Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, Class 10 English MCQ Question Answer, Class 10 English Multiple Choice Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SCERT English Class 10 Objective Types Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
SCERT Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Notes covers all the exercise questions in SCERT Science Textbooks. The NCERT Class 10 English MCQ Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
Chapter – 2
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
1.____is called an autumn day in South-Africa?
(i) 10th July
(ii) 10th May
(iii) 10th March
(iv) 10th October
Ans. (ii) 10th May.
2. How many national anthem were sung in South- Africa?
(i) Two
(ii) Three
(iii) Four
(iv) None of these
Ans. (i) Two.
3. South Africa is rich in –
(i) Coffee
(ii) Tourism
(iii) Gems and minerals
(iv) All of above
Ans. (iii) Gems and minerals.
4. Nelson Mandela was –
(i) First black President of South Africa.
(ii) Second black President of South Africa.
(iii) Third black President of South Africa.
(iv) None of above
Ans. (i) First black President of SouthAfrica.
5. South-Africa became independent in the year-
(i) 1947
(ii) 1964
(iii) 1994
(iv) 1995
Ans. (iii) 1994.
6. ANC stands for –
(i) Afghanistan National Congress
(ii) Azerbaijan National Congress
(iii) American National Congress
(iv) African National Congress
Ans. (iv) African National Congress.
7. ANC won ______seats out of_______
(i) 140,220
(ii) 252,400
(iii) 220,420
(iv) 100,200
Ans. (ii) 252,400.
8. Zenani was______of Nelson Mandela.
(i) Wife
(ii) Caretaker
(iii) Daughter
(iv) None of these
Ans. (iii) Daughter.
9. A Non-racial government means-
(i) Which is based on skin-colour.
(ii) Which is not based on skin colour.
(iii) Which is based on corruption.
(iv) Which is not based on corruption.
Ans. (ii) Which is not based on skin colour.
10. Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as-
(i) First deputy president.
(ii) Second deputy president.
(iii) Third deputy president.
(iv) Fourth deputy president.
Ans. (i) First deputy president.
11. The word ‘Transitory’ means-
(i) Permanent
(ii) Not permanent
(iii) For ever
(iv) Transit
Ans. (ii) Not permanent.
12. The meaning of Emancipation-
(i) Slavery
(ii) Freedom from restriction
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(iv) None of these
Ans. (ii) Freedom from restriction.
13. Mandela joined the party
(i) TMC
(ii) ANC
(iii) AMC
(iv) DMK
Ans. (ii) ANC.
14. How many Deputy Presidents were selected?
(i) One
(ii) Two
(iii) Three
(iv) Four
Ans. (ii) Two.
15. The word curtailed means-
(i) Increase
(ii) Decrease
(iii) Reduce
(iv) both (ii) and (iii)
Ans. (iv) Both (ii) and (iii)
Very Short Type Questions & Answers:
1. What is Apartheid?
Ans. Apartheid is a political system that separates people according to their race.
2. Where was Apartheid practice?
Ans. Apartheid was practiced in South Africa.
3. Who was Nelson Mandela?
Ans. Nelson Mandela was the first black President of South Africa.
4. Name the autobiography of Nelson Mandela?
Ans. ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ is the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.
5. Why 10th may 1994 is a historical day for the South-Africans?
Ans. On that day South African got independence from white bondage,hence it was a historical day.
6. Name the political party of South Africa?
Ans. African National Congress (ANC) is the political party of South-Africa.
7. How many seats did ANC win?
Ans. ANC won 252 seats out of 400 seats.
8. Where did the ceremony take place?
Ans. The ceremony took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre formed by the union building in Pretoria.
9. What is the meaning of non-racial government?
Ans. The government which is not based on race,skin colour etc. is called a non-racial government.
10. Who was Zenani?
Ans. Zenani was the daughter of Nelson Mandela.
