Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 7 English Chapter 6 Tezpur : A Journey Into History

Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 7 English Chapter 6 Tezpur : A Journey Into History, Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় ইংৰাজী Class 7 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 7 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 7 English Chapter 6 Tezpur : A Journey Into History Notes covers all the exercise questions in Assam Jatiya Bidyalay SEBA Textbooks. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 7 English Chapter 6 Tezpur : A Journey Into History The provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Tezpur : A Journey Into History/তেজপুৰ: ইতিহাসলৈ ভ্ৰমণ

Chapter -6


অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় 


1. Answer the following questions.

প্ৰশ্নবোৰৰ উত্তৰ দিয়া।

(a) Why did Kaberi want to visit Tezpur? কাবেৰীয়ে কিয় তেজপুৰলৈ যাবলৈ মন কৰিছিল? 

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Ans: Kaberi wanted to visit Tezpur because she was fascinated by the place and its legends after reading a lot about it. 

(b) Who were going to accompany the students? –

ছাত্ৰীসকলক কোনে লগ দিছিল? 

Ans: Two teachers were going to accompany the students.

(c) Which is the biggest river-bridge in north-east? 

উত্তৰ-পূৱৰ সবাটোকৈ ডাঙৰ-নদীৰ দলং কোনখন? 

Ans: The Kaliabhomora bridge on the mighty river Brahmaputra is the biggest river bridge in the entire north-east.

(d) Why did King Bana built the Agnigarh? 

বানৰজাই কিয় সাজিছিল?

Ans: King Bana built the Agnigarh around the town to protect his daughter Usha.

(e) What was the ancient name of Tezpur? 

তেজপুৰৰ প্ৰাচীন নাম কি আছিল?

Ans: The ancient name of Tezpur was Sonitpur.

(f) Who wanted to marry Princess Usha?

ৰাজকুমাৰী ঊষাক কোনে বিয়া কৰাব খুজিছিল? 

Ans: Aniruddha, the nephew of Lord Krishna wanted to marry Princess Usha.

(g) When is the fair held at the Maha Bhairav Temple? 

মহাভৈৰৱ মন্দিৰত মেলা কেতিয়া অনুষ্ঠিত হয়?

Ans: At the Mahabhairav Temple the fair is held on the occasion of Shivaratri every year.

(h) What did the students see all around the Chitralekha Park? 

ছাত্র-ছাত্রীসমূহে চিত্ৰলেখা উদ্যানৰ চাৰিওফালে কি দেখা পালে? 

Ans: The students saw various ancient statues and pieces of stone sculptures all around the Chitralekha park.

2. How did the Children travel to Tezpur in the bus? 

(বাছত ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীবোৰ তেজপুৰলৈ কেনেদৰে গৈছিল?) 

Ans: The children travelled to Tezpur in the comfortable bus passing through hills, villages, fields and meadows. During the journey, some students were playing games and some others were enjoying the beautiful scenery outside. 

3. Write briefly about the story of the battle of Hari-Hara.

হৰি-হৰৰ ৰণৰ বিষয়ে চমুকৈ লিখা। 

Ans: The battle of Hari-Hara is known after the names of the Gods, Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva, who fought each other. Lord Krishna came to rescue his nephew Anirudha from Bana and Lord Shiva helped his follower Bana in the battle.

4. Where is Da Parbatia? What did the group see there?

দ-পৰ্বতীয়া ক’ত অৱস্থিত? তাত দলটোয়ে কি দেখিলে?

Ans: Da-Parbatia is about two kilometres west of the Tezpur town.

The group saw many ancient relics of stone and brick lying scattered there. They also saw the famous stone door made around 5th or 6th century A. D.

