyes?

(a) brilliant

(b) dull

(c) desperate

(d) all of the above

Ans. (c) Desperate.

9. What meaning is the boy learning? 

(a) meaning of loss

(b) meaning of life

(c) meaning of playing

(d) meaning of happiness 

Ans. (a) Meaning of loss.

10. Who is the poet of the poem, ‘The Ball poem’ symbolises?

(a) Carolyn wells

(b) John Berryman

(c) Leslie Norris 

(d) Robin Klein

Ans. (b) John Berryman.

11. What does the ball in the poem,‘The Ball Poem’? 

(a) prized Possessions 

(b) poet’s childhood 

(c) materialistic thing 

(d) all of the above 

Ans. (b) Poet’s childhood.

12. What do children lose quite often as per ‘The Ball poem’?

(a) temper 

(b) patience 

(c) toys and balls 

(d) money 

Ans. (c) Toys and balls.

13. The true theme of “The Ball poem’’ is that…..

(a) we should take care of our things 

(b) life is short

(c) we should cherish very moment 

(d) both b & c.

Ans. (d) both b & c.

14. What is the tone of ‘The Ball poem’ when the boy loses the ball? 

(a) sad 

(b) gloomy 

(c) happy 

(d) depressing

Ans. (d) Depressing.

15. What does the loss of the ball symbolise in the poem?

(a) loss of innocence 

(b) loss of childhood 

(c) careless attitude 

(d) both a & b.

Ans. (d) both a & b.

Very Short Type Questions & Answers 

1. An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy

Ans. he stands rigid, trembling, staring down

All his young days into the harbour where

His ball went.

(a) The boy in the above stanza seems to be in a………..

Ans. sad.

(b) He stands stiff and trembling while staring at his……..

Ans. ball.

(c) The boy feels that with his ball that has fallen into a harbour, his childhood memories have also been washed off. (True/False)

Ans. True.

(d) The word that means same as ‘final’ is

Ans. Ultimate.

2. I would not intrude on him;

A dime,another ball, is worthless. Now He senses first responsibility In a world of possessions.

(a) The poet does not want to ……..the boy’s thoughts.

Ans. Intrude.

(b) According to the poet, from the loss of the ball, the boy would learn what it means to lose something in a…….

 Ans. world of possessions.

(c) The poet wants to give monetary help to the boy for buying a new ball. (True/False)

Ans. False.

(d) The word in the stanza means same as ‘encroach upon’.

Ans. Intrude.

3. Money is external.

He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,

The epistemology of loss, how to stand up

Knowing what every man must one day know

And most know many days, how to stand up.

(a) Money is external as it cannot buy………

Ans. Memories.

(b) This episode will surely teach the boy the true meaning of life and nature of loss. (True/False)

Ans. True.

(c) …….. in the stanza means ‘the study of the nature of knowledge it self. 

Ans. Epistemology.

3. What is a dime?

Ans. A coin worth ten cents used in U.S and Canada.

4. Name the poet of the poem, ‘The Ball Poem’?

Ans. John Berryman.

5. What has the boy lost in water? 

Ans. The boy has lost his ball in water. 

6. Where did the ball land finally? 

Ans. The ball finally landed in water. 

7. How did the boy react at the loss of the ball?

Ans. At the loss of the ball the boy stood rigid trembling and standing he remembered his association with the ball.

8. What does ‘in the world of possessions’ mean?

Ans. The world of possessions’ means ones near and dear ones and the material objects one possesses. The ball is symbolic of both.

9. What lesson does the boy learn?

Ans. The boy learnt the lesson that loss of material possessions and friends and relatives is inevitable in human life. The loss of his dear ball taught that no one can avoid loss in life.

10. Why are the boy’s eyes desperate? 

Ans. The boy’s eyes are desperate because no one can compensate his loss and no one can console and comfort him.  The experience of losing his dear ball turned his eyes desperate.

11. How are the boy’s eyes?

Ans. The boy’s eyes are desperate.

12. What is a dime?

Ans. A coin worth ten cents used in US and Canada.

2 thoughts on “Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 8 The Ball Poem”

  1. I was here to this website because, i wanted to study for my monthly test.I would like to say that this website provided me with a quick revision for my test and i would recommened this website for a nice revision of questions .

  2. I didn’t have the notes of the poem so I googled some mcq for my boards…..this website is really recommended specially for the mcq and vsa part….thank you guys…n I hope your exams go well…bybyeiii

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