11. Who accompanied Nelson Mandela on the day of inauguration?
Ans. His daughter Zenani accompanied him on the day of inauguration.
12. Who was sworn in as second Deputy President of South-Africa?
Ans. Klerk was sworn in as second Deputy President of South-Africa.
13. What is Amphitheatre?
Ans. It is a building without a roof,with many rows of seats rising in steps.
14. Who was the first Deputy President of South-Africa?
Ans. ‘Thabo Mbeki’ was sworn in as first Deputy President of South-Africa.
15. Who oppressed the South-African?
Ans. The white bondage oppressed the South-Africans.
16. Which day is called ‘an autumn day’ in South- Africa?
Ans. 10th May is called an autumn day in South-Africa.
17. What were the two National Anthems of South- Africa?
Ans. ‘Nkosi Sikele i Africa’ and ‘Die Stem’ were the two national anthems of South-Africa.
18. Why two National Anthems were sung in South- Africa?
Ans. The two national anthems were sung in South- Africa to pay homage to the oppositions.
19. What South-Africa is rich in?
Ans. South-Africa is rich in gems and minerals.
20. What is the greatest wealth of South-Africa?
Ans. According to Mandela the greatest wealth of South- Africa is its people.
21. What is the meaning of courage according to Mandela?
Ans. According to Mandela courage is not the absence of fear but triumph over it.
22. Who is a brave man according to Mandela?
Ans. According to Mandela a brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
23. What comes more naturally?
Ans. Loved comes more naturally than hate.
24. How many obligations that Mandela has?
Ans. Mandela has two obligations.
25. What was an illusion for Mandela?
Ans. The boy hood freedom was an illusion for Mandela.
26. What is the actual freedom according to Mandela?
Ans. According to Mandela the real freedom is to live with dignity and self respect.
27. For what Mandela transformed himself?
Ans. Mandela transformed himself for the hunger of freedom.
28. Choose the correct phrase/clause from the box to complete the given sentences:
They can be taught to love;
I was born free;
but he who conquers that fear.
(i) The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid_______
Ans. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
(ii) If people can learn to hate______
Ans. If people can learn to hate they can be taught to love.
(b) Choose the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence from among the alternatives given in the brackets:
I saw that it was not just my freedom that was curtailed, but the freedom of everyone….. (enhanced/ reduced/withheld)
Ans. Reduced.
29. State whether the following statements are true or false:
(i) The colours of the new South African flag are black, red,green,blue and silver.
Ans. False.
(ii) The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in South Africa.
Ans. True.
(b) (i) The policy of apartheid created lasting peace in Mandela’s country.
Ans. False.
(ii) On the day of inauguration Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of history.
(iii) On the podium, Klerk was first sworn in as first Deputy President.
Ans. False.
(iv) Then Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as second Deputy President.
Ans. False.
(c) (i) On the day of inauguration,Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of freedom.
Ans. False.
(ii) On the day of inauguration,Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of history.
Ans. True.
30. How was the morning of tenth May?
Ans. The morning of tenth May was bright and clear.
31. How had Mandela spent the past few days?
Ans. Mandela had spent few days besieged by dignitaries and world leaders.
32. Why were the dignitaries and world leaders coming?
Ans. The dignitaries and the world leaders were coming to pay their respect before the inauguration.
33. Where were the inauguration ceremonies held?
Ans. The inauguration ceremonies were held in sand stone amphitheatre formed by the Union buildings in Pretoria.
34. Why was the inauguration ceremony held?
Ans. The inauguration ceremony was held on the occasion of installation of South Africa first democratic, non racial government.
35. In which season was the inauguration ceremony held?
Ans. The inauguration ceremony was held in autumn.
36. (a) Choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given and complete the sentence:
In life,every man.has——. (Three obligations/twin obligations/ many obligations)
Ans. Twin obligations.
37. Who was first sworn in on the podium and as what?
Ans. On the podium Klerk was first sworn in as second Deputy President.