5. Write in short about the Chitralekha Park. 

চিত্ৰলেখা উদ্যাণৰ বিষয়ে চমুকৈ লিখা।

Ans: The Chitralekha Park, also known as the cole park is situated at the heart of the Tezpur town. This beautiful park was made during the British rule which was renovated later. It has many ancient statues and pieces of stone sculptures in and around it. It is of great historical importance 

6. True or false (শুদ্ধ আৰু অশুদ্ধ)

a) Pallabi and Kaberi visited, Tezpur with their parents. – False. 

b) They went to Tezpur for one day. – True.

c) The ancient name of Tezpur was Agnigarh. – False. 

d) Usha was the daughter of king Bana. – True.

e) King Bana worshipped Lord Krishna. – False.

f) Pallabi and Kaberi wanted to visit Tezpur again. – True.

Grammar and Usage (ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ব্যৱহাৰ)

7. Make eight sentences from the following table. 

টেবুলখনৰ (বাক্যকেইশাৰীৰ পৰা) আঠটা বাক্য ৰচনা কৰা।

Ibuild a new house
Dilipapply for the post
Grand motherisappear in the examination
Theyaregoing to reopen the case
Mr. Boroto be a lawyer
Heamtell a story
SheShit his shop next week
The policeplay a role in the drama

Ans: i) I am going to play a role in the drama.

ii) Dilip is going to appear in the examination. 

iii) Grandmother is going to tell a story.

iv) They are going to build a new house.

v) Mr. Boro is going to shift his shop next week.

vi) He is going to apply for the post. 

vii) She is going to be a lawyer.

viii) The police are going to reopen the case. 

8. Use the following words in sentences taking each of them once as a verb and once as a noun.

শব্দকেইটা এবাৰ Verb ৰ দৰে আৰু এবাৰ noun ৰ দৰে বাক্যত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি দেখুওৱা―

Ex. Book (noun): I have many story books.

Book (verb): Please book a room for me in the hotel.

Visit shout request board cross bridge

Ans: a) Visit (noun): This is my first visit to Jorhat 

Visit (Verb): I visited him last Sunday. 

b) Shout (noun): Don’t make unnecessary shout.

Shout (verb): Please shout at him to stop. 

c) Request (noun): This is my humble request to you,

Request (verb): Everybody requested him to sing. 

d) Board (noun): Students use the black board to write. 

Board (verb): He boarded the bus to travel.

e) Cross (noun): The cross is the symbol of the Christians. 

Cross (verb): Children shouldn’t cross the busy roads alone.

f) Bridge (noun) : The Saraighat bridge is situated in Guwahati,

Bridge (verb): Bridge the gap to make friends. 

9. Rewrite the sentences choosing the appropriate phrasal verbs উপযুক্ত Phrasal verb লৈ বাক্যকেইটা পুনৰ লিখা—

a) The match was called off/ called out because of heavy rain.

The match was called off because of heavy rain.

 b) You ought to give away/ give up your bad habits. 

You ought to give up your bad habits.

c) They will set out / set up their journey tomorrow morning. 

They will set out their journey tomorrow morning.

d) Please put out / put on the lamp.

 Please put on the lamp. 

e) He made of/made up his mind to study hard.

He made up his mind to study hard.

10. Read the following sentences বাক্যকেইশাৰী পঢ়া―

i) Mrs. Baruah bought a washing machine.

i) She has submitted a written complaint.

Notice that the words washing and written are used here as adjectives. The present participle (ing form) and the past participle (ed/en form) forms of verbs can be used as adjectives to qualify the following noun.

মন কৰি চোৱা যে ইয়াত ‘washing’ আৰু ‘Written’ শব্দ কেইটা adjectives ৰ দৰে ব্যৱহাৰ হৈছে। Present participle (ing) আৰু past participle (ed/ en ৰূপ) verb ৰ ৰূপ noun ক qualify বা বুজাবৰ বাবে adjective ৰ দৰে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়।

এতিয়া –ing’ বা ‘ed form en’ form ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি bracketত থকা verb কেইটাৰে খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰা। প্রয়োজন সাপেক্ষে বানানৰ সাল সলনি কৰিব পাৰা— 

a) The wave of the sea looks like a – mountain (move). 

The wave of the sea looks like a moving mountain. 

b) The Police recovered all the – goods. (steal)

The Police recovered all the stolen goods. 

c) Don’t touch the – mirror. (break)

Don’t touch the broken mirror. 

d) She is standing in front of the – glass. (look)

She is standing in front of the looking glass. 

e) Mr. Phukan is an – businessman. (establish)

Mr. Phukan is an established businessman. 

f) The baby is playing with the – doll. (dance) 

The baby is playing with the dancing doll.

g) Dr. Radhakrishnan was a – Philosopher. (learn)

Dr. Radhakrishnan was a learned philosopher.

11. Write a few lines about a historical place that you have visited.

তুমি ভ্ৰমণ কৰা এখন বুৰঞ্জীপ্ৰসিদ্ধ ঠাইৰ বিষয়ে লিখা।

Ans: Travelling historic place gives us immense knowledge of the past life and culture of our ‘ancestors. By keeping such an aim in mind I along with my parents visited Sibsagar in upper Assam this summer.

We started our journey from Guwahati early in the morning by bus and reached Sibsagar at around 2 P.M. My Uncle had received us from the bus station and took us to their home a little away. After refreshing ourselves we took some rest. Then at 4.30 PM. we went out to see the sibsagar town.

The whole area of sibsagar has various historical monuments pools and relics scattered all over. All these throws light on the Ahom era.

We saw the Ranghar and Karenghar first which are situated at the outskirt of Sibsagar town. The Ranghar is a double Storeyed nicely sculptured beautiful opaque monument. It was built by Pramatta Singha.

The Karenghar is the main palace building where the king stayed along with his family and royal soldiers. The Karenghar was built by Rajeswar Singha. Then we saw the Shiva temple at the centre of the town. Large number of devotees come to visit it. It was built by Siba Singha. Sibsager pool is situated near the Shiva Temple.

The ‘Joy Dol’ alongside the ‘Joysagar pool’ reminded us of the Legendary Jaymati who sacrificed her life for her husband king Gadapani.

After visiting all these I returned back home happily with my parents.

পাঠটোৰ শেষত আমি ‘going to’ ৰ ব্যৱহাৰৰ বিষয়ে শিকো আহা। লিখনিত Phrasal verb ৰ ব্যৱহাৰ আৰু এটা শব্দ Noun আৰু Verb দুয়োধৰণে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিবলৈও শিকিব লাগে―

(7) নং প্রশ্নৰ তিনিটা (৩) বাক্যৰে এনেদৰে সজাওঁ―

A box ৰ Subject (Noun, Pronoun) ৰ B box ৰ be verb (am, is, are)  ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি D box ৰ phrasal Verb (এটাতকৈ অধিক শব্দৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি এটা কাৰ্য বুজাৱা) ৰ লগত অর্থপূর্ণ সংযোগ বুজাবলৈ ‘going to’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হৈছে। বিভিন্ন Subject ক ‘going to’ ৰে বিভিন্ন ধৰণৰ Pronoun Verb ৰ লগত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি অৰ্থ প্ৰকাশ কৰিব পৰা যায়।

(8) নং প্রশ্নত আমি ‘I have many Story books’ বুলি কওঁতে ‘books’ শব্দটোৰে কিতাপক বুজাইছে, আৰু ‘Please book a room for me’ বুলি কওঁতে আমি থাকিবলৈ থিক কৰা ৰুজাইছো৷ গতিকে প্রথম বাক্যৰ book টো noun আৰু পিচৰটো verb। তেনেদৰে (7) নং বাক্য কেইটাত, প্রথম noun visit টোয়ে যাত্রা বুজাইছে আৰু দ্বিতীয় verb visit টোয়ে দেখা কৰা বুজাইছে। 

এইদৰে বিভিন্ন শব্দ লৈ তোমালোকে নিজেই বাক্য বনাবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰা।

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