38. Who was sworn. is as the first Deputy President?
Ans. Mr.Thabo Mbeki was sworn is as the first Deputy President.
39. “Let freedom reign.God bless Africa!” Who said this?
Ans. Nelson Mandela said this.
40. What national anthem was sung by the whites?
Ans. The whites sang,“Nkosi Sikelel- Africa.”
41. What was the national anthem sung by the blacks?
Ans .The blacks sang ‘Die stem.’
42. What did overwhelm Mandela on the day of the inauguration?
Ans. A sense of history overwhelmed Mandela on the day of the inauguration.
43. When did the Anglo Boer War take place?
Ans. The Anglo Boer war took place a few years before. Mandela’s birth.
44. How old was Mandela in the last decade of the twentieth century?
Ans. In the twentieth century’s last decade Mandela was in his eighth decade as a man.
45. What pained Mandela on the day of the inauguration?
Ans. On the day of inauguration Mandela was pained thinking that he could not thank the patriot before him.
46. Name two patriot before Mandela.
Ans. Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulus.
47. (a) Choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given and complete the sentence given below:
Mandela’s country is rich________.
(i) in forests and lakes
(ii) in minerals and gems
(iii) in agriculture
Ans. Mandela’s country is rich in minerals and gems.
48. How rich was South Africa in national resources?
Ans. South Africa was rich in minerals and gems.
49. From whom did Mandela learn the meaning of courage?
Ans. Mandela learned the meaning of courage from the comrades in struggle.
50. What does Mandela mean by courage?
Ans. By courage Mandela means not absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
51. Where did Mandela see a glimmer of humanity even in the grimmest times in prison?
Ans. In those dark days Mandela saw a glimmer of humanity in one of the guards of the prison.
52. What does Mandela say about man’s goodness?
Ans.Mandela says that man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.
53. How many obligations does a man have in life?
Ans. Every man has twin obligation in life.English
54. In what kind of society a person can fulfil twin obligations?
Ans. In a civil society only a person can fulfil his twin obligations.
55. What sort of a man was isolated and punished in South Africa?
Ans. A man of colour in South Africa who wanted to fulfil his twin obligations were isolated and punished in South Africa.
56. What did Mandela find attempting to serve his people?
Ans. Attempting to serve his people Mandela found himself prevented from fulfilling his duty as a son, a brother,a father and a husband.
57. What sort of freedom did Mandela want as a student?
Ans. As a student Mandela wanted freedom to stay out at night, read what he pleased,and to go where he liked.
58. When did Mandela yearn for basic and honourable freedom?
Ans. As a young man in Johannesburg Mandela wanted basic and honourable freedom.
59. What sort of freedom,Mandela wanted as a young man?
Ans. As a young man Mandela wanted basic and honourable freedom.
60. Give,after Mandela, an example of basic and honourable freedom.
Ans. Freedom of earning his keep.
61. What was Mandela’s greater hunger for?
Ans. Mandela’s greater hunger was for the freedom of his people.
62. What did animate Mandela’s life?
Ans. Desire for freedom of his people to live with dignity and self respect animated his life.
63. Does Mandela think himself more virtues or self sacrificing than others?
Ans. No,Mandela does not thinks himself more virtuous or self sacrificing than the others.
64. What type of a man is behind the bars of prejudice and narrow mindedness?
Ans. A man who takes away another man’s freedom is behind the bars, of prejudice and narrow mindedness.
65. What type of a man is a prisoner of hatred?
Ans. A man who takes away another man’s freedom is a prisoner of hatred.
66. Who are robbed of their humanity?
Ans. The oppressed and the oppressor are both robbed of their humanity.
67. (a) Choose,the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence from among the alternatives given in the brackets:
All of us will spend many years,if not generations, recovering from that profound hurt. (light and vain/abnormal deep and strong)
Ans. Deep and strong.